Show phonographic LECTURE G GD D WATT bt by the request of many friends will deliver a lecture C in the council house on thursday evening dec 18 1851 after which he will form a phonographic class he has been at a considerable expense in in getting tin 9 up a class book for the occasion occasion containing the principles of this beautiful art of writing the sounds odthe of the human voice admission free doors to be opened at half past 6 lecture to commence at 7 precisely deel lt L OST A door key please return to the edi t tor NOTICE TO THE BISHOPS THE HE brethren odthe of the several wards will hereafter be notified through the deseret news of their respective days for working on the public works for forthe the week commencing dec bishop becj covey of the ward on monday 94 edw hunter 11 do on tuesday ai A hoagland 11 do on Wed nedday day 41 N V jones 14 do and J hen aricks ricke of the ward on thursday I 1 bishop S roundy of the and L D young of the ward on friday bishop P mccue of the lot and A everett of the ath ward on saturday week commencing dec st 22 bishop J C i ki kingsbury I 1 n g 8 b U of the ad and W G pa per kins king of the at ath h war ward d on londay monday bishop C williams of the ad J of the ath and W of the ath ward on tuesday bishop S taft of the ath and J L heywood of the ward on wednesday bishop D pettigrew of this the loth and J lytle of the H th ward on thursday bishop benj covey of the isab ward on friday 96 edw hunter 11 do on saturday P S the brethren will continue to send to the public works all the lumber shingles hewed timber and fire wood that they the possibly can which will be credited to them at a alberat liberal price on their I 1 tithing I 1 it hi ng EDW HUNTER decle 3 l lt t presiding bishop HOLLIDAY A WARNER BEG bitante DEG LEAVE to call the attention of the inhabitants of the valley to their large and splendid stock of goods yet on hand which they are determined to sell as low as any house in in the city thankful for the extensive patronage we have heretofore received we earnestly invite those who wish to purchase cheap to give us a call as we know it is is only necessary to see gee our goods and learn the prices to purchase we are receiving cattle wheat tallow and furs in in payment for goods our stock consists in in put part odthe of the following 1000 pieces prints loo 11 ginghams I 1 11 Al very cheap 50 44 english and french Men Mer inoes noes 50 46 lambries Cam brieS wise sc M mullins muslins Mus lins I 1 20 11 blk and col cold d silks very cheap J 90 91 white red and yellow flannels 11 plaid and plain Lind lindseys 20 11 apron checks 11 cotton 50 silk bay state shawls a new article gloves hosiery hooks and eyes needles sewing cotlar collar s patent ahr thread ead a large assortment 60 pieces blue grey and blk satti nets 20 64 cheeps grey cloth 20 11 assorted lund 5 As blanket coating superior article for overcoats pro pra white red and blue mae mac blankets 6 Ps scarlet and blue indian cloth indian shawls sashes gartering beads vermil lion and nearly every article in in the indian traders line 3 bales bale 8 mcki bickings Tic kings ngai 2 it blue D drillings ri 1 3 46 brown do 15 a 11 domestics domestico 34 3 4 44 44 4 4 and 54 5 4 5 41 Os 5 11 bleached shee tings and shirting 17 11 BOOTS AND SHOES cases cares yet on hand band of various various kinds and have made arrangements with mr lows louse the noted boot maker make r to manufacture for us ars of heavy long legged boots those wishing a splendid article of w winter inter boots can obtain them of warranted workmanship and fit by calling and leaving their meas ure hard HARDWARE WARE fanning mill irons ac nearly every article in in the above line such as mill crosscut cross cut and whip saws wood saws axes spades and shovels dragoon D r aboon saddles bridles and martingale Martin gales S halter bridles Br idies halters bridle fillings girths births Serc Sercin ingles gIeB saddle bags one sett splendid light it cam carnage i age harness whips Ridi riding nir carriage carnage and drovers on Dr overe L LEATHER EA THER taylors sole leather oak tan re weighed bellows band and bridle leather GROCERIES sacks sugar brown and crushed 75 96 coffee 30 chests cimpl gun powder young hyson and black teas sacks dried fruit peaches and apples 19 casks currants first quality 30 sacks rice 5 tl 11 