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Show .. te The Deseret New's Salt age 6 Lixke City, Utah., NEMO OEM Imo ME x., , ' ' 1 ,,417'.1,-,,,- i ' C.,:--- .,kr2r:i ' ' - Parif , , 0 CE,I.ST ' . , RA '" 1-- t - - . h 0 ' - S '4 '''4 '-- 1 ' ' ' 'r ', - ' . - - ' ,,,.. it1 ' , - k , - r , .,., 1 , ' . -- ,. ' . ' ' bib ...,, , ' - .00' - ,, ISH ' ' ' i GIBRALTAR.. --- At 0 4 IRO . " ''' '''. '''''' .- t) - , ' - - . - -.- , , , ' I 211111 TIMM RUE OF FRANCE'S ,i - ' FiZENCW AIR AND i NAVAL BASES. '; I, 300 ITALIAN 11:171ZENCH ' , . . -- one of several directions. The two rivals have loaded the area with naval, military and air bases (located on the map) to protect their lifelines throughout the war. Control of the Mediterranean is vital to Great Britain to maintainAts commercewith South Africa and Australia. Italy seeks to keep in contact , of - Paris, streaming through this unnamed French town in search of safety In the south, don't believe in signs. Every two or three minutes, an ,automobile stops and a woman gets out and knocks on the closed door of a restaurant under a big card that says "no more food." Nobody answers and the ear finally goes away again. They do the same at the hotel that sayCJI o rooms" andafill ing station that says "no gaso- line." At threeo'clock this morning, the square of this village was jammed with people hoping Ml-in vain that the restaurant and The ing station would open. crowd began to thin down In midmorning, and in the afteralmost noon the .square was empty but cars still passed at the rate of two or three every minute. There are big limousines mark. that They said ' Spain must not be ignored in apy post- . war There was no indication that the stand of means that Spain is preparing to take active part in the war, al- though some observers said Spain's position now is le same as Italy's was from the start of fighting until her declaration of war. The press, which for weeks has championed the German-Rai-Iacause vigorously, mtinued Its criticism of France and Eng. land. Pins are reset in a new duck. --pi- n bowling alley when players press buttons on a scoreboard after dropping coins in a slot. -- n ed - luncheon glistening luggage on the roofs. trucks piled with plows, bar-- rows and crates of chickens, and taxis that used to carry tourists 30th , - '- ' - Birt h IIf CI le. ........,,,, ki v er y thin g Reduced, , ' I -- ,.. -- 1 :H.-Larg- F3- - rica, , - is Italy in combatting and France. Britain to Montmartre. Just afternoon, a Paris bus with mothers, nurses and babies went by. It was a maternity hospital-taking refuge outside the threatened city. Later art ambulance full of children stopped to get drinking water. The driver was an Amen. can woman from Los Angeles In tailored khaki uniform. "We brought three carloads of children from the Seine Valley," she said. When we were getting ready to leave planes began to come over. The children would ask"Are they French or Ger. And I althey were ways told them French. But then we-saplanes bomb. ing their town. They flew In from the north, east,west and from the even up the valley s,,,, ,,.,,.... ,,, ,,, IR , lc fie , ,,,,., ,,...; , , , i .',! '',, , ' ''. - ' ', - , ,, ,', ' , , , ' ' ' :' ; '', .. ., . v , .EA , , , , - '- , , 1 ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,. - . , ' , , - k,Nr . , ,ti- - t 1 t i tit-- ''''''w ' II 1P - ,,... ' ,, ' , '' '.. , , '' . '','''. A - ,,. , - , 4- ''',,,,' ' ' - ' ,t,,, '' t111,i)''' fiORS'.. ' , t .---., ,,, I .'t 1,10 g s.- "..' - -' ,.. . , v - , , : , .,.',,., ' ' , ' . 2,-- - , , , , ' ...,', ', ,,- ''.' ,' ' ''' ., ' 142 - ' ' ' ... ' ' .. 