Show REMARKS by derit heber C V kimball september 17 1851 it is some borne time sinco I 1 ibave spoken to this abil congregation gr gre gation and it is with me as ad it probably is witti many others the longer I 1 sit and tire less I 1 say the more J aoi agn 0 fear tia jq it the fear of god no I 1 afi a kind bind of a fear world a fear aqif U roan an noy there is sm cely a person but what V hammor i I 1 0 or J lea 4 0 of C tt these 1 m feelings feeling itt at times I 1 reco recollect clr r often often ote hearing I 1 ar in r bt br joseph say bay that thai many t times lines ills legs bled like belt he be got up to before the world mild and before tile the saints I 1 have been interested with tle the relation br staines has given although he could not rela teall the experience he lims has had since he dame daine into hito this church chaich some bome twelve or fourteen years ago if he be could remember it all and relate it his experience would be very interesting it is good and I 1 have been inter interested esteil with it I 1 am interested with everything that is is good and ad in ia fact I 1 iam am interested with a grat great I 1 many things thing which are not so very good for there is is nothing that I 1 see on earth gr y intha in the he avans but wast interests gives ni aia in an experience W when henf see a man aikle the wrong road ahe the road which leads to deann it iff an experience to td me and it opens lay eyes toshun to shuh shub that path and we ive are aught f cheit if a inan will not learn by precept or ur by axa example in ale he has to learn by what he suffers suf feis by seeing the I 1 otta r tf at puh ath and escape the d difficulties ltv h he g goes D e i i anio or course CAU mar experience is buiwit quite a schoolmaster e g otma sigr ta to me fo for r it if I 1 do not take that road I 1 d do not dundr the in incon don velli ence my whole course from the day I 1 first heard of mormonism more than two years ako ao I 1 have never neier had but one ona desire and that is ia to do what hat I 1 am airl counseled jt matters not to me whether it be ba by tile the of godi god or by the voice of ills his servants it its is all 01 tho the same wito witt me when wo w go forth agthe as the servants servant of god we are dictated ry by y the holy the idy ghost will speak tl the truth and that esthe is the word of wa god it il is is tile the revelations revelation s of jesus christ and d it is tile voice of I 1 god to us I 1 I 1 when he I 1 comi commands hinds us to go forth and preach his hia word and tle clart his gospel faith tind and repentance pen tance and baptism for tohei remission remiss remis fon of sins with the laying on oc hands for the 1 gift of bf the holy ghost he says kaisth f sambas though it were spoken by his bis own voice voe voland and the same condemnation dem nation will rest upon the world aud ud upon those pe people ople who bear it and do not abide it and keep it and walk in it this is Is pay ny I 1 testimony andthil lb 56 the testimony tit thai N god has reva revealed led to us qs asa sa people ched when he sent forth 1 ili hit his nay hd aid jf they alipy will wil I 1 not 11 0 t I hear bear you ou they will not mild if they thay will w il not elbby abbey you they me and if they will no tobey me ind they will riot obey my father so it is with us un if y yon will mill obey ina practice the things that mt are laid before you by president dept I 1 young and his hia brethren I 1 you nelld not aber obey y god if he should hould a 11 q f 1 r c th tile heavens why i because the albig almighty tyl ia a s appointed him ilia his da delegate le liate abt justas As pinch inch qs as oa 07 we have al appointed pointed doat Bernhisel to ill be 1 conr 11 1 delegate to congress to lay becom ihra t those hoa D things that we want ro in con fi detki with him he has not abot gone toda to dahis dohis hid own aiu wilt buthe has baa donoto del dd the will of those who have sent rent him so it is ii with prest young ile he is oui our head liea he t is our president our ur prophet abid I 1 I 1 leader edicer ed ifer and ane government of the unita Unite tyes t hreve appointed hitri livinour lili nour our goer governor nora r he was ii 7 e fore in a thethis Then Tho ullis his voice to dire alria people is of abd J list as in achl as was 0 moses oses cirii andret andset and set bit afta I 1 to preside the chil children diell of I israel effis hotd was waa the word of god to that people avid and when they did not listen to him they suffer suN ered edthe tp penally ave ber were two aud and twenty 4 fall in m one on aty ahause 0 of f their rebellion they tay re la belled aga against inbi menses a Q against aiese his c counsel alu 1 its ol 01 and against his government t i which w was a s of f course character chiae t rii who i sent et it bilm him gad iu d authorized mm ana toa us president y f ia i ut irdie d ZI aba appointed bythe ti ie 6 mag mfg i as rj josephs su I 1 to Z 0 0 p pie I 1 awant the world to know knew fear I 1 man people into these valters valte ys aud do to know abeli eve ili few feikin the ll 11 united states 1 w mathai mi that thai we pmt amt brigu Brig hap apy qung qs ar arleader leahr prophet apil and alota tm tor rant you xo understand that i actually dp 6 and ibah eve chave hav e aone flo neso W to the a satish