Show A strayed or stolen 7 A wrt poodle dog the finder will please lei leave it at JOHN 8 ward and be rewarded 37 1 at tk t k I 1 r PORK PORA PORK I 1 I 1 WANTED pounds of good fat po pk k il ho hogyor for aih which I 1 ch the highest price will b be baj paid by b J M co I 1 37 ats 1 OATS AND COB corall WANTED W ANTED 1000 bushika of boats oats and corn i to ka be 4 delivered livered within thirty days dayi liberal p prices r tees given an and d we will pay part cash 37 ats J M HORNER co DANCING rall ohp subscriber begs leave to say that he is is 11 ll fitting the large room over his store for schools and balls alls those con concerned Lerned can have it on application to WM HOWARD 37 ats la 13 ward t TEACHERS certificates A A to teach common schools in AG S L city C tty having vouches for character can apply to either of the undersigned undersigner under signed for examination as to competency and receive certificates ac 0 HYDE board of W W PHELPS HE LP g examination A carrington CARB INGTON 37 it THE syth QUORUM N NOTICE OTICE is hereby given that the of the quorum are still held on S saturday evening in the ward school room and all the members ire are hereby notified to attend or give a reason why they do not otherwise they will be consi derpA A f I 1 0 eT church chura 4 ying aws of the vol b Y order de of oft the h e eglo council cucil 37 ats JOHN G CHAMBERS clerk TO EPICURES S EEF the subscribers have obtained a large BEET supply of superior fat cattle which they will slaughter and sell to their customers at the well known meat market southeast corner of the union hotel they have reduced their prices and will now DOW sell from sevin seven to ten cents per pound quick sales and small profits is our motto motta our large increate of trade will enable us to sell lower than any other house in tile the city we sell for cash and will pay cash for any number of choi choice ce fat cattle and sheep none chers purchased I 1 1 GEO aco CO 37 at I 1 UP in first ward an ax P PICKED also a ladys boa enquire of GW GARDNER ward 37 10 11 I 1 to BISHOPS CITY nahe HE bishops are hereby notified that they are JL authorized and required to call each of their respective wards together on or 01 before the first saturday in december decema r next tor for the purpose of electing three trustees Trust pes for each respective school D in said city agreeable to an ordinance in in relation to common schools in G 3 L pity city said trustees are required before entering on the duties of their offitt offic fc to file bonds with securities in my office I 1 ROBERT CAMPBELL BELL city Ree recorder order at stig 24 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 0 the ibe bishops bishop and supervisors of G S L twity TO cily the bishops will please take notice that they are requested to call and make returns to 0 o me meal ai my office by the day of december next their report of the amount of expenditure of road taxes for the year 1854 the tha amoun lof taxes due and still remaining 0 to o be collected also the improvements and R repairs I 1 of sty streets beets bridges ac in their respective warda during the past year i full returns of road rd tax and improvements also taxes still stil delinquent fot for the year 1853 must be made a at t or before the above date punctuality is required to 0 o enable me to present my report to the city council agreeable to the ordinances of the city ROBERT CAMPBELL 37 2 s auditor for G S L city I 1 IT S mails irom G S L city P 0 HE eastern mail will be closed 0 on n the last ast THE td day ay of each month a at t 4 p in precisely I 1 the california californi mail via fillmore parowan carowan Pa rowan ana 4 cedar city to 0 o san diego w ill close oil on the day of each month at 4 p in the Browns brownsville ville mail leav leaves es every monday and thursday at 5 a in 1 the tooele thoele mail evry monday at 6 a in tile the mail to san pete will leave ever stoa day at 6 a in I 1 aboin ff W V klie A T THE salt lake city cily I 1 tt office stamped envelopes at the following raa rig s three cent letter sze size at per denoo six do do six cent cent official size at do ALSO thi ee cent letter leiter stamps post masters merchants and others in this Terri territory toty can be furnished with any of the e by remitting the cash E am SMITH IT P af NOTICE will offer for