1 ..' . , ,. ,' ? , . - ELtts,,z,- , s TIRAN, ZONEDA1 , N. . -1 i Caro i . AND NAVAL BASES. .43. , Cr EGYPT 1 b RiTISH MR. 'I SUEX CANAL I k. 1........s17 , '' ' 3 Aleiallari-- - ' , g .., , ii.;.,,,,,,, ', ''' v" allA . . - . . Z - y'I., , ' , ,, ?,'.,., ,,,,)............k...........t.;.........N....0.33, s.4. 6' ' , :,. ,,.,, , ,. , .....; '' , ,,.. .. , .,1 , ' . .,- 5, ,,,, ,, ,, , ,,., L......,..,1,,011 , ,,,....,:f,..,..,;;. , .: wEsr AND . , , ,,,, , - ' - , ' ''.' , - ,,, OJIBUTI, AreicA. ' 4 s .., .. ' SUET.. CANAL EAS'tAC1 , , . '..' ' ''; ''- ,- , , ' Limas PASS AU6TRALIA, ' 0 4 ': ,,,e, . TOINDIA,C141Nk. , :, .. !,,,,',,.21,',;'.:',...:'' , ,...'1.1.;E. INIZOUGH ,,. , , ' "4 , ''''' , ., , t , ' i ", 04 41,, ,,, .,.-- -- ", ), , ''''...,' .' . a et , - 14EAVILY . . . ''''..'",..'",.; , ',,,.., '....,,,.. ' ' ''' .. ' '. ',', - FORTIFIED AND AtADEMUNITIONS AND NOSPITALCENTER BY ITALY.. 4 ''. . i. . - , . ON - ISLAND OF RNODES 00 ' ' . GIZEECE'INTEGRrrY ' ' IA .,, - ITA1:1A1,4s.p'LEDGL ' ' ' Te0OP5 TU IRKEV ;' 0 ' . 4) ''rjer CONCENTRATIOI4 DODECAN;S; ISLANDS. . , . t02,..0 ir Y A 0 ' ,, , ' LACIC ' ' kotf4VITYA , '.,,,, ': ITALIA141 L . ,. ,; ... ' ' ' ' ' . 4. - '1114' -, '' f Z, e..s. ,- 41,,,,s,' :: Y ' ,;-- - , , ' ' 4 , , . i , : --- -. 1 A....-. ) 1 is 400 miles away), and the heavily fortified island of Malta between Italian Sicily and French Tunisia. Britain, realizing the importance of the Italian bases, has already bombed them from the air. But today Fascist Italy , 0 ''q, eii-s-sie's f .. . AP) June -F- itawari Berou, newly appoint. of Haile ed commander-in-chie- f in forces Selassie's imperial Ethiopia, is field by air today to take the azainst Italy-- in Ethiopia. of war Berou, former minister under the Negus, declared in anis 'our goldinterview that now - JERUSALEM, 13-(- were in offered Ndnkintr, Asks- Italian forces alone," Berou said. "But support we will return to our homeland in triumph with the Negus at our head and the - Lion of Judah will reign again?' the Berou 'ought through He was Abyssinian campaign. to wounded twire and escaped the Holy Land when Italians took Addis Ababa and has been here since. was saidh convinced he could rally thous: ands of fighting men to turn on Italian conquerors and annihilate ka, 034it'i4? 4142114A. ., beveragesfrom-contaminati- , . , ,, . Of air ' ,. , , . , ., ';'Nrpo--' , . t,, , e.J, S; 1,.., ' -- - 0060,--5:-'''- '' .,- r i - - , sr-7- .1 , ock ..... ittl; e ' 0 4 ,, , 'e - o 8, 4t IF ''''' -- ' .0, ,,.. 146' '- , tilt , Regardless of- his ,age, he's probably the mon who goisoff to work each morning and comes home to his newspaper and slippers in the evening. Heprobably doesn't have much to say, but when you're in trouble and need a helping handcount on him! He's a prince of a fellow and deserves the best. Remember him with something he'll value from -1Swhere low prices and quality go hand in hand. 0 :!4. June 13. Charles A. Lindbergh was represented tpday as having told a group of lawmakers in an informal discussion at the Capitol it was his opinion that the United States could not success-,- : fully be Invaded "in , our life Ctxteitt;icti a.. Suggests. , rt. ! ::, 1. :j' , 1 ol. ... - - ; rn I I to I With This 3: wt. i '4 :d00000000fa;i 1 REG. $61.35 dI'i ! , 131.1 Lindbergh, who conferred yes. terday with enators Clark (DLaFolMo.), Wheeler Clark (D- - Ida.), lette (Frog-Wis.Repreventatives Van Zandt Pc) and others, was said by one of the group to have mentioned also that he was seeking an opportunity for another radio speech On national defense.. Lindbergh recently decried, in a