Show ELDE ELDERS HSI correspondence from the F contier i ual dian sept 19 elder james mcgaw from grimes oo co texas under date of the july stating that he was warmly received there by y the feints saints and also by those who do not belong to the church or profess the faith of the saints he says also that the saints in that quarter will be on their move westward next sprint spring 0 and from the counsel given by elder hyde to bro mo me gaw we believe that he will urge the necessity of the saints removal to the valley the coming season the latest dates received from elder isaac bullock is from oswe oswego o co new york where he was laboring faithfully in awakening 0 the saints to a sense of their duty and preaching the gospel of christ to all those that would hearld he hear arli him david M garnet gamet writes from niagara co new york where he says he can find now and and then a scattered head of wheat fit to be gath h ered cred into the garner j richard cox writes from joe davis co ill II 11 and says that older elder david B U bunnel bugnel had ia f ted them in that region after preaching twice e had baptized sixteen persons eight of chic whily 1 had never been received into the church be b fore ane following extract we copy from elder r D borens letter who wrote from marion I 1 djs nois august H III 1 I can say that I 1 h have av e be been oe e n napp hap p i I 1 d tia pointed in some places to fin finda 11 taj dined to hear and provy pac f V section are frien aiu 14 I 1 P I 1 |