OCR Text |
Show fl., n , -- Thursday, June 13, 1940 - 39 " ... . - of ettii ..)-cti- - - - . ' ' - . : - - oilahe t . Social Official. Calls - , , sen at the spacious A, Eugene Christensen home, 1407. Harvard Avenue. The hostess has invited 24 girls and their mothers. Miss Musser will receive gifts of linen at the party, last of a series of events in - 34 A Street. Mrs. Thomas Valle and Miss Helen Toronto presided in the, dining room and Marilyn Nei: son, Joan Nelson and Norma To, ronto served the callers. Mist Mary. Lou McGarry and, Stuart Jardine will give a dinner party and then go to the beach on Friday and Miss Margaret Herrick, 207 Canyon Road, will t Feted StreetA Camp 31 of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers will meet tomorrow at the Lion House Social Center at 3 o'clock. Refreshments will be served at Mrs. Mabel 4 o'clock. Young Sanborn will speak on "Remema paof brances." Music will be triotic theme. The members -also will be taken on a tour of- the building. II L SALE1 - i --- ---- i Save s1, LOW .1: --4 PRICES-- , 1; ,. - , , ,0 - -- ' ' . '4144T t Visits In - - ;II ,, , t g, A t . , i ,, I - )..,e- - ; , .. , - 1 , I i t . , , . ivhlye , - - .. - - ' .FO: , f3,,Ist- It .,'. i - - - EASY TERMS - Trade in your old machine and get thit White sewing marvel foxonly119.501 This new Machine has mcmy , - ---- , , - - . -.. -- - 'Shaving-laLanct-Yarcli- -- '''. - 1 i now! . - , - 11 '"' , .y ' - , - ' ....' - - I- -- . 11 - - Sowing - ZC -- - r':'17 .... ow' it "--theodn $taooj - - tf Domp-Wast- , , es ,' .1 ' - lib - - ''' - - :With - 71111 lift frAny - I ----- - , SE4 ' . - Persoc, ,..................i, Ae7 .?- - , . TRAI.N, Trains,9;15 ONL'! im., 12 Noon, 2 p.m, and every hour from k Depot, lOth West and A r - -- Hyland 190 A " 44 tI ITO elarlffilna'. Et C etLIBREY SMITH that is Shof,.d Subjoct Motion Pieturelt , , Oa Technicolor) 1 AStaSrstirranindSStS!!;p7sIlt ! LAST TIMES TODAY -D- EANNA DURBIN ' 7, l , STARTS Ic 321:1".1.4 "1:51 a" . 400FIEM . - ill itqhfISIV1,1 v, t. migra 0, (c . 1 17 1641117; ,,, ' ,,,,.....,,...,g , Juir pi r ICS 01- sr,' ' '14 '.. .1141 ::::$ I C!SM : , - ,: ,.. - ( I . . .citliltSPIlift - HERBE:Ti,,- ti;001.1 O'k I Ili,4:' :: COSInAcit t, YEAll - la a ,-,-1. 111111iil '' rit1 : o rw 7:111111:371";11C;ti TME a i. '''',,,.,,.,.. . 111101 Mil ....: , ' TOMORROW OrAdrgr41 511 N - , 14 ''i 's v- -, 1 - !IT'S A DATE" , i - la - ,, , . . k J sEKAI. DyA "THE FLAG SPEAKS" . .11 . . WATSON MARRGOUSPEFNI --- - 3 - I 1 ricw1"1111111111111 : 11 : 71:"114." I HIT3 ig :11.7::: ,, . ..-- .,..- El I A - R- tIG.Q - , 0 ' ' - Classified' 1 . ; ilit -- - -- -- A I : ost" - -- n117..17.7". Plans -- .Moder CklesteationLawsShade.: Plarateued-- --: Plunge as Flee As Aby Hollywood. Cola Ithower every ,Sunday at SO , Plow '' ' OW satirsorsui r ( g J.aiui.n. k:11rti ' EMI. 2,1111,:. - - ',111111.0 ; ) 1 AL r N 1 4 1, Virg" 4:. A - 14. . i -- la "SAD LITTLE ANGEL 'THE SAINT DI LONDON" with Goon. Saudors INIMaf41111k,t4WesniPoiltet01010 ; - , - . -- ,40 '14'.acDosa1 hi 'BROADWAY SERENADr also Bins Crosby Is , "RHYTHM OH THE RANGE' I, Place for Yew, !teeniest u, Outisq. Paved 1411es bloat Salt Lake ' , Pow 151VICTORYPt 5111ATOGA 2 100wor, - , - ., ,LiniulANRussEttou - A II - - , mi ----- -- Fil - I IL ,- t. -: STUDIOM-N---,-- - , - "ISLAND OF DOOMED mtri and "TIMBER STAMPEDre Ina Attend the Public inspeclien ed Out New. $200,00.0 Gwago, Fridai,Aune L. M. st ot LAST DAY! 1111111 , - . A Greed EN . 0 - - RLUICNIL IAE f Jual, .300 pN. Gra. ' ;RE' ,A , , jIwt so" .4 P St tv! . 