Show SHE SHEEP E git GROWING WING last spring was one of tile the most trying ng ones bor for fg sheep VP we e have jil zvi oven over known in an to td I 1 hear ea ta complaints I 1 from farmers that they were losing more than usual but tho cre gre great at mortality was to be chronicled among tile the misfortunes of april on examination after death grubs were found in the heads of sheep examined varying in number fram one to a dozen these stubs grubs were undoubtedly tile the cause of the loss of sheep which in iry some flocks hocks wo we have been told run aa as high lugh as one four fourth of tile the number wintered there were many flo elks bo however wever in which the ule loss vv ws 3 less and in sole gonie gouie no iut J I 1 all au there wre nvere w re no doubt ample ampie cauer causes for the tl 1 use if it be such and first among the thi sc se we refer to the tiie rains w aich were so prevalent alent in late laie at e summer and in the noramn of dij lid rainy seasons elwa alwa always s in lot in ing lug favorable to the increase of hisert insects i and tile the more insects 1 as a matter to ia i lublow A low the more animals wi will I 1 I 1 be annoyed with them TI the ie gras gril grad d of 1863 crew quick 0 of f course it did not possess the substance of grass of ordinary years fall reed iced was subject to frequent an and d heavy rains etwas it was a vory light food for animals and fed on it they iid ild did aid lid not come conic to the tile barn in as good condition as when they graze on oil grass of usual growt growth li and others being fed on hay grown in a short time and in frequent rains and unusual cloudiness light in value they did not thrive in winter as in most seasons the grain crop was vas light in weight at least and prices ruled high farmers did not in many instances feed as much to their stock as usual anh and aud and that fed did not give so much nourishment the temperature of the winter was milder than we had had llad for many years and the ground free from snow much of the time farmers in many ulay instances kept their sheep as close as in in winters of severe and uniform cold for the want of proper ventilation many flocks were kept in all an atmosphere i ere corrupted with their own breaths and this of itself was elou enough to hasten disease and in flocks so kept 1 apt closely confined to tight sheds and warm yards yard that we heard most complaint ot of grub in the licad head country gentleman and cultivator |