OCR Text |
Show .. . - - Thursday, June 13, 1940 ,' . . , - - ' - - , , - . 1FLORISTS ' , REVEAL MANY ,... - l PLOWER NOOSE l PROTECTION . I I I IllEMPLOYMENT Male Help Wanted 118Miscellaneous LATE 4 ruDIERAL FLOWERS OUS SPECIALTY 1170 Eliot el South. Hy 11191 f ,, I A , I I 129MONEY TO LOAN 126REAL ESTATE For Solo Kelvtnator frit. 'MAW. Apes.. Maytag, G. E. washers. $10$20-4- 30 130AUTOM0BILE5 , I TODAYS,SPECIAL I Borrow On Your Car I Your Money Invest It Wisely and Safely SONS Investment Co. luau. MAYTAGS Schools and Colleges wring" 116111 Ports 4 Service VACUUMS $9.95 up. Supplies, Sales and Service. Lowest Prices, Easy Terms. U. S. Government Commence 2105.00 to Jobs. 2175.00 DODGE APP. eth So. & Main Was. 5050 Month. Try next Salt Lake City 'examine. 2x4 $25 M. sheet.: Ilona. Sample Lumber, whilesale prier immediately. Prepare on. Ina $20 M, shingles 15e bun. Was. 7651. coachingfull particulare. and list Pit10118-FR- EEBox to E Apply today WM buy buildings to wreck. or anything 27 Deseret News. in bldg. materials. C. J. Ketchum WreckMORTUARY ing Co.. 2320 So. Main. Hy 2627. DANCING SCHOOL 237 South Main. Was. 10096. MAGIC CHEF gas range, like new...SrLie JACKSON'S. Claim's lox trot and waltz. Monday and Hotpoint electric range with eooker;.$34M) Thursday. g p.m. Frigidaire with meter miser, bargain. Old time dancing Wednesday and Sa- ALL, APPLIANCE CO., 122 East 3rd So. tuday evenings. 1'1 Bell very COLLIE , cheap to 4-home. anyone who will provide rood 444-1I SCHOOL Call at 4730 So. 13th East. Hot. QUISH ..,11 - i:. OF BEAUTY CULTURE )1)1 .c,,. DUCO lacquer paint SPTIYS, compressors. 4 ,1 t if floor sanders sold,, rented, repaired.i, A. THE BEST IN THE WEST ti'" C. Whittaker, 641 South State. WaS. 4300 AU ' features of BEAUTY WORK. Phone ':': I I t, I ' I It1iok1 on recino0, Wig, 7$.80. AND RAVE - ON DRIVE.'01IT ruitz 0 So'. Main AMERICAN BLDG. FRESR JERSEY MILK. 25e PER GAL. OTH AND BOCK'S W. AT DAIRY. BARBERS are in demand. Enroll now 21ST SO. MO,LERS Barber College. 170 Regent St. LAWSONServices for James Scott Law- Deseret Gym- -4 RangeThoroughly reconditioned. weeks summer school Coal d son of 355 Mead Avenue. $22.50. ,Oiliers to choose from. Bargain course. June 10th to July 19th. Itnoement. son of Charles Scott and Sarah Lucille Davies Lawson, wilt. he- held Friday at WESTERN FURNITURECO. 1 p.m. in the Thirtieth L. D. S. Ward 12-- BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 135 So State Chapel. with Bishop Oswald C. Hardman Frienns may call at the GARAGE 28135. 131 East 41.11 So., build. GROSHELLS--Cast- a officiating. registers, adding mait 102 Paradise Room, 36 East Seventh South rms. living log 24x82, upstairs. chines, typewriters, cheap, 247 State St. W. 1023$ or W. 1740.W. N. 1st West. Street, until Thursday evening, and at the family residence, 355 Mead Avenue, PAINT, $1.75 per gal.: SHEATHING, $2.80 STORE & 2 Friday at 10 a.m. until time of services. REAL OPPORTUNITYNEW per C ft.: Rustle. $2.85 per C ft. NATIVE Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary. Ante. Phone By, OK LUMBER CO., 2287 So. Main. Hy. 7459. : PESERET ServicgAblovd,A11 ri.... t BRAND,NEW-$4- 000 FR& onlY 83151, including' Isles and ineurance. Glistening white modern col. mai in boauttful Highland Park. Lovely large rooms well arranged and beautifully d appointed Enjoy comfort assured through insulation. automatic fur nice. end water heater, feel window gash, etc., 'You may Select your own deeoratione If you act now. Call Hoyt W. Brewster, Hy. today. , u base floor covering. 29e so. rd. Heavy weight 9x12 rugs 63.95. Bowers 38 So. Stat.