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Show Thursday, March 19, 1959 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Lift Lasts! Tlhaf The department of English at the University will carry its first TV literature course carrying advanced residence credit over station KUED this spring. The class, English 171R will carry three hours of residence credit instead of the usual five, and will be like other R classes in that it requires an additional fee from regular daytime students. The 28 half-hou- r programs will be telecast on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays, 7 to 7:30 pun, March 31 through June 2. The program will also be carried via kinescope Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 12 noon, 2 pjm. and 10:30 p.m. ! Wouldn't a glass of MILK taste good right now?f',, . HUx AMERICAN fcAIRY ASSOCIATION OF UTAH DURFEY DRY CLEANERS THE CLEANER WITH THE REVIVING SIGN OUTSIDE THE Kearns Shopping Center GRANGER SHOE REPAIR New Manager 3539 Market St. (Albertson's Shopping Center) 8:30 to 6 P.M. Ajso Keys Made All Work Guaranteed DURFEY CLEANERS "YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" For Quality, First Class Dry Cleaning you can't Beat DURFEY'S FREE PLASTIC BAGS 1 . For Dependable Pick-U- p Call CY 1$ English Credits Available Over TV This Spring 11 ilk J4 Pag and Delivery Service 61 ' Surplus Cotfon, Food Sacks, Make Quilfs in Operation Korea is about as perfect an example of cooperation among the Catholic Bishops overseas relief agency, local government bureaus and the United States government. The Han River flood, the worst in more than a quarter of a century, left thousands homeless and without food. Food, medicines and other relief supplies to bridge the need were made available. Another operation was started to supply bedding. Surplus cotton was Quilt-Makin- g" given by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Surplus food sacks were obtained from the local distribution centers. Members of 2,200 refugee families turned to the job of making the quilts under Sister Famula, head of the Sisters of Perpetual Help. The food sacks were unravelled and thread was used to sew quilts. Sacks were washed by women in river, (upper left), even with children strapped to their backs; then dried in sun. Individual sacks were sewn to gether, (upper right). Ten sacks required to make each quilt. Ten pounds of cotton were fitted into quilt bags, (lower left). Distribution was made to 2,200 refugee families, (lower right). This is but ono example of relief assistance carried on . throughout the world by the Catholic Bishops Relief Fund. You can do your share with a contribution to your neighborhood Catholic church or Bishops Relief Fund, Empire State Build- ing, New York 1, N. Y. PERMANENT SPECIAL - $7.95 - DARRELL'S SALON Including Cui end Styling, and if You Bring this Ad RECEIVE FREE ONE 810 PORTRAIT EXPERT TINTING and BLEACHING the tiir k New Machine does job in one-ha- lf 3990 WEST 5400 SOUTH - KEARNS, UTAH Also Darrell's Salon in Midvale Phone CY 21 Hours: 9-1- 0 - Saturdays 9-- 5 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 6 YEARS 0LD ANCIENT AGE DIST. CO., FRANKFORT, KY. PROOF 86 i- - |