Show ANTIMONY SHOT exten extensive sive experiments experiment a 16 d I 1 are now being madl made by order of th the e english government vern ment te test the effect of shot made of an upon wooden as well as iron surfaces As far fai as they had bid been tested the destructive effects ek af these balls are ardmore nore an apparent parent than those arising from iron ones for as soon as the surface is struck the metal owing to its great brittleness breaks and the carious particles consequently become widel widely 7 spread the au ties seem to be much pleased with the suo cess which has attended these experiments and 1 we are informed formed in that an immediate supply of antimony balls baha will be to our fleets in the dal baltic tie add a ad black sets seas the use of this new missile will created demand for our our cornish antimony which is ii now ilow in considerable reLue request st Engli english ih paper |