OCR Text |
Show f; Thursday,, Janà 13, 1940 - 4 - s' - - - The Deseret News Salt Lake City, Utah . III dgers Rile , - BY 'TTTnqnlT BAILEY t , ,, , I , ,.:, ,t tr ,. a , ,.....,,,,........,,..:r.,,,, ...... ,9:4:..,,ei - .............. .......... , -..... ..... - ,.... , .. ... ' 1r 1 .::,.,:::j:;::::::;:st A ,::.i.- ,:::.,,.:,.......,-..:- tsf.:.... ....,.- MLA. ize. --, ......., ' ..- .- ' ,..(4).,),,.... ''. ., ,..0?:,:..::::::.'1':V.::. ) i :.::;,,iwi"....,..... .ommi.ii--:,....',.a...- k t.,';'i.:.:::..; 4'.. italAe , -, :), ta7t, ..' , , , ,t '1 , A-,,- ' KDYL-Desere- e - A e ng up ain honors in June directors' cup qualifying. Mrs. A. L. Gindrup was the day's best putter with 31 strokes on I; the 18 greens. First-roundirectors' cup matches pair Mrs. Johnson against Mrs. F. T.Vhitworth, while Mrs. S. D. Cunningham, Mrs. Ernest Osterloh, Mrs. L. C. Olpin, Mrs. A. vC. to- - 1 ip 16, nd d a tile Generous 4 ,ai e., un- ace 3us vas ool :Win trf, parutcbhimting b cement. , Houston 7, Beaumont mralv ) ?,6160 ..... i .1 kit ',. 771",-1 II 1 ' : --- ars are : ,4445 - ' Powermax- - and Basinnt - - - on 42c Cross oh a& zy Battery t'l '''' - Sat. 10e for old plugs twin Country plugs. On I ..., - , , ft i yr '; ' Lucky I 171,4. ti:C fl Cij ger 1. 622:113' CFA fit a Klub - Elmira 8-- 1.000 3 4 .047 .500 .313 .3331 I I I 1111 . WASATCH 3764 Wilkes-Barr- e 2. - - 6. - ' ti. 011ie 0.tliferi ti. ' - - - at No Finer! Cross Country Penn Oil - I amazing clitY.our oil 251 Basement OM U ' r - -- .. A000k noo..1 ,I, '' , - Qt. Equals the finest! Cross Country 1007o pure Pennsylvania motor elll sole priced 2 more days. lestmont t - - ,,.,,,,ì. MAIN AND BROADWAY d ' .... Is" '1 , .,., I r 1.19,14 , . Liost, i 11,--1 ... lilaill OPEN 2.00 , la Mcanths 595 . 24 (4-pl- y) Months . gas of 4 ................. Of mei A. M. TO 5:30 P. M -- -- ' , . t . , , . 7 (6-pl- . , and Old Tires - - Not Cmonthst Not 9 months! Not an indefinite guarantee a definite, unconditional guarantee of one solid year ' - SALT - i EXCEPT SATURDAY, C . - - x.(3,- ut ,. gl9 I I and Old ii. el; ., -- Ti ',4 k, J., - - 4 ., Mi.) 1 lic de.. . A. M. TO , I P. M. WASATCH 3764 ''''N ir ''.1";' 0 0 - , ,,,s.t., No, - Guaranteed for 0 Sale Ends Saturday! 1 s.00xis . $ , , 0 Unconditionally .. 1) , ' Allstaterus -- - vs -- 0 First Line, First Quality!- - . 1397r1 Big ' t619,1 ,4 ,.---- lj 0 ' i New Low Net P,rices on - ers6.00x16 Siz- e- 11 wl tiriLlit? I 1 USE, SEARS SPECIAL EASY TERMS ON ALL TIRES ,, , , ' Applies -to Any. Size Tire! ,., , - F"'"' .... ... 2 lives tot....4 i 4 s E ------ Hartford' 44, Williamsport0-3- . 7 Scranton 7 Binghamton,t 1 , ........:1':.-41- Is . Its! i"31 I 3 3 1 . . II:0 Lost Pct. 11 6.0016 , EastertiLeaome SpringfieW Albany 5, at , i Tire at Price, Get 2rid Tire for Isorilutlsija ' 4 dn-Ski- Big , ),, Ul , J111', ; - pure ---- - 1 t1,1 - ...No ' , ' . . ,) -- . 4 ' 4, penC411:. 100 giving, , egular-Lis- t iragti , - Won Spanish Fork Copperet tee Spriurvilio FURNITURE CO -- 13 Fur ' ,i: , os.' 5) II motor oil mi IIstate N ' 4, so-m- , 0it ' - , ; , MB giVirillk35 171; 4. , t ,b , Sham 01 buy Inirst, t) (I; , Dupier ai oi 44;64 ,(t conference affray, andon Oct-- 11 they will face Wyoming Cowboys' lin a conference er the --- ----!lights. Cost ;15 f the lighting system will be approximately $2700. The materials will be purchased from General Electric, BYU will provide the labor. 