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Show - , . , , ' rag,e 20 ' - - - - , . , . . , - ,' - , '' - ., , ; . c Nil , . ..,, , , 7- - I : ,-- - . - ; . ., s o Thursday, June . ,. , , - .,. ., , , " . . ' : 111 g, . . efe , - - . , . . ., , ', . - ' .1 .i.,..' , ' .. .' . . -- - -- - 1 .0. roll,s, , 13,.11.940 , .. , , , . ' ' 0, - .4 , i -, ,;- - ' . . . ,,, 0 ; . , , 1 1 , , , 74'7 . - : The Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah , . . , . , , ' , . . - . , . . , , - serve . t' rolls your 1Ye a rover . this hot', from piping '71' ' , . ' . , , . .warmer 1)un, aluminum - - ., ii,:s,,,,,,,,..,:,,,,,,-,-- , ' . - - c t 1 ' i zz,, NI... ,i ;!:- ,,,, ..' ;,,-- - , "li ..,, .,, '' ' ' , ' : ' , i ;o -- . ,,, - ," . - , ..t . , 11 , " fri ,, .., . 05,,,,,,,t,,,, I t.- '1 , : . Wearever r . - ill . , t , , - , i4...7:7-- , . , . ,,, - . A, .. ... ..... - , A . . . . , , - ,. , . , , :. : . I quart size. 45. , - !,' . - - , , '1..79 - .' III ', - , .,, I - , . . N 9 's0 FRYER - . ' 111111.4 1 - - - li,l,' ttk., I a selbasting . - ' , 4. comfy t,, , fiii '" lo-a- 0 ,,. ii 4 , , I, 11, 1 ,, ,''''' 4...0' 4 '1 1., 9r t't!,''..'''" (,)$(4 '7,,. :. t , ', - 0 w- s- - -- - . , :9:1 ; tit .1,11.4. ,e,, k - ' kt 'M - .,l' ei : ' 1.. ., "" --- $: -- ., -- . 00, ,t, 46- 9- 41 .1 At.-.- ' 'Ili 1..S' .. 5 - 4 4 )t, ,.,.., 7 - - - ,' , 4, '''s , , 1 1. ,s , -- (it .. ' -- --- - 4,1 -- - 4., -- N -- :",,' , -- ' 34 A - , . ' .0111 , ', , e'l - ' ., - a -, , ' :.,.; e ''' 1 s ....'eee..... e '.' '' ' .. ),A0e' - .." ,' .. .,. -- - Ci', ,- l',' ;:"-- , - , ' ,34''' i ' . e".. ,,:, ..."' '' "''. ' '$4 ..4 '. 1:'!.- .- , . . 4101Cr",r,,k, .,,, ,: 4,,, ...40 ...,'', 4.," , ' .. . -; ,,,..,("'-- -- -, ,.:4--- .... , 0 ,;:,;.L.,.;;,,,,,,,.,- ... , .Ns s .. , 1 t I f ;' .': - ,,.......; . ', ';-- . ,:,..-A-- , ' lik-- : , WOOL !t...,,...,..,..,..i.,;.'." :. - tom 1 - :. -- '- - - select your blankets now during this great advance blanket sale . . . you'll be saving! - I ', i ; blankets Kenwood ' - 11 ,,, V lt I VI -- - a Pil eirtetIF drapes go& ' gni Ell Mir'S moth-proofe- If - I kok 1S SP'. Al idf ii You'll be delighted with the luxurious softness, the en-joyalole warmth and fine quality of this Kenwood Blcm.. ket! Here is a blanket, that for beauty, wearing qualities, and warm protection cannot be duplicated! Really a remarkable value at this low June Sale price! It is extra d to size 72x90, and has been compeltely moth-fre- e of life the Your blanket. the choice for it keep of Rose, Green, Peach, Yellow, Cedar, Rust, Wine or Delft Blue in the Chevron Stripe pattern. , P 1 4, . 4t It , at A Sensational Bargain N 411tv, VIII x 2Y2 yds. 1195 - . NutilftworkSecond now - :1 -1 't"lkyt"."1''d . ready m'ade in'. ... ''',4,..