Show to the edi editor for of the deseret MUSIC MOSIG MO SIG G S L city jan 30 1854 sir sin the question is often asked why hy is is not vocal music such as cho quartets glees ae appreciated in i this country as in the old countries and the eastern states 1 believe I 1 can partly answer the question when several voices are engaged in sing singing ng it is very difficult unless you are actually acquainted with the piece to bistino distinguish aish the words and the more voices vices there are although they add effect to the music of the chorus they each contribute to weaden the distinctness of the enunciation or combined articulation of the words especially if accompanied by instruments to which the same rule as to quantity will hold good the people wish to know the words which inspired the t theauthor he author of the music and to which he made his music music correspond the immortal handel who was but indifferently acquainted with the english language I 1 h but u t who composed the universally ad mired admired messiah to english words was always at a loss in writing the music when he came to a word that he did not fully understand the meaning of hence he was known to call up the author of the poetry in the dead of the night to ascertain the meaning of a word and hence it is that iha the finest passage of vocal music often falls upon the ear unappreciated because the listener could not distinguish the words which inspired it in the case of a simple song when only one person is singing the thing is not so bad but even then when there is a long run of notes to one syllable and to 0 be sung with one breath it is almost impossible to find out what the word actually is this inconvenience is in a great measure remedied in the old countries and states by their having books of words printed so that for a mere trifle in addition to the expense of a ticket the concert lovers ein manhave can have the words of every piece before them and by that means ahey can distinguish them as they are being enunciated I 1 and thereby appreciate both the poetry and music in a new country like this books of words are too expensive but I 1 hope the time will soon arrive when this can be prudently brought into fashion and would encourage musicians to be patient until times mend which they assuredly will in the meantime the musical department of our public worship might be made inave more interesting if the hymn was given out from the stani stand so that the people may turn to it in their hymn baks and so have the words before them or it a chorus is sung the words might be read and would generally not take above half a minute for instance the choir will sing the following holy holy holy lord god of heaven and earth are full of thy glory hosannah in the highest or as the case may be blessed be the lord god of israel world without end amen Chorus Cho ees are generally written to a very few words sometimes to a short sentence the above being about average specimens as to length and the announcement would scarcely at all interfere with the time of the meeting if these suggestions are considered worthy a corner of the news and the least good should result I 1 shall consider myself amply rewarded and remain sir yours fait faithfully brally JON GRIMSHAW |