Show TAKEN UP Y the subscriber on big cottonwood a brindle band BY and white aided cow 7 or 8 years old I 1 points poll i n ts of her horns sawn off of no visible brands toe the owner is requested to prove property pay oy charges and take her away WM C RITTER BITTER janle 4 at 2 TAKEN ul TN little cottonwood wardani ward War dand and now in in my IN L possession one yoke red oxen about six old branded W WT T on left horn a crop off each eat ear and slit in the left ilso also a dark red ox 7 years old branded H W on t the r right 11 1 nip and ana a rope halier bailer on his bis head a crop off 1 the I 1 left ear an off the right also also a brindle and white ox 5 years old no wand or ear marks also a pale red cow with a little white on her back and tail about 9 years old branded I 1 P on the left hip no ear marks JOSEPH GRIFFITHS 4 at pound keeper CLOGS CLOGS CLOGS BRING ahem RING your old boots and shoes a and nd have them clogged tor for yourselves and children and haw have your your reet feet kept warm and your health preserved french clogs spring clogs and clog patterns made to order with dispatch by CHAS MILLER next door to Goddar God dards dys 4 at east temple street NO ephe HE partnership CO now and hereto afore JL fore existing in this city under the name dame and style of livingston KINKEAD expires by limitation on the second of april next all persons indebted to said firm are hereby notified that the books of the concern must be closed at that time and are earnestly requested to make settlement accordingly and all persons holding due bills or other demands against said firm are expected to present them for payment before the expiration of our oar articles of nere ner hip ship we trust that all interested will regard this notice and avoid any further proceedings edinge ether either of the partners is authorized to use the name of the firm in in liquidation LIVIN livingston OSTON KINKEAD 4 tf read bead mark learn and digest AM preparing to print the seventh and eighth I 1 hundreds of f brands rands there are many dw aar acter 1 in these two hundreds for which we ve have no type the owners have made no arrangements for type oon consequently their brands cannot be printed until such aro ange ments are made mad or type furnished send on your bour type or the moki money y to procure them and your brands w will 11 b be printed about saturday the 1 alth 1 th of february I 1 shall be prepared to wr seu the brand sheets 8 in in number containing upwards of brands on the following terms viz for single singie sheets 10 6 ceole for a set of 8 sheets sheet beatly put together with paper cover I 1 dollar ania tais barely covers coven the cost coat of printing but ss as their distribution is important to the community I 1 am de determined ter mined they shall iball have no excuse office in the council house W CLAYTON 4 3 at t recorder of brands branda Mata matches best Mat matches chesl matches ALLEY manufactures manufacture wholesale and retail V VALLEY by A Nei baor surgeon dentist esth ward onite opposite city brewery warranted to be as g as L any imported and more in account fanlo S at M W 4 la ill ROGERS N the west side aide of council house st near ON emigration at the sign of the he tin shop manufacturers of tin copper sheet iron aid brass ass ware ateo almo sheet iron cooking stoves of different sizes wad and the beet beat and bea heaviest of iron heating stoves of different sizes ac we have on hand a large and splendid assort merit ment of camp furniture sheet iron backer kebles 9 fcc cooking utensils ihl all kinds of job work and repairing dune on short notice old pewter taken in ia exchange catt catl and examine before par purchasing chasing elsewhere noria 21 am CASIN carff rolt FOB CATTLE I 1 THE under undersigner undersigned signed ted will pay cash for oxen cows and leoung Young cattle OFFICE north corner tithing building we have authorized lewis robinson not of utah and benj P F dunning of ogden to buy stock I 1 for us I 1 HOLLADAY WARNER WARN ER HOOPER N NB B cath paid for wheat 23 am arrival and dep departure artur of hoftoe e cg Cs mail from and toca S alx lx city post office the eastern eastek matt leaves for independence re mo the I 1 ast 1st at of each month at 9 6 a in arrives the last day of tach aeh mouth month at 6 p in the wenter matt mail leaves for sacramento city california the day of each month at 6 a in arrives the day at 8 6 p in the oregon matt mail leaves for the dallas the I 1 ast 1st st of dec feb april june aug ang and oct at 6 a m arrives rives the last day of nov jan march marrivel MAr may ay july and sept at 6 p in III the above mails will be closed at 4 p in precisely the last day of each month the brownsville Browns ville and Mill millers erss creek mail mad leaves every monday and thursday at 6 a in arrives every tuesday and friday Frid lay at 6 p in the southern mail leaves every monday at 6 a m for american fork provo springville Spring ville payson salt creek and mauti manti post offices and re t turns every saturday at 6 p in no regular mail to fillmore city or parowan carowan Pa rowan when will the mail close how late cau cats I 1 get a letter aletter in this mail please read the above e and not trouble the post master to answer such Ques questions lions seed and an 4 produce brodu ce store r r phe HE subscriber having opened a seed JL