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Show - t.' .- I, - THE DESERET r, NEWS TUESDAY J ULY, 18 1922 ' 1. Yw OMAN- FLOWER: OF THE NORTH , 4 ' ,, I I - - ti 4 BY OLIVER JA-M- 1.4 half-bree- . - e dark-face- .. A '- y,hiTip.---ebi- 4 ' ' . 3., !, g - -- , ..: i t ' t ,, , . ' - -- - -- - 9 , --4, , - ' . - - - tiofitielned : ' derstand. .tore than two hundred years ego a band of gentlemen adventurers ware sent over Imo this country to form the Hudby Prince Rupert son- Pay Company. That is history. and you know more of it, than I. One of these men was probably. Le Chevalier Grosellier. One summer he came up the Churchill and stopped at the great rock on which we saw the sun setting tonight, and which was called the Sun Rock by the Indians He was struck by the beauty of the piece. and when he went beck to France it was setth the viewer votwelitng to Inalld tint. self a chateau In the wilderness. Two or three years later he did this, and called the place Fort o' sod. For more than a century, Ild'eleur, Fort God was ,a place of revel and pleasure In the heart of this desoladon. Early In the nineteenth century it passed into the hand of a man by the name of and It is said that at one time it D'Arcy. hemmed Careless Shampooing : twenty gentlemen and as many ladles France for one whole season. Its , Spoils the Hair ofhistory is obscure and 'mostly lost. But for a long time after D'Arcy came SeJap should he used very carefully. it was a place of adventure, of pleaf you want to keep pour hair looking sure. and of mystery. vet,' little of remains today. Thos. are .his ;its beet. Most soaps and prepared which above the Pre. He was kIlled ; shampoos contain too mueh alkali pistols on. by out there the "This dries the scalp. makes the hair big rock.ofinthem a quarrel with beside one of his ! brittle. over a woman. We thinkIvere letters that whave found. steady use is ldultrified cocoanut oil shampoo ita.tthier name :t1 (which is pure and greaseless) and is bear. nmria wagr Thug dress camen froam batter than anything else you can that chest, I have to be careful of tate-- . them, es tear very easily. After Two or three teaspoonfuls of Mulsi- - IYArey. thethey wag &Imola forgotten place tett in a cup or glare with a little and remained so until nearly 40 years warm water is sufficient to Elea rtfUs ago when my father camainto posses- 10 the tbe hair and acsAp thoroughly. Sim - m...." l't very Its olo ply mohnen the hair with water and ftnkepein forgotten. It lives only with it in. It makes an abundance of us Others know it as trArcantbal rich creamy lather, which rinses out Home." seally. removing every particle of duet- 'Yes, I have heard of that said dirt, dandruff and excess oiL The hair PhiliP. dries quickly and evenly, and ft leaves HI wafted tOr Jeanne. and saw that ' the scalp soft anti the hair fine and her fingers were nervo usly twisting a bit of ribbon in her Ian. silky., bright, lustrotukfluffy and eatsv 'Of course, that is 'uninteresting: to manage. she continued. "You can almost guess You CAD get Muleified cocoanut oil the rest. We have lived shampoo at any pharmacy, it's very Solon. of us has ever feltherealone. desire c bea p and a few ounces will supply to leave this little vrorld of the ours. It member of the family for is,...corious--y- ou every may believe scarcely months. B. sure your druggist give ...,t 1 saybut it is true that we look out upon your big world and . you laugh at it and dislike it. I .been taught to hateguessthat I hove I can remember.' ' Doctors.Recommentl.w-4,0Posig'- - bittfli tan n eel voice. an Instant's Bon-Ont- o i looked quivering Eyes. offaceher chin.the Philip from her fire. and stared hard. ,,,. anderespeciathoopr000rtbaBoO, ,hniting back words which were ready .1 3631 and ej - -- A ; , mt1here '. t . rl t t , , - min - conttasting-Ancrr"yards - 61r- l - -- A r- - i Z11 , .: . t, .1' , , ..,;,... . , 1, 4... t .4.. fasroidm. , ft i ill .;,, . ,- , 1 ,- er, , - -1 s: - , 4 , I 3 ; 1.11.110r I . 4,,z .go e,,, , , P' - ,o- I L ..,.., S 4 t".. - - I , . ;?I';'.er Aika.e....zen- . - - e H -- t.nld.' He simply dIE any deeper.' econd Term of Summer School Opens at Umversit) preeentir,bo-hard-to-bellev- i Ih- The 13econd term of summer ochre). opens at the university Thnesdity new Owes sill morning. Forty-twbe alerted and nine others are listed as probable. Registraton for the leeond term starts today. There is o 'scheduled during the term five hi dances, a moonlight a bust. watermelon and TImPanogos mat-Iint- I SPENT HALF HER TIME IN BED e.:452, Farmer's Wife Tells How Lydia E. rmkham's Vegetable Compound Blade Her a Well Woman .. , Int ii - r WHY 3IADGE HESITATED TO ACCEDE TO GRACE. DRAPERS Carter'e Creek, Tenn. "Three years ago I wu almost an invalid. I spent . . half of my time in bed, being afflicted 4w . 