-.-,,,,-- i vor Ai. 4 : 36 e- - . , ... bea'utifully tailored, - 4. aatizs.,4,. . I ' ... litto,,, .., , - - - -- --, 1,;.'. '. - -- ' ., - .,, a, Ntl,dri ,,,.,t, ,. - 141.141411t3 ....7,9,.."4 -- 4' , - .- '' , , - . .,, .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ps. ',masks- O., ,,,.. ...,,. . ' ,.. , ''s's 1 At,l, 4,1 , 4, - .,, f '. , , ... ., 1,4 ''''' ,,, , 410 N s , ft v ;solitiok.,,,,, ..,,'J" ...1.41,4;17 A it .4 k . , , . 4 ' , mko , - - - e 'ir;tle""jk '''',,'''''''''''''''' 1, i t.oe 4 't ''''' ' Iv- . 4 ,, .,..r t i ', - , , ' . v ,eNk., ,,,,,-;:,,.-tf- ,. . ..or to') . - ',. .,,,?x:,,,it.,4----;,,,,,,,- 11::-,- . 4tiof4t ,, '',1 ,,,edot 1 . s ' o i corialy,head rest pillows that, fit exactly right against the nape of your neck and support your head when you're relaxing . . a ne, for you who like to knit or. read in your leisure hours. Take cessity. advantage of this grand special reduction and discover how marvelous they are to use! You can choose yours to match your couch in a delightful assortment of silk 'crepes and moires, and use them in any one of six different ways. Take one on your vacation, or select sev' eral for gifts your friends will love, 35c ik , . ,...,.... ..,...0. - I . , ' t - ''' , ' - dk bea 1 t rose, gold, green, blue filled with 100 Kapok- - . ',..., ,, . - '. -- 'II: C , ,,,,,,,,, - ' . .,,,b,,,,, ,' ,. , 1,, , . - - - - ' . 4, or - , - ,0,00." ZCHIA Floor , . i';'.:, I. ,i. T - , , . v , RodlosStroot M I , !- - -- ' ''' , 41, - - , ! Its a Wonderful World ' , Honestly Ian SovittDecca ,, t 514111 1 ,,,, it,:ii.,i , - - . ', 4ott ,t:' , . - 35c ' It : . . t- . -- - Glen MillerBluebird .. 35c ....b - -- reg. 2.25 the Strut DOWII B7 , 41 ?;:.-fot-- o . 6hdre' - 1 . , , 2 C , , ittli Cgt ' t , . , - 35c Glen GrayDecca -- - .., i.," yllIII rt : ay -...;...:, .0."- ,..., ,'' i, .,. - - 35c , A Lover's tulicrby Yours Is My Heart Alone - ' - -- - . '',110'., . 1 1 tehasti. , , , Well rr. 'Deed I Do Charlie BarnettBluelDird 1 r1,,.,lite i ' COVele 6-w- 1 1 1 ,, , , Whets - .7.--- N , - h e a d D, -- , ' ... N , 4 WI is save - on - ,,. - ot, - ' ; I - 'AT 4 , ' - ., 4, Phorlogroph You Can't Brush Me Off You're Lonely and I'm Lonely Al DonahueVecalion Cc sly Hal KempVictor -- - - - , .1i4V , , ' , .. ,, r , Radio' Your for Records Dance 0, ' , - Lath. lukland KdeemPlessall ' , , Where Do Go From You? I Can't Love You Any More ' i , '4 ; - . , HousowaresDownstaiss ' ----- , ' - . 2- ...Irit- . ' Selected , - ' ' ., , I. ords1 , , r111111411C;a; . . s . 45 3 - - . - II ' . , ' lt-11-- -0' . 4. 