Show yarns before the was mast 1 1 BY SAN SAB ROPES boats afi 4 i before temperance temp Brance ships came in m vogue saturday night was vms a happy time to poor jack then it as that the end of each week brought him nearer ae we port of his destination he lo 10 looked okd with pleasure to the time when he I 1 should be ba released for a while from the hard 1 sal i ps of another anacker voyage and anticipated the fun of a frolic ashore on such occasions the stew ard aid regularly came forward with a bottle of rum i and the co compliments aliments of the captain when the little half gi giu cup would be handed around and as each man inan tossed off his hia grog prece proceeded eded by some quaint and original senti sentiment mint a hearty laugh would f ollow follow such a laugh as only sailors can givie give then came the anecdote and the yarn yara while others employed themselves in their J on deck in scrubbing out a pair of trow sers for the coming sabbath f for or sailors always dress up at sea of a sunday provided the weather will permit 1 it was on a Batur saturday day night then when it was expected that the ship would make the land du t fring ring the next week and the crew had been spec dilating hi lating on what thigh high old times they would have when they got ashore that sam spun the i following yarn did any of you messmates mess iness mates ever know old I 1 jack asked sam ive icove heard of him replied one of a the sailors well continued sam he was a chum ol 01 0 paine mine the first voyage I 1 ever went to sea and he used to be the life of the whole ship there was not a port in the world I 1 believe that he 1 i had not been to and if any sailor ever knew athe ropes it was jack for there anything but what he was up to he i said aid he once come home in one of our frigates it was a long time ago after a three years cruise in which ahia he had served as captain of the I 1 foretop fore top the frigate arrived at philadelphia I 1 and he was paid off there in those days there here I 1 were no railroads and so jack after havin having 9 gihad lad a reg regular lax spree concluded to take the steam loston poat hoat and stage coach to now mew york and go to boston to see his friends on leaving his land alord he called for his bill and told him he want ed to pay double if for or fear that when he came back he might have no money but I 1 might f forget you said the landlord oh no you yon wout wont said jack holding up a stick in his hand you see this stick and he flook took off his tarpaulin and put it on it at the lame time giving iv i ll 11 9 it a whirl and winking at the landlord adlord fw well 1 u when I 1 return you shag know me by this sign so off Jack went and on the boat and in the aage age coaches taverns ao ac as he traveled along he did the same thing paying double for ev everything r thing and giving the same countersign telling i t them era that he expected to return shortly and would e prefer standing a double shot as he might i ano not have ave anything left in the locker when he wanted ante t to 0 come back jack arrived at bos toil lon under a full press of sail with ill all colors ret I 1 andl and after spending some time with hi his 9 t with iriondo friends the result he had antici anticipated optea having aam g taken ak place for he was completely cleaned out h he e thought he would return so he up stick and made a straight wake for the delaware i As the stage a a 8 stopped 0 ped at a farm house in new I 1 iler jersey say a jew v who 0 was a fellow passenger had bad ob served observed that jack jac never paid for anything as E he e traveled along but merely gave a whirl of r is S hat on his stio stick I 1 and a wink to the coach i lan a n or landlord who immediately recognizing id jack sung out all right the jew was t id aken k en all aback at this and thinking that he a id ad some mermaids charm about his hat or t etick bick was dying to find out the mystery at ast the jew could stand it no longer and itching ching with curiosity he opened his guns upon pok feck to find nd out his secret s how is is it jack I 1 11 asked he that you yon dont I 1 ay for anything on the road a what do you w want ant to know for said jack i teeing n tho the jew as one of the many land sharks st tat fleece bece us ashore why said the jew seeing that he was not ing ing to get anything out of jack easily why give so something to know it well said jack with a wink at the balance h j the passengers whose attention had been at acted by the conversation here do you see as s hat bat and jack put his tarpaulin on his iok ick and gave it a twirl the ticket lu u can travel the world over with M the coach soon after stopped at a tavern to f binge e horses and give the passengers 1 a chance m 0 d dine ne the jew watched jack to see if his pa 1 l really had the I 1 magical effect which he was gradually becoming a believer in jack called JOT 1 liquor on entering the tavern and after 0 jj aching macking his lips perceiving that the bar keeper 