Show THE CROPS throughout t ane 3 territory notwithstanding stan dirig some 1 loss from hail a il mid and grasshoppers grus shoppers have been amply abundant and so far as we cen can learn are mostly ihnot if not entirely stored in a safe and proper manner much anch of the wheat b being i 9 thrashed nov 23 cheat heat is rating from to a bushel potatoes at 75 cents oats and other produce in proportion according to the census report of 1850 there were at that time in the united states daily publications weekly 1141 semi and tri weekly periodicals total I 1 in 1850 according to the census ceia stis of that year there were daily publications weekly 1922 semi and tri weekly periodicals total 1 1 1 2516 1 1 this Thip shows an addition in ten years of publications which is an increase of over 50 per beit I 1 W 13 among the curiosities to be transmitted from india to the great exhibition in in paris pans next year is is a carpet of ivory it is is 20 feet long by 6 feet broad and made of long stripes of ivory plaited like matting the price fixed upon it is 11 1500 I 1 1 |