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Show fi , - 1.6 ' I! ' . 0 13:: Thursday,,June ' 1940 ' ' - ' -- House Paiié.s Measuie . --- , Allowing $4 219.000 , - , In Utah s Fol'-,Project- . . Army Sup'ply Depot, Ordnance Arsenal Included . i Dept ' , , WASHINGTON, June National defense supplementary appropriation bill (11R10055) passed by the House yesterday Would supply $4,219,000 for army projects In 'Utah, said today Representative Murdock 13.(AP)--Th- e FrdmPage (Continued - One) stroyed may have been lessened today by the action of the military governor in declaring it is an "open city" and that the proper will net be defend. ' go is streets, ,, - - ' ,i. Gibraltar Turns Captured Crews Over To Spain n-e MADRID, Ju- 14 - 121 re- Algeciras Dispatches authoriported today that British ties at Gibraltar had turned over to Spanish officials some 60 of. ficers and crew members of the Italian steamer Pollens who were captured in Spanish territorial waters after they had set afire and sunk their ship. Bruno Giordano, master of the Pollenso,-- - was quoted as saying the British captured' only one Italian vessel, the Cellier, which anchored very close to the rock. Ile said ships scuttled and completely or partly sunk included the Pagao, Lavoro, Olterra and Libano. Meanwhile the number of belin ligerent vessels taking refugewith Spanish waters increased steamthe arrival of the Italian ers Grata, Gianna, Midi, Her- - 01 .e4t , of. - , BUS SERVICE TO YELLOVISTONE . Effective June 17, 1941 , Regular summer service to West Yellowstone begins lune 17. Bus loaves Salt Lake City at 1:00 a. nt.. arrives West Yellowt. stone 12:55 aaalk , - . UNION Pacific Union - BUS DEPOT Was. Ildq Hotel ppm" Temple I. 1361 4 . i - , . . 30th , . , , . . . ,,,, , , $: eV -- ,. , ci 1 --- ' .1k.,, ' rURNITURE 0-1- its ' ;C,"?, :-.4- 4,, 1 ,4, i.-- , ..., i (. ' 1- 6. 4 ... 1' , ,1... Ns, . ; ' . , - - Silks. crapes. ist Floor '.71 , s , 0 ' ,!--r- '' -- - N '41.- t ' ,. ,,,,,,,..... ' 12.." .., &,,k.. , 'VI ' i ',.,r- A - Nevin ii 1 1 30. , , ., t ., ,i' , 4rrie-- . . 4'11P".78. 1 , ,; ' ""---7- , s I, , ' ''' - ::::. With the it - ' ' ' , , 41-- - , 0 ' i - I LI . .., - e0- I i 1 ,,.,,, A i k - i,- . 41IN f ds vxror Ilk 4,1,t- - - ... is, ". ..., - . a V ..". r- . , v , ' ,,,.. , :& - 1,- . it ' ''s, , - - S. 'll , ' a q ,,,) :olkitulat n - Snutylus. I Sizes leather soles. , , Send Oak as, : - It lain.., II o , , ' '''!1;,'1: ' 1. . r $3 - Quality , , ii.,, li for Our Finest .. Sanforised ,' , , , ...0. ,... As.,-s- f . - - : s---w 4 t , ''' 7- ' or . ,vte,LHne ;71 - Ascot Pa j amas Royal , , E Floor Shirts and Shorts Iroodoloth or cotton 2 for shorts: conga slang. 25c lit new - , . s 1111 ,41,-41- ' ..i- - .., 1 et - -- v , ' ' , - Assorted colors. .... ''so'"--.., .., ,,,, P - styli.. Ana Illy lit Floor elastic. 11 ' clip-o- n Good 1, 1 V, . 1 .I . ,;..., . ,400,-- , ,. '1'1 ;Th."' ; , 4 The Kind Dad , ,, i ?''' - . I ,' - , 1N, il': .:1. ed q 0 - ' l' 1 . i ' , 1 - , , f!.4 ,ot,,1, Ti ...,,. le t teAl,tioW--- - .1bos.. 4' . week ,,,,,,,..i, pante ta plenty , el patients. 