40 N. , $.1 - le4,111:;:11, , ,1r, 4 .. ' . ' : - ,: 1 it --,z-, . . ZCSI ' INN t1 ' , T- 1,,I f'. f ' reg . , , '' , ,,,,",,, - . stoic. last . -- - , brs"d 1 - -- ' ' - ' ' Nickel two cups of de. lid48TY cI. . Grand for break- - ' ; 1 , , ' - ---- . . HEAVY CHICKEN c.,), 1 - s'- ''''':"' ,,..-. - - ,i - . - 4, ,.,.. 4 ,.. , . l''''''''', I! C.:......;r4 " , . , , .4, , . ' - 5i . 2.: fi , ) ,4. ., . ' -'' NEW COFFEE PERCOLATOR . , ; : s' Reg. 2.251 , '' " , I All the requisites for thrilling, complete home entertainment are here irt wil4 this sensational combination offer! The bignew . i bring you short wave broadcasts as well as domestic reception. And, too, it enables you to play. your favorite phonograph records at ani time automatically changing the records for you! You'll like its rich finish and fine, compact cabinet . Then, in addition you also gtcl beau; tiful record Cabinet, decorative and charming, that will hold up to 150 rec-- ' ; ' - , ,. i EASY TERMS . , , 1 ,, 7- ''' it, - ., Ideal to into all sum. mor Ifor molded salads cmd desserts. . - -- :, . . , ,' - 55c - A tir,,..-t '"ht , to ''. , . , , ,,,, Ils',,N:k,, ..,, ' ; ''. 4 '.'t .:, size 112-qt- , , ' ,., . , ' 77 .,, BOTH FOR , radio-phonogra- , ' , 1 . - - ,,'4 ' ' 0'' , , ' I ,z.,:,- s', 1' --c,, , ,,,,;( , l' ''''' '"- ' ' I - .. ; . ,. )(1!1 '.--a- e) . r Reg.. - . ' 4 , - RADIO tleg........99.50 CABIN'ET, 10.95 . , . - ''.1.---- - , ,- 1 . , - i e . ,,' , ,, ,. . 1 I - ' 0 L D S, M . ' , ' - - - - . . ., - - . - , ; .' San' decal. ,tarand , ,,to , ti -- , special! combination radio- ' re'cOrd-,,cabint plus , g phonograph .,& .1, ...- - - . i : , ...,e. - JELLY .. FANCY - - 79 1 .. .. qt.; 112- qt. 2 qt. size pans in gleaminq 1 ..., '. . . - ''''',-, . , ,t.,,. i , , ;.1. - - record-changin- - . 2.55 Reg. -- , S ET PAN. :SAUCE C. , '''"- , : high-qualit- y .,,, ,..; - , 3-P- - '' , ,s- . , . Wearever help of that won't tarnish or rust . . . . its guaranteed. for satisfaction. , - - . , - -- - 4 V4::, ' , 'A, tit - ;e! ; ,,-- ,' , t :.,, ,,,--,,,,,,,,,,..-.-,- . ,,,,,,: 0- 'g 0.N,'' ,,..,.... '. , ,44,,., w, '1. , ' ''' entertainment thiig you'll' be saving, 26.45 on ''-- - this shin- your biscuits , .. ....into ing aluminum, bun warmer comeout, of the Oven when they ' and they'll' stay piping hot 0 till you serve! . ,,See this hostess- - 4 .7 - - - , $1,1';'..":i. if ' ;4' i. t,, ,,,,, '''''..-- i ,,. gh, Popo, 1 ' ' - . 1 -, '''' ''- - :' - ,,......,-.- ''' , '- -- - k,,,.....3 ', - -- 1 È '' ', ,,,,,,..-7-,- , reg. 3. - iot , .,,,,1 :.7 ' 0A ; '--' , 9 .. . . , ,s. 7 ., v''',.:.' g I , , . ; 41 .:,,.4. ' I'11 f ,,. 4 ,?, s ' 1 '' 1,.,;: !' '''' , . , .,''..'' ,,,,,e-, t, . ' , , , I,,, ' . t , , , ' . , Tr ii77':,,,7,,, 1.,,,,,..,,,,,,,,, , h'f'''. '' '', ,,,,7,1,--- . ,1 -- i,.......41 3 ' I . , ' toast and - .. ' - - I MAKE YOUR SELECTION - , , NOWPAY IN OCTOBER .. . 