Show LETTER from elder renil henry lunt CEDAR CITY iron gomi ty dec 94 ti I 1 ft tt Z NEWS nr DEAR DEAH SIR feeling assured that a few lines from this part of the territory would not be objectionable i to the readers of your valuable paper I 1 will give you a few ideas of how we are situated the weather has been delightful till within two weeks week since which time we have had some snow aud and very cold nights but again the smiles of a pleasant sunshine are with u us 1 11 this thi good 0 d weather is improved to complete our city wall all which i will be finished the present week the festivities of Christ christmas masare are laid aside till this is done and add the brethren seem united to see this work aycoth accomplished shed with the gates hung then we shall feet feel men like having done our duty before indulging in merry making there is a good spirit existing in this branch the people seem united to follow counsel and do right we hav built an excellent school house 60 ft by 25 where we hold our meetings it was dedicated on christmas day which day will long bd oe remembered among us in the morning the indians pi hedes bades to the tha amount of some women and children ed gathered into the fort we preached to them in their own language and ma made d e them a donation of an ox with vegetables and flour after they went away rejoicing some of them were from the south and appeared very friendly anda and a I 1 good spirit seemed among them towards us schools are established for learning the indian tongue and br nephi johnson is fulfilling his mission teaching the missionaries sunday day and night schools are being started that all classes may be instructed in useful b branches ra aches that we may one and all be serviceable in rolling forth the great work the iron works have stopped for the last fe few weeks to enclose the fort but have again commenced operations there is some snow and considerable lee ice in the kanyon by which the coal operations are considerably sider ider ably retarded etar ded but efforts are making for a busy spring and summer that we may not be behind any settlement in the mountains for farming operations and I 1 assure you the iron works will be pushed forward with energy by its enterprising manager we have surveyed a new field of 1000 acres west of the present one the brethren who have lately come in have not generally taken more than 10 or 5 aclei acres we are especially instructed to fence it with a good picket fence that our crops may be secure every man feels that he should be somebody in this kingdom and a new energy seems to pervade this community that something is required of each to advance tiie the kingdom of our oar father the indians have not troubled us much there were a few pau pati hero here a week ago who had tb thieving ieving propensities but they have left and all is peace we keep a good look out for them the military regulations are strict and all seem determined to follow counsel that we may be saved thereby respectfully I 1 remain your brother ac |