Show an item for the marcellous marvellous Marv ellous the following remarkable state neat Tient was made to us by mr robert L ellis of medford deacon of the first baptist church in that town and a very excellent man on wednesday evening last a mr edwards a member of a band I 1 died suddenly at his residence on ship street mr ellis kindy kindly called upon the afflicted cami family ly to tender his servi services ees to perform those offices required at such a time ile he had been in the house but a few moments when he heard the notes of a post horn coming seemingly from an apartment in the house home the sounds toe the same notes were repeated at intervals at from five to ten minutes at least a half a dozen times an noyed by it he searched the house and vicinity to discover the muse cause but without success there were ten or twelve other persons in the room all of whom heard the sounds and all were utterly at a loss to account tor for them mr litchfield Litch neld a very respectable man who mccu occupies pea a part of the house suggested that the sounds proceeded from a certain ioset it was opened and they were more distinct on a shell shelf laid the post horn of the die deceased it was removed by request the sounds ceased and have not sine ainne been heard we know mr ellis personally as a gentle man of intelligence and strictest integrity he says all who were there will testify to the same facts here is an item for the marvellous marcellous marv ellous which caused no little excitement in medford chronicle |