raaddress, what ,he described as hysterical fears that the United States would be invaded. The flier was reported:to have told the legislators that he had spent six weeks in Greenland attempting to find suitable facilities there for a commercial airline to Europe. He was said to have, reported that - conditions there Were so unsuited to flying that it was preposterous to think DAD "FATHER'S ,DAY," JUNE 16th ',1,s.1 ,I 4 141 - thatony natioriseeking, TO REMEMBER , 4 4-PIE- 4 RCA RADIO CE LOUNGE CHAIR GROUP 4 , ), . - ,,..0"11.:::1,., 4441t Choice et ,Styls $61.35 value ALL FOR ONLY Reg. , . ' ,,t,-- - See , 0 1 , Reg. , ,,8 ,I e'' Includes '- - Fran-withi- - . . ,,I ,.. - q, .... - tammoodw- roe" , ' I , - - -- t "Little4 , , 1 t to I v'' -- ,, sc(lt-- or 16orleit. -- -- - I "Brilliant in performance. Nipper.' lighted dial. antennae attached (no ground requited), cast and Police Band, S new RCA, Victor tubes, dynamic speaker. , A ' , : - , THE SIDE . TABLE: ' a . standbeside his easy chair. Top shelf is for the radio and shelf below for his papers and books. Table sturdily built and in rich walnut veneer finish. I --. . tr-artra ' ,111,,F1"...-'-'1"- 1 t - - IO , 'I . - R C -- , , .. g , tquali,r useful-- as therette. ---TH- E- I. i . - a Week 5c LOUNGE CHAIR - - THE HASSOCK , n-, , Down.---7- - )z ' Stmcila!-----I- Immmoic THE- comfort-cravin- ) I $3.95 s a mans idea of real comfort. A deep spring cushioned chair will satisfy the weariest of men. Choice of kw,. era) different stylesall new and in the latest covers and coloph. - , In- - -- - , - Hthat "-. v;- - ' Reg. $3.95 Side Table . . imoviT7477,4;!0,,,':' : , .., 4 - ' --- -- ,. , - 9 0 -- Rog. S14.95 RCA Radio - , t 4 Ittieogs.$,21(.95 1 it . , $39.57 Lounge Chair What 1 IP . US Sivral Latin-Americ- AP)-- , - - -1 - -- ..., , AXELRAD- - ,-- ---- . on from poison gas in event raids. - . 13-(- ,. 4cD - - ,,- - , Is.YouRs vade the United States could , establish aviation bases there for such an attempt. -- Withdrawal Of Forces who- - at tended Ake...informal-Conference Lindbergh as Of Demanded - saying that-i- quoted would foranyArivadingioree to a set up - S HANGHAI, June Thot only air bases in "Central The Japanese-controlle- d but to establish machine shops Chinese governmenr at Nanking and manufacturing plants there. a declaration ,tonight All agreed. it was said', that the published United States could nut permit demanding that all troops, i was' such encorachments on the westships and other armed forces of stationed ern hemisphere. European belligerents in China be withdrawn. The Nanking regime. headed and acting Move Into Vatican by Wang Ching-We- i under Japanese advice, said it f3. VATICAN CITY, June was intereste d. only in avoiding new French ambassa- (AP)The incidents" 4n anN., "untoward dor to the Vatican. Count Viadi- -hind;---ai theBritishmis It pointed out that Biitain. minister. Sir Francis D'Arcy OsFrance and Italy all have forces borne, have taken up residence stain China- -in In Vatican City. many cases timed in the same localities. D'Ormesson moved Into his n "In this critical period." it &pertinent yesterdayi Sir Said, "the presence Of belligerent, the confines of the small troops ls likely to result in con- -filet which may develop to seripapal state for the duration of ous proportions." the itiar. , -t- man has invented foods and ,, t Armies To Go rurope -- ,, D time.", 6, Abyssinian , wHIcH WASHINGTON. (AP)--C- - 7 A Liverpool gaz, , parachutists and fifth columnists. them. itrroam, Invasions Impossible Now Says Aviator - pedal on.Now and then an elderly bearded man wearing a beret and a row