& Home Furbishing Wu. High Grade Edition and Catalogue Binding 2206. Was. $411 780 WEST 4TH SOUTH Wasatch 550 Westinghouse Elec. Range FULLMERFuneral serrices for Ray Vicgrey and white porcelain finish. Full tor Fullmer of 3443 South State, are 23 Expert Genealogist, member of Utah ALLsize automatic porcelain oven. 4 Genealogical and Historical Society for will be held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in the All in good condition. Priced plates. CYST 55 years. at your service. Miller Ward Chapel.- Bishop Edward J. 431 North 12th West. at Call Was. Surgical Stockinet and Belts Fitted by Experts So. Main. Salt Lake City 201 DR. LEVI P DEL& ma, $C Dom lp., $5.75, oil stack, KUL dry slit. $3.75. Was. 2068 7 sits. kindling', U. Aberdeen and lOnS coal. Otto, 261 No. lit W. Was. 9435. DR. 14-L- boom Federal Heights Dist. 4 bed rms.. earpted TMS., double gar. Terms. Was. $OL 26:-L-OTS CONTRACTORS 5 FAYETTE APARTMENTS. II South Third East, comfort. safety. convenience. cleanliness. 'Lone or short term rentals. walnut dining room suite. Very Beasonable rental Optional facilltim. nice, $49.50. Bargain Basement. rates. WESTERN-FURNITURCo. Lovely NEW 4 rm. turn,--totin bean. 135 So. State titni ilighlaarl Park. 935.00 montb. 372 Alden St. Nu 4978-SALT LAKE FURNITURE CO. Aid. ANALYSIS 8990. ROYAL rm. Was. JEWELER 14 a. m,un Pi. M. McCONAHAY. Surza. 11141. MADAM RUTH, PS. D. BOOK matches sell everywhere. Big comm. Write. call today Ca 'school. 451 Sego ' Ave. 4 STREET. 17-M- iott 6Funera1p , 6Display In the etty. , 1 Oppartunides and Found 13Character Analysis 17Music and Radio ' ' - 111Miscellanootts iSReal - and Ella 27Rentals 22Hote1s 22Money 10Anois . WALKING DISTANCE. APT. 131 J STREET. REF.. ELEC. RANGE. Board and Room trifle ankh cows, best Wee, A. T. pigs. poultry. farm impleuumts. 8461 WIDOW woman 439. So. will State. with I hildren .5aundera, Murray room moiberlees Children Vww will 4when 51;E UAL,. nod- - lather, Nice- - home. Was. 11442-3- . today VS. 2400 W bth ' SO. Tura South tillit Hese Farm. L. D. S. Rest Home for elderly people, Roost- -- 1160 1st S4. 535Trailer. medium size, horses or cattle.' TOIliFtt)itleetit. 11332. W 248 ,Catiron Rd. Was. 5751-sell CO.-- - 3353 'WANTED CalgpITIOYED-imte.exost....--metil- one. East 3rd South Settle ' - loan - pit. 0499-- . LARGEST IN THE sp. 1030 Z 1st. So. I . 1 HT, SOL14:11 Co. Mits.. 3749. 45 W. 3rd So 18Miscellaneous THOMAS For Sato ELECTRIC DECKER BRADLEY - ranttoo . Avo. Waa LUMHER 1244 CO. wholesale. ratan 401 Nsvirleorittar,--PurratttravTril- 1111 d Autts1 Famous Elam House) :. Z. . t 114 Rising Prices No Down Pciyment Liberal Terms Big Allowances So. Main 135 - ' . -- - Friendly AND Be Excellent upholstery. ,. ,. or real buy for .01n.0110 transportation or Pontiac , Iv., really In fine above, A for $299 Unless sold in 24 hours, tills fins car will be Priced! egulczly" l' $669 $139 tires. good lookinif low-cos- t $99 '31 Pontiac Coupe Deluxe Radio ll PontiarCatilltaoLaSalla Unless sold in 24 hours, this car will be priced regularly at GMO TRUCKS Midst ServiceDaylono Prima Ali Staked of Cara and Trucks 18,1010 547 SO. WAS. 1414 $699, MAIN Ask for Cecil Skinner 11149 . S tit 45 I 20OTHERS-- 20 FordsPlyms.--Chev- s. - $2.97 Sod 16,10011 Compare Corklition of Cars and Prices and You'll Buy Here 3443. rOAcR, CAPITAL CHKV, Sth So., State. W. 411. loo-co- STREATOR! SMITH t INC' 1127 East 21usGtAglo7f-l- y. 3413 - - 1 93 9CH eVio I et: -ph- $647 - ' MENT. kola. McCALLA ::Vroo. SSW MpDONALA: otny PAY734. R cAltsa .dI.u....n.yTafl,w, Sedan. new ring; and inserts new piunt,teater and radio. BUY A BUICK N art. rl: 1 BOYD'S BETTER BUYS, wakes 1-- : , t - US so. koala.