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Show Pfe0O LE THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS' 7TTT ' Thursday, March !9, II 939 , ( M(if( c ( t 'f i c ( t ( c ( c t ( ( - W WVFWRaises Funds t The Post 9322 Auxiliary in is Kearns sponsoring a fund raising bingo for the Junior High Band Uniform Fund Saturday, March 21, at 8:30 p.m., at the Community Center. The Easter theme will be dominant and many fine surprise gifts are waiting for the lucky winners. Everyone is invited to come out for an evening of fun and at the same time support a worthy cause. a leader in Utahs ' ( ( ( Mh Became We Used Our Hearts BRIMLEY TV SERVICE All Mokes, oil Tubes Tested, Tuner and Glass Cleaned - Fast Service, Honest Work Guar. G.E. Tubes Calls Just $3.00 What Utah's smallest county lacks in size, it more ni&kes up in vitality. Davis County, situated between the state's two' largest cities, Salt Lake and Ogden, is experiencing phenomenal growth, with a population increase ofi 80 already recorded since 1950 and a further increase of 50 projected by 1975. A booming population and rapid industrialization of the area have brought with them new homes bj the thousands, churches, schools, and civic buildings; swimming pools and park improvements; and a road building program of gigantic proportions. In growing Davis County, as elsewhere through! out Utah, the United States Brewers Foundation is constantly seeking to assure the maintenance of cleani wholesome places where beer and ale can be enjoyeda than Phone CY i BEER and ALE ... at The Indian boy happily uses his head because we used our hearts! in making available U.S. donated dry milk for, the hungry and! needy in that country. He smilingly trudges along with his preciouai load which came from the Department of Agriculture's surplus Catholic! foods, and distributed by Catholic Relief Services-NationWelfare Conference, the overseas relief agency of the Americatti Catholic Bishops. Your support is asked to continue the world-widrelief programs. A contribution to. the nearest Catholic church orj yhe, B, ishops' Relief Fund, Empire State Building, New York J Y will mean many more healthy, smiling; faces al o! DOWN AROUND BARDSTOWN, Kcatacty. April 7. 1610 ' o 0 , MrJntRHIL, i Korean Orphans Mr, Frazier, , , this is the purest siirface limestone we could make Beautiful Bourbon ' i spring in Kentucky. together. , Sister Stephanie, Boston, one of nursing staff of Sisters of St. Columban Hospital, Mokpo, Korea, happily deplanes .in New York from airliner after 6,000-mi- le trip from Seoul with two orphan girls who had been adopted by. American families. The orphans were brought to the United States under auspices of the Catholic Committee for Refugees and Catholic Relief Services-N.W.W.the overseas relief the American Catholic agency of Bishops. The orphans were permitted to come to the U.S. under provisions of the new adoption law signed by President Eisenhower. Orphans under 14 years of age rnay enter for adoptive placement with an American citizen and, spOusci ' reprovided the state of the quirements particular tiave been met. You can help In these programs with a contribution to the Bishops' Relief Fund, Empire State Building, New York 1, N. Y., or the nearest Catholic church. C., - i v . ' ,ip , I 'TRUE LIMESTONE BOURBON pre-adopti- 1, Pure surface limestone springs pro claimed Kentucky bourbon uniquely flavorful among the worlds great whiskies. Today, Waterfill and Frazier maintains one of the last remaining surface limestone springs in Kentucky ever loyal to the original formula of Jesse Waterfill and Holman Frazier. SSsIps Sisal And Itchy Skin WATERFILL amid FRAZIER KENTUCKY STRAIGHT 08 BARDST0WN, NELSON itching, stops scratching and so helps heal and clear surface skin rashes. Buy Extra . COUNTY, KENTUCKY. ALSO AVAILABLE IN 100 PROOF B0TTLCD IN BONO. teh Zemo liquid or ointment a doc- PROOF IltE ter tors antiseptic, promptly relieves BOURBON WHISKEY DISTILLED AND BOTTICO BY 0 YEARS OLD INTERFILE MID FRAZIER DISTILLERY COMPANY O on '. U '.r- ' Strength Zemo for! stubborn cases, 4 Ml 11 at your house? Spread the news toy long distance t Rates are lowest after 6 p.m. and all day Sunday always lower when you call station-to-statfo- n. Mountain States Telephone |