1 with a trouble which Ill' , , : women of a certain , t age are apt to have. I took Lydia E. l' ..4'11A ,,,orkl-- 1 :ter Pinkham'allegetable ,,ir f ,, I Compound Tablets do as soon ns N 1111111;1-'-'411- 1 were left alone. i L,...-.7-itt, Wash. I am swell : . . pa---.- - p. It notettttmist site mid "YouOlightt01(130Ws. at last. her voice broken. husky. and in the pause before her next utterance I imagined that the beating of my beart could be heard. so violently was it thumping against my side. "You- -knowhow hard I triedvainly. of courseto win your husband from You. andhow they saidItried time his togethimldlledthat felt But they lied. I didn't airp:ane a- -t didn't, yet they put me in prison font." warning. - ' Villthirtotitcnh-ofDlabe.itte;- , I --- ,41,... -- Ifis:,1: alte.:Vg.' --- - - ".1".' ,4 1 - 11 ,, 4 Z3P 4rst 0 I. "Oh, Ruddy toy! 14-o-h gotta Mellow wont and pm into the lunch 6aelle0- -0 who& mhoppflof big puthate o - , I . 0 I- - Cirri flakes a s ' - ' Buddy, i bollowo I can oat just about twits as much us you do;my how 1 Iteg . -- t' At 0-- IJ 1. . i S t ' 11. .''' ETii g ,s woman now and have .01, lir 11.,- ' E. b.is - y , . It iat 411 11 - , i'' di'Noti O."- 1 ,01..,, lh, ''''', her bosom. A low word cern to Philip lips, and then he laughed softly. It was a laugh. almost under his breath, which up now and then from in a joyen emotionwhich a soul 'weeps Is unutterable in words. But to Jeanne It was different. Her dark eyes grew hurt and wounded two great tears ran down her pallet cheekj . and sud- denly she buried her face in her hands and with a sobbing cry turned from him. with bar. head bowed under the smiling face above. "And youyou bate it. tool" she sobbed. "They all hate ItPierre - ,., ,, - .,. been for- - two years. , I can work as well as any one who la yotmger and as I am a fanners wife I have plenty to do for I cultivate my mwalrarden, raise many chickens and do my own housework. You may publish this letter as I sin ready to do anything to help other women as I have been so well and happt since my troubles are past."Mrs. ET. GaLLowar, Carter's Creek, Tenn. Most women find plenty to do. If they are upset with some female ailment and troubled with such symptoms as Mrs. Galloway had, the smallest duty seems a mountain. If you find it hard to keep up, if you are nervous and irritable, Inthout ambition and out of aorta generally, give the Vegetable Compound a fair trial. We bebeve it will help you greatly, for it has helped others. .. -- . 11 I 1114-1-, . 1- - 1 ' 7Izie Ci stop eating Ilearvif food! - thnhodeerri !abet:M:21.0d ; - 1 41 ' I 10.10014,- I ..- --- di ,..1..-- :4!.:11; f ...., e 4:.:$40 I, S it.- -- ,' , ,aatirewellallitate be bad. - I you tiny note of warning. But it was faint, That is why I made thts pen with a so light in the scale as compared with wire bottom and then filled it In part abased' i waY with earth. I can't afford to have such a mischievous scamp as appeal, that I put it aside and wretched:I you running about where you can get out tny hands impulsively toward her., into me garden. You have done mis0 terribly wronged." Her piteous contrast!nc of her lot with l chief enough there already. You will ' For a minute Grace Draper's plead- mine had broken down my last har- have to stay here until tir7 things in that I don't want to have garden rier. grown. face vanished from my. anguished pf47.ritAtts ing, ---I "Pl. ghtkft Visiiiii.eihtle over and over An my do 1"14136;1111:17,;"e to t 1144 Just said simply. for in honesty I could not i the sounded ears she ' phrase in" I. disclaim the truth that she had Mee things for Peter to- eet and once fir used for the the second time since she jured me almost beyond forgiveness. more left him. Peter didn't come Pattern for this model. may be had accosted me in the upper hall of And tell me bow I can be of adads- out until after dark. He didn't ilk. obtained from The Deseret News I had come to inspect. be to at those hens In the itared house by the tonce to you." at cost. Wee 15 cents. Enclose What did she mean by this phrase, eh:linty shred. waThhteean. triehe felt oat; sittedhlz In bands and hers my and out caught with order of price pattern or rather what meaning dld she ex- bent over them. I was afraid she He had the feeling that sernehow address. Did she meant to kiss pect me to g:ean from it be fordifferent thltors after dark. and I might them, though He went all " You will tell methe trothr she intend me to believeI clenched my gave her. I felt that I couldn't bear the But they were not. into my palms et the thought touch of her lie. But hot tears. not around that pen Inch by inch. but begged. like a.child. 