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Show Page 2 Til v ... Thursday, March 19, 1959 :AVS VkUf HAEU Y B. KnJ.ES, Publisher By Lisbeih Yowell Entered as 2nd Class matter at the Post Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, under the Act of March 3, 1879. The women of Kearns who took ESTABLISHED 1954 tl the Girl Scout Training Course re cently would like to thank the Rev. Published weekly by Valley View Newa Publishing Company L. B. Friend and the congregation at Salt Lake County, Utah of the Trinitv Methodist Church in Phone EMpire Kearns for the use of their church Post Office Box 2608 - Salt Lake City, Utah building and facilities. JAREN K. McCORMICK, Editor & Business Manager LAURA CHRISTENSEN, Advertising Mgr., DA A loint pot-luc- k supper was held by the Javcees and Jaycee-ette- s last week at the home of Mr. and For Classified Advertising Call CY 8- 2453 s of Mrs. Darr Harward. The REPORTERS: were discussed. the Jaycee-ette- s Elizabeth Yowell meeting was held by the CY 4290 W. 5540 South Kearns Another Javcee-ette- s last mVht at the home DeAnne Broadhead 2770 S. 8850 West Magna of Mrs. Urb Gbo. They worked on Arleen Morrill AM 5842 So. Redwood Rd. Bennion book.' their scrap Barbara Hansen CY Darr Harward stated the other day that the final signatures of the property transactions between the Kearns Recreation Foundation and the Granite School District will take place this week in the office of Mr. ; By Dee Anne Broadhead House, Saturday night, March the William Thurman, attorney for the The second in a series of lectures 21st It will begin promptly at 8:30. Granite District. n was given by the Elaine Everyone please keep in mind April The next meeting of the Kearns Canon last Thursday, March 5, at 10th; thats the.nighte for the wel- Recreation Foundation will be held the Cyprus High School She talked fare supper to be held at the Ben- - Monday at 8 p.m. at the junior high on How to Gain and Lose Weight. announcement at a later date. schooL During the next four weeks she Granger High School will hold its will give different lectures vitally The last of the first Prom, March 20th. It evangelistic services of the interesting to youg girls and thir will Junior aet Trinity 8:30 in the school begin mothers. All young girls and their Methodist Church will be held Sunmothers are encouraged to come gymnasium. Admittance charge will day at 7:30 p.m. at the church. The be $2 a couple, which includes a Rev. lecand support these worth-whil- e Howard Rice of the Grace corsage for each girl. tures. Methodist Church in Salt Lake City The next lecture will be this will sneak about Methodist DocThursday at 7:00 p.m., at the The first annual Lancer talent trines. Cyprus High School. review will be presented by mem. A $130 packpot is awaiting the bers of the Granger High School Victory, is the name of a beau- student body and Faculty, April Bingo fans at St. Francis games tiful, inspiring Easter Cantata that 24th and 25th. The title will be oartv. Saturday at 8 p.m., at the will be presented by the Magna Moods in Music. Parish Hall. Persons unable to atFirst Ward on Sunday, March 29th tend are invited to play absentee at 7:00 p.m. bingo by calling Father Benvegnu Everyone is invited to attend. or Gene Healy. At this party r clothes hamper filled with bathroom accessories, a Congratulations is extended to handmade auilt. a Westinghouse pretty Bonnie Jones who has juset become engaged to David Allen, a toaster, cooker-frye- r and a percoyoung man from Tooele. No date lator will be raffled off. Raffle tickis set for the wedding. ets may be purchased at the party. The Bennion entered the A Magna Ski Club is being organ- Division 10 playoff this week, winized. Anyone in the Magna, Hunter, ning tehir first two games. CottonGranger and Kearns areas that is wood 2nd defeated Bennion by interested may get further informa- two points in thier 3rd game Friday tion by calling Mrs. Joyce Snow in the Olympus Jr. High School at 6521. gym. Bennion, if they win their A matinee dance for the students coming games can place 4th. We at the Kearns Junior High School The Relief Society Bazaar was wish the players and the coach was held Tuesday afternoon. Since a huge success. Many ward mem- good luck. Players are Rex Ben- it was St. Patricks Day, green was bers turned out for a fine supper nion, Jack Player, Ross Parker, the predominant color. of hamburgers, hot dogs, pie and Dwane Briggs, LeRoy Wagner, The winner of the Fred J. Heath ice cream, salads, and many more Keith Player, Glen Wood, and memorial essay contest will be anthings toeat. Beautiful aprons, Randy Turpin. Stem Wood is nounced Monday, at 8 p.m., at the quilts, pillo wcases, dish towels, coach. school. The contest is under the baskets, etc., were sold. The Relief direction of American Legion Post Society will use the money to fin132. Congratulations to Ellen and ance for the coming year. A talent assembly by the students A Rowberry. baby girl was bom last week. at the school will be presented to A Stake Welfare Meeting was the studentbody Monday afternoon. held at the Taylorsville Stake The Flue bug has many Bennion House, Wednesday night at 7:30. residents in bed. To everyone who Monday for their week stay in LoWelfare .business was discussed. doesnt feel so good, a speedy re- gan. Guests of the Annual covery is wished to you. finals. Many parents, The Bennion Gold and Green Ball relatives friends, and ball fans went Will be held at the Benion Ward The Bennion Jr. MMen departed along to help root for them. 19 bv-law- 20 82 well-know- pre-Eeast- er BENNION NEWS M-M- en MHfaiee Drmee Held at Jr Hiqh St. Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church will have the Palm Sunday service in the new building. Church school will be held at 9:30 a.m. and worship at 8:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Special music will be furnished by the quartet and an appropriate film will be shown. Maundy Thursday: Holy communion services at 7:30 p.m., proceeded by confessional service. Good Friday childrens service will be the Younger Springtime the theme for the Kearns North will be held at 2 p.m. Stake teen Gold and Green Ball Saturday, March 21, from 8 to 11 The Mens Fellowship of the p.m. at the Stake Center. Music will be provided by Jack Turner. A floor Kearns Assembly of God will meet show is also on the agenda. Re- at Macs Cafe in Salt Lake City for freshments will be served. LDS a quarterly conference Friday at standard dress only. Admission is 7 p.m. free. The ladies of the church are Invited to attend. An interesting proThe Murray Bible Church, 171 E. gram has been arranged. Mr. Clyde 4800 South, will have a special Theobold extends an invitation to Palm Sunday service at 9:45 a m, all interested persons. Please conand 11 a.m. The theme for the tact Don Anderson, CY service will be: Christ Triumphing Into Jerusalem. The Kearns WBBA National Little League is sponsoring another dance Friday at 7 p.m. at the West Kearns School, 4901 So. 4720 West. Ray Ulibarri, disk jockey from sta tion KMUR in Murray will be master of ceremonies. Donations of 25 cents per person will be ac cepted. Funds will be used for the Leaguettes. A special Easter party for American Legion Post 132, Auxiliary and friends will be held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs Milton Gibbs, 5121 So. 4460 West. A regular meeting of the post will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Gibbs residence. GANGER When you move SEV.EN to town...or to a new fiome...i DAljljGER sigKiaiIs Unusual bleeding or 1 discharge 2 3 4 or thickening In , the breast or elsewhere A sore that does not heal 1 Change In bowel or bladder habits jg&t Your Welcome Wagon Hostess will call with a basket of gifts... and friendly greetings from. , our religious, civic, and business leaders. If you,, or others' you know, are moving, be sure to phone Welcome A lump - Wagon.- Hoarseness or cough 6 Indigestion or difficulty EMpire In swallowing 7 Change In 48 (After 4 p.m.) a wart or mole If your atgnal last longor than w vka, go to your doctor to (corn W M mean cancor. eS33333CEGGD AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY La-Moy- ne All-Chur- ch I VALLEY VIEW NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SAVE NOW for EASTER COLD WAVES $7 and up INCLUDES: Free Hair Cut , Shampoo , Hair Styling DROP IN OR CALL FOR APPOINTMENT PAULS BEAUTY GRANGER Mail your Want Ads with your remittance to P. O. Box 458, Kearns , Utah V Call CY for Information Want Ads WILL NOT be accepted by telephone Classified Advertising: 15e pep line, with a minlmnm of 44o per insertion SALO SHOPPING CENTER PHONE AMherst 6-94- 21 53 EXLP WANTED: FOR SALE: 56 Raytheon TV 17 Inch et&n KaU Real Inc. needs a Kearns representative,Estate. table model; 54 Coronado Wash, man r woman. May train. HU 2 screen doors. Beet ofer Mr. takes. CY or see at 4690 W. (tl) Caplan Street, Kearns. FOR HEALTHS SAKE keep clean. For qaality dry cleaning call DURFEY NEED LADY to help at Hillside Nursery, 9 a.m.-1- 2 CLEANERS. CY noon, five days per week. Mrs. Fred Bennett AM rROVEN BALES RESULTS. Pack Realty IN To sell your Kearns equity INCOME TAX Returns prepared In your home. Reasonable. R. R. Barker, CY call Mr. Pack HU evenings. or Magna 2440. LET ME make you and your childrens dresaes. CY; or 4631 W. 5215 . ONE ONLY Couth. Westinghouse portable automatic dish washer, floor sample. FOUR ROOM DUPLEX wall to wall Reg. 229.00 now $159.95. Bunkbeds carpet fire place drapes Stella P Frahm, 3597 So. 4400 West. Call after $39.95. Many more bargains. NOYCE 4:30 P.M. and week ends. FURNITURE & PAINT, 5400 W. 3500 So., AM hrs. 6 Frl. WANTED: Riders to Salt Lake City Mon0 day through Friday, 8 p.m. CaU CY HILLSDALE NURSERY, ages 2 to 6, 2966 West Lehi Drive, Granger. Mra. Fred Xiela. Call AM or AM Bennett. Phone AM semi-automat- ic; WILL buy your wrecked and junked cars. CaU CY or Inquire at 5666 So. 4540 West. AWARD HOMES will trade Its Taylorsville homes to Kearns horns owners who are qualified PTLA buyers. Credit be given lor down payments Consult salesmen, but ad final only. discussions are to be approved by Mr. Klein. Pali AM wlU KEARNS' ONLY FLOOR COVERING STORE We Specialize in: CARPETS 50 9) 9-- a.m.-4:3- 9-- 9. WE ARE AS NEAR as yeur telephone. For dependable service call DURFEY DRY CLEANERS, CY CARPENTER WORK BY BABBEL New construction and remodeling free estimates expert work also smaU cement work. AM FOR SALE: dining room set. Good condition. CaU Magna 2183, or see at PLEASE let me tend your children in my home while you - work. Call CY 7462 W. 2820 South. Ask for Mrs. King. West LINOLEUM APPLIANCES End of Bowling Alley 3951 West 5400 South TERMS TIL Kearns, Utah CY 31 J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ! |