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Show Thursday, March 19, 19S9 Pa.' THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Ho claimed he wan a good driver most of the time. But this once he was careless' Last year, nearly 40,000 died in traf- "Probably waj fic accidents. Officers will tell you most of those responsible were good driv- ers until that one fatal moment. So be a good driver always. Never take chancesl It's easy to see why the '59 Chevrolet is going over so big. Its priced right down where the lowest car prices begin. Yet its got all the important cars are advances the top-pricof. proud Things like Fisher Body roominess, which includes more luggage space as well as wider, more comfortable ed seating. More visibility area all Safety Plate Glass, too with the windshield alone up to 61 bigger. A gleaming new finish that keeps its gleam for years without wax or polish. Theres Full Coil suspension for a smooth, steady ride. Bigger, better cooled brakes that add an extra measure of safety. And in the power department Chevrolet offers spirited 6 that saves V8s plus a new Hi-Thr- ift Help stop senseless killing on our highways. Drive safely yourself. Insist on strict as much as 10 on your gas costs. No wonder, is it, Chevys the most wanted one of all? Heres everything law enforcement for your own protection. Work actively with others to support yousr youre most likely to want in a car wrapped up in one package. low-pric- ed sweet-lookin- g, vrolet dealer will be happy to arrange a demonstration. see your local authorized Chevrolet deaier for quick appraisal local Safety Council. Your Che, Remember where traffic law are strictly enforced, deaths go down. Published in an effort to xave livens in cooperation witfc The National Safety Council The Advertising Council early delivery! NORGE HOME FREEZER Lowest Priced Headquarters Super Market 3535 SOUTH REDWOOD ROAD Watch for our Carload Sale of Norge Home freezers. Food Plan optional Be independent, try our prices once and see for yourself savings you can make. Why pay chain store prices. Those are only a few of the low, low price. Mention This Ad and Children with Parents will receive FREE Candy Filled Toy PRICES FOR MARCH 19, 20, 21, and 22 - Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sun. Open Seven days a week - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 |