Show EXTRACTS of a letter from elder john oakley ST jersey channel islands nov 1853 J ELDER ROBT CAMPBELL DEAR ariar the sea here has been agitated lately more than usual and the prophecies of joseph are fast being fulfilled concerning the waters as well as other things upwards of vessels wrecked on the coast of england in 1850 and upwards of in 1851 and upwards of 1100 I 1 in 1852 and 53 will certainly carry out the in creasing 1 g pro proportion t ion 1 alie bor the world worl say that joseph smith was a false prophet but they have not anything to justify them ind and from present tt prospects they are not going to have anat anything arntt in to justify them the gospel moves rather tardily in france the jesuits and catholic Catli olic priests with the emperor are almost idi impregnable pregnable barriers to the truth I 1 do not expect much imich will be done there till another revolution which I 1 think is near it is a time of peace now but the fire is burning smothered under the heap evaporating evaporate the moisture and gaining heat and will b break e al out shortly with a tenfold violence violen and fury this island is a kind of asylum to the refugees from france and other nations among them is victor hugo the great dramatist and poet aud and they give the emperor much uneasiness he with rith his fellows are planning and waiting acx bously another revolution of the french government when they expect that their wrongs will be avenged gd they live in brotherhood something like the united states politician out of office spending I 1 their all expecting the wheel will turn over a and nd I 1 then they will be uppermost achi cb n C t Z 4 0 I 1 t eder e r J F bertrand who is translating ns lating the V voice ice of warning and the seer once b belonged to the red republican pirty party victor hugo and his his fellow refugees granted him a hearing in they ti listened bened with attention at the time bat their heads are too full of revolution to lo think much about the gospel of jesus jesu s christ afresh A fresh upstart has in france petitioned the emperor to let him publish revelations which he is continually receiving his motto is let us save the people it is said that he exceeds anything of the kind yet started in america |