4 V it' ..... - 114 ' , , , t ' ,tli .,. ri, , . -7- The Standligs 01.1) 1 s'''4411 , i),,, , 7-- tat' ..rOks..s; -' ,..) . , zt44-- 1 , , '.:''- i ' ' Vita" sylvania d.. .' -- In Your Container al :(''''..' i ,. Debutante League , ' '4,,osiNoN. ....464 Penn. 0,i I , . , A L'i 1 Scale Largest Stocks in the City To ChooerFrom .i, 1000o ,' Pure - , ' 0-- I : ,, , . . 4--5, a:Everything,Reduced -'- ... , Old Plug new Cross I "Penn 11 iph Gaines iy-- '': , II 1 417'. e Country jumbo site tire repair patch kit Basontont 4 ( . ,, 1 Basement . 0 h I 1 ' 29c .., .,,ke et; - . Cron ,,7,4,,,;',41e 14.,"; 1 I O. ft .4.!,,,t 4 NIPA13 power 18,000inile , .' ,.,i, Ise rubber holm.-- ,, : ',:-- : . 2J - 't--4 (P) ' I '.: fL" and - , -- ' ' C - ountry d ),f , Plugs 1 ' ' : -- ; - .------S--- -.- - Basement Spar1-- , 414 s- ube RepoirKit' ' itinnatuleaquickbaly."3: ::.."' ' up Rosemont oar!. ' - , . I-- , - ' I zemsat s s comsat .,,vi.t . 1 $l , ,,,, tW!' i ' !rail: lasemosit 10c For Old 114 . University--of-Nevada-ln-a---n- on., 1 , '''''''''''''''' ...., 0, Ili . d B ; Coach - ' , .. stit:11 .. - Full size 45plate battery with Port Orford cedar eparators. 0110"- -- Oth 8 4 98 !wall la II , ,24 Months , - '4, .' , Guaranteed ' .. tr.' s''' 'lr- .. ,, , ' , liCi-orogroo n. 4,.. -, ' 5c i itool --- ' ,.,1.'-- 4,- ...,Nr' Installed at no mitre charoof Croat Country fibre soot covers with I heavy whipcord horrinchone &teas cloth. 2. - 3-- 4, 4 Others ' ., , " l Coup.. illik '- -- - - ' ,"7"7""W '''. LI i , ar Athow 1 - i, 1-75 ', , lidiomiont . - -- ' 5 Fiber Seat Covers k .,,e ' 71. ' - I ..y ' - ' run: , y ' ' - ': -- ter) sh 10 hang vuleau valchos.tersomat ' -BolloervTire.eump - cubbet tri.thPuall - ' ' Flask - , in 15c , ))1 'basement '111'1 -- 4 , c,9 Installed! -- ,',...' )0,-- ,......,..,. ' ; , - ' L,,,,,, ' - ;14 (),A : Itt.i,''01.40A ikJE:11,1.0, , . Tire Pump Hose . , I. , 19c - , if4.612:rwroodo,tifj.. C. Basement - , ' . i '44Jk Pe, pro.portion. ." , . '4t.kL4.' - lieltiow I a I its bumper lb. cepa. or, i . 4-St- II; 4,4 v,061301 0 ) L49 ' tt 1, - n relies's. Other sisal . Cem'. Tire Patches 2 r 01 ' 19 - size tire 41.50x11 .1;k11,' 4::,,,. 1 ' igstittr'4 Wow ' Sasewont 01'''lli 0406ntt 0 ;". Dauble , .i.. coreau4a1;cT tt ,00e00e).0000,,4 4A00 4 r. tiLl , .1 : r 04,4000444m, r Sturdi Bumper Jack , 'matt- 8 t, 4; VOI)(a04)47141C4.1 1 a year of study, PROVO, June Fort Worth investigation, and planning, the Brigham Young University ath- 34 (first 12 innings; 2nd 12 in letic- c9uncil today had given the signal for installation to Y Stadium oft at artificial San Antonio lighting night football. permit Shreveport The action wag taken at a meet. ing of the board Wednesday after. noon, reported H. Grant Ivins, t chairman. s Other members present were 'er Christensen , t Dsaru. 1 and Edwin ,t Kimball, att letic director. Two home games on the 1940 01 schedule will be played uFnder the na. arcs, Mr. Ivins said. , Sept. 27 the Cougars will meet , Tulsa 4, Dallas Oklahoma City . 6,11 t,... .7.. Vulcanizing Patches , 5c low pd. mikars, - 10c - ....:foof .. ' Tire Re liners ,,,,- ,- II Ir -- encmaina- -- - : 1 ??!1,01 osiod, Standard Basement . - ' 25c I 1 lasumeat 5 Texas League , , . ,,...." Tire Change Iron es. 1, , P)-- lights ' . 