ll 11 faction of this people it I 1 have hae proved raved ibby it by thy my works the dily day I 1 edine came lifto the chu church until the pre sent hent time tl S 0 i joseph js ini afi lT ivas was a prophete tr of G god od a arial aidt was abut eat af god he boly angels will from 46 hea wens who bim tp commit to ito thise the gospel ailt the pl plan of sa iv at joja and eternal life which will a save eve every man aud and woman that hat belie believes I 1 it and practices it in their lives in ili ia their I 1 air out goings wd in hi their in comin comings v I 1 k now awill it will save the them m you 6 have royle 0 ny and my testimony estrue and you vou will find it so every avery of foli you mhd ha will practice it 1 we wd beneve this to belan bean historical account of jesna and hiis apostles Apos lles and prophets we believe it is sacred and add th the 0 great majority of this practice it jabid Is not 4 a mannor woman in inthis this p church ach who 0 believes believer it but alt ha has been baptized for the ille r of their sins sin finsand sand ald that too by 1 immersion e r j I 1 0 11 I 1 b being 1 buried ur 1 e a with christ by bap cism thesis aisla w what h ely L t ej have done dobe and that enables a them after they havi have received the laying hii on of hands to receive the kift gift of ilis ana holy ghost and they are e entitled t to a membership in the of jesus christ of latter da day r squints Sd ints if they lionor honor th that at are fai faitell till i d they wih continue in anol not in time only bu but t i in 1 eternity worlds v bitout end these are my iny foe feelings 1 and dd wy rny determination I 1 ls is toc continue to the end bud 1 lambow 1 in hi my fifty fourth year ram fitin a litter day saint furi full in ili the faith hot only y in ia but I 1 havea a knowledge of thet the truth of this work I 1 know that god lives andi dwells in the hea beavais beav ans mis for 1 I have disked him of df ams t n laps mild and hundreds of tanjes for things wid and have hare recer received ved them Is not oliata a pretty prett y good pro proof of that lie he hears me when I 1 ask him for things and get them and is not ahafea proof limesand live vs t sand and dwells in the heavens T think it is I 1 suppose lie he dwells there lie he could not dwell anywhere else but in what particular poi tiou he dwells I 1 do not P precisely becis elkow though he is not so far off as many imagine ile he is near by his angels are our alsoc assoc associates bates they are with us and round about ll 11 us s and watch over us and take cire of us and abild ledd us and gulde guide us qs and adini illier to our wants in I 1 their n anstr yand in ili their holy calling unto which they f are r appointed we are told in the bible that anges are ministering spirits to minister to those who shall I 1 become heirs hairs of f salvation bless my soul look at the unbelieving world that is a great man many y of therb them they n now 0 w believe in ili spiritual knockings knock ings spir spiritual ithal communications and spiritual eppings rap mp pings and they will ask the same spirit for this and for that to know this that and the other and wont you cause that table to kick up its legs and that chair to dance and cause a knocking here liere and a knocking there f they believe all this still they do not believe that god can call coin communicate rail licate and at the same time those that they communicate with are corrupt spirits mud and they might know iland still baill they say they can speak from the heavens and acte c ite this that hut and the othor other and tell them alere their friends are aie if wicked spirits can do this I 1 want to know on the sime samo principle if tile the righteous have not power to communicate to tile the children of jneal men and has not god power to do it ile he has tile the whole world is now ell enthusiastic thusia in these things lings ti 1 I 1 never beard a knocking or saw a table dince dance only as I 1 kicked it myself I 1 do not w nt them knocking and dancing around me ta clift po people 1 ople of the world do not believe la in revelation from god and they believe that joseph smith was a fool to pretend to have re revelation direct from heaven but still they ano ari all engaged in ili this matter in ili getting revelations from evil corrupt and comparatively spirits and wicked wicked hian men sone some beca b car r e spiritual writ rs by a spirit taking f their heind hand and arl writing ting without their consent ado do not thank any person to take in my y hand und and write without my consent we do not lot like such proceedings we bel believe leve they exist but I 1 they are not for us we receive ec eive communications upon another principle and that ahat is direct from heaven from gods 0 servants del delegates or administrators this is what we believe most do and we M intend tend to pra practice otice om re religion iligio nand and I 1 to be governed by it A I 1 I 1 have no doubt buethe but alie gentlemen who have come in this year will discover a difference in ili the mm manners iners and conduct of the people lierer when compared with those of the cities from whence they have come we do not admit of some practices in our city that they admit of in the united states at least in ili all of their great cities we