1 --- - - - ' - -. Print drapes. will reflect a cool on. yarm-surnme- r charm through windows - ---your -- days, mciking every roornradiate with new beauty. The full linings keep out strong sun rays, protect the print, and make the drapes hang bette- r- Rightwith lese - ' broodloom--carp- et e lear----ton- 1 i ": . -' 1---- ,:- ;lucre yard Eleemple: 9:12 Size- - - - ' 1617i0.10 - - - - ---- ---- . - - - ...----10, ---, PPP' 0 54.00 - ' ' ' . 1. l- cmce is Leaf-Ton- e 1 I's-exper- 111 .1 -- : !, .,' - , , , ' '', , ,' ,, '. , , ,...x t amiss ------ , , .' , 9 , . ' , ' ' 11 : . ' - - ' . ------- alt, --- - , Floor , Arthur-Gaethi- n . the-Te- a Roorp. . - , --.,.,-- , ,, . v A , 4,- - -,-4,- ,- - - ,,,' all ti: --- - - v 1' ., ,,,,,er tle :1, 4.1tTP. ' , r "'"'''''''. ' ' ' t, ,S .'4- ,,,--,, ,.f, '0,4'' i., ,,, , : ' .1 - e?-e,,- ,,i AC:;',.. --- '1 DroperlesSecond J ' -- - l'' . ', , -- 80x87, reg. 24 . 50 . .:, . e - , - - . ,.--- - - i . . , i i - softfluflylightness.oLthiscorafort . - . itsmagic warmth cmd exquisite finishing, make it a really out., standing bargain! It is covered with a fine rayon celan. ese satin in either erlibroidered needle work or chenilló, . gri7Seiect-wur- 1 Floor C M I s tom-orrowt- r DomesticsStreet . Floor ' o n-- dinner will be serv. ., ' -- . - ecl, ' - .., - J ,, ., -- me . --. - . The soft, fluffy lightness of this comfort . . . its magi .1ATarrnh and exquisite finishing, '' make it a really outs ' - , 7I 50 . Ns, 4, Save Democracy By Going to War?" Admission is free and tomorrovveyening at 7:30. liewill discUss''am Amelfccm ,.. - 0.' -, 72Z84 I reg. 22 . 50' . w -- .. , - - ..',.;' l'1:w1,--- ,,,),-,,,S, --- I CM I . s ,. liv.se, r, or - , Z ci:e.neral - , . Hear so- - 'estql1Ir'-- - , 0 -- ' - - ' A ' , it 1 CarpetsSecond ' .f,- , r t - --- ---- on your windows! Don't miss this outstanding value on rayon print drapes! ' - , . ' '' 1 Our Experienced Decorators-wil- l gladly call at your home to make estimates of yeur home furnishings needs, on furniture, carpets, curtaini,,, or , ,, iett-,- cfickt 1 . ;74"i'MP.7.11ir7 '"-''-------..- nctt---- , -, I - - dsk blue, green;woodroseior yoll-elfi- , ',4,1,1, ri p . ,. . ''' ' , -- --- .9:: Iiit'' i , - or Green, 1 fi ,pre - , d 0 v -- ----- Broadloom. Laid Tworkmen, all by Z C M . See aBtrojtclisdtiollO5 in() per square y. arind Rose . tomorrow .' - ' "'..11 1:11 - ' - Good decoration starts with your carpet .. , . and the best you can have for resilient, deep pile,. lux- urious colors, and regal appea- 1 " . low111- 21M1 4 I r".1- ' 7.'Llt . 7t ' , , - - . 1 , ------ ,.'' ' -- i - rich-tone- d , goose down comforts , - |