Show I 1 short letters I 1 I 1 the arl egl eagle ginga the toll following awill 9 letter I 1 I 1 from a flat at boatman t to hiis father he and hi brother abill bill had flat foda load ad of cra corn to nw orleans I 1 I 1 nu arvi gune 8 OW lew Dd Market ia dull corn is lighty IG lo 10 anti am bilas billa dead dad I 1 I 1 I 1 your affectionate son J B I 1 I 1 this iti short aind to the tb e 3 pur p li it reminds us H of the celebrated correspondence a stay tay at home m other mother and ifer her absent sou I 1 maine dar john come colue A rolling stone gathers gabera no your doting doyin g mother tile answer waa was not long in coming back and aad was ion long 9 when it got back I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 BID texas dear mother Cb came here A setting lien hen never sets gets fat your levingson lov ingson A still shorter litter letter wills was the anaw answer given n to it a oan by aaby whom he had ao 10 offended nd ed by for a long tim time badii had refused tap loa eak mohit n this his letter was earnest in ili 1 for it concluded with Z 1 I 1 one f to qu r lips pa will me mai ke viren hen P and W r I 1 a beil zoo I 1 vi speak p eak I 1 iti ih I 1 1101 i A v aus I 1 w t the altar 7 J 1 bat the ane sharpest alla i iest ti correspondence correspond I 1 1 f I 1 once on 0 f a record rhoid is tile the one one bettz bettess bet wess mi amsterdam merchant in want of news and b hia loudia ol 01 agent the letter ran thus thu az ix a I 1 if v and the U guy MT hai i 1 1 ahna 11 i 9 I 1 I 1 I 1 11 z 10 being the thea M i 1 visible ji poi di Bibo sible intimation that there I was nothing 1 4 |