12c Race Driver Killed Moore, Mrs. W. H Mitchelly. Mrs. J. N. Casella and Mrs. R. T. Stewart draw byes. ., . . , Other winners were: Shirley Ann Johnson, Chicago, 'TOLEDO, O., June4 over Lillian Zech, Niles Center, Robert Swanson, 27. Englewood, 6 and- - 5. Calif., whose automobile overturnMrs. H. D. Sterrett, Hutchinson, ed during a qualifying race trial Ras., over Jo Macrae, Ames, Ia.,' here, died today. Swanson's au2 and 1. tomobile skidded as it rounded a The pairings for tomorrow are curve last night. He finished sixth Phyllis Otto vs. Kay Pearson; Bet- In the recent Indianapolis 500 mile ty Jameson vs. Marion Miley; Pat- speedway race. The automobile ty Berg vs Mrs. Sterrett, and Mrs. of Bud Huesman, of Detroit, also Mann vs. Shirley Ann Johnson. overturned, but he escaped 'njury. . , ,, ..,1 4. 1 Mrs. A. N. Johnson won yesterday's medal play tournament at the Salt Lake Country Club, also medal ti . ,, x a 4 , .,, , ..........,.. ,,,:147.7 ' ds, , ,ito Proo liirr,- 3-- 2 up. '.. : , 1 - - 1 .- Box 5 Valve Cores' ' , Mrs. Johnson Wins Country Club Golf Meet . ,x At Golf ; Rubbet Cemit 1 ed 'amassed 13 points on a point basis for the initial three places in , ach contest. , vivr Coming second - was Howard - Bash, coach at Rock Springs High , School, Wyoming. who totaled 6 tallies, with Floyd Millett of Young 'LoGAN, "..Itine 13. - (Special) University, J. Kenetla Vanderhoff Earl "Dulkh" Clark, just can't ra Of Utah Aggies and K. W. Nod- main out of Om spotlight whatso- dings of Powell. Wyoming, each ever at the Fourteenth Annual registering one point less to tie for Summer School for Coaches at third. They received golf balls. Utah State. Yesterday the "Flying , Clark wafted a drive of 275 Dutchman" walked off with top yards to win the contest, while Mason John of Colorado Mines and honors in the annual golfing ,contests at the Logan Golf and Coun- Glen Worthington of Logan High were a new to Club win closely behind with blasts of golf club try awarded Ib,, D. D. Ausherman of 263 and 260 yards, respectively. He Club throwing competition was top. Spalding Sporting Goods. ped by Millett, with a throw of 50 Evans, prominent fish authority yards, Vaughn Corley, Oregon's line and an expert with rod and reel, coach, took second. and Vanderhoff and Bill Walker, president of the third. Bash won the approaching. lurecasters' association. and one of and Wells C. Smith of Ruth, Nev- the states most talented bait and ada, and Howard, Hobson, the fly throwers. Interviewing thes0 school's basketball tutor, wound up Wit in the second and third spots. be Nelson Mclninch of experts KDYL and Back Miller of The Deseret News, , Taisto Draws $30,000 Fishing will be on the KDYLal lines at fi:43 at the weekly sports Taisto Makra American tour round-tablfilaturing Mcininch. yielded $30,000 for Finnish relief. ,,,,, in n - Cliik . . 14.. 4-o- z. 7-- ICR , 4,. I , rans-Mississippi it . -h Du-tc- ; 9-- 3-- Fish Experts On KDYL Toniott "This is in no way a critYism ' top since the selections but several new 'names' have 1 hit the top since the selections a. r, , were made .and they deserve a "Fish and how to catch them" chance to show what they can do. It should be.a marvelous will be the subject for discussion t show, and it has the support of on a special News all the players Oh both teams. fishing round-tabltonight at.8:20. "Due to the war, there probGuests .artists on tonighrs forably will , be no , Ryder Cup um will be Clarence (Chick) .,,,,,,... ,,,---- six-ru- n , , ll -- ,.