Show nm avy C 11 for the debret debert NEWS TO CHARITY CHA erry ErTY like as a soft refreshing shower to a thirsting fading flower As spring succeeding winters cold sweet scenes of beauty to unfold so words and acts of charity can cheer and bless humanity glow siw to condemn yet quick to heal tue wounds repentant sinners Sool feel like me the samaritan Sania ritan whose eye eyo nad had pity when all elso else passed by and nopo nope and courage to restore says go in ia peace and und sin no more and when words of gall from slanders lips insidious fall to cloud mond a brothers broi herg hers brightening form or cast a stigma on fai name thy voice is mure more than eloquence or armed hosts hosta in ju nis his defence where mercy can no further go but nut j justice must wust must let fall fail the tho blow biow stil sul ulon thou art arf loyer coyer oyer over on his track trick to lead the wretched wanderer back to tev tem teach leach h him colloto folly to forget and how ho he might be happy yet blest bond of and peace destined to bring mankind release pure love of god which knows no bound enci Duci encircling all creation round nappy happy the bosom bolom filled with thee from sin un from fear and sorrow free C como nome lome charity with healing powers and sanctify this world of ours oura that man lit his fellow nian man may lovo love As angels dp in realms above then earth from every evil freed will become a heaven indeed CT CLEG EGG a |