pepper I 1 2 11 spice the ibs bacon sides and hams soap candles candy figs almonds indigo madder alum saltpetre salt petre sweet OV od chocolate mustard codfish scotch herring ac ac WITH A splendid assortment of old liquors whiskey brandy gin and venous wines also oysters sardines preserves brandy peaches and cherries pickles catsups cats ups sauces ac SPLENDID assortment of crockery and glass ware clothing hats ca caps too numerous um ong to mention call and see si tv TW WARE mr PL A large assortment CLOCKS A splendid assortment 24 48 hour and 8 day docks clocks cheap WAGONS AND COVERS 60 Wagons I 1 00 covers chains yokes ac decle 3 at STRAYED A k BROWN and WHITE OX about 9 years abold old white belly some white on his flank bank short tail blind with left eye e ear r marks any one airm bringing i agn i ng the said ox or giving information to mr A in the CM ward will be li liberally berall rewarded for their trouble decle FLAX SEED PURPOSE to commence the manufacture of I 1 linseed oil so soon as a sufficiency y of seed can be obtained to this end I 1 am ain paying the highest price for good flax seed and desire that all who have more than they intend to sow whether r little or much mirth inasmuch as they wish to encourage home manufacture should bring it forward as soon possible that I 1 can make early preparation to sow it the coming spring brethren dont procrastinate but bring on the seed ward opposite Steven sons tin T m shop detla ALEXANDER ROBBINS am W COPAL HAVE constantly oo on hand the bw beet q f 1 I t varnish manufactured by myself P t the he deseret market which I 1 will sell OR on t aba goo mm reasonable terms ALSO japan varnish patty home me aured linseed oil spirits turpentine k aba ih be lake one superior opheal Ophe clyde de i it ft flat bugle five tw two 0 horse wagons NO 0 3 atoo y b m guides at mv my residence in toe the wani r oft dealt ft ho house ise west of esq beairs flairs sugar pao factory deca att ALEX ROBBIN 8 u TAKEN UP STAY cow with a white face red led round the aryed A eyes red sides and seek neck white under the belly and over the hind bind quarters carries high horda homs is ia about seven or eight years old por for want of good cattle yard I 1 fed her most of last winter ac quain quainter ted with my cattle she has taken up her quarters here again this winter the owner will pleas pleaser call pay charges and take hor her away JOHN S FULMER davis co dec L 1 3 at neit NOTICE OTICE to all persons persona who have not paid their city y taxes to call forthwith and settle the same or trouble and expense is ia at your door I 1 am authorized zed to take wheat at one dollar per bushel if delivered between this thia and the last of december ter ec ember at thomas rhodes house in the ward on satur day of every week E LUDINGTON 1 de dec e 14 3 at city marshall HE HERDING the ahe HE subscriber riber wishes to inform the that JL he is keeping a herd for cattle horses ac ou on the west side of jordan river near utah lake LaMe about twenty five or thirty miles from this eity city he will herd cattle for I 1 cent per day and will be responsible for all strays if branded deel decle 3 at PHILANDER BELL TAKEN UP F FROM ROM the indians in utah valley 3 horses one an american horse dark bay or brown 12 or 14 years year old one a dark iron grey greye 5 or 6 years old and the other a light brown filley 4 years yeara old they are now in my herd on the west side of jordan the owners are requested to call and prove property pay charges and take them way away decle lt PHILANDER BELL NOTICE arhe THE members of the ath quorum of seventies X are requested to send in their navies names wad sud genealogies nea logies in the following order to the elerk of said mud quorum in G S L city persons aa name born place of birth parents names baptized ordained into the quorum WILLIAM HYDE JOHN VAN COTT ROBT CAMPBELL DT Dici aos clerk decle at TO THE SEVENTIES aties ahe HE MEMBERS odthe of the quorum of seven JL ties are hereby requested to send in forthwith to the clerk clark in great salt lake city their names genealogies and dates of baptism and ordination A C BROWE ill SH S H ROGERS J 7 areata Pr Pre eata zt JOSEPH CAIN S JAMES JAME BOND clerk 2 at FURS FURS FURS I 1 I 1 r THE PHE citizens of deseret are re respectfully invited X to give their attention to this important branch 4 of