- 6- ; 4 Was. 6596 560 So. Main 1938 Chevrolet 7 -- - '33 Chev. $245 hiss Sedan, chrome wheels, heater. De TB:,A R'S - Open Evenings, Well Lighted . , ' Trailer brand new end oven box alylai Well Built, Ideal tor thiumt trim. Cali $35 cash. 351 Berbera Avon Repair and Tops 34-AA- K $397 thoroughly r000nditionott 2LOCATIONS- -2 445 and 621 SO. MAIN TRADE-I- NO. MS. cAprrAz CEMS. Stk So.. State. V14- As- Ford $2801: '35 Wan. Tudor 9 SEDAN. TOtt 14,411 rind the beat deal in town an NEw HUDSON at AlleCALL A Mee. 26 60. 3rd E. Was. 496 -DONALD, - SAFE' -BE R'S Soden, life 4uard Trunk, border. 4898 1937 Chevrolet Plym.s$325 4 dr. '37. Stude. $535 tuims Deluxe AREAL- SEVERAL taro coder $300, whbh bo bmvitmled with p0 now?' $37 1:1-1 State 50 East 9th So. , :1,35 From100 NIGHT LIGHTED FOR TOUR CONVENIENCE ENTRANCES TWO STREET DRIVE-I- , TODAY'S BEST BUY' entIPE. No. 28441. CAPITAL CBEY., Sth So. State, -B- Was. 9930 blank. 1929 Model A Dealers th to Choose is CARS ler balance do. Eur terms. 1934 Peed Sedan, 1034 1931 Studa.,, sedan, 910 So. Terrarium sada 19311 rewrap lane coupe, 1039 Peed panel, 1933 bodge vane. Jot Price and Par manta. pea It (3C ALL McD014ALD, 733 5057S6. Main Less Taylor MOTOR CO. --- - REPOSSESSED -- Dodge-Plymou- Guaranteed: : Cars 144. Solt Lakes Oldest Chsrro lot Dot:dor. Soo Our Big Nood Car Dept. $25 AND UP . 134 Stude. $169 - ECONOMY 'MOTOR. ..1937 Ford No. 16,231 Sport Sedan, and Heater; - $529 CARLESON'S $459 N. Pontiac 138 $79 Ners's a lot of dependable mileage at a 134 Ford $189 4 "6" Deluxe Coupe Heater,' 1000. Guaranteed $389 - '32 Chevrolet Beat 1-- Just refintahed in demi bine end Interior- exceptionelly. grer. - excellent twee.-And wits; a bargain! 4406r sedan, I 137 Olds Sport Sodcm. ..1146 ). '39 Pontiac New Morison Niue finish. fins tirM Nature, very clean interior. condition. motor's in Up-to-p Town .Sodan, No. 16,8491 -- A." Friday Only $285 Plymouth Coupe '34 Studebaker FRIDAYONLY ; 6449 $422 6325 6299 6269 2170 - (One Day)':: SPECIALSi, CARLESON'S have been serving the West for 25 Years CLEARANCE 36 Chev. $229 :37 Ché.y.$499 SALE Wan, DODGE D. L. SEDAN CHEV. MST& SEDAN CHEF. MST& SED. R. 11 CHEF. CDR. SEDAN PLYMOUTH COUPE CHEF. COUPE FORD FORDOR SEDAN 32 PLYMOUTH R. B. COUPE COUPE '30 FORD '21 FORD COUPE , 'I- - DEMAND ItMk - Can't 'WILI 'sacrifice 4 choice farms le.Entere Loans, Refinancing, County. consistina of 211. $O. 120 and 400 Trailers, 6495 up. 50 used cars to choose SICTP each. These propesties all have WILL buy your est. trork Or equity for from. -public domain- - andsood -- water richt' Mino. VI Sc . Main. Was. YOU also optional cattle permits." Addrin: 1130 Model A tordor sedan $SC good Ursa Clara Miller. Price, Utah. 1320. Stratford Br. 12110-ACRES or In scree in Last Mill Creek. Motor and Finance Co. I; damerwl LATZ R44A I nice 10 scree near Murray. immir Irs. AT wooDwA313. 1110DM We $105 So. Main bl ay. Gundry.. Wm& flu , p IA CO Pumne, machinery. elec. motors Wm 2nd South Wee. MONEY 25-F- ARMS And Beat Sodom, No. 11,949A DEAD Tim dt Only $329 - '37 Ford Tudor The Brightest Spot TowN WILL CALL FOR AND PAY CASH FOR .' trunk sedan. Ere Ilent. Very economical to operate,. Thousands of cars Imo transportation and a istod les n N Reliable wzsr '3? '31 '35 '35 '36 '33 34 1936 KASH-LAFAYME INTERMOUNTAIN NASH DISTRIBUTORS plekup,, rib and boa, Wo. CHES.. Sth so., Stith. W. SM. '' LYMAN'S - WE HAVE A SPLENDID SELECTION OF NASH ' BED-ICARS. , '31 830 So. State QUALITY A Cornbinatioh That 