desire to live a virtuous and holy life and do unto others as we wish others to do ulita 1 us and for that reason many of us b have av e been driven from the united states I 1 say i many any of us for a great many who are now here have not heen been driven here but have come since we were driven apa and we have passed through a great many many ir trials is Is br B I 1 r lii j i i was one of the first in connection with president young who came to this valley when it ws was a de region and we could not even get a chart r from rom fremont nor from any ot other h er mait in in from which to learn the course to this thia place I 1 was war ona who helped 6 to pick out the road when we started to dome come here we had haa no more provisions provision a with us thap than those emigrants started with w ith to whom we havi have sent flour this season we had orly only one hundred weight a piece and came here with nothing hut but what was in out wagons only a as s we hunted and killed game when we got to I 1 upper ferry of platte river half of our company compan had not a mouthful of breads bread that would a little hard harder er to you than i the cricket time there was no 0 grunting granting 4 nor mur murmuring mering for was beyond the grunting point it would not any 00 good 0 d to find fault it would not provide broad bread b buffolo buff dlo auti antelope alope deer nor elk I 1 recollect one day I 1 believe it was on platte br brigham rue me br heber do you think about it do you think we shall any further I 1 knew lie ha asked this question try me e I 1 replied I 1 1 I 1 I iw want it to go tile the whole journey lie y ar and d find som ewhite sandstone and see the here re was as in the earth there never was a da when I 1 wocia not ilot g go evl iffa t iliin liim until we found location I 1 knevi there was a place though at times 1 the pros prospect beef eef appeared here it was on li high agh it is the best beet couil country try 1 ever eve save saw I 1 have lived in ili the best portions 0 of united states but ahls his cu country is better I 1 i lived where joseph found the plates and the angel of the lord administered to him it i the heart of the world but is thai haf place as 9 as tills no jt it does not begin to bring wheat corn oats a and d every other obber vegetation I 1 that the heart desria es like this thi s land we mra are ing to be comfortable here I 1 the troops of the th united states here hare here I 1 see I 1 how hb liberal e M 1 I 1 pifei ed d for ekit and bof no tonly baily fort wheat adut for oats barley corn potatoes ne beets ca ba rio ispa 1 r snips hing wish to ibay we do riot say gay 30 the t they h ey estma se got plent y raa ya wilfore h cwg accod we 1 will i e abe transient winter 1 f they tha feel fedeli and rejoice to dwell in tile the ant of white people they never thong thought alit for a in innear i ok ln neat ekie f kere ahde uh I 1 men aid alla tc a r wi j atey they cani came e t they h eyt found 11 nd pui out to their t dt ilie people in it uli weyd were quite while andr from their own wess W Y ira afi s f not note a slave Idi 1 admit we have td auve 4 d 40 fine thiS gs well i doii do ii 6 5 lie ap make yourselves as well dball ed well and aid in ia but OFF 1 I 1 speak just api as I 1 feel 01 my heart is t here jire reid josof irien get ab 0 o i s elyin I 1 ai am nand and agam again there are lots that ale siso much sol so AC allind of spirit spi sha qi ties thero are is as lauy spirits hei hegis As is V b ai u cantsee afi abe persons asbor tor they all have sp hitI litiff h alti i laore pik bliku a 30 otters and som are viliore mote kif 1 I 1 0 Qs 4 ulia awe divestea diV di esteg of 9 4 ix 0 7 1 41 ft iris aock arct i ann cnn W re joeal p as spiero gp iero ps as the the I 1 most generous geu e lolist ua le m d t f sy say to toane one wilt saint I 1 isay say to all the 4 to toa pe deo oa plA pie that Aai come in to this valley 1 lol oj ene be friendly alfa be saih ts y s I 1 I 1 we want you to iu be sale saints 6 while you at stay y ll 11 here for you know ill the days s of df tile the apostles orhea v they were am among 0 ng the R they did as ai r romans did are among the Mcnno Koi inong ns fid 06 adibe be bb go generous nerous and be while I 1 fak vve ve are tt veite bite folks 4 good of us were botn born itt catlie itlie ua united U states apa a grett many mamy iu in rid they are alro our V and sisters M my catli aathar came froni froin and aab fought i I 1 for chii country and it U li di dibi d mal my mcgrand grand father did itis along in ia that train bome ib V akere we ma I 1 all 11 ll come bome from the old wid and efeme bame fiato in to afien country into the states and from tha twe rave emigrated into stilt still newer countries into the top of the mountains just as tile the prophets said they declared the caiati wald op ld be gathered in tho th I 1 days and we dra are ga gathering 41 ering to build 1 a the name of our god and we are going ild temple eaDd and ho house rsvp af of worship v rj that eliut whipyou who v bep I 1 pyou c ome come leej here you noumay may wor I 1 bldr wath ildi us and when you are amon a g the idor j mona da 66 as the moimoi mormons dodo clodo right n and keep tho th i commandments comman dents of god I 1 have said laid a good I 1 matir limes when a man cadmes comes into my |