home produce by which they can procure their merchandize merchandise dize and save their means within themselves the subscriber will pay a lib liberal er al ariee i for beaver otter martin fox wolf and minx 1 furs in goods at the lowest rates exchange he hange wishes sh e s to transport tr a n s p 0 r t the t h e furs F u r a to t 0 the be t states n at in i n ex exchange f for 0 r go goodly 0 d e h hia i s p profit r 0 fit b being e i n g a on u th the detal goods 0 0 4 0 t and not on the furs and those who wilt I 1 th thus us take an interest in this only commodity of 0 exzona exportation are requested to bring the fox kins whole h having abing been dried on a board or the wolves I 1 having been bee n ripped and well stretched if the citizens of this territory will attend to thil ibis source of wealth they can pay oay their taxes with the bounty and obtain their iner merchandise chandise 2 am THOMAS S WILLIAMS RECORDERS OFFICE I 1 N THE council house great salt like lake city where I 1 can be found by all persons when they want their transfers or any information relating to land in great salt alt lake co persons who ate are exchanging land will do well to remember that according to the laws approved by the governor march page 33 sec 6 to make all transfers lawful they have to be done in the presence of the county recorder otherwise they are illegal THOMAS BULLOCK great salt lake co recorder LAST CALL 1 THE HE CITIZENS of deseret I 1 who have nol t pia their state taxes for the current year ye araUa well to call and settle forthwith as I 1 have h ave B my returns and hand over my books to the of public PU alic aces Ac ets on the first monday in december next see to it in time lime and save yourselves yours elyea expense and trouble H S ELDREDGE novle l tf assessor Co collector Bector i NOTICE TO 0 THE holders of lots in the ast 1st st ward alj persons holding lots in the ward who have not paid their school house tax are requested to settle the same on or before the of december next or their lots will be disposed of to defray UM the same JONATHAN F PACKER MATTW MANSFIELD MANS FIELDI B L ADAMS OOM cox OX at blacksmithing THE HE subscriber is pi prepared to shoe horses and oxen an at his residence ad ward and w wib I 1 ill take wood lumber ac in exchange zat at WM F CARTER TAILORING ALL A LL kinds of work done after the latest fashion and well done I 1 will receive in payment sawed lumber shingles lathing and fire wood and ami all kinds of country produce in all a ease cases the exchange must be made on the spot I 1 N B cutting done on short notice shop nearly opposite livingston Li kinkead 2 am A H DAVENPORT BEET SEED THE T HE undersigned undersigner UNDER SIGNED has on hand and for I 1 sole sale one thousand pounds of best french 4 sugar beet seed arrived this fall from frane france by 0 order of elder john taylor at his residence in in the loo ward and at the public store A HOAGLAND bishop ASTRONOMY SERIES of twelve lectures lecture will be deliver aed A ed at the council house by prof PRATT on ASTRONOMY and other subjects commencing on monday evening the of december and continuing on every monday I 1 a evening until finished I 1 admittance to the whole series sl 1 so 99 94 to one lecture 30 90 doors open at 6 lecture commences precisely at half past 6 3 gt tickets may be had at the post office WANTED immediately AT A T THE TITHING OFFICE shin 13 glee ofies to cover the tabernacle and endow enclose other public buildings for the season 2 st TAILORING I 1 THE HE subscriber wishes to inform the public that he has commenced business first house north of 0 0 H Cog Cogswell swells 8 store where he is prepared to fill all orders committed to bis us charge on resso reasonable nible terms 1 tf CHADWICK EDWARD arun IN PLATE worker wishes to inform the eili citi fzens JL zens of the valley that abat he has const antly on oa i hand band all kinds of tin wore ware also a quantity of sheet iron and copper which he be is prepared to make mae up op according to order on an reason reasonable akle terms in the beat work ke ike manner also 1000 lbs lb of wire IV ey workshop opposite S ff blairs beairs Bl airs new build ing I 1 lot east of sheriff Fergus fergusons ons residence 4 ward at the sign of the large watering pot i JOB OB WORK of every description done at ai efti office noks iff I 1 J A |