Show TO THE CITIZENS OF DESERET T HJ D undersigned undersigner under signed wishes to inform the inhabit L ants of this territory that his splendid stock of goods have arrived and are now ready for inspection at his new store where he invites all his friends to come and examine I 1 the stock consists of tea coffee sugar balara salara raisins currants figs candies candie s nutmegs Nut megs spices olive oil lemon syrup pickles mustard pepper salt are if hardware ar dware stationery domestics domestico Shir tings printed calicoes Cali coes de laines orleans cloths claths Alp accas shawls ribbons arti ficiala fici als gloves stockings pins Ne needles edlest K kersey ersey meres jeans together with every variety which arl are suitable for this country this stock of goods has been selected with the greatest care and axe are the most suitable for this in market arket the subscriber wishes to inform his friends that it is his intention to extend his business as fast as he can make arrangements to every settle mentin this territory to accommodate the brethren he therefore depends on them patronizing him especially especial lyas aa his goods will be as low abany other in this territory all that he makes he intends to spend with this people ople and in buil building dino T up this territory his 11 goods are an marked in plain figures and but one price is known in his establishment T S WILLIAMS N B butter eggs cheese beef cattle and furs taken in exchange for goods nov 15 1 tf 1 I 1 I 1 1 11 C ANNONS Establish establishment meLt may be 0 found at hotchkiss building first north oft of T 6 Williams store customers waited upon every saturday Luin lumber ber wheat wood and store pay taken in exchange for likenesses cash and gold dust not refused my stock of materials is getting quite small and it would be well to attend to it while your friends are with you and in health A fine toned melodeon tor for sale low novle 1 tf M MCANNON CANNON DESERET ALMANAC FOR 1852 OW in i n press the deseret almanac for 1852 N NOW adv advertisements erti will be inserted in the almanac on reasonable terms for further particulars a apply at the post office I 1 novle W W PHELPS STAGE CARRIAGE CITY AND brownsville BROWNS VILLE HIN H YOUNG SON wish to inform P PHINEAS the citizens of deseret that they run a two horse carriage carrying the united states slates mail callin calling 0 at north cottone cottonwood davis co leaving salt LL lake city post office every monday and thursday at 7 am arriving at brownsville Browns ville at 6 pm returning arnin very every tuesday and friday arriving at G S L city t Y at 6 pm terms 2 per passenger each way novle NOTICE THE HE partnership co which existed between barlow has been dissolved all persons holding claims against the said firm will vill present them for settlement and those indebted to the same will call and pay their dues novle J M BARLOW WATCH CLOCK MAKER GOLD fi f i OLD AND SILVER SMITH the under kt signed has commenced the above trades in the house hoase adjoining the mint and formerly occupied as the tithing office all work done by him warranted to give satisfaction N B the laborers on the public works can be served in my line and orders taken hen on the tithing office novle J M BARLOW TURNING N ALL its varieties in wood andiron and iron done to I 1 IN order at my shop on west temple street next door south of judge rhoads dwelling also cabinet ware made to order the patronage of the public will be thankfully received iff JAMES BIRD SALT ephe HE subscriber wishes to inform the citi T JL zens of great salt lake city and vicinity that he has constantly on n hand salt ai at widow whites ward and at the black rock and will take in exchange all kinds of produce beef pork ac novle CHARLES WHITE J E REESE HGO HAVE AVE just received a large stock of N E W GO 0 D S which they are selling at REDUCED PRICES tor CASH they have on hand CLOTHS CASSI XERES LAri LADIES iEs GOODS of different kinds dress trimmings fashionable hats caps and bonnets the very latest styles FANCY goods a large variety boots and shoes and READY MADE CLOTHING hardware chinaware and Glass glassware waxe paints oils patent medicines dye stuffs groceries I 1 liquors I 1 and cigars I 1 I 1 also A large arge lo 10 of of DRIED FRUIT which they the lowest market price CHEAP F FOK OR CASH J E REESE EREESE S HOTCHKISS M D residence west side of ward Dopp opposite osite sheriff fergusons Fergus ons novle HURRAH FOR SWEET I 