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Show fsgc 14 HIE S.' Thursday, March 19, 1991 VALLEY VIEW NEWS Green Thumbs The Kearns Green Thumbers Garden Club is going to sponsor several junior garden clubk The purpose of junior clubs is to give children of our community an opportunity to study gardening in a simplified, but interesting manners to teach them to observe and respect the wonders of nature; to create and love the beautiful; to' grow flowers and vegetables and realize some of the problems and joys involved; to develop creative ability by making simple flower arrangements and to help them see beauty in all forms of nature; to give them pride in our parks, school grounds, and home grounds; to give them a feeling of responsibility for well-kepersonal and public property; and to bring about the realization that a child who plans is seldom a vandaL Membership in the clubs is open to all grades, kindergarten through high school. Additional information will be released through the various schools. Junior clubs chairman is Mrs. Thurlyn Christensen. pt 33rd Legislature CASUAL ELEGANCE sums the fashion look for spring, as exemplified by this clutch lip coat in over-sizblack checks. Designed by Brittany, the coat is as much,and at tn6 city as it is in the country- driving downtown, for shopping or to the club for lunch. Theres casual elegance, too, m the feminized styling of the 1959 Dodge, its twin headlights housed under a curved eyebrow. Black straw-clo-th driving turban by Mr. John. ed j - j CLAUDE PARKERS 351 West North Temple Play Safe - Have Your Front End CHECKED FREE! State inspection Open 24 hrs. a Day or Beautys Sake! by lisa louise In Spring, a young womans fancy turns to . . . thoughts of beauty, of course! And well it might,- for as we prepare, to unbundle from our yards and yards of woolens, isnt it nice to think that a prettier we may be hidden somewhere underneath? But lest we forget, dont YOU forget that "Spring is. just around the tocorner and that now is the time take your own personal inventory on things For instance still Ah yes a pluck in time saves nine in the eyebrow department,-bu- t join the throng if youre the type also plagued by the bona fide lack of a good hair or two! Here are a few tips which may prove the saving of you: (1) Use mascara on the brows before your penciL (Not only will it make the few hairs you can call your own darker and more luxurious but it will afford you the added bonus of pointing up your own natural arch.) (2) Try using two colors of pencil (brown and gray, for. instance) for the depth of realI hair , Delicious best describes the new light, light fM lipsticks on the - -- ... to-d- o. ever-so-hecomi- ng Is Overtime On Utah Budget Utahs 33 rd Legislature went overtime last week, as legislators failed to meet the expected Thursday closing date and scheduled to continue an additional day or days. The session, apparently stalemated on the Budget proposed by Gov. Clyde, is expected to let many bills expire in sifting committees without floor consideration. The Legislature while in session has so far followed recommendations by Gov. Clyde on his fiscal program; granted an increase in the school program and school building program; vetoed the Sunday Closing Law; rejected repeal of right to work act; passed local option sales tax; and authorized expansion of Weber College and approved a junior college at Roosevelt. blooming young, word of 1 caution, if we those imay! For fortu-...jnate :of us not enough to have a high col-s- d oration of our very own or for those of us with a definitely sallow tone: careful, careful, careful! We need the intensity of a deeper hue in lipj jbut a stick to substitute for what Comes natural in the young.. . Eyes Right! But definitely, if you make sure you dont miss the fun of seeing what an eyeshadow can do for your life. Dont be timid, dont be shy. It will afford you that extra added attraction so often needed . . . especially, say, around the beginning of each week! And for added fun, try applying it like , a liner, close to lashes with a edge slight lift at the outer of the eye. Dont forget to pow- -j der down afterwards for shad- -j i basically greasy consistency Feeling more beautiful? Ita for ita important, you know, face ever reflected in the yeu call your own! Start 'your day with an extra whoosh of two r of fragrance ana incidentally, for Spring, try ade--J ypknovra m . the fairest flower of France, and what could be more appropriate at this time of year? Then, take a pain or two above and beyond the call to make sure that your ' for--, makeup is just right dont of course, Finally, get. the need for your night- - IV'Hv L .Vi .: r h a X . :f n V; '? v ' v v " '' A .v.v a hard day s work, time beauty care. This can be the most important step of all en and i3 too often, too easily one of the Investigate prepdelightful, new night-tim- e arations like Act of Beauty by Barbara Gould. With a miraculous penetrating ability, Act ' ' of Beauty wilir ., re-.nonetheless store to your'' -- for-gott- .complexion ev-- p ery nutrient iti so dearly needs f (Plus, it mois- - v turizes magnif i- - I cently to insure J, ... wi the ultimate init1beauty care.) Incidentally,-BarbarGould ' for years a ' t fe, ' ' r can read it anytime, wherever you are; at your own leisure. Thats the beauty of news paper its all there, and you can pick & it up or put it down and come back to it. jW ir f a genuine pleasure You '.v1 f .... s V1 r ,; s . ixjiva lx fa I x f enjoy! Tk . ', V .V. v v '.v .. ...... v. Utefc ;; " up :vA'viViMW,y'fAwvyyiMS.yiiiA.vvo,.v.:Avyv -- : r i i your HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER! s VRITJ.EM TO INTEREST YOU' ... PRESS ASSOCIATION A. ft 14 Will MV- - AT lt a leader in the treatment field has allowed me to inform you that for a limited time only you Can receive a generous sample of thi3 precious fluid cream simply by sending 25 in coin to cover handling costs to Barbara Gould, 35 West 34th Street, New York City . . . So, For Beauty's Sake, put. your prettiest face forward ever interests you most politics, society, sports, business you'll find news of it, in detail, in your local newspape. ' - it is , of-dut- to sit down with the hometown newspaper, like the old 'friend that it is relax and catch up on news and entertainment For what- Alter ( lightful muguet scent . its z lilies of the val- - j jley, you know! vMTo Parisians, ifb WITH YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER 0 a ow, like your lipstick, has tV .in American Tradition Is I IAKI CITY, UTAH j |