1(1- I - with , i - Tre . I ,, . - I:,, (4. r,, , I . . , ' LAhTJ NI:011N! 41 9T 00 t.J1111 . Arevellgtialtrie Worth TemoVir '..."1"7 co r 1,1 .a 4 , 0 ' ' -- ( , rt liar R- it? ', H .. - Fit 1 A T ' . BY . - Mk 'N 11.. WS 4,4 IF ' ) 1. l'i)f,' ,,,,,. - 1 :21----11- ILADESIFREEIII - , N -- 1 '. ,At .t - 4'11 N" - v T 7 .111,4441T. I e 1 itrnit er aft f lilt willt2 In cr. , LILLIAN ' -- - ip, r 1 pg rOalaille:lhlitty 44i V 1 CIR IWa , 41 - - k'll, li, ...:olhill:: - 10 l 01111361Eillyi-litsVilotlf1)- I' ' 4ir4; Music sts Mellow 11,IfA 141 . :!,,. , !ir 4 A, ,L,,,, - .NITELY ' u 1 II r 1 ' .7,,s,ut , "Ir..1.,, r8 - 1- 1.1. At ; 11 Ii 1 ''',11V,11111 111-17---TODA- Limited Engagement .. , T -- -- ANDMiAVISH . 25fi. Per ' P41114' b i , - MIDSHIPMEN . .,.. .., ' , - 0 .)114 -.- . THE GLEE CLUB -- 110 , Sell( 0 t. Itt '' ,:,, Sainte; VP ( A ' a 3: ' . , , onn , t. '')Lisolwr-eo- );Ite&dVaita l'i' I. i Hymn , (1- ou thsvuits pmuut i "SUED FOR LIBEL" witk Linda Ural, lent TAYLOR ek,tollraalle.ailb. ae...alia..me,ale...a.... .....11:' i:fr. , - - r. . A . Nightly (Except Sunday) THE 3 I i, Bargain-Pric- - tip - I1 - I 4 ..:::,..iv..::. . Lark .1t ri els$164pts wo r3"zu) ,...,di.itsopr 11110c, "FIRST LOVE" .'''....7:.a,...."7. ROyAL-:- It cents,- - Distinctive Work at 11 ',. 4' ' Ye ,,,tlet ii muu u - - . . moboommotopornoomp.,..,:.., troned-Servic- II - 4 II, E with DEANNA '''''''..1.;'.;.''..... ".4,...:'0't:11::.':1116''' - w, . irst '' AND HIS -- , '" take t.-- REGULAR PRICES CALL 4111 Ceats Ida GROVECI c ,HIGHLAIIDERS '- - ita only - . kl SOc. 1', A Los Angeles man ha inventp ed compressed air apparatuts to distribute fertilizers in soil through holes previously drilled. ti1,1101.11111111119ent assow...... awl.a I 11 I II , munirr-- P 11 , ,C00011111 PERSON- , 1-- six ,,, Ladies -- Arr. by Organist An An'. by Organift Chorus of Pilgrims ....Wagner. TriplallitShEra) i AncADAIsdha- Thursday Bargain Nita , when sent with your family bundle. And this is only ono exempla off the, low cost ' e. not- - . y, or .., , 'It Tschaikowsky, Come. ' TAKE THIS WOMAN'. s-4 SUMMER SPECIAL! 4.411:. ''''''' 4 FloRSTRUM 1740aligto , the of molds I Spetwor TRACE, DIME LAURIN .1 - Favos:ft; "Come, del's doctor has advised her not to rejoin her play ."Goodbye To Love" for at lent two weeks; . George Jessel is about town looking none the worse for his recent attack. Bobby Stack the latest to be rushed to the hospital for emergency. surgery. He was operated on at the Good Samaritanfor an Ingrown toenail! You can laugh but they're plenty painful. bp Vi.s7it - Smith-an- d .thBeabHyolLalywrryoodS1HmoTpsiltailhaormtto.,ine 1(2; - F I i'l .: . ..,.....Reger .. . 1 day leaving his tonsils and ade. TONIGHT , (lAc0011.ILD. ft, , f.r.om. : ittn.! ..- I Details. Judy and her tonsils parted company today at the Cedars of Lebanon. . Alice Faye, still at front htheer. 0Cpeedraarstionrecugeptseradtianigi Y long - it f C1 Iooting Canova AN GE I 4, forer7 IN Clinical T,,he -- Schick bave been invited. . The ,woddinft of -- Miss: Earl P.Staten will cite. I 11 Benedictus The Song , JMohrs. - f I Alexander Schreiner will be console of! the Tabernacle Organ during the noon recital tomorrow will play this program: Royal Water Music ..'Handel CTohbob,IMeyissswPeagngyanMdeamghrecrrn -.- - at the ETdhgeehiPliartTyeaisGar - 110. ,,, aStmthiate a,. 