Show 31 LOCAL correspondence bi P it T for the deseret news 1 PAROWAN CITY iron co nov ii MX mil permit me through the columns of r haur I 1 rv widely lely circulated journal the opportunity of W E jiving a general invitation to my old country asoli associates ul I 1 espe especially dally those of them acquainted with the coal k pud iron business I 1 y DEAR PV the time has hae now arrived when the saints of bod i rough ugh the mouth of his hia servant are called upon to r ome a forward and apply then themselves isles with all their ignats minds and afre strength iter together with their subi acce and assist in buil building up the kingdom of god cod nd sa as the bre brethren hava been called u upon 3 L bec oam the duty t F of every member of the church t ho has not bad his position legally assigned to 0 k themselves the question in hi what department of is kin kingdom gdan could my talents and means be brought oat t effectually to bear in building it up and rolling it v rth reth reny as a counsellor in israel my 11 opinion is is 4 it t those acquainted with the iron amol aad coal business us iness i I 1 coming to this valley their talents and means could made more effectually to bear in assists assisting anif the ran that are here in i search out and brick I 1 tw iron ore and th 1 r I 1 P a may no 1 I 1 I 1 destat 1 I 1 diax 00 gm 11 the te 1 1 N bs fa in to accod one conne connected with he a up 1 marl 6 tho t 7 of god upon the earth we would to ourselves a name awe p pap a I 1 among our brethren the honor 11 lid bd flar v of thith wo would not once be worthy of t ir ig with i the abor aw and toil which might he be ne lally to accomplish it it J pobe kr fire ethrea thres who can ride the storm triumphantly ofies gas and slander that like a flood has come forth ft I 1 of the mouths of the homesick home sick deserters con this consecrated and hallowed spot the hiding i g pee a of jacob would do well to bring all their turn tum and aih other tools they possibly can together with s or er t two sets get of boring rods so that we may try the erua ent of ef searching for coal at the base of at the i mountain which if found in that locality would atly tl facilitate e the n progress ra of the iron business I 1 tz you ou m my y br brethren e re n this is a gadly valley and or of ze me valleys valler of the mountains too where yeah it has destined to hide bide up his ransomed rans omed jacob s ead ow over him bim the skirt of his mantle and shelter 3 11 floii the fury of the storm until his fierce burnt t 1 indignation has like unto a whirlwind swept the 4 r ons ono and by the spirit of judgment and of burning y i ial sep ep with an unprecedented velocity wicked wickedness neis fa y a error from the face of the earth ain 11 owe orne y then my brethren obey the counsel of your ere rs fulfil fulfill the predictions of the prophets and flow now together to the goodness of the lord in the valley of I 1 cod coal creek for wheat for corn for potatoes for melons for beets for carrots for squashes for pumpkins f for or onions i for large cabbages and for both the young and the old of the rock flock for the wheat tithing given to the poor and above all to get out the coal and and the irow iron and if you live humble keep the commandments and obey counsel your souls will be like unto a well obea irrigated irrigate field of goodly sail soil so that there will be no necessity of your sorrowing any more at all bro geo A smith one of the tw twelve ea ve A postles apostles I 1 a man approved of god and of the presidency and of all the people es especially the people of iron county is ia the president 3 of 9 this place and has haa lived in it and can ten tell you of it by consulting him he will ten teh you words by which you may be saved amen your brother in the bonds of the new and everlasting covenant MATTHEW carruthers salt LAKE CITY nov to the editor of the news SIR silt on thursday ath of november I 1 addressed a crowded assembly of the saints in the Paro par vyan ovran hall at the close of the meeting the brethren as a token of fri friendship en ashi P made me a present of demands they held agam against i t centre creek mill for the amount amodt of about five hundred dollars this voluntary donation not only relieved me from pecuniary embarrassment ras in that place but was a gratification for me to know that I 1 shared the fullest confidence of those worthy men over whom I 1 had the honor of presiding in the formation of that settlement may god bless them and reward them an hundred fold on friday at 1 in company with bros robinson whipple and newman coinman I 1 took leave of our friends friou ls and started for this place at the elk horn springs pr ings 14 miles milea from parowan carowan Pa rowan we took a anew new road recently broke by john D lee co through a pass which avoids the rough and steep crossing of the me beaver ve mountains this jus road hid had been broken out through heavy sage oy the passing of 20 wagons of bro bm lees company b being piloted tot by mr samuel gould of parowan carowan Pa rowan it is 16 a grand improvement in the road on the morning of the toi we met anson call and joseph holbrook and son es en rowe route for parowan carowan Pa rowan on the ath met capt love and co consisting of about 18 jagd wagons hs on pine creek these were intending to settle on coal creek about noon it commenced raining and continued to rain min at intervals during the night on oa the ath at 8 a in I 1 arrived at fellmore found the brethren in fine a spirits its they had explored the kanyon of chalk cream creek and found it to contain an extensive body of very valuable red and white pine timber it was estimated that six days works would make a good road to the heart of the saw timber in making the road they would procure ro bair lop logs to build their tort fort and poles to enclose their field bro fox had surveyed a number of town lots and a sufficient amount of tanning farming land to accommodate the present settlers I 1 re baptized and confirmed six sic persons we left about 3 p in the day being ba rainy met a company compan at the ford e en n route for paro wan waa millard is is one orthe of the most moat delightful counties in the territory and offers inducements to the new settler not excelled by any other on the loth we camped on chicken creek near a company of gold diggers several of whose faces I 1 recognized and who called me brother they kept up a continual al h howling ow 1 ind during dining the night in imitation 7 or the wolves and the indian war whoop 5 an and as we could not sleep for our noisy neighbors at I 1 in the morning we pursued our journey at 8 on the bilth we arrived at nephi a new settlement on salt acrel creek ek and met capt george wood and a company of english iron manufacturers who were wei moving to coal creek iron dounty county to establish iron works they are men of intelligence and may the lord them in their undertaking the company consisted of 14 wagons this evening we arrived at payson As we were in an indian country and but tour four of us we observed the caution be ye always ready rady f and had never taken off our clothes to sleep since since we left parowan carowan Pa rowan this night was one of rest 0 on the at one we arrived in this city after a journey of eight and a halt half days yours ac GEO A SMITH for the deseret news MR ma EDITOR sir 1 I left the city of nephi located on salt creek juab valley on the alt about 12 houses have been erected viz 3 built of 2 ot of willows plastered inside and out 1 two story house built of 4 inch plank and the balance of logs obtained from a distance ot of ten miles our roots and floon flooring rn are principally of 0 lumber cut at ham hamilton at 8 pot potters ps mills san pete valley distant about 30 miles milea from nephi A large quantity of hay was cut by the first bettl settlers erg probably i more than will be needed for their stock unless pe ss the winter should be uncommonly severe the altitude of nephi city according to observations made by professors protes Bora pratt and carm carrington agton is feet band and one hundred and twenty five feet higher than temple block G S L city wood feed and mowing land are convenient and the clay and soil make an uncommonly heavy adebie 1 on my way up I 1 met bros foote and gifford with their families moving to the settlement bro Z H backster is making preparations for building a grist I 1 mill next season eason up to the time of my leavings leaving not more t than han 2 inches es of snow had fallen in a the valley at any one time very respectfully J L HEYWOOD |