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Show Thursday, March 9, 959 THE VALLEY VUE.KEWS Page .GOOD; .TOPSOIL I Classrcam of Tomorrow? (bad, you haul. Trackers edit CHRIS RUSHTON, AM Loading place 4800 W. 3600 So. Will deliver in Kearns, Granger, Hunter area if desired I 6-01- ' . i 44 k$sjUwq GAS FOR LESS by Gloria Wrlglit GAIL POTTERS PREMIUM OIL Let's Go Shopping The daily life of today's home-mak-er haa been made easier by a host of labor-savin- g appliances, and more glamorous by new and exciting utensils. Manufacturers are constantly developing better materials and new designs for cookware, flatware, small appliances and many other familiar objects. When Mrs. America goes shopping for housewares, the preferred material is stainless steel. For beauty, strength and ease of cleaning, stainless steel leads the field. Being quality conscious, you certainly want to be sure you are getting what you expect in your new purchase. But how do I know it's stainless steel?" you ask. steel truly stainless and Unfortunately, there is no way to tell such inferior rust-resista- nt. 1075 So. Redwood Road merchandise simply by examin- ing it. Your best insurance is to buy American brand-nam- e stainless Manufacturers are proud of the quality of their stainless steel products, so. look for the label, tag or stamp upon the piece you are buying. There is no international standard for stainless steel the way there is for Sterling silver, but American manufacturers have adopted a rigid code of ethics regarding anything labeled Stainless Steel". However, many of the lowest-price- d imports do not contain the necessary alloys that make this housewares from a reputable ; . merchant. ; And now is a good time to purchase the stainless steel housewares you need and want. Leading department stores fea- throughout the country are turing special promotions, including the latest advances, in American-mad- e appliances and cookware, and exciting now flatware patterns. N. Bonaparte, French G. I., oaysi "Wildroot conquers dry, unruly hairt" vsy; of Wildroot' and...WOWi Connie Eikenhaut, ele- mentary school teacher, demonstrates the Electronic Teaching Center, recently unveiled by the American Sealing Com- pany, world leader in the school and public seating industry. This" unit, an innovation- of the firm's current line of teachers desks, represents the latc'st step in their continuing program of research and development. - The completely automatic Center contains a disappearing TV receiver for closed circuit or direct telecasts, controls for closing draperies and for proper student' viewing and a dimming' classroom lightstape recording system.-- . At the same time,' American Seating Company-introducea fresh concept in classroom furniture. It combines such- features as a three- - " position top, seat and' back of Amerflex plastic that assures correct posture and swivel seat with adjustment to grow with the child. These aro features considering the average child spends 15,00,0 hours on school seats.GRAND RAPIDS,- MICHIGAN ' -- - - J 21-in- ch ALUMINUM ' d n LAP AMD - fore-and-a- i ft, up-and-do- wn all-impor- tant - , ALUMUNUM INTER-LOCKIN- G M m CUT ME OUT AND HANG ME UP! b w GEM THEATRE SUMMER & WINTER March 20th One Day Only Friday "itudhanam IRides A nice little bank that Alone" Should be IRdhbed" Will Not Chip, Peel or Check Diana Merrill - Tom Ewell Mickey Rooney In Cinemascpe Starts 6;16 and 9:15 p.m. Fire Proof, Wind Proof Water Proof - Rust Proof PATIO COVERS - AWNINGS ROOFING and' SIDING STORM DOORS - ; 258 Paxton Ave. 538 N. 7th West -- EL 5-71- 7-- 77 BittBe bank that should be robbed0 Also Colored Cartoons - "3 Stooges" - Last Chapter "The iron Claw" Serial - First Chapter of the New Serial "A nice FUN FOR ALL Times. "The Inn 1 1 - -andMar. Show Starts 6:15 p.m. FIRST PAYMENT IN AVGUST INgersoll - Out at 3 p.m. noon ANOTHER BIG MATINEE FEATURE! Sat., Sun., Mon., AMERICA'S MOST ADVANCED DESIGN Discount - No Down Payment Order now - 20 PAY AS LITTLE AS $5.00 PER MONTH Round-U- p Starts HEY GANG! -- Randolph Scott - Craig Stevens Top Rate - and in Color! Starts 8 p.m. Saturday12 Matinee WO MONEY DOWN Alan Pendleton Magna No Show Thursday, March 19th INSULATES STORM WINDOWS - 21-22-23- -24 9:00 p.tn. of the Sixth Happiness0 Ingrid Bergman, Curt Jurgens, Robert Donat In Beautiful Color and Cinemascope Children's Marching Song the Regular Prices Featuring No Show Wednesday, March 25th Thiurs. Fri., Sat. (March 26, 27, 28 - "These Thousand Hails" With Don Murray Also Another Special Feature 94 See All The Big Hits at Gem Theatre In Magna |