saje caeto to the highest bidder at the I 1 awill I 1 Se seminary minarT in provo city on tuesday ath of dec 1854 three horses horse 3 taken as stray property sale to commence at ten pan am novle 36 at C BOREN pound keeper in 14 monthly parts koyal quarto at 40 cents centro each ROUTE FROM LIVERPOOL TO great q salt lake valley I 1 lam RO clr S I 1 by a series of splendid STEEL engravings and WOOD CUTS from sketches made on the spot pot from IJ me e la in 1863 1853 expressly for this work by IF FREDERICK R IF D E R I 1 C IN P PIERCY I 1 E R C Y 5 AND containing A MAP OF THE OVERLAND PORTION FORTION OF THE EDITED BY JAMES LINFORTH this bighley interest in teresing ing and beautiful work will form a narrative of the journey from liverpool to great salt lake valley and will give eive historical descriptive and statistical information resi pecking the he places and the indian tribes on the route and in utah territory the mode in which the latter day saints emigration is conducted d a review of it from the commencement men cement and incidental instructions to emigrants emi grats will constitute an early part of the work 1 the statistical information will be drawn from the most authentic sources and consequently may be relied upon that portion of it which relates to the latter day saints will be particularly valti valuable able owing owina to the difficulty hitherto experienced by all classes in obtaining anything accurate from the conflict ng statements which have appeared from time to time in a great portion of the public press I 1 I 1 the ensi avines except the portraits of joseph smith heher heber Q kimball willard richards jedediah M grant and john smith and joseph walker and araleen Ara peen chiefs of the utah indians are all taken from sketches made on the pot and from life expressly for this wory work and will be finished in ill the first style of art presenting pies enting a detail and an accuracy rarely aimed at in in similar productions duct ions iotis no pains or expense has been spared to render this work one of peculiar interest usefulness and beauty and the publisher feels confident that it will meet with that extensive patronage which can alone justify its publication i disteel steel engraf engravings I 1 by charles fe feun 11 ng and edwin roffe new 0 I 1 leans calls entrance to Kanes kanesville ville baton rouge coun council cil buffs ferry and group of cottonwood natchez under the hill tree natchio on the hill view of the missouri river and council bluffis bluff I 1 vicksburgh Vicks burgh from an ele elevation valion memphis elk horn river ferry st louis loup fork ferry I 1 i 1 camp at keokuk wood rive nauvoo nancoo chimney rock I 1 joseph smith the prophet scotts bluffs I 1 hyrum smith from an original portrait in in the file fort laramie La I 1 1 possession poi session of his family independence rock willard richards Richan ls from a daguerreotype devils gato john taylor laramie peak carthage Cail Cari hage jail witches bluffs boom in which joseph and hyrum smith were great salt lake imprisoned great salt lake city well against which joseph smith was placed heber C kimball from a daguerreotype I 1 and shot at after his assassination jedediah M giant ditto lucy smith molher of the sophei Pr ophel john smith ditto ruins of the temple at nauvoo president brigham also governor of joseph sm alj r utah territory asS david smith I 1 sons of the prophet I 1 I 1 I 1 wood cuts by nason mason jackson I 1 emigrant ship leaving liverpool fort bridger 1 ligat howe at the mouth of the mississippi A kanyon in the ibe rocky mountain Mounta old fort rosalie tabernacle G S L city walnut hills joseph walker and I 1 i utah territorial house 0 S L city Arra peen brothers and chiefs of the utah in costume for the plains deans from original drawings by y W W major rock aock from the west I 1 the first no of the above work was published in liverpool by elder F D richards 1 I 1 m n july last and will be continued monthly until complete persons wishing to obtain them by appl applying yin to elder S W richards lath ward can 1 have them tree free of carriage at the above rate paid af it advance immediate application abound be I 1 madain made in order that they hey may be forwarded Eor warded with the next emigration A specimen number can be seen at elder richards house strat |