4. - , tst'. ' f4 la,:floo luthoes,71:1116- , den for dinner to which Miss Patricia Smith, Miss Eima Smith, Miss Ruth Sims, Miss Robena Hooper, Miss Virginia Gledhill, Miss Barbara Cheney, Miss Dorothy Cowley, Miss Mary Alice i ON '7,.."41tirtN,. bHarriet - . Lit. Bad Tomorrow's Recital On Tabernade Organ Miss Margaret Paine will be hostess this evening for Miss -- his-nerv- ing planned by Miss Pratt.Miss Cannon and Walter C. Johnson will be married next Sat. urday. . - ' Robins. isMbise-s- orders promptly filled. ' - ..1.1.. ,'.1.1. Think of table cloth is both- washed and iron-- - I o I - , Fete Miss Smith ,' , 4, I , 1 three-pictur- will spend the evening with Miss Beth Pratt, 125 Third East Street, and Miss Virginia Cannon, Miss Alice Fullerton, Miss Barbara Fullerton, Miss Mildred Dixon, -- - , s This And That One Munson's e pact with Republic has blossomed into a long term contract. Her ritzt will be "The Lady From New Orleans", Don Castle, who recently got his release from Metro and prompt. ly signed with Para, will have a role In "Touchdown." That's the football epic for which Wayne Morris will be borrowed. . Doris Duke Cromwell will back a Broadway musical this es are-i- n Nigel Bruce says perfect condition and please to correct the impression that he held up production on From Fleet- - Street" ,: news that David Niven was go . ing into action. He did have that tr word from David, but didn't al. low it to affect any ( schedules. Cannon - -,- -- :4 . Taylor. ' , GEM....1 Take This witk Fencer Tracy and Reddy L;mart: also 'Jos and Ethel Tura Call on the Prem. ' dent," with Ann Lewis Sothern, Sion, Walter Brennan and William Gar. sea. - , -- ,- . leI, -; Strata. Miss Clawson is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Roy JohnMr. son, 946 Princeton AvenueM. and Taylor is the son Mrs. Eli F. Taylor,, 914 Eleventh - ;St ' Loudon.", , with George Sanders. airsAnuedlioir4th.;47017 , - East Street. - and VirgirTeeWeider Bunt in - for a have, issued Girls of the business office of will give the Tribune-Telegraa dinner party at Starlit GarMon. dens- of the Hotel Utah Miss Vera - Cotterell is day. planning a party at her home, 284 F Street, June 19 and June 21, Miss Beth Poll will be hostess at a social. June 23 the couple will drive to Provo to attend a family dinner at the home - ef the bride's aunt, Mrs. Fred C. en. Mich. Grace so just been signed. Engagement and approaching marriage of Miss,Frances Taylor, daughter of George Harris Tay. lor, 175 Fourth Avenue, to Joel Avon Tate of Gallup, N. M., were announced today by Mr. Taylor.' The couple will be married June 28 in the Salt Lake Tem. pie, followed by a reception at the Lion House Social Center. a graduate of The bride-to-bthe University of Utah, will be entertained by her aunt, Miss Georgia- - Young, at a trousseau tea today at the home of Mrs. Sam D. Thurman Jr., 16 Hex. ton Place. MARL() (Burr Rouse).--Th- o tie Angel.' with Gene Reynolds"; -- Irr Engagement Told WThettsPaarntdy - t way Serenade," with Jeanette MacDonald. Lew Ayres and Prank Morgan: also 'Rhythm on the Range," with Bing Crosby, Bob Burns and Martha, Rays. . STUDIG--"UnB- ui Austell," with Alice Don WarAnisette, Henry Ponds. Faye. ren winam. rAward Arnold and Lee Carrillo. . , d did i VICTORY-Broad- Doren B. Boyce, 2122 Tenth East will Street, have a dminieneer chipawretyoo aeto--- Mherr, home for Taylor Saturday. Mrs. J. G. Flandro and Mrs. invitaCltions L Evans , tC 0 1 a Dam." with Deanna Durbin, Ray Treacle and Walter Pid. seen. CAPITOL-91- '1e et Roomed Men." wilts Peter Lorre and Rochelle Nucleon: al. so Genres O'Brien in -- Timber Stant., , Mr. Avenue. I one-nig- TOIIITE- .,:: ..4..::::. fvTsnilt intro- - -- ;,oil.tilift::$.1.,11t11.: , -- MachInseStroot now it't :. . and essential for perfect grooming. .. ':.11i., , ed,-f- Brilliantine. Light, - - - -- Are Coming", duces a- - distinctive and varied