- Golf - i --- . Progresses To Semifinals . . . Pa cTe 15 . -- , Mangrum, -- W ins g hit the 2-- 1 e I said: .::!4?4,- -:. four-gam- - THE ECONOMY OLYMPIC OF --"' hatter for three Pittsburgh runs , without ever getting a Pirate out a . ,, in the first inning. Then Whitlow Wyatt took charge and allowed of 'A:;::,::,:.;:only five hits for the remainder .'..- - ' the game and the Dodgers ultimatehimr-Tta- positively54. ! . ly triumphed '',;:"1:;::' 3:::::$::::.:.:::::'::; the thought. "He gave Louis a , to was keep This enough victory .,:.4:::.i::',.i,'':",'!e,:::-'.i:;,,:. helluva battle the last time. Louis Cintr , i4-Brooklyn out in front of the didn't know exactly what was go.:::;;;,j the out who cinnati. Reds, edged ' ''..cirlTii:',Iip:'.::::::,.,:.;,::'':::' anothing on most of the fight. If Godoy in Phillies ,,,.j Philadelphia had showed any kind of a punch er night game. Paul Derringer would surely have won. And if Keeps Reds In'Race ' he gave up eight hits to the five Cin- are big odds on Louis. I'm gothere cinnati collected, but he was carePAUL DERRINGER: Cincinnati ing to put my money on Godoy. ful in the pinches and would have scattered eight hits yester LOUIS SLIPPING "a a' had a shutout except for an ,er- - ,hurler, day to beat the Phillies 24, to keep rot'. "I .think Louis has gone back . The triurpphs by the Dodgers and his club at the heels of the Brook. plenty. He doesn't have that Reds set a showy stage for the lyn Dodgers. knockout snap any more. Why, series these two teams Johnny Paycheck was scared stiff, - will open in Brooklyn tomorrow. but Louis couldn't put him away for . The spectacle may even surpass T-- M keeps until he got up a couple of the similar American League patimes. That's the reason Billy and peant Just completed at Boston, I are worried about Louis being decided for the where the Red Sox licked next week. Joe discourages the of time being the mastery It was bbvious when Goeasily. Junior circuit 15 rounds with him. Gowent doy RIDE a MILNAR TAKES crouch my actually win the day's on Bob A Yeller After routing for him." title Sock.ers Red r yesterday Tuesday, the "Conn needs another six or seven I. the chased Southpaw Al Milnar, ST. LOUIS, June solid pounds," propagandized Ray, a with e While favorites among the veter- "and then at 180 he'll be ready for league's leading pitcher, a ans weremoving into the quarter- Louis." eighth inning that brought twoa of the The sweep final round, victory Phyllis "Billy has been pestering me for Boston two full Otto of Atlantic, Ia., 0, game series but yesterday won' a year now to get a Louis fight a a 4 and Indians of the a ,crushing 8 and 6 victory over for him. That kid thinks he can games ahead e similar distance in front of the Mrs. Chester Keating of St. Jo- beat anybody. He has no fear in who Detroit Tigers, second place seph. Mo., in the women's his makeup. Some of the other were beaten by the New York YanGolf Championship. fellows have the idea that they've kees Patty Berg of Minneapolis, de- got to fall when Louis tags them.1 k. Yankees Sox, the Red the Like and national 5 fending