750 , 633 SOUTH MAIN STREET PRICE: LnIAN1 r. deluxe trunk sedan,. Overdrive. Heater. Fshed in a beautiful twe toned grey. Driven only 24000 tidiest- -. and don't forget it also has the built in bid. A bargain for $369.00 ry LYMAN ACRES A'rra.AcTivs BOOMLarne and chemist). Close to Tempts Doubts or sinus. SO West North TWIT. Apt. No. 3. ChB 30 p.m. yeah dam Sundays or after IETu'vi: it - Furnished Rooms , UTAH MUSIC CO. Alicroag ITires WAS. id OR USELESS HORSES. COWS. Air conditioned rms. Excel. meals. Phone., VIE Soprani ampliphonie reed block. On SHEEP AND HOGS. PHONE -WAS. $373 pit. sp. 103 E. 14t 10. Ni. 141)9-OR 5573. BY. COLLECT. display only at Summerhays Music Co.. SEDAN, No: SSA Black 28-H- OTELS C OLORADO ANIMAL 17 West lit South. Send tor descriptive finish, new tires. COMPANY folder 4877. TUXEDO HOTEL. 44 Emil' Xtade Street, CAPITAL CBEV., $tk So.. State. W. Kennels & Fox Farms. Fop PARR'S Radio Service. Auto and home WASATCH reputable. Clean. homelike.- -- reasonable. Cash Prices for animals dead of lave. . radio repairing 444 S. Main. W. 034. to trans. Ere aerate , Phone eollect Mums, 311S 41 SUMMER Band aid Accordion Chimes now EfT ROTEL-W. BROADWAY BEAUTy or live nimalsbest priors Welch 13 Is and 0300 Wk. talent DEAD forming Free placement Will am:rifles equity in 1411 Pont loo t1,41 per Management. Foil- Farm. Fish Murray 1411, testa tf desired. Call today. Bummerhsys $600, balanee equiptled. coups luny Music Company 8226. 134 0 St, TO LOAN WS pas highest price for useless horses. 29-M- ONEY Wu. 361241 atter I pm. fox and for theta food. sway. Kul, pouf CASH VOL YOUR USED PIANO 113 Wantod 12Autos Wanted "3Trucks 24Auto MUSiC Br-o- SO, MAIN . - - BALLARD'S 137 Fly. de luxe coupe, side arm dual mirror. 10f lights, spollirbi, equipped. Firestone safety lock tires, mohair upholstery, finished to a beau. car such Icquamarine blue. this wakes motorist b. ;ileum. Ji $4711.30 Reduced to ApartmentsUnfurnished $30-3--RM. CAPITAL, W. , i To Ind fte. Was. 2342W. $30- -24 rms. Nicely turn, tree cookie, gal, parking'. 41 E.Ilb Se. W. 003W. a tr.-- front- ma, largo front Boren. Bina location. eloos In. Rens. 126 B St. Jill! Pox Salo Wautod - 10Furniture For Sale 21 rural ture Wanted - 23Poultry 24Livostock Pot Salo offer them Accordions Greatest . Advancement Wood ost -- 74 t 11Employment 13Penonals We S:. Glen i Portiliser Gold Waxtod 01d - SEE US FIRST .. I. 2A11 10-- FOR SALE FRESH GUERNSEY Cow. Good milker. high test, $OS if sold today. Gen- tie. bomb raised. tannins $OS So, Mt YOUNG ,LowpstPrices--gosiest:Teryrs- l, Clcusitiod and 1434 USED PIANOS Ont. apt. PO, WAS. 388 80 VOCIELEIL'S,Better chick.better- - prices. HousesUnfurnished 33 West lat So., Salt Lake City. MOVE cheaply, sain1Y4Local. lone dud. WM. DAYBELLS. Better chicks. 93.50 to anew Phone, Rodman. Mu. CIL 4 3 So. 3rd E. 9. L. C. Was,, 9349. $7 del AND RADIO USIC Sons Co.. Bailey It 2ND THE LARGEST STOCK OF Perintment-- Protection ,,,- STATE Come in and look It over, BUY AT AUCTION AND SAVE. (I'LL BE SEEING YOU.) for-7re- fer 4Grave-Markers,,- SOUTH 430 WM. H. ADAMS, AUCTIONFEB. SOUTH STATE ST. Hy. 4800. To quickly and conveniently locate the classification you are looking to the following index: : AT M., 'MALES M. DERRICK. AUCTIONEER. High Clam auction aelvice. Was. Want Ad Index 7 A $42 RAMS HAW'S itstrolOgist. Psychologist and advisor. Tells you what you want to know and give, advice on all &Haim of life. Office: ill East So. Temples Hours 9 to S. Salesmen MRS. ERICKSONBusiness and persona advice. 