1.446 &see 21 Others of 1.49 , lat neer ' A , 4 . i i ,' ,i,4 - , , t 44tar , 401 - ;COr ' , -- - - - - , 1114Itrunle Feature! pm - . 'k ' ,i''',, ' ' ' ! .,,, , . I d : ' 1 I 1 , - - ,f .. -- k Ass ems ,,::,,:,:,,1 i , - - , --All 0 Cool Mid-Wat- Wool- 0 , . , . , 1 , . o,,$5- , , t ,, , , , trousors brovrns. assortment. , . f - '' , n -- , , - ,,,..,..,...'t:, ,..:1:airars;:wriaoezdhIcrimaa.:100:1,!unkisiusineavyx I,' og, I Woos, maroon , 5101. SATURDAY. I A. M. TO P. M. ' rTrit,!-----,,,- , : . c,,,, 4:4, t r,ter f 1 WASATCH 3764 .. - .. . r 0 , - I .,. FREE CUSTOMER PARKING ' ''.. , lE1!IMIE '2' - '''''' 0 t ill , UTA11- itt 6. z ' 1- - i;'it '1116.-- SALT LASE CITY. , 1 414;" ',.,.-7,11,14- 1 With Shock. ,, , in,. Proof Case! ' i Link or ,, --, , ,,,o,,""1 ; . ; ,, Leather .nd - --- - - - ' -- . - . - . mil G. uoTrionteed cold mated 1V, I) . sh:kl:Pr;:liwelasi..wythrl:t slim ie witataldelh9lateSerds. - pisass Dad!, , . - lit riser , . -. 9 t 7 , - - . I ; ... . - .., ,,. 6 .,,.2 1 a:3 AND 11 I 7,. 4 , - -- - Watch -- ,,, .,. --- - .- Others to 1.98 1 Jewel W ri s t 7-- ; or whili, , 6-6 - - . , S - - , : -- t-,-), . lit neer - Men's Swim Trunk Values. Built-i0 -- Supporters V. , - - , ; ,,, - i,,,:.,,,- ous. - ' I ess ! '''n1 -, - . .ms A -- - on,,-fa- wonted ortut chay,tot slacks and and In tans. greens. blues Many taken from suits. Good . 04 i111....oeue . til!M ''' and Sport Backs & is Sing.; Doub;Breasted Dress,Slacics - new 1st - 1--.1 ,,,0 - :7,- scowl models. , Nem ,,,,,,,,,,ttn. - - 39 yi Wool or Rayon Lastex )-- , Nis......,,, Greens, Blues, Tons, gs lUthiess lirtni.pabardines, -- -- - - Fine Straws Men's ' Solt body styloslII pinched , V ip Plain Worsteds ,,,, -' "'-- , Off-Shad- es ts - ,.,, ', ' . ,. and Spilt tumults, sailors and cool, Bahl. body straws In blues. ' weight greys, tans and natured.- , lit floor .'""f-..Z.- , iPP now 7 ' Types ' , - , 'i '1' 0 ,, ...........1 ' ' , , ' i - string. 1010 4110001111 Extra Pants .. Gabardines Tweeds ,, -- il.:.; 11,,erl4 draw Give Dad a N OW Straw Satiors s I ond C Body 5 - - -- t to Clear , , l OPEN 1 A. M. TO' , Reduced 1 t I le - . , ; s'1:), 4 ', - - - ,f) . - Drastically - ' , , ' AND NE0ADwAy ,t,, ,,, t, , '1!! ,, t i,,.,i, k,0 H i, i't , I - . 0 Colorfast 0 Sanforized --- , ,, - , - KEN . .1: , : r . k- . - ,,xv t - -- . ,: , WASATCH 3764 , 1 WOr 411111111111111"" 1 1 -- , .. , , ,,f ' , - ' ' ,.$ tiif It ,.,,a1169 4 4 . , I: ,,,,t men s Cool Wash Slacks- J ' , , ' u d T a ore vashion til ts. F or m er ly 1975 - ,'J ', , ,V - ,,, iJ :l ,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,3 'i , :7), 4 I , - - - VII , , ,, i - .. ' . - -- r i ,,,,, 0' : - '''' s v'''''' : it '' 4 i'". I .,, - Osfo )71' 0ti. , svt . I i'' 1 ,, ''i (:',, i: s ,, 7 I) ,,, Bantorisod 01ITUIllg (u- shrunk) 1.plece slack suit In tool bitio, Sr gleon. - it it r 01. -- 11 LI -- . . ,.. , ( - 4 2.98 Value Slack Suit ' : 0 . it, i 40 I 1st . , -- , ..g. N - - k $ - --, . - - -- . ,,, u,'kktalla s, , , ,, 4't 1 ' '-- , Q't , ilk , . ' . . ' ' - ' .... :., : -- ,, 4 'to t ifI PPP 401 It110 ,i,, 4 ; !!!!!!!! ..i.....4 e , 6. It . Tow- rs suspenders In button loop , , ' ' 4, , 11 , ..10.