Show from the new york herald nov 6 railroad intelligence THE ATLANTIC AND RAILROAD COMPANY this company which was chartered by 1 the LeO legislature lature of new york at its last ses see sion with a capital a look lock of one hundred millions perfected its organization in this city past week at a large meeting of the stockholders stock holders S Chatfield the attorney general of this Stat ewas elected president F M Dimond the present governor of rhode Island vice president WW Leland secretary A 0 flagg the comptroller of this city treasurer and W J acal W 11 e now state engineer and surveyor of new 1 york engineer in chief the board of directors is composed of strong and influential men in different parts of the union among them are robert J walker late secret secretary a of th the e treasury isaac E holmes now of of california and long the representative of the charleston district in congress philip F thomas late governor of maryland and now collector of baltimore anson jones originally a new england man and president of tex texas at the time of annexation george Ashi ashmun nun recently a member of congress from massachusetts gen green a member of the late senate of california formerly a representative in the texan congress and a general n r a I 1 in its army in the war of independence ren e T butler king of georgia well known throughout the union onion lieutenant governor church of this state caleb S woodhull ex mayor of this city major N T green a wealthy and leading railroad man of north carolina col moor a member of the executive council of maine iden tidied with the rail roads of that state dr J fowlkes a la large e an and enterprising enter prizing capitalist of memphis Tm win norris the well wall known engine manufacturer of philadelphia alfred gilmore Giu nore a member of the last congress from pennsylvania gen orville dark clark of this state spelman waggoner extensively identified with the railroads of ohio gen james lucas of st louis one of the wealthiest capitalists of the west edmund T bridges bridge an influential railroad man of new jersey dr levi jones extensively connected with railroad enterprises in texas ex chancelor farnsworth of michigan Mie higan higen gov dimond of rhode island mr underhill a leading member of the arkansas senate col ward of texas largely connected with the railroads of the southwest having completed its organization the company will immediately enter upon the g great reat enterprise of constructing a railway to the pacific by the die shortest and most feasible route col A B gray an n accomplished engineer well known for his with the running of the northeastern boundary line of the boundary line between texas and the united states and who saved to this country the mesilla valley while engaged in surveying the boundary between mexico and the united states under the recent treaty he is on the eve of starting with a competent force to complete the small remaining portion of the surveys of the company preliminary to fixing the line of the road hi his is report will be ready to lay before congress and the country at an early day se several veral members of the aire directorship a to r nip have started for texas arkansas and california to present the plans plane of the company to the legislatures of those states the most flattering flat ering assurances have been received from influential sources in those states and large grants of land to the company in iii aid of its plans are confidently anticipated though considerable portions of the capital stock of the company have been subscribed and assessments paid al in in yet et t the e commissioners commissioners w who 0 have ave in a charge a t the e distribution of the stock cavere have reserved e considerable portions for the citizens of other states who have hae not yet h had ad an am opportunity port unity to subscribe the wor work k being national in its character it is anten intended d ed that the whole country shall have an opportunity to participate in its prosecution what aid congress will extend to an enterprise so important in all its bearings cad and so eminently adapted to bind together the different members of the confederacy remains remains to be seen the company have established an office in the city of new york where all communications may be addressed to mr chatfield Cb atfield the president |