1 AM now ready to exchange M molasses for beets or make the beets into sweet on shares my sugar establishment is at my blacksmiths i shop in the ward where 1 I shall be a always ways happy to meet my friends ariew is and exchange sw eels novle ALFRED B LA LAMBSON BEEF BEEF CATTLE I 1 THE HE undersigner undersigned under signed begs leave to inform the citizens of G S L city that he still continues business at haeold stand opposite J E reeses keeses store also at hi his s own house in h ward where he will have always on hand the best beef that can be procured in the market WA EA reasonable price paid for good beef cattle novle at f V JONES I 1 I 1 HOME manufactory wishes to inform ethe ephraem the citizens of deseret that he has cons constantly 4 oy on hand earthenware ARE consisting of jars boxes milk pans bowls plates A I 1 will exchange for lumber shi butter E eggs ggs cheese beef J 1 I 1 he also wishes to inform I 1 on hand in about four we f C cups s saucers pitchers ac h he will 1 I sell low to accommodate U breter ome manufactures for the 8 1 exchange the produce of the Val valla a lP I 1 I 1 novle A cited immediately A tanner I 1 of 1 fur pel pelts alts for making caps enquire at A ng office novle 3 at A blacksmith anop SHOP is in successful opera a X tion it at north cotton wood kanyon davis is co by oviatt at BOOT S SHOE HOE MAKER OHN LOWE begs leave to in formA s friends that i cj he has commenced business in thea line first house north of 0 H Cog swells tore give in your or orders Aers quick novle iff WANTED immediately 1 affa LBS of lake lak e Sal oratus procured from 1000 the last lake I 1 about 6 miles west of independence rock for which I 1 will pay a reasonable price in in earthenware at D daniel aniel stewarts ad house north of williams store or in store goods at the church store EPHRAIM I 1 I 1 REMOVAL p watchmaker has removed from his residence in the ath ward to the ward a little west of the north nonh west corner of the temple block where he is now prepared to attend to the rp re paring of watches clocks jewelry ac jewelry made to order novle I 1 NAIL AIL manufactory ALL LL kinds of wrought nails scissors pocket poe ket knives and razors made to order at my shop one door south of J ft 4 E reeses keeses store ALSO guns repaired and au all kinds of jobbing do done ne at short notice public patrona patronage ge is is so solicited ii ic cited by novle 1 tf WW WALKER NOTICE I 1 IN N the possession of ofed G D WATT in a BLOOD STONE fur the cure of all kinds of inward blo bleedings edings whatever a never failing remedy without medicine no cure no pay mr watt may be seen at the hie tithing Tit hinr office novle iff DUSTIN AMY C OPPER COPPER tin and sheet iron worker begs leave to inform the citizens of deseret that his stock of copper tin and sheet iron has a arrived and he is now ready to fill any orders which may be wanted with the above named materials at reasonable prices STORE second building north of thos wil liams barns LEATHER GROCERY FINDING STORE star E trese THE HE undersigned undersigner under signed one door north of J E reese would respectfully invite the attention of the keople of this city and aad vicinity to his complete WA and well selected stock of goods consisting IN PAST PART OF leather of every variety saddlers and shoemak shoe mak ers finding Fin dino boots and shoes hats and caps groceries of every description summer I 1 and am viator clothing tin W ware s re axes best patent only set get of Cir circular cilar saws with shafts attached which will be sold is as cheap if not cheaper cheapen than at any agy other store in the city the ladies in particular are invited to examine my stock of ladies and misses misses SHOES comprising every variety of jenny lind slippers buskins baskins Bu skins gaiters and half gaiters the undersigner undersigned under signed by strict attention to business and the superiority of his goods hopes to receive se liberal share odthe of the patronage odthe of the community doyls 0 H COGSWELL LOOK AND READ BEET THIS WHO CA CAN 10 the undersigned undersigner under signed would give notice to the citizens of D deseret aseret that they are manufacturing molasses from the beet at burr Fro frosts tits on emigration street one and a halt half blocks east of city creek bridge to all who havea have a surplus of beets carrots or parsnips Par snips aud and will mil bring them to our molasses factory WELL as for family use we will make