array of music, from hot swing to sweet rhythm, from vocalizing by the Three Midshipmen orto harmonizing by the entire -"Chtgtra aft a glee' Club,: Other events scheduled at Salt-ai- r within the next week are the Covered Wagon Pays Queen finals Friday night and the appearance of Shep Fields and His Rippling Rhythm- next , Tuesday, June 18. - 1,, its cool, pleasantly scented, ;OOP. is put. up for a limited time only, with .0 companion in fastidious luxury ...Yardley's Crystallized II world-famou- :....it:tt.:::1;.:::Atii.t:...1....ct.:A. - rich-lath- er - SEWING MACHINES . OILED AND ADJUSTED AT HOME T IT T - ., rr:0-1-- - The famous Yardley Shaving , . -- landers, scheduled for a limits ed engagement. at Saltair beginning tonight, "The MacDonald's theme, - , i J.- ay -- - fworitili ' I 1.50 , , - -- 110).E CLOTH Bowl, with . cceonDn..CLawe Brilliantine your sewing hours more encryabler . , . trol,electricii?iht, and at-lachments. Try a White 1 iBctriu, and Ironed ,, welcome news to Utah dance lovers is the appearance of Billy MacDonald and His Royal'High- Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Lyon. 4, -Miss Kay Sharp returned to Los Angeles after spending the week end with herparente, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. Sharp, 1185 Windsor Street. s s 4, , Dr., and Mrs. It. S. Allison, 1388 Butler Avenue, are spend- ing a week at the Beekman Tower Hotel In New York. -- . EaniddonMrt , , - ! .,, ' ,' 1) , , .' : ' -- LOW DOWN PAYMENT ' GENTLEM,EN, Come'To Saltair - wAoodtte.ndminr.g-awnedremMrer- 11719 . .. n piece. .., Galb3ri.el Georg; alelitonil'im make Pygmbi of Billy 31aeDonalil And Illethlanders - Dorothy June such a good job that he now holds the movie rights to all Shaw's works, will arrive in America in three weeks. With Richard Oswald, Pascal will co-direct and "The Cap. UM of Koepenick." a remake of the German picture which won an Adacemy Award for the best European film shown In Amen. ea in 1934. A satire on Prussian militarism, "The Captain of Koepenick" was first produced by Oswald 10 years ago before Hitler was all powerful in Ger., many, but did not reach America until four years later. Oswald himself fled to this country about a year ago. Pascal's departure from England would seem to indicate that he has abandoned shooting on Shaw's "Major Barbara" which was already in production Avail Wendy Hiller. Perhtips he'll make his Shaw movies in Amer. Ica nowif GBS will trustUtint so far away; ---- ,-, a Can it be that we're in for a revival of opera on the screen? Things point that way on the Paramount lot where Richard Bonelli and Irra Patine, both of the Metropolitan, have just put their distinguished names on contracts. Producer Andrew Stone selected these two for roles in "There's Magic in Music" after several weeke of auditions in New York. "There's In Music" is the new title ti.atghlec Alan Jones Starrer en," and has to do with i::cfhha::: music camp in mationallyfammui dance Orchestras to appear at Salt . air this aeason is Billy Mc. Donald, whose Royal High- landers open a limited en. ' gament beginning tonight. OMittsvse - , h '.. CENTRE-I- V, e, PARSONS 'persuaded aBemtnoavide Third in the big parade of et Party Miss Barbara Who Pascal, 1 Opens Tonight for a sixmonths' stay-iwere honored at a' dinner party yesterday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Smith, 1626 Four, teenth East Street. A garden scene was the cen- here for a couple of weeks be- Mr.