of old medals and carrying a sporting rifle stops the cars and looks at identification papers. He is a member of local defense volunteers on the lookout for Army Leaves To Le ad Men IN. - , -- - , I Lindy Denies U. S. Menaced main refugee route. there are lines of people hundred yards Or so long at every filling station that had gasoline left. When cars run dry people push them off the road. unstrap bicycles and d He-- a -S- Gibraltar. Africa- - commanding hand in the titanic struggle strangle's the loser's "lifeline." (Copyright by the Register and Tribune Syndicate.) Today it's a battle of strategic moves to control the Medwhoever moves iterranean the fastestand gains upper- - With Italy's help, Gen Francisco Franco's Spanish regime planted German guns in North threatens the British domination of the Mediterranean. It now controls the Dodecanses' Islands, the Island of Rhodes and the colony of Libya in North Africa. It haaJortified the small island of Pentaellaria to checkmate Malta's grip on the bottleneck between Sicily and Tunisia. n battle-inode- - co run'rirrunt t1:0 4z.lia, ,i cl , ' ,, ,i ' . a- i ' - ' ,' , ' . could go. Most cars have mattresses strapped on the top and people explain: "They say it will keen off machine-gubullets." tied Nearly all have bicycles on sides or roofs. e On a stretch of the hurches' Or Jertfi4aTeht and Jere' rn -- ictio. "We eould not . (4 1io. ".,, , 1 t , ..., " 1 ; , south and blew the town to bits. "They came low. Just over trees and hills. You wouldn't know they were coming until they were there. "See this picture? My cousin sent it to me with a birthday card. It's a sunset on the California coast. I keep thinking about going back some day." On old car looked as if the woman driver were the only oct cupard, until It stopped. Tim a boy tame from the other side sucking a sore finger. He an had to lie on the fender and hold down the thoke so the car Ethiopia Joins Allied Forces . ,,. EN N-- ..... , .:.,.,....... y - , , 200-mil- - To Choose- FrOm City"... , . middle. Britain, backed by France, seemed Impregnable with mighty fortifications at Gilraltaron thewest,the even less vulnerable Suez canal on the east (the nearest Italian base Germany has no colonies 'affected by control of the Mediterranean but It has colonial ambitions and suited with -c- Stocks in the est -- , a ' men-of-wa- with-Allie- .. t' ' , , , '. ' . ; , ' ''., , : , rip!'- 4 ' , , 1,4 But by the seventeenth cenr had tury Britain's begun to rule the seas, and soon after the French dug the Suez canal in 1869, Britain had control of the Mediterranean at both ends and later in the en c.hance." While he was preparing to go 41 , 0 , , ISSTRATEGIC In the glory of their empire Romans called the Mediterranean "Mare Nostrium" (our sea), and It was long a "Roman 1eaving--Jerusalem - . . coast of Africa. to in addition Its terFrance, in north Africa, also ritory has colonies in eastcentral Af- "CorpsDiplomatiquwith baskets and ... ! - ". Iss f, - 7 ., , , ' tk '''''' '4 ,. , : ,., , ,k ,... ,,,,,, - GRAB .;- ,, ' , ' - ,:...., ISRITISS POSITION. --: ; ' ' ",,. ., PAALTA 4 'eaiLLI ,, . ITWE DARDAWELL15 , ', - - g reshuffle--In-Europe- . ' ' - - , , ' - 0, , i - ,4....,,,,....,-..:- .up' i with Its north African tern!. tory ilind with Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland- on the east WITH THE ROYAL AIR FORCE IN FRANCE, June 13. (AP)Thousands of tired people - p i so;. g ,. ' non-bellig- :- ' L.,,.,-,- ,. ,...1 ---, , iTALIAN ,., -.1',. 