-- ... 1l . , shorts with godPro4. lisle ett.toninir.rst.hbirwrdcih ,a, ,o, , r,, ' . f . - 'ion St , - i: i; . ... t ' ....... 0 .: . mom ,i CO ql 84i4kr:ITICI, . , 49C - , ; -- : :,. - to 11. Dress Suspenders Ar-zvl 0..!- ........ 30 smooth with and uppers ., Atfit . For Men ond Young Men . Connec- ca1LeT. b. - - , ell'atrlIttaLch lgeglitt tops. le to , ''''74. light fancy ts,,,a if 7 vil ''t - , eagothitent 11 4,0 Large Di ,:, ,,kv,, 9c 1 I ''',)) t Slack or Regular - s', ., ;., --- ", ,t, 1.1, 1.' ,,,moss, , -- c 3 ,,,,,. , Li. ! í , ',,:,,'4,,.., ,...., it M!:3il ,,,,,, . e 1"1..7 6t , t Star Shirts and Shorts .3. ii114" ono 1.. ,,, ' s Floor - , ' i, n - ,z ,I, , 4. , .,:(-I --, - lip - ... t lit , Sanforisod shrank (114hrunk and hie out, dunk tho 1 e w price! Non wilt oollato and taw cies. tot now ,,, i c ' .... - .1111.111141i 1 o ,, neer 4 -- ka,p, 98 i( 41 ''i if -- - ' ''''1111:','"? i,,;.4.; -- .;,;,,,fit, 1 - ', 6a) lit Gotten! rusistanit let 4. 11114hrunk) period. . Stull' 25c DressStix Values toe SI ' ...,,t,,,,,d Iv .,! , Slums, $ena, erolill True LSI value! It : i '!,- Slack Suit T - ', - ., - - 17. - c'. 77'i M en I s F our- - St ar tarter I. Dress Shirt Scoop . ' , 4 - Wriaklu 14 39 - - ' , , .."-'- Pr. FOPCiell tan1erized4hfunk s;, 1j ..., iv It 1 11 ,2 7 . i e - irl. 1 ' 1 , 1 ,..':' , I - --- 11,,, litt,4 .,1 ,- 0, ' . t'A --- Tri, and Whites - , 1 ' ' , s"..'":4,;. 44,,,, Stay:--- thra patterns , , t - Fresh Collar! Woven, '."'..,. ' - '. s, ' ,, N ,.,7 1 . - 1 4 -- '' . , ;'e''''''' 4,,N,,,,,,,,,, t ' , - Theater root III , ' iankll,-..- , ' - ' mil - ' - aandy tlo i -- -, . . - -- .,. ',"' ' 0,4. t I. 1 ,,,., ,,. I. t Smart summer sport oxfords amosingly priced right at the Peak 01 the 16011001 Five favorite styles to choose from. Sizes A to IL lit Fleet . ' - A 7x. MA '1Kir,er r 11A - - - -- es ,,,.'" '1 1.1 4 All Leather Uppers Leather or Crepe Soles Plains or Two-Ton- 0 '' i - A s 28-2- 9 Paramount artatitiodtt.m.nCcomplete ' - June - - .,,t, - BENEFIT SHOW.. - are teM 1 - ÁiviERICAN RED CROSS, - wipe:Pink:: ""dit . ow C lit floor -..-..,- 1,12 . ' "t---0- . - -- 4 ' .1 ' '..,t- - Irtit.1p,- , 4 , , . kits!, N..3 , ':''e '',1 ' ' ................, . , Give liT rupoin t s.flirts . liandkore with hand roll. ed Isms. White 'or colored bor. dote. Req. 25c. ,,....,. 116 vil V''' . remand attend Be sure, to THhE - 0 1 r n- - ''. , ,I truchen. ratenSo satins. , , .' - ''' r", ii,., ' , , - . 1, f.".:' :"N ;12 e - '''ktl.'"'N. 4, Ili ,,,,. ,,,- While They Last! ' l'-:- , , , ',' c0 ., --,- quality linen .,...:: ,,:.:7 - ..,, 4, , - ,,, . - , ,, 9c V1111111'10 ,' b411.01'' .! 7.. , ,,,,,.. .,, 1 , at $2 a Pair , i" ,N I' - . ' . , , "Fashion Tailor- d" hand tai- lorod sum at i r with naittliw.snot ity,to ,.k... ,, 4. . - 114tt Made to Sell , v 1-.