Show W two country attorneys overtook a waggoner on the road and think thinking iii ar to crack a J joke oke on him asked why hlis his fore horse was so fat and the rest was so lean the wagoner knowing them to he be limbs of the law answered that hat his fore horse was a lawyer and the rest were his clients W A cunning lawyer meeting t with a shrewd old friend on oil a white horse det determined e to quiz him good morning daddy whit what makes your horse look so pale this morning morn ah my dear friend replied the old man if thee had looked through a halter as long thee aliee I 1 would look pale too gars W mrs bent beat hearing that thai all people in the streets must be unarmed lor me said she what will vill folks do that have babies I 1 aalthe swansea herald gives the following I 1 lines ines which appear as an epitaph on a headstone in st michaels churchyard to the memory of david davies blacksmith late of that town my sledge and hammer lay reclined my bellows too have lost their wind my fires extinct my forge decayed and in the dust my vice is laid my coal is spent my iron gone my nails are drove my work is done athe the editor of the boston medical journal who has just returned from an extensive journey in th the east states that ip those tropical regions where ere it was necessary ne to transport water he found that river water placed in ann an india rul rubber ber bag and securely corked re remained maine d at the end of six weeks perfectly perfecta y sweet d while water carried in the w whole ski skin no f imal as the custom in that country ames excessively offensive in the desert I 1 lw ew days besides assuming the color of aspy e decoction of coffee in wood casks aier r method adopted by travelers the chang ought on tle the water are analogous to thos served in water tanks at 8 sea ea I 1 I 1 a there is a historical slight blight one indeed but of some interest be africa and new jersey of a date 0 of 1 a ed years ago it is just a century this th i demien Y hen the first english missionary was sent to st ern africa it was the rev andrew T taste son and previous to his going to cape C co castle he had labored five years for the co cor 0 version of the indians in new jersey |