17eeing Paris Refugees Knock In Vain At Restaurants And Filling Station MADRID, June Spain's position In the European war WW1 defined as ent by government decree, and the Spanish press today avoid- ed use of the word neutrality.. Spanish newspapers carried front page accounts of the decree; issue a last night, without - SICILsof - sea." With Paly's entrance into the war, that military might may explode any day' in any Decree Ma Ices Nation A 'Non Belligerent' COMMefit t - , ' 0 3olia. ' ... OF ALBANIA CeisiS - CAu6E4 - , ...- - 6 , -- i , , . . !z- - 1 .,..Fo'-'..S.op....0..isoo- Spain Drops Neutral Claim t ' - , '- ' . - ; -- '1' ,,.. . 1 11,13 BRITISI4 ,.., . great powersGreat Britain (with the aid of ' and Italy (with the , France) and help of the millsupport tary might of Germany)are engaged in a vital battle premacy in the Mediterranean. Not since the galleys of anceint Greece sailed to the destruction of Troy has there been such a concentration, as at present, of might in and around the blue waters :about which the poets rave. : ,,- - , .... . Two ' , , , , e . --- ,,, '' ' 1-Battl- - ''''' , ' d,' , - '' , . , 1 CZ . , '.'ro.'..111.- .. i 41 . - ' , -, (Y, , ' - , "IIBIJcisare6t ' 4 S i 441! ----- , , ' SASE NATION OPERATING , '.., - it. , : , , . - ,',40E;IT,',I'KLAT1AKItis . DESIGNATE , , '''' . RAGS , ' v ,, , prraniNiisilk e....rataNAVAL BASE, R BASE. , I , Dtv11- - 4, 1 1...iti.L.1.-- te, ,N,N ' v ' . , ; ". i A--A , ' , , - ,i13,5, , , MILES C) , , I 5CALE '''', 7 - (, ' - "'t -,, SOME , , ,..,.. .... tSSENTIAL THAT TRANCE PROTECT 'NE- eouTe BETWEEN T141 FRENCH , AND AFRICAN COAST' - -- s.4, : si vii 4: -- - ,, - ' ' ' - - ' el - , - , . . . , - . ' ,,?..,.. . ' ,.. , , '' ,;) lognionmeón : ' ,' 141,-,,. Ttni5 , ' BEST IT IIS SOLDIER'S' - iXoute , a , , ,. COME , ; ' ' , , , '. NV ' ' , . , ' ' .''--- N' n ...r 16, N s. , - i ' - 200 .. - . ..4k '''':, , , S S 8 At. R.13 - ' :'' i.., , - ' ! . gac, ,.,- , ,t-,'.- sA pow IA - .......". 103 "; '; ' , D. ' , ., ,, - . s ; -,.. , -- , 't - r 0, ' , - FeENciv ' ,,". . ' ; tA LCTEROA ? WAVE. PLACED GERmAN GuNs COMMANDING siztTAINIS - ' - - , .. - , , L.,:1,.. ) 1 - 5PMIS4 REBELS . 14 5 tItlitrvrt .. -W - , ., Al '16,4 ' ' . m2(3cC ' , ,.., k.,. TIFIcTiONs ... .. IMILL1ONMEN ON P ER ARMS 1,., ,. - . e.. - '''. t'''""'-'44- 46 coRs 4 Al - , ' , ''''''''''''l , s SP. .. ' , ' , I ' 111 - , , os CZ. , --- , 1,',:.11t.04, - Erti BORD- ;I, - .0 AN DA - , t rOtTiFICATIONS . , VIX 114gtl'' . ' - ' 1, , . I A. - ,...r4-1- tii,:!r, , , , $ , - . ' .. ,..- - ' a ,,,. T, ,J :A'- -I - ,, , ..zr,r,, rrALY OAS . , tell s ITA L. ,604 , ., - ;00 I .. - - madrld- 'FRANCE'S - , D a - -- . ' AwAY FiZOM ITALY AND GERMANY OZ WOULD ANOTHER WAR TIND SPAN AN ENEMY ON s - li,....4-- 1 16,.......".. WILL ENGLAND SUCCEED IN WOOING SPAN - ' - - , . ' ' , Ing , r. ! ' , ' II .. I SPAIN ,7 ' .. r ' ' ''' , t , TA LY - . - AL.. E. , L3..4- - - , , . ') ' ' ' - . . , . ' tguNeAtzy . ),., s,....,.....,-- - 214 ... mums ---- 7' ., - " - '' --, . , .., ,E, ,,,,,,,,,J 4' A, s' , ;..-- '' 1 1 is N,--- 1-1 f---' . t ( et, I . , . ., , . ,. 0 0!akt IA ' ' - le : - -- .., t ' , ' . ' . .. ; .''' -- -- : ' (-0......N ,,. 41, ' -- - ,'' ll N - - . - . , If 42 w' 6rER41)kikill ' 0 ce , IP - 1 ' amon mum.. , - , p, 00 moons ammim MOO M MIE . , -. - . MEM 13, 1940 Thuriday, June - To - . - ' iltherSuggestionst GENUINE SIMMONS GLIDERS - Stool Tram. Widen with colorful wetiorproof cushions 4 ... .. ...... PORCH OR LAWN COLLAPS131.1:17 CRAMS.---Requl$IAS Value $ , ... ".' . IIR75 up Iv tu la ........... .... Till lAll WI "I'v11 I I 3' 11 ....,,,......, ,- ' " 4 - iiall" ....... t 40 dinieU a A y ' ,tAt riElettirgRat4 NDwe!' w WW - - . . ' 255 20117N STATE JZ. ' - '' ; , Nmainal |