4S East 3rd South. Apt., 406 RAWLEIOR ROUTE when Products have 10011. Was. been sold over a period of many years now available ill Southeast Salt Lake for I County. Exceptional opportunity Write At once, , Rawleigh's $ Denver. Colo. Dept. MALES M. DERRICK SALESMANDoes 83.50 per day interest AUCTION SALE OF BEAUyou It so call and see me. 1 wont tell GIGANTIC TIFUL furniture. rugs, ranges, etc., all to you about it. I'll take you out and show bidder. THURSDAY, JUNE 13th. 9 3rd 424 W. So. highest a.m. you. Apply 10:30 to 4 In. 3 Isere rms.. newly dee, tile drain, beat. gas, gas hot water turn, I with gar. and basemewl. Er. 77134 23-PO- ULTRY mod. priv. ant. sled. $32.50clicact rge.. gar. Adults. 1139 14. 21141 go. Alio 3 rm. apt. 439 E. 1th So. BABY CHICKS TODAY Started pullets and turkey poults. $30Threa rms. pewly de, ground Door. weeks old. All elee. hwd. fire. Cool. insulated, Gar. $74 E. South Temple. 3 Mks. trom BMA MEREDITH, Utah. 4 rms. retrig. Rosa. rash, 10 di1ta. Utah Pioneer Hatchery Ave. Mao. 33115. Ist 3687 SO. STATE, SALT LAKE CITY 'KRIM 474 cheaply. wifelyLocal bong distHyland 30313PhonesMurray Pam Phone REDMAN Was. 1111.. WANTED aro poultry. Top prices paid la $25S-rm11201. hot watr :bath gar. ill g rash at coop 3232 So. 3rd E. Ry. St. Warn. 176$ BABY chick s. turas. ducks. Best strains. FRONT duplex apt, Breeders, feeders, remedies.- ate. strictly mod. ern, adults. 3115 So. State. Wu 9243, PORTER-WALTO- N CO. cool elecToak all 5rm. tirs. tile 42 0f lit Se. 2 I. C W. 40 5311Clean stoic. far. 12 5 H. St. Was. 3082-H- . CHICKS, ducks. turkeys. 'Have handled best Biltmora 50 So. Well 5th East. arranged strains tor 74 years. Try us. 3 rm apt. available. Rase. - trouble. then seek the advice of Er. LaRosa at Once. Be halt helped thew sands, he can help you. STUDIO: IN East South Temple It. GOLD WANTED 1 W. N. Templs, 3 Ralf-In- LYMAN'S Only $495- GET THE ADDITIONACPLEASURE OUT OF,AMERICAt FINEST CARS AND THEY'RE ECONOMICAL, TOO $497 at ' depend., ablo, contiortablo. 0001101111011 tronw &Pubis tad. portotion. with built-i- n 4-in avaryway and -- DELUXE 325 395 LUXE, 4 Dr. Trunk Sedan. Tops in Only$465 1936 SIX NASH overdrive, - heater. Trunk, sedan, Beautiful Dove Grey finish. Better see dui one. with the money saving dew Wit bed. 1939 Chevrolet LYMAN'S, built-i1137 Cher. 'town , oden trunk. matched set of de luxe tires. original trera, finish, ultramarine shows excellent eve inside and out. To drive this means you will buy , $477.60 . It. Reduced to - 1' ,',-- - Lakeland and Arbor combination. This la an ideal car for those irreen. 'who want a new car but hesitate itesa91.10 .duced 10 pit space, 7 SALT LAKE FURNITURE CO. atm sell or lead. Was. 3637, 33 W. lit So. Licensed by the City EASTERN FURNITURE CO. WAS. 5311. 11 yon are blue, discourated. unhappy. In - buys lurniture, sewing machines. Me. doubt about your affairs, worried or to FERTILIZER, mt. soil. rock. sand and grasel R. Davis. By., 1333. LICENSED GOLD 3 ARMS-- 70 apts., 1137.50 alwavailablo. Was. 1093. EMS bt, water. trig. $30Gas. 10 W. MASTER PSYCHOLOGIST 8373. 10-- OLD WANTED NITURE DR. LA ROSE, PS. D. SCREEN ATTENTION choice bldg. lots all assessments pd. earner Downington 45 Park St. Maks of. 10 Oymme PI. fey. Mrs. N. Martel. Spittle, Wash. Only $395 ' Open EveningsWell Lighted 23 W. 5th So. 530 So. Main Was. 2091 Dealer "It's Sardis Thot Counts" Ford-Mercu- Muria, sedan. A low mileage ear, heater. dual de In 11 figuipment, refinished in a beautiful 1931 Ply. LA IY Bonemeal and blood fertilizers, itoe lawns. flowers, shrubbery. etc. $3.50 par cwt.. delivered anywhere In Salt Lake. Orden, Loran, Spanish Work and Heber City. Colorado Animal Byproduct Co. Was. LYMAN'S FOR SALE I:A.4; ennetts Buy NOW PUBLIC LYMAN'S Ply. P. R. del. coupe. Rumble seat, I w. tr.. mirror, air conditioning broadcloth fan, upholstery, finished in a beautiful ,shime irreg. line Wee. Redueed to k $187.50 lute Trunk Sedan, ovoN drivo, mho, hooter and monoy say. bid, hurry for Otto ono. ing 4 Dr. Do DAILY PRICE LIST 1033 Was. 699. ApartmentsFurnished NEW AND 2N1) HAND CLASS no only perfect. LOSTLadles gold Hamilton wrist watch. FIRST STORE. 