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Show ' Page 8 nm'VAMJ?! Thm&d&Si VIE WMSWS March Mi, 11S59 THIS WEEK 817? WEST f f , contestant. HOW WITHERS ARE DETERMINED: .Each Monday venting between 7:00, and 7.30 phi. at. Lake, View Thrift Center a drawing will be held. Froin 80 numbers 13 . will be drawn. A contestant may not only see but also hear the numbers announced. Winning numbers will also be published In each weeks edition of the VALLEY VIEW HEWS. Any contestant whose entry form contains as follows: .10 winning numbers out of the 13 drawn wins $5,000. 9 winning numbers out of the 13 drawn wins $2,500.00 in groceries, 8 winning numbers out of the 13 drawn wins $1,000.00 in groceries. 7 winning numbers out of the 13 drawn wins $50.00 in groceries. 6 winning numbers out of the 13 drawn wins $10.00 in groceries. 5 winning numbers out of the 13 drawn , wins' $5 00 in groceries. Each of the foregoing winner prize pools 3. . t essss , PAYS $50 GROCERIES inznsssssm: S SS3L WINNING I0 NUMBERS PAYS $10: are separate and distinct from each other, $5,000 is the maJrimym 'prize pioney to be awarded to Ijhe winning contestant or contestants in' the 10 winning numbers poolj $2,500 00 ini groceries In the 9 Winning numbftrsi pool; ,$1,000.00 in groceries fn the 8 Winning numbers pool; $50 00 in groceries In the 7 winning numbers pool; $50.00 in groceries in the 6 winning numbers (pool, and $50.00 in gro- cerles in ,5 winning numbers pool. Each Week is 'a separate contest and the total' m'axiVnum' ijooney or groceries the Lake View Thrift Center will agree to pay t ; SES i I'l l I PAYS.:.$5.00 GROCERIES IM ! ! t i '' ii'L.WCH.-Jl- t t '5. HOW TO SUBMIT ENTRIES: Entries delivered In person or sent to i should be LUCK-the Lake View Thrift Center, 8177 West 3500 South. The envelope containing .your entries must show a return address. Further, It must be understood that all entries must be in the possession of the Lake View Thrift Center not later than 6 p.m. Monday of each week, regardless of the manner or mode of delivery. O, 6. RULE COMPLIANCE: The Lake View Thrift Center contest Judges reserve the right to reject any entry which Is not submitted in' accordance with these rules. All entries shall become the property of the Lake View Thrift Center. None will be returned. . 7. ENTRIES: As many entries may be submitted as desired up to 7, but If more than one entry is submitted each must be separately numbered. All entries must be contained in one envelope each week. Envelope containing entries must show name ,and address of contestant PRINTED corned Entry blanks jin upper containing erasure or alteration of any number will be disqualified. left-ha- i I W ' nd I JUDGES: The Lake View Thrift Center contest ( Judges1 swill Judge the entries and award the prizes. Every contestant agrees that the decision of a majority of these Judges on all matters in these rules shall be final, conclusive and binding. Winners will be published In the Valley .in any one week is $8,600. View News as soons entries are Judged In the event there are more winning contestants in any one pool than the total and decisions are made. amount set aside for that separate winner 9. The Lake View Center assumes prize pool the total amount will be di- no responsibility forThrift failure to receive an vided equally between such winning concheck, and all contestants testants. The same procedure will apply entry or claim participate with this understanding. The to all other winner prize pools. Lake View Thrift Center reserves the right 4. CLAIM CHECKS: Each week during to correct any typographical error which o "Luck-this contest, a claim check will may appear in any announcement conbe published by the Lake View Thrift cerning the Lake View Thrift Center Center. This claim, check or facsimile must LUCK-Contest or to terminate this be submitted in accordance with the contest at any time, or to amend the instructions: Contestants should rules during the course of the contest by keep a record of their number selections publishing the amended rules, or make iftch week. After the winning numbers axe orreetdens In (Locking winning ontriec. 8. te , I JIUJW . and announced, a Claim Check should be submitted by each contestant who selected 10 winning numbers, 9 winning numbers, etc. Claim check should indicate the correct number of winning numbers selected. Print your name and address. Claim Check must be delivered In person to the Lake View Thrift Center not later than 5 p.m. of the following Saturday of each week. Failure to submit a Claim Check automatically disqualifies an entry. No entry will be allowed a higher number of winning numbers than shown on the Claim Check. If more than one entry is submitted, send in Claim Check for highest prize winning entry only, correctly designating the number of the entry. No person will be awarded more than one prize in any one week regardless el the number of entries submitted. . drawn 3 THOSE WHO MAY ENTER: Anyone except employees of Lake View Thrift Center and members of their families. 2, WHAT TO DO: Every week the Lake View Thrift Center will publish on a special entry form a chart containing 80 squares, numbered from 1 to 80 inclusive. Contestants are to mark apy 10, and no more or less, of the numbers appearing in the chart. There is no limit to the number of en- -. tries a contestant may submit each week. However, his highest prize winning entry will be the only one to be awarded a prize. A contestant may enter hand drawn facsimiles of . the official entry form on plain white paper.' Such facslmllies will be limited to 7 in any one week per each O fol-Jowl- ng - |