- -, ' otil ' , ,. ,,.,,,,, ' i - - 'S 1 uP' ' .1 . t . V , i Tlue - v,;,-,-- -- , I 1 - , '' ),.l Hdkfs. en ,,. Men's Summer Sport Oxfords A. , f A''''',;;, tp, - . ''. itki 49c vf - leo- - - ..,-- , Special! ,, - ,Silkil3P 0., 'lc c) oil 25c-Lin- - -- ..6, , -- - I BOQKSI Sale-En- d - I ',1,;...'4., io: ,.4-..- , . . k, - r ,) ''''' ea '',' , . - 'At June, l- a- i i k k , 1-7 - . , 1 . Give a Parker Pen , saTdaelacheMbrolughoc:in"Zan17 Sylaeiwah'nopeg..anr" , 1.98 1 4. , - 4 , . , Largest Stocks in the City To Chb6Se From .. L-- , i ' ' ,, - roof, ': ,. , , f', , oroinod tinishm Ono or two-folsingle or doable- snap or 'depot compartments. 1st Floor I , 11- .... . , ., New Summer Ties rule:op:aloe: ..,. 't 4 101 - Others- . - . - .... floor - ' calfskin - -- lit ,.. 24, - ii key . ',,,,,,INIV::..- - fan collar bars and tie chain . , ,. col- bars, 4 , 4d cull chains, combine. links, sets. ' d - El Ertl& calt, S Everything Reduced: - lar , - . a ,yinhains 4lik''''L..N( has become a proposition with Pryor.. hers June COUPON Moe. 98c r1.1 ,..," linel Complete . ararnan:aeymenets coneven mtiletnte,eopceha4 Stages , Cr $1 L charge of arrangements for the Republican national convention announced today the forthcoming session might be regarded as his party's "last call to the diner." "If we don't produce a leader to take us out of this trouble," tamuel interviewor Jr., declared '.!this form of in an government is gone, It might be our last convention." explained By "this trouble."-h- e he meant the domestic policies of the New Deal. of the - !,. adiustabla PHILADELPHIA, ' , ', Leather Billfolds 50c' ' May Be Its Last Declares Leader (AP)A Missouri-borticut Yankee in - ,-"--' v . - i' 1 EASY TERMS on PURCHASE Give 'Swank' JwIry. lleft. G. O. P. r "Z III , isnlommailinattlio11.70c""asnldougpt.e marobtestdIlik"ouret:csals 11 -- from . , , , 1.3.-(- API- I 4Pe ' , ccuntry." In la formal statement before leaving with his staffRepublicaan where the national convention -opens June 24. Hamilton addedthat "the people must look to the Republican Party If the peace of the nation Is to be preserved." He disclosed that party leaders expected at least 10 candidates to be placed in the running for the prr.'clmtial pornination at the conve-tio- n. The chairman received reporters at party head- quarters after Wendell L. Winkle, late entrant in the Republican presidential race had spoken out against the New Peal except for its foreign policy. Willkle left here for an eastern campaign tour. Hamilton said that nominating and seconding speeches at the convention would be limited. to 50 minutes each. Tickets for the sessions, be added, had been printed fpr five days instead of the customary tie ex-- I four. It was conceive,. planted, that the convention might last a full week but he thought it could be confined .to five days. In his formal statement t,e asserted the convention would be the most important in the party's a history because, "it occurs at rris s I? time of unparalleled afand I both ric!mest. or the I fairs, when the leadership Republican Party is needed as never before?' 