0 recognized 0 nihed his colors said nothing after diner 11 t the e driver blew his horn and the passengers r curried ried to get in the stage stop stop you sailor man you r baid aid said the lind landlord lord 11 avast there a bit old blowhard 11 said jack ie i ng off his hat and giving it a turn on his r lick ick at the same time wini winking ing at the landlord ho 0 responded all right to the utter aston li ment of the jew ac on reentering entering re the stage the jew asked him hat at he would take for his hat and stick why said jack III 1 I part with M lem ism I 1 got this hat and stick at shanghai om a chinese princess who gave them to me r saving her child who fell out of a boat om in a shark and she told me that I 1 never should xa ant t for anything as long as I 1 kept them and ess as her beautiful top lights if it proved he lie e 21 athey hey were near the end of the journey when i jew who having seen such strong and un ata sta keable evidence of the magic of jacks hat i d stick determined to pure ass J rate teat t hat would on f as ed I 1 oh h 1 nii u can give ive why 1 I said ts 61 pack I 1 t got money enough to buy athe them w 11 cay lont ont maw that said the jew pulling ut a I 1 tiled filled I 1 pontet 0 I 1 0 ko st book and showing its on I 1 40 jack tome come 11 said the jew 01 op the money lioney r temptingly what do f U ay what price do you ask i 14 0 f blow rne me I 1 said jack if uncle sams got 1 money loney enough to buy this hat and tick stick well let me look at them said the jew it tt tempting empting to take hold of the stick hands off cried jack clor or ill knock seven I 1 ells elis out of ye steal the charm if you ver got your pickers and stealers steamers ste alers on than or heres the money said the jew persever bigly again showing his bank notes name your X rice no said jack im going to stop at ie e next town and I 1 know you wont give me hat I 1 pd id ax avi I 1 I how much asked the jew eagerly I 1 why I 1 was reckoning as I 1 was going back i the east indies shortly and could get austh anath 1 ir id take two hundred dollars f I 1 i done said the jew heres the money i he counted out the sum while jack took boffl off 1 I 1 his old tarpaulin 3 and handed it over with the stick here 1 1 I said he take my hat and give us your bank notes the jew jew received them eagerly and gave jack his cap in in the bargain at the next stopping place jack got out and bid the jew good bye who continued on his way As the stage drove off jack burst into a fit of laughter laught erand and slapping his hands on his thigh turned to the jolly host and said 1 11 I wish I 1 may never see land again it if I 1 sell my old hat bat and stick to that tew jew for two hundred dollars and jack roared again as he inquired when the next stage would come along the jew soon arrived in philadelphia and exulting over his fortunate purchase with a ravenous appetite he entered an batin eating 9 house bons e and determined to have a glorious dinner having called for the best of everything and drank a bottle t of wine he rose to depart and putting jacks tarpaulin on the stick he be gave it a turn and winked at the landlord in imitation of jack i what do you mean bythan by that asked the host iphy why dont you know said the jew going through the motions again cc come come none of your nonsense said th the e host but pay for your dinner I 1 pay for my daneri di amner nerI replied the jew in surprise and thinking that perhaps he had not done the thing right he tried it over again and cooking up his eye he gave the landlord another wink I 1 1 what do you mean by that 1 I asked the landlord who now got in a furious passion you think to come it over me with your winking hagl a and i a to torn foolery Oo lery pay for your dinner sir 0 or all 11 have you you taken up and here he seized J the jew ew by the throat whose top lights looked a as irthy if they would start from his figurehead figure head and carry away his topgallant top lop gallant eyebrows eye brows ahejew the jew sung out for mercy and tried to explain by attempting once more to make the landlord understand and gave the hat another twirl on the stick when the landlord boiling with rage knocked him over tell that to the marines said one of sams messiA messmates mess mates ates who had been laughing laughin nearly to mate split their sides if for or you cant make us swallow that for duff dough its true said san sam every word just as old jack told it to me for when he got to philadelphia he heard that the jew had been arrested for swindling and on his being brought up before the court he told the story and went through the he motions which raised such a shout of merriment among the liv bv standers slanders that the judge who came nigh blowing his hia chop sheets out of the bolt ropes thinking that the jew was crazy ordered him to be seat set free another torr roar of laughter followed when sam was called to take his trick at the wheel i 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