- - Crawford 'in fore Kansas City. - - , ,, iGsreMernsw. L. Wood. 1119 will leave o BY HARRIET (INIISO)LITYWIle00aDm, - Campbells-- , - ', - ... - , Z. . ' Chicago, . SPECIAL Avenue,--wh- .. East Fourth South Street, hostess at the County :Club yesterday for Miss Lenore Lewis and Miss Barbara Rosenblat, both brides-to-bMrs. 4 Sweet planned an all white table decoration which was a bouquet of white flowers holding a bride and bridegroom from the hostess' own wedding cake. Tomorrow she will entertain at her home for 12 guests. Patriotic decorations will be used. These two parties are the first in a series for which invitations have been extended. , Visiting at the Blair Richard- son home, 1418 Arlington Drive, . . First ter Mrs. Leon. Jack Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Edward mondJr., of San Francisco are stayhig with Mrs. Haymond's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Stephens, 1159 Second Avenue, for a visit of two weeks. YARDLEY 1940 ELECTRIC ---- - S. L. L. Hay-- . , -- Bridés Honored Mrs. Howard L. Baldwin of San Francisco. and Los Angeles was- in Salt Lake today to visit 1. her-- sisters, Mrs. Clarence Waters, 927 Diestel Road, and Mrs. John F. Birkenstock. Mrs. Baldwin, a former Salt Laker, expects to remain at the Waters' home for several days. - - - ., I - ' 1 , , was held Social Center. This function - celebrated both their wedding- and the twenty-eightwedding anniversary of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Tilby. will be held to. A receptioe Jensen Hyrum night , home. ple, and a breakfast later at the Lion 1 ? 1 ' - II L. CMarlail..H. rikelaenYd' WEeAr. ' ,'''' ' ,,i , -- Shasta daisies banked the tel in front of which the couple were married. Miss Betty Lou Strickley, sta. ter of the bride, and Miss Marjorie Webb, sister of the groom, were bridesmaids. Phillip H. Webb, brother of the groom, was guests best man. were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Egli of S.upper em '0 Elder man- Shurkin, fiancee of was honored at a the 50 Ethel fsatri, -- East Fifth South Street. Feature of the affair was a bridal cake that centered a long table. Pink and white gum. drop nosegays marked places for 15 the guests who attended. s s , !i' , . , - Miss Fallon Clawson is going from party to party as a bride; elect before her marriage June 27 to Frank WTaylor . Wednesday the board of gover nors of the Alpha Iota Sorority gave a dinner at the Weasku Inn and today the 13 Club will give a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Alonzo H. But-ti1946 Eighth East Street. The next day Mrs. Jean W. Smith and Mrs. Fred Pulliam will entertain at another shower for 20 friends of the bride at the home of Mrs. William M. Wale, 972 Princeton - . Opera Stars Put Naniis On Film Contracts I '4' . si - 1.,,44 n John Tilby ., t r home. Given h , . June 22, to Kenneth Rich of Berkeley. Mrs. Harry Rosenthal, 333 Hubbard Avenue, will be hostess this evening for Miss Lillian Mednick whose marriage to Fred M. Rosenthal will take place in the Congregation Sunday Montefore Synagogue with Rabbi Oscher Goldman officiating. ' , ' 1 , the bride's parents, 162 Cleveland Avenue. Following the marriage and a reception the couple left for a honeymoon in parks of south en Utah. They will return to Salt Lake after June 24 to make their married -- .2i1 Money--- : att these S IP Miss Faye r- - m. a- Couple United A. and .1.;. , two-week- s' ' '1,,, ' ,- - ' t ' - Miss Joyce Strickley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Strickley, and Richard M. Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Webb, were married last night at the home of Party -- ,, , e 1 -' Wed At Home Miss Eudora J. Billings, 588 will leave tomorFifth Avenu row for a visit to San Francisco. While on her trip Miss Billings will be the guest of Miss Ruth Nutting, a former Stanford University classmate who. will be - Frederick Fox Auerbach. I 1Plans D. U. P. Set Meet 4418 Mrs. Fred S. Auerbach, Military Way, arrived home yes. terday by United Air Lines, lowing a seven weeks' visit in Honolulu and San Francisco. She wag accompanied by her son, . I, buffet dinnerwasservt Eighth West Street, has invited guests for luncheon. Saturday evening a group of the bride's friends and the bridegroom, Harold L. Dean, have planned a party at Sakai! W. Rawlings. , Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Avery and Mr, andMrer- - Bert Thayne of Tacoma, Wash.. who arrived in Salt Lake yesterday on a vacation trip,..are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thayne, 969 West Third South Street. Before returning to Tacoma the couples will visit in Colorado. s - ed and a bride's book was made. Tomorrow evening Mrs. Law. rence Dean and Mrs. Bruce Young will give a shower, and Saturday Mrs. Elizabeth Giaque, 1375 South The party was arranged by Mrs. J. Tracy Wootton, Mrs. G. M. Southwick and Mrs., Calvin - miscellaneous shower last evening at the home of Mrs. W. At Peterson and Mrs. P. F. Peterson, .,1593 Laird Avenue. Games were played during the evening by 21 invited guests. Decoration for the serving table was a ship filled with pink roses and pink tapers in crystal holders circled the centerpiece. Tiny pink umbrellas tied to cellophane bags of mints were the favors. - I -, Couples Visit e Miss Arline Fagergren was entertained Tuesday evening by the Gleaner Girls Chorus of Forest Dale Ward at the home of Miss Helen Bitters on Eighth East Booklore Club members attended a luncheon at the Country Club Tuesday Ihonoring retiring officers: Mrs. Rulon J. Sperry, president; Mrs. J. Donalc! Daynes, vice president; Mrs. John sent treasurer, and Mrs. Newton R. Jackson, secretary. , ft, Miss Betty Anderson, bride-to-bof Vadal Peterson, attended a Chorus By. ., Attends Shower. festivities continue the bridal Saturday. ,, , ti : Wed In Temple - Club Has Lunch 4 ' informal tea yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. J. Toronto, That same evening the bride attended a shower given by Mrs. J. W. Ure and Mrs. Ralph Pugmire, 1575 Laird Avenue. Miss Musser is the daughter of Mrs. Barr W. Musser. Mr. Chambers is the son Henry T. Retie, who is inow in New York visiting with her son who recently received a scholarship from Harvard University. ,, , Movie Maker Awaited Here . Bride Honored itt,,, 4 ,, Evans of the First Council of the Seventy. Bridesmaids were sisters of the bride, Miss Florence MacKay and Miss Ruth MacKay. Mrs. Albert Bell of Washington. D. C. was attending matron. and Irvin Ross ' was best MRO. Honored at the same reception' ' were Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cain Calif., who were married yesterday morning in the Salt a Lake Temple. Mrs. Cain is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Evenson of Venice. Mrs. Evenson tis a sister of Mrs. George W. l M. Wheeler, 4 , tending matron at the Lutz- Wheeler nuptials next Saturday. Mrs. Thompson and Miss Broy- lea were at a lunch- eon this afternoon at the Broyles home, 1231 SoUth Fourth East Street. The bride will be honored .4guest at a social tomorrow With Mrs- .