32 West First South. Was. 3637. builder. Every custoBlack cord. Downtown Monday. Call 135. it. Lawn seed. Open Reward. living room suite. very Mee eon. 5464. dilion. $391.0. Bargain liginetnent. SOIL-AIwatch, 1160 PRODUCTS go. Maim Waltham openM faced silver ease 3032-R. 11, Reward, engraved J. liy WESTERN FURNITURE CO. MOUNTAIN soil, screened fertilizer. sand 135 So. State is fraud. ltuard's 1117 E 27th So. By RACTER E Garden balanced soil mer recommends eves. Hy. until ALL.N-ON- 5 $353. AND FOUND OST OWNER -3 room brick home. large elseo me porth . nice lot 521 and. Ave. Must have cash. Call Was. 4457-B- . Forest Dale. spacious rms. Brick, tine grounds, newly dee. , Available now. $1700.50- - NASH 1936 NsABASSADOR 8 NASH 1936 AMBASSADOR SIX Ask for Our Complete De Soto touring sedan. Mohair upholstery looks as though it had never been used. Finished in the latest poly metallic and azurite blue. Surely a tine car, modern to the hat detail. Reduced to. ...11444.30 11134 -- , NASH 1937 SIX DE Only $645 and Main So. portJaten f-4- - 1 . Only Nash has a builtin bod. Sloop anywhere. Time and money Tourtsts--For Salesmen, savor. Sportsmen. 225- - a - I s' It - Tell us just what kind of a,car you want and we will get it for you. LYMAN'S TIRE BRICK how. to 27th Wrd. -11 RN Brick. Kr. Wood. Was. 55.150BY 5th USED CARS Rld . 20,FURNITURE FOR SALE 12-to- EASY-TO-BU- Y 9Miscellaneous W. Was. 6059 WAS. 7251 BARKER COAL CO.. DOM. Lp $5 AO, load 104 SUM toe W. .DR. GRIFFITH. stoker elk. S4 specialist for men- Cali 234 South Main Street. Was. 6514 HUNTINGTON COAL CO. Wag. 7858 KODAK finishing. Films 10 cm.. ready Stove. $5.45; nut. $5.25: pek $4.15. 5 p.m Established 36 years. Utah DOMESTIC lump. $5.90: Nut. $5.70; Pea. Photo Material, 27 West South Temple. Was. 3235. $5: Piled slack. 84.25. Sinned's, Ely. 8990, AND FERTILIZER I restaurant and store fixtures Salt Lake Cabinet and Fixture Co. 32 Richards St. Was. 3210. ATTENTION TEMPLE WORKERS AND $5 BUYS good suit. size 354042: shoes. OTHER RESPECTABLE PEOPLE. This O. Pahl's 35 So. West emp'.. is your opportunity to secure an excel. lent 2.rm. insulated apt. with bath. Elec. I Wanted ranee and refrigerator turn. or oaf. WWI decorated near Temple. Price from BUY AND SELL MINING EQUIPMENT. $20 to $30. Utah Apts. 160 W. So. Tem. 2402 SO. MAIN. - chiropodist-foo- t Plate IPSEnsign, dentist. 341 So Maui. Keith Bldg. A. Was. 4317. home. Garden Park on Tale Ave. Steam beat, double gas. Terms. Wee. 699. NEW and used show cases, cialist, 304 Felt Bldg. Bunions. ingrowing 'club nails. corns calluses. Verruca. warts. athlete's loot eradicated. Both feet treated scientifically. 41. Jr.. consult& lion. Wu. 2134. DEER CREEK COAL CO. Dom. $5.75, nut, $5.50, lump, al. stove n 4 I or r 1.4 l All These Cars' Equipped with Mattress and Bed Complete!. $395 225 425 345 545 395 545 n 112-ton- - , Your Opportunity to Get a Famous Here's ' ' ': Nash Bed Car At Bed Rock Prices FOR YOUR FISHING OR VACATION TRIP, . n 12-to- REAgnIZUN USED PIPE pipe. all sizes. 