store attached to his house bouse in the ward will keep constantly on hind hand and nd for sole sale a general assortment of garden seeds raised in his garden the present season which he will sell for moderate prices for cash or exchange for any kind of country produce as flour grain eggs butter cheese lumber wood ac E S begs leave to tender his thanks to is ia friends fr i ends and an the public for the liberal patronage h has received and hopes by a due attention to business to merit a continuance of their fa voree SAYERS folh ward N B 1000 asparagus roots for sale at 1 per pe r 19 am ANID SHOES M manufactured of states leather and kept constantly on hand and for sale by bv E B TRIPP ALSO fly cash paid for wheat jno 1 5 1 61 E B T A NINDE NIND Iru tatter tailor BEGS D leave to inform his f hands and the pub lie he in general that he has ha removed his shop f from rom under the Daguer rian room to 11 blocks south of bonneil ho house use oppose opposite te to E keeses reeses stoie e where he be is prepared to serve his bis customers er y old and new on the most favorable terms fro from rn his long experience in the business he flatters himself that his work in style and workman bork ship cannot be surpassed nor fail to please wheat flour corn lumber shingles ac taken in exchange for work to be be paid d when the work is taken away public haras hands tan can pay with tithing orders janle 3 at no 0 86 notice to I 1 cdail mali and the public AUDITORS POST OFFICE department T november lh I 1 IT T has long been the practice of this office to pay the drafts draft drawn and negotiated by contractors for or carrying the united states mails for the amounts respectively of their quart quarterly erty pay it was established to accommodate the contractors and meet their necessities in advance of the regular wid and slower process of paying by the drafts draftier or warrants of the department arid add was as intended oaly to apply to oot one draft wr route from each con tractor for the whole mount deducting 41 iries collections ac of his bis quarterly pay but it has been and is quite generally so ss is to be supposed to allow any number of drafts and for bay any amount not exceeding in the aggregate the contract pay for the fhe quarter a privilege CB ceded for accommodation for it was never az ar thing more has thus been made to mba materially the business of this office forced upa it the settlement of the private arroo accounts ot of cob trae tractors fori and thrown upon the exchanges of the country with a quasi sanction of this bis office a species of paper currency unauthorized by ot he laws lawa it nal BO occurs too that this thi s office is exposed to great and unnecessary risk in deter I 1 mining upon the genuineness nui of the e signatures signa ures to the assignments or endorsements of the persons through gli whose hands bands these drafts are made to pass before their presentation it is therefore deemed proper to give this public notice to contractors and all concerned that tha i t arioto f om and after the I 1 ast 1st at day of januar january y 1854 but one oae draft for the pay upon ea each ch route per quarter will be paid or filed for payment payroe tit in this once this draft should should state upon its fa face e that it is u tie the t ie only one for fir the carter and X route r at both V to be specified on which it is drawn and the signature thereto should be attested iby y the postmaster at the tae flaw where it may be drawn aw and ow oue other witness wit sess and each aek thereof should be attested by two witnesses Wis esses WM WK F PHIL PHILLIPS lim auditor of the treasury na at for the P 0 department LAT W 40 45 44 LON LOM ill III 2634 DESERET NEWS published every Thurs thursday dayi at SIX A doua per annum payable invariably in ill adva single copy 25 cents papers delivered at the post office which will be open each sabbath from ig 1 to I 1 I 1 i I 1 p in I 1 TERMS OF advertising for a square of 10 lines ot less let ins 9 each subsequent insertion 90 00 FOUND AND LOST found and lost articles from I 1 to te 3 lines inserted onee 25 eta te AGENTS city bishops for their respective wards east weber LEWIS HARDY ogden city ISAAC ande agdens hole maleat box elder ELI H puree B kays ward wm win KAY KAT I 1 north cottonwood JAMES Li cherry settlement A B sessions Settler settlement dent tooele thoele valley JOHN I 1 Grants viBe CLARK south bouth cottonwood J C WRIGHT kg big colton Gotto nOod tali m lica little littie cottonwood Cotton SILAS willa iller creek DRAPER irarra mill creek west jordan lehi city utah valley EVA 1111 american fork bishop L E battle creek and pleasant grove G 8 0 CLARA provo city ISAAC lucius 9 0 first ward J 0 second ward BIRD third ward belias fourth ward WM WALL fifth ward wn wm FAWCETT aprin sprin he and spanish fork JoH tOM r J W payson C B HANco cz summit creek J S HOLMAN HOLM AX salt creek T B poo foot tit manti city san pete CO hit fillmore city millard CO anson parowan carowan city iron co J JC C L sin coal creek santa sant settlements clara and rio virgin I 1 j v at San california R R H st louis mo the th states gen moi 11 SEi DARIMA texas and southern states Pitsa Tox TOO MAS washington ll 11 city ORON PRATT verr Li liverpool E england IS 15 wilton st 4 w all remittances in the states tat may be W aatto 40 w get gei eldredge st louis no mo |