1The people, he continued, 1711look to the Republicans to rem', them "from the mire of despondency in which the inept, extravagant and wasteful New Deal administration :as enveloped the American people. "Of equal gravity is the situation confronting the nation's de- fenses which, despite large sums expended during the last seven years, are - stick. : I June WASHINGTON, chair(AP)John Hamilton, man of the Republican national committee, declared today that "there is very grave danger to our democratic institutions in the prospect of a third term and all that it implies in the trend toin this totalitarianism ward rect contact with their forces In the ear East. This will raise a serious problem for the Allies If Mussolini is able to make it ti (N.:to , - fly. This is the narrowest part of the Mediterranean. It is only a hundred miles between the African mainland and Sicily. Close to this gap lies the Italian fortified island of Pantelleria. The idea of the mine barrier obviously is to cut the Mediterranean in two and thereby keep the British and French from di rage 5 iJL... , 10 Candidates and political developments in many lands. The most striking developinent ,of the Italian campaign has been their sowing of a great mincfield about the important British naval base of Malta. If you will glance at your maps you will see the purpose of this move very eas- . , . ' G. O. P. Leader Expects so-vi- ' , ' -- PURCHASE ON ., CREDIT WITH , writing . .Liti ea ur Hamilton Sees U. S. Menaced across the sky a symbol of something bigger than pads or even France. Each of us must interpret that for himself ashis conscience directs. For some it may mean justice, freedom and brotherhood of man. For others it may represent the code that might is right. That is something. I can't figure out excepting for my. self, but I can say that your decision and my decision will represent for us the spirit of This war and the sort of Structure we ant to see grow out of it. As the majority of the people the world over interpret this symbol which arises from the siege of Paris, so will go social , , . ar . w 1 A ',., . y ed. Should Paris be razed, to my mind the effect of that tragedy will reach far Ibeyond France.- ,It will sweep around the world, and I can believe that it will have a potent influence on the minds of many. The acrid smoke from exploding bombs and fires, which already is iqsing from the quaint - - when Murdocksaid the measure also would supply $504,000 for the Og- den ordnance depot and $1,500,-- , 000 for enlarging Hill Field joining the Ogden arsenal. Previously Congress appropyi- 4ated $213,000 i for purchasing land upon which to erect the general supply depot. ' . . would be He said $2.215,000 allocated to ti tart' construction nn an army . general supply depot in the Great Salt Lake basin. The Drolect Will cost $1 '8"13"() Uackenziess . ,: , (D-Uta- ' - - Tk, Deseret News, Salt take City, Utal; - F Z , - - - , 1 ' - , - .4 , --- i ' -- . ' 1 I ' . -- - - . |