3 12-to- n BY OWNERBargain Highland Park. 60 It. lots near church school di bus. Wu. CARS msed hinny. also 6935-new pipe, steel rails, machinery motors, etc. blonsey Iron is Metal. 700 So. 3rd 27-- RE West. Was. 4763. NTALS TRUSSES AND WOOD 6560-W- REALTOR Fine only MAO, FRED W. EVANS Fat East 2nd So. will officiate. Friends may call at the State Room in the Mortuary, 36 Fast Ith South until Sunday and at the Ohurcii.-1minutes prior to services. Fu. moral director, Deseret Mortuary. Solomon TRUCKS '37 Ford DRIVERS', INC. WALLACE, So. Main. NI lee Neat Case, Cash Render, Cream Maker. IA E. 4th So. Was. etiee KETCHUM BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. "Everything' for the Builder" DESERET NEWS PRESS Richards 21 '34 Ford Coupe '38 Ford Club Coupe SAFE for SANE Was. 1150. home in excellent' condition. 60x168 ft. fended lot. chick. for family use.- Garage. This is a rood buy at $3600. Reason. able terms to reliable party. Eve. sumo can Mr. Wallace, By. ALDER, , 395 145 495 345 625 245 565 Stake 34 Chev. 157'1 Van Making Utoh's Highways 37 Ford Panel '37 G.M.C. Pickup '38 Intl Panel '37. Ford Sedan Delivery Makes SenseDoesn't It? '38 Ford Panel - 31 White Truck $80,000.00 36 Chev. Pickup '36 Int'l 6 C, brick $3500-4-r- oom ELEC. Magazines and Rare Volumes Given Special Consideration Facilities Unexcelled in West We Sell the Best And Junk the Rest AN EXCEPTIONAL BUT IN PLEASANT GROVE FELT SONALS West 1st So. ' -41. MINIM. mma IT-7-N NASH 1938 AMBASSADOR 395 SIX TRUNK SEDAN. n 4 ZAHAREASServices for Cleo Zahareas of Murray, aged 20, daughter of Harry and Mary Challis Zahareas, will be held Friday at 2 p.m. in the Greek Orthodox chureh,-Gavalas Harry officiating. Friends may call at the Continental Room 36 East Seventh South, until Thursday evening and at the home. 43 West 6400 South Street, Friday from 10 a.m. till time of services. Funeral directors, Deseret Price Alone Not Enough DOXEY REAL ESTATE CO. Al , - $245 445 195 Sole? - - AIEMEME.- lown --717-1- 7-71,-- I. Is Your Property For en bp ticts,;IA, DEPENDABLE USED CAR ' DM for Franklin Johnson JOHNSONServices will be held in the Draper First Ward Chapel Saturday at 2 p.m, Bishop Reid Beck presiding. Friends may call at the Draper Chapel prior to services. In. terment in the Draper Cemetery under direction of C. I. Goff & Son. adMINIft T-7-11 a , ;rig I ennettis 13 1, 7 I Burnham s, SMITH ,y - - ' 130AUTOMOBILES , 1 . Rawleigh HOMER HAt.SE,N .C.92 426 STATE. I . Dr77e7;'1,;;IC.1371;t7Telri;:e7U"trar";. le0171: I WAS. 3450 Salt Lake City. !rota June 114t1t. to June 87850Six large rooms, 214 tiled baths. 281b. inclusive. Yew good ,Routes still GET Willow Flies (mentioned Don Rose Attracfurnace, stoker and blower. For full particulars, write Rawopen. colonial built for owner ,tive ard's article l Doe Olsen's Tackle Go.. ' s Malt's. Denver. Colorado. SOW. or see last year. Lawn and ahrubbery plantI In selection save. snd thee Largest Mr. Dreier while in Salt Lake City. ed. Hall and stair carpets, Venetian state. 312 E. Ith So. Was. 3325-M- . confidential. it's it's Quick. It's safe, blinds throughout and water heater. -- TOO Vacancy existil with internationally known It's less expensive. Ali work completed and water treatment company for engineer-7lnfor - paid pioneering forrefinancing. '. e For clit loans .....,0700 for, and the 'house is in just is consultant sideman. aclras Capable g "1 V private sale financing.se was the lin. it good No deg' gonaition baults Pails water steam L ataxia treating- NEW and rebuilt as low as MISS' generatnin and SEE , Va block trom bus line jibed Located Liberal commission. No ott- -- serviee and wringer roils. ZOWERS and 2 blocks from school. laces south froblems. HOME. FURNISHINGS. 