champion, hack all the harder But Billy a had to come from behind to champion Betty Jameson of San when he'sfights hit. He's developing a 0 a exthemselves won capable Antonio as but their matches proved i right hand, too. Louis won't when Charley Keller blasted a- pected, Patty disposing of Mrs. good o 2 three-ruhomer in the seventh Mahlon B. Wallace of St. Louis, like to feel it." - o DRAW inning. The Tigers had,belted Mar- 5 and 3, and Betty scoring a 6 CONN WOULD i four 5 and Dexfive hits over for and Promoter Mike Jacobs vin Breuer fondly Georgia victory i 0 runs in the first two innings, but heimer of St. Louis. eyes the Conn man, who has more Ai ran afoul of the relief hurling of The Otto girl's enthusiastic gal- trouble with his weight than a To e , I Bump Hadley, who gave only two lery included her mother,. Mrs. O. woman. as the lone bet for anyA. Otto; her grandmother, Mrs. S. hits in the last seven frames. 4--4 thing approaching a million dollar The Philadelphia Athletics took a W. Treat, and her aunt. Mrs. Lydia gate in the future. Conn probably ,t, i will undergo his heavyweight bapstrange test from the Chicago Otto. a, ... The A's were held, -- Other "kids" in the tournament tism against Bob Pastor in the letWhite Sox I Sbcteen-year-14 did not fare so well." three hits by Thorkon ter part of July.and Uncle Mike d i to but two of these were home runs- old Jeanne Cline of Bloomington, expects to draw from this bout or lo. I down to went defeat before the Tony Galento-Malit Baer July by Bob Johnson and Sam Chaphis the veteran stylist, Marion Miley 2 scuffle a September foe for Louis. Johnson's clout was man. ad 7 of 6. came and Miss with Lexington, Ky., eleventh of the year and Jacobs far prefers the cocky Miley pleyed one of her best young Irishman to the failures one on. 3 was on and under The Washington Senators edg- games par who have already reeled under the Browns by the the first nine holes. t ed out the St. Louis explosive swing Mikado's mitts. A six-hKathleen of Cedar on the pitch-Carey same score, Rapids, Conn conquest of Pastor would 0 who was the only Ia., another of the 'youngsters, practically eliminate the Galento? ing of Ken Chase, bowed to Pearson of luck all Houston, Kay had Baer victOr as a September Louis any southpaw that 4 day. This was the first setback Tex.; 3 and 2. Mrs. Russell Mann target. won of Milwaukee from Browns. the for six in games Sarah Adams - of Richmond, Ky., 4 Lloyd , - MEEZZIE The heavyweight champion has an awesome reputation for terrorizing opponents,- but this is slightly- different because Pittsburgh Billy laronly fears lest Arturo Godoy rups Louis before Conn, catches the swing Mikado in a prospective September brawl. "We're afraid Gogey will beat a chance at - Louis y before we get - shivered- - at i ... 0 for several years, And the least we can do Is help the Allies by helping the Red Cross." Corcoran said the match would be played under Ryder' Cup rules, with both singles and four. ball competition. Members, of the Ryder Cup team are Hagen, captain; Byron Nei- son, Henry Picard. Dickt Metz. "Jug" McSpaden. Horton m Ralph Guldahl. Vic my Hines, Sam Snead andSd al nthd Runyan. The challenge was e accepted today as 16 of thecoun. s try' top flight professionals teed off for thefirst round of the sixth annual Inverness invita- tional four-batournament- -- , . ... , Craig Wood, ment manager for the ProfesBY MORTON MOSS sional Golfers NEW YORK, June 13.