- MacKay. . a a Robert Heaps as hostess. Saturday afternoon Miss Marjorie John. , son and Miss Lucille Gleave will fete the bride at the Johnson A marriage of interest that took 1020 home, Douglas, arid Saturin the Salt Lake ,emplace yesterday Rock- day night Mrs. Clarenée was that of Miss Phoebe 2471 South Fifteenth East wood, Howard of Sacramento and Maw. Street, will entertain at a show- ice J. Graham. er. Mrs. Lutz has issued invita- The bride and her family, Mr. Suna tions for trousseau tea for Mrs. E. L. Howard Sr., lett and day. Miss Beverly Istebeker, and", Sacramento June 7 after graduawill have a can Miss Jutie-Bate- s tion exercises of the Sacramento shower Monday evening , Wed. Junior College where Miss HowLambert Miss. Geraldine nesday ard was a student. The brideand Betty Jo Lambert, 1791 Mich- groom is the son of Bishop and feshave igan Avenue, Mrs. Archie J. Graham, 678 First arranged tivities and Thursday the bride South Street. will entertain at her bridal party. After a honeymoon the couple a will return to Sacramento to make their home. b places. Richard Miss 'Eliza. beth Phillips, Miss Fay Branden- berg, Miss June Bates, Miss Bev- erly Broyles, Miss Beverly Ne- beker and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mrs. Schulte is visiting in Salt Lake and will also be an at- Thomas . . -bv- ME& Third Mrs. M. P. Ipsen, Avenue, will be the hostess this evening at a dinner party for Miss Betty H. Armstrong and some' of her friends. The bride was honored at an 1 Page 11 ... s, G.B. Shaw's , - home. Mrs. Mayfield Is the former Marjorie MacKay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mackay. 1022 First Avenue, who honored the couple at a reception at their home. Mr. Mayfield is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Junes Mayfield of Vallejo, Calif. Brandenberg.. 2200 South Tenth East Street, tonight for a party which Mrs. Charles Schulte of Columbus, Ohio has planned. It will be a shower and late buffet supper. Invited are Miss Mar 661 with organdy covers of pink, green and yellow. Miniature bride's bouquets were placed in the centdOind tiny squares of organdy filled with rice marked the - - . - I the. Mrs. Ipsçn Is Hostess - . e She leaves tomorrow for New York where her fiance, Robert Chambers, awaits her arrival to complete plans for their wedding on June 24. Yesterday afternoon Miss MusJulia ser was at the home of Miss Brix-en, Brixen and Miss La Jeun 861 Kensington Avenue. Luncheon was served to Miss Barbara Free, Miss Elaine Christensen, Mrs. Robert Sims, Mrs. Thomas Valle, Miss Mildred Badger, Mrs. Leonard Ralphs, Miss Frances Rogers, Miss Betty Peery, and Mrs. Robert Wright. Three small tables were set - Miss Betty Rae Lutz will go to the home of Mrs. Homer . her honor.' a . ,,,. , Following their wedding and a reception last night, Mr. and Mrs. B. Arthur Mayfield 'today were en route to San Francisco where they will make their t , - A. tion will be guests of Gra., Sorensen, president of 0: nite School Board, at his at 3000 Connor Street, 8 p.m., when a drive to raise will 12.000 for the welfare fUll be launched. , in sgeneral Mr. Sorensen is charge. Following are heads of Oliver. the various committees: J. McDonald, program; Mr. Sor- ensen, finance; Miss rtFruredde Reynolds, publicity; Mrs. J. J. Lindbeck, tickets; Mrs. Stewart, distribution and F. 0. Burton. to Honored Prior To Departure ----- , To Be Feted One hundred members Misi June Muss& will be guest of honor at a party tonight spoil- sored by Miss Kathryn Christen- a Lake City 9 Utah - ,i Live Off:Coast , - aanite District Welfare - , Salt- C o. upleWill event3 Miss Lutz, - Welfare Meeting - -- Miss June Musser Is - The Deseret News, - , Granite School - , ' - .. , . , .. , - , - - , ---- -- . Frielids Entertain For Bride . . - - -- . -- ...,..,,.......---. -.- . |