631 South State. handling. one on a Street of new homes and all street Box Deseret News. By. 6521-11Was. 22615. improvements paid fors P II A terms. ET. 3501 COLLEGE MAN for I I in -117T "Ist Model G. E. Refrigerator 1939 v.v.' fall. .1"eu'armnmerZa";;;;;;;.1 part WAS. 1030 555 SO. MAIN CI ED D. Apply 620 McCornick Bldg. AM. Was. 6789 Save $45---:-C- all Rea Zetate Department, Sint Security YOUNGServices for Ralph Perry Young, Female Help Wanted Trunt Co. PERSONAL LOANS son of Perry W. and Beni& Howell Young Main at Excbante Place. Wag. 3221 of 1031 Weed North Temple Street, will OPPHRTUINITY. for out of town students ritom S5010 TO $300.00 be candueted by the Pi,. R. E. Handy. AVM FURNITURE OR SIGNATrRE to earn living expenses while attending 713 1 State on Friday at 2:30 o'clock at 344. East in School flueineas yr College. HOUSEHOLD LOANS,, INC. ' First South Street. Friends may call any Henaaer alibi eseion all summer, new classes Wee 3426 '33 Dodge Sedan hO McIntyre Bldg time Thursday and Fridny until time weak, Electric of services. 'interment in Mt. Olivet, by Range Hotpoint '37 Ford Sedan Ricketts-2.11(.0Somebody wants what you have to school graduate interested ALL white porcelain finirh, 3 last speed WANTEDHigh in attending night school twice a week PLit,is. full 1.1se automatic porcelain Lot them know about It 32 Ford Sedan soil et tut. mass Dennis for MeHRANtRequiem for generat housework assist with cook oven, All in A1 condition. A real hti! IV co list with' us for ervire;'. We will be held Friday morning. The by using e Dosent Nowa Want Ad. '36 Plymouth Sedan Inc and care of 3 children Board k rm at $35,00. Hy. 7373. See at 1512 Sun. in 'trades of all kinds. Small funcral cortege will leave the Neil O'Don85 a week. 1383 4th Ave. B. L. C. home for large ones.. Wa have huger' nyaide Ave.. ono. East High. nell Mortuary, 372 East .,First South, '36. Ford Sedan for homes, farms and business wooer at 9:30 a.m. and proceed to the Cathedral Girl for general house-- work, good home. CHERRIESAll kind.. You tokr pick. ties. - Act, now. No ehildren, May nithia. 347 E. 7th - of the Madeleine. '30 Ford Phaeton where mass Wiii Arthur Gardiner,I429 South II East, Hy. South. be celebrated at 10 am. by the Rev, '38 Francis J. Sloan. Friends will meet it Ford Std. Tudor Fletcher-Lucas COAL A- - Electric Rangel large assort. the Mortuary ThursdaY at IS p.m. for Work Wonted '37 Ford,..;60' Tudor and ment reconditioned. $1150 up. Inlet recitation ,2 the Holy Rosary. Terms... Granite Furniture Co. 1050 11. ment in the family plot in Mt. Calvary, ADD Writer, sin painter. Roo ltioloPar ,s '38 Olds. '6 Coupe 21 So. under direction of 'Neil O'Donnell Nor1S 3 Weet 3nd do. years exp. Refit Phone Rol. 311. Was. 2334. -- 9-- SOIL : Pa.., 19 . , , 8-- COAL k., . , , COLONIAL . ... , The Deseret News, Salt Lake City., tItali , -- .001m ......, ,,..... . L. W. N. MAL. No. 34SS. CREV, Stb So, Stoic W. CM. DONALD, Term:dim nStreet. 733 Jaen. Waa. 1920. Coe" ag Ii CHEVROLET Wuxi, Clem. HOT co- - let, e4yld 3 State Sodom, Tort SO Brats.- v , Ksive Cash tor old Utast, Ca. Tar State: Wm altria WRECKAGE CO. AUTO and true lt amts. S35 , 1311 t; tar tam - rails parts: yard ducaa bodies. 145 Booth Ma a. Was. 3832. t!P,ED MOSS r- - PARTS on PKICES roartit- - A toed ears ter leas MOM and easier terms at McCALL A t Auto Top Co.. Glom. llond 441 mow 34-A- UTO LOW GVARANTEICD , S Wellinsiton cArrrkL t-- ST. AUTO STATE ;423taruSnity - ISIS638"1.'. - RIVY.olnbuz3a. so": . k iee113316Cood5e. I , |