from them ell all the molasses we can and return the owners of the vegetables one half of the he molasses made those who no are in want of sweetening enin r and axe are disposed to encourage domestic manufactures will do well to call soon as the earlier the vegetables are used the better molasses for sale at dur our caeto faeto factory 10 I 1 I 1 jsseph wil YOUNG BURR FROST G S L city nl alo 51 5 1 tf I 1 FREELY PARENT PARENTs SCHOOL dH 7 60 6 0 L ephe HE THIRD TERM of the parent school of rr L deseret university commenced on monday oct 27 in in the ward school house where an opportunity now offers for persons to qualify themselves for teachers in in common schools or for improvement pro in in the educational branches which render the duties of life pleasing the ter term mAre aare for the common branches 5 00 one half in in advance professor pratt having been to assist in the services of the school astronomy mathematics Ai algebra gebra ac will be taught As the house is is not no t calculated for more than 75 or scholars baxi early T attention will secure a privilege for those who 4 may wish to improve in in knowledge ORSON SPENCER Cha chancellor adellor G S L city W W primps reg e NOTICE TO THE MORMON BATTALION fin ELLOW soldiers having teen baft disappointed JL in means to purchase your claims cleland for travel pay and subsistence I 1 now give you notice as before I 1 will collect your claims forone for one third that I 1 can collect and pay all expenses and aad the spring mail will bring your money therefore please call and let me have your claims immediately and also those who re enlisted please cau call and I 1 will collect your claims office ward at sugar factory opposite elder john taylors novle at A SM M BLAIR A S SURGEON DENTIST graja gra ju to his patrons and friends for the last eleven years favors solicits a continuance of their kindness and the patronage odthe of the citizens of the valleys 11 I 1 of ephraim in n general de his charges are and satisfaction is is warranted to be give all operations performed by him 1 novle tf 1 A GERMAN WILL LL be opened on the evening of the mst at the residence of A Nel baur ward where books will be furnished t to pupils for further particulars apply as above nala tf MATCHES x A CONSTANT SUPPLY of matches of supe C bior nor quality kept on hand for which produce will be taken in in exchange by novle tf A I 1 NEW establishment i C ROBBINS watchmaker WATCH MAKER AND JEWEL go ax ER takes pleasure in informing the public that he has located permanently in great salt I 1 lake city and has taken the room lately occupied by S M blair esq where he is prepared to repair all kinds of fine watches and jewelry or make to order all kinds of work in his line of business ALSO on hand and for sale low clocks silver ware diamond pointed gold pens silver and shell combs pocket books purses alarm abells Bells bowie knives dirks pocket knives and such other goods as are usually sold by jewelers G C robbins bobbins hopes by strict attention to business and a desire to please to merit the patronage of the community great antlake salt alt lake city nov 15 tf LAT 40 45 44 LON 1111 ill 26 34 I 1 DESERET NEWS MEWS published avery every other saturday at five dollars per annum payable invariably in advance single copy 25 cents I 1 papers delivered at the post office which will be open each sabbath from 12 to I 1 oclo ekx p in m advertising for a square of 10 lines or less 1st ast insertion inser Uon each subsequent insertion 50 4 T oum UN I 1 1 11 I 1 TT I 1 ak u 0 4 id t i es I 1 i e I 1 once T ets I 1 cyns 1 I 1 11 I 1 city bishops for fer their abir respective I 1 t ogden bufty brownsville Browns ville I 1 KA LEMUEL MAL matasy kays Ka jWard ward wm KAY JF L I 1 cottonwood lym cherry settlement A f sessions settlement I 1 s f STOKER 7 tooele thoele valley ax south C WRIGHT 1 mill creek ILLER 1 west jordan evansville utah I 1 ie y bishop EVA american A in e r i can fork 0 Vs op L E bat battle tj e creek and pleasant grove G CL A ikc provo city ISAAC HIGBEE springville Spring ville ano and fl spanish blanish anish fork aaroa JOHN so N payson JAVES JAES PACE 5 F P JOHNSON I 1 salt creek T B FOOTE M manti an ti city I 1 san pete co NELSON Hiff HiG Girs catis fi Fillmore ilmo retith City millard CO ANSON GAII CALL iron co JAMES LEWIS lewi S coal cj cek eek HENRY LUNT san a ra and rio virgin ia JOBS D lv LEE t I 1 t le in ants Ls angelos agelos ng elos W WM 4 CROSBY |