(INS) , promptly wired fourAssociation, cities for Billy' Conn, light heavyweight bids on the proposed match. - ruler, and his manager Johnny Riy, today are admittedly in a dire state of nerves, and the villian in the piece is none other than Joe Louis, a professional bogeyman who -has met with startling success;-- ' matches Jimmy Thomson and Tommy At'. mour. Sarazen. the only man lo play In all the Ryder Cup batches, - . 1 .:: ......a.:.::'": , Gene Sarazan, stocky veteran who lost the national open in Sunday's playoff with Lawson Little at Cleveland. counted off 10 professionals on his fingers and said: "Now there's a ,team that could give our Ryder Cup team a trimming. and we hereby Issue a challenge, with all to go to the Red Cross," Walter Hagen. who has captained every one of the U.- - S. Ryder Cup teams. accepted the Fred Corcoran, tourna, defy. , , .0,,..,r''.k...y.:i:i9.,..;::::.-ii"-t- , ALLIO . ' Ryder Cuppers or Re Cross sy "The event is definitely on," iCorcáran said. "We'll award it to the city submitting the highest bid. but wed like to 'spot' it someplace that can guarantee a gallery of around 10,000. 'We want to,bold it before July 15., and we should have the definite site within a couple of days." Sarazen named himself as playing captain of the challengers, and backed himself up with Little, the brand new national open king; Ed Oliver. Jimmy Demaret,' Ben Haefner, Clayton 10-pa-n El'AIIEZ I -- .:',:.::,:t...., , Tir, ,M,... MMMMMM He's Afraid South ...::4:.': American Will . 1:::i::i4, Tip Joe First .i,.;:;.ts: .....:,.:.7.....::..:,:...: '',::.:.: , ,,:,:,.::.,,,,. 1 - ,::;,,.:,1:.:ii:::::.v: Ih - . ----- I FRITZ JIOWELL TOLEDO, O., June It looks as if the American Ryder cup golf team; euchred out of its match with England by the war, will see action after all. The team will play for the British not against them, if plans formulated today material- ArtÜro Godoy :(.:...c, 1 f, .. 0 BY Respect For 1,,:,":,:,,i"-, ::....::::,:...: s.'e.-oe:4:i..t- I ' i I 4 De , , .... et I., 1 Se ; i opened. No great imagination is needed to figure where a club that'strong will go with the addition of the outstanding outfielder, league's who never has hit less than .300'in his life, and a pitcher who won 22 games last Season. Curt Davis, whom the DAdgers' obtained yesterday from St. Louis along with Medwick for fourof play., as era and cash, may prove Dodggreat value as Medwick.of The a pitching ers were on the verge at Pittsshortage and last nightVito TamuLefty burgh designated starter. lis as a front-ranTAMULS NEW STARTER He gave up four hits and hit one a i CT I ' H F.Iva (IIf tt, Associated Press Sports Writer The Brooklyn Dodgers, who already had everything else, now have Joe Medwick. And If they don't have the National League pennant come October it will- be because there's 'no water in the Gowanus Canal or money in the Brooklyn Trust Company. 'The Flatbushers are in first place and it's no fluke. They have won nine or their last eleven games and.never have been worse than second since the day the season, . . , 'tem - . , 0 LAKE CITY, UTAH FREE CUSTOMER ..... ,e . PARKING , , . , 1. Re . ...,,,z-- , ... - . - . , , , . , -- - , ,. , |