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Show Page 10 Thursday, Match 10, 1950 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Nancy Haydn Offers ANYTHING GOES Did I ever tell you about my unfortunate friend who got his thumb stuck in a bowling ball a few years ago? This is a real sad case and nothing to be laughed at. Why didnt he have it removed you say? An obvious observation I must agree. But the answer is simple. He didnt believe in doctors. A real fatalist, this guy. He figured that if someone up there wanted him to go thru life with his thumb stuck in a bowling ball, who was he to interfere? Of course, this condition had its pitfalls. Whenever he met anyone they naturally asked him why he was carrying a bowling ball around with him when there wasnt a bowling alley within miles. This required some lengthy explanations. You can imagine the dexterity he had to master to take a cigarette out of its pack and light it. And it was no easy matter dipping a little fruit punch out of the bowl at a party. He finally gave up dancing too. It was alright for the slow dances but whenever he tried to rock and roll hed usually get carried away and his partner would invariably end up on the floor unconscious. An then, of course, she was caried away. Soon after this happened he lost his job. He used to be a. watch repairman and they had to let him go because he was always breaking the watch crystals. He tried his hand at selling but he had to give that up too. Whenver he knocked on the door the woman of the house thought he was selling bowling balls and slammed the door in his face. Needless to say he finally had to quit bowling too. The reason Im bringing this up now, is that I saw him standing on the street corner the other day. I didnt get a .chance to speak to him so I dont know if he ever got the bowling ball off his thumb. You see, he had his hand in his pocket. A few columns ago I told a little story about a fellow that stuttered quite badly. I kind of like it so heres another in the same vein. It seemed two fellows were walking down the street. One of them, the stutterer, said to his friend, that you the time car he had disappeared it the By got out, and his friend missed it. A Worthy Springtime - , . With the grand and glorious entrance of spring comes a challenge a challenge to the man of the house to begin that garden he's always wanted a challenge to those youngsters to start that neighborhood baseball team a challenge to you to ap-- r pease those hearty appetites with nutritious yet delicious food. A terrific way to meet your challenge is to serve delicious Cheese Rice Fondue complimented by a fresh and crispy green salad and tasty chocolate frosted butter cookies. With your added load of springtime work, you can prepare this taste-teasof a meal simply and quickly. Bake your butter cookies early in the morning right after youve finished the breakfast dishes. The delectable Cheese Rice Fondue is a mere matter of combining the grated, sharp Cheddar Cheese and fine rice with the remaining ingredients in a casserole and baking it for approximately one-hahour. During the time the fondue is baking, you can mix up your salad. Thats it. In one short period of time you can serve a meal worthy of any occasion delicious too. Cheese Rice Fondue ISi cups milk 1 cup boiled rice or Si cup un- By Rolf W. RECIPE FOR PEACH Kay A little while later he said, that you But before his friend found out what he was trying to say, she was gone. Still a while later, he again said, id that ou ... But before he could finish it, his friend, a little perturbed by now said, Yes, for Petes sake, I saw it. why on it? The English are a great race of people but when it comes to their sense of humor, it leaves a lot to be desired. As a matter of fact, they just dont seem to have any. Of course if they dont catch the gist of a story, they dont mind if someone explains it to thme. Once the explanation sinks in they get a big kick out of a joke. In one of the better known clubs in England one of the members devised an ingenious way for the speaker to tell jokes. Instead of telling the story the way it is usually told, the speaker would merely mention a certain number. This number referred to a certain joke that the audience had memorized before hand. One night, the first speaker stood up and said, Number twentyone. A large roar of laughter went up from the audience. Feeling very pleased with himself, he saidNum-be- r The audience went into convulsive eighty-twlaughter. After the audience calmed down, the second he said. Not speaker got up. .Number thirty-foua snicker from the audience. The audience He tried again, Number fifty-fivdidnt crack a smile. Dejected, he sat down. Later, on the way home, the second speaker said to the first speaker, I dont understand it, the jokes I told tonight were much better than yours, and yet I couldnt get a rise out of the audience. To which the first speaker answered, Well, lets face it, old chap. Some people can tell jokes and o. r, e. others cant. Rice Fondue Note-Che- ese You can make this peach jam any lime Thi3 quick peach jam is made from frozen peaches either So it if fruit. commercially packaged or sweetened at made be one season your, no that has a may truly jam that leisure. And its quick no peel QUICK PEACH JAM ing or slicing of the fruit; and to Defrost and measure into larg jelLthe by using fruit pectin jam, you elimisaucepan: nate the long 2 cups peaches and juice cooking time sizt (3 packages of the for required will yield almost exactly thf some jams. right amount; 2 packages of This recipe size will yield less, the from Nancy Haadd water to make 2 cups.) ven of Western Crush peaches partially, add: Beet Sugar Pro2 teaspoons lemon juice ducers, Inc. Measure and stir in: calls for peach4 tablespoons powdered fruit es but you may use frozen red pectin raspberries or sliced strawber- Place over high heat and stir ries. However, if you substitute until mixture comes to a hard one of the berries, Nancy says boil. not to add the lemon juice the At once stir in: recipe calls for. As you know, when fruit is 2 Vi cups beet sugar frozen some sugar is added for Bring to a full rolling boil and its preservative as well as sweet- boil hard 1 minute, stirring conening qualities. So it is important stantly. Remove from heat. Skim that the recommended propor- off foam with metal spoon. Ladle tions of all the ingredients in into sterilized glasses or jars. Seal. Makes about 5 the recipe are followed home-process- ed 1 10-o- z. 12-o- z. six-oun- glasses. er lf degree preheated oven until heated 400 degree oven for done, about 30 minutes. A few minutes. Yield: 6 dozen. minutes before baking time is up, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and the paprika. Finish baking. Yield: 6 servings. Butter Cookies 2 cups sifted flour Vi teaspoon baking soda Si teaspoon baking powder Si teaspoon salt cup butter Hi cups sugar cooked rice 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla lli cups shredded Cheddar 1 cup dairy sour creanv Cheese Si teaspoon salt Sift flour and remaining dry 1 egg. well beaten ingredients together. Cream but1 teaspoon butter ter. Add sugar gradually, mixPaprika ing well. Add eggs, vanilla and Mix all ingredients together sour cream. Blend in the sifted except paprika, reserving half dry ingredients. Drop teaspoons cup cheese. Pour into buttered of the dough onto a buttered casserole. Bake in a 375 cooky sheet and bake in a pre . JAM 4-- Si 1 1 0 Creamy Chocolate Butter Frosting cup butter package confections sugar, sifted . . egg 1 teaspoon vanilla Si teaspoon salt tablespoon milk or cream squares uusweetened chocolate, melted Cream the butter until smooth. Add of the sifted confectioners sugar and cream thoroughly. Add the salt, milk and vanilla. Blend. Add unbeaten egg and melted chocolate and beat until smooth. Add remaining amount of confectioners sugar. Beat until smooth. If frosting is a little thick, more milk or cream may be added. 1 2 One Beam family for six 9 generations... One Kentucky Bourbon formula for 164 years! What makes Beam bourbon taste so good? More than anything it is the fact t hat today, as for 164 years, it is still the Beams who make BEAM, under the ame formula, in the same Kentucky country where bourbon was born. That is why you can always buy Beam bourbon with trust. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 86 PROOF DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BY THE JAMES 8. BEAM DISTILLING CO.. CLERMONT, KY. ce |