'You will tell me I fingers which had come to me. Thin was not kisses fell upon them, and I heard ' her everywhere he was met by that batelirhat you thinkof the picture!" fill wire. He was a prisoner with no first time it had come to me. I broken the ' murmurs of thankfulness. chance of "Its." Poor. disaphad harbored it when I had received ad a pointed Peter Rabbit! She west lit ahead of him and turned the letter she had written me in which When at last she lifted her the frame so that the fans of the pie- - she had used a similar expression. It look of quiet peace had succeeded the (Copyright, Int by -T. W. Burgess--) them down ture smiled upon anguish which had been portrayed in The nest story: "Sammy Jay Spies loveli- - was with an effort that I said: In of all its luring her face. Peter." do you mean by terribly nem. There was something means to most fozwiveness rho thetic in the girl's attitude now. wronged miii?" "And that I said. She stood under the picture. teeing Her eye:ide drooped quickly. cover-Phili- me," she said, and if ever sincerity A touch of the old mockery anti there was a tense eager- - ing her eyes for an imtant before she showed in a face it appeared to speak ;rtleted alis one hers. "And from there was a in Hoc nem only her her eyes. light that answered. the insistent little bit of assistance that I need from most supplfration. a crying out oili her doubt at theAgain you That faithful call off you your back of my brain forced 50111 to him in a breathless moment tidos," upon me. Was .he compelled to or ehall ever ask from you." that seemed hovering between pain itself hide of the until her eyes expression and joy. It wa s Jeanne. an older Jeanne , that looked from out of the Rho could he sure of eontrolling them? Was she deliberately hiding them en I picture.. limiting. inviting admtration. bewildering in her beauty; it was might gain the impression that she q ;-p f ,,, JfkOtke. the child. waiting for him in meant to conceal something? Or was fiseh and blood to speak. her eyes big her action the result of an embarrasevir.. , and dark. her breath coming oukkly. was genuinely her hands buried in the deep lace on wmenpyitnit shheratmes which l - i U !3.;...,; I ,I. .TIven--....ba- te tragic, f fp. - at the :h1:::::::::::01 grips Peter Ite-du- . - IT. DI tt - ro --Sell- . . . 4'1' PPM 1,114 DHORNTON I 4 low .4,ben-bod- - Teter lial)bit , 4A,Ils, ! I-- - Be not too sure lest Grim disappointment ... ,. . it b 0;46,, I , 1 0) A et NNW his - ix. PETRIP BITTER - - . . - -..: They bate hereveryonebut No drooping eyelids nowt Her eye., me. AndI lose her sor Her' slender form shook with !ohs, Imploring.'kuguletell. looking etraight mine. almont compelling a belief i For a moment Philip stood like one atto tn her sincerity. , Her hands Were Opt all a a b INIMS rened in th, treatment ,tt?lenthurg. struck durnb.eTiten he sprang to -her twisted-horriblin-e sterns:and close to of together.- as if she Cu her and troues :.; .- .- caught strengthes eresight--- his roles, he cried. had pulled them out of shape in their .I field ender moiler refund Illarillitee broil iterren "Jeanne:Jeannelisten," "And I have grown to bate ncy I belooked at that elutch on. upon the other. I think "Tonight picture ' drareisti6 ., . world. Jeanne. It bag compelled rne fors I went to see your father. and I should have eurrendered utterly to in hate it. That la why I is I loved because it like it to you you. i her appeal if it had not been for a , ; that night on the cliff at spoke . , Churchill" darling, I love you- -4 have memory Jeanne..my . I "I have sometimes which Cashed before ins as you--- thought that I 1 i as it portrayed upon a cinema vividly .13h, vb:e his bream. wa, nn:veeryr Pr:a paating.aaainn U , seen ntl:lit 8: tilerthewortna He covered her face with kisses. Her screen. 1 know , nothing of lt ' as I have sweet lips were not turned from him. Again I stood befit:ea the bed 'none ' been taught I have except no and there filled tier eyes a sudden which Grace Draper lair apparently It. and yet I do. .1 have right to hots I ' mks 1,7a, 4131,Ifile never that him made almost in his light delirious and dying from her wanted to see it. I have never 0 0 10 , eared to know happinees. wound after her attempt to the p e o pi "I love reI loss you. be t, you." eti d Again I listened anbduelttfoI ethlacetplt ethoau ' and again. and he could ithoot Dicky. treated. . t again ; to the tatlintt a resins,. and thendelirium find no other words than those. r Pierre and Otille by Of hes and me, this little I Pot an instant her arms clung about pretended ' 11. at FOrt 0.' God,' and bag his shoulders. and then, suddenly. they tit. And the voice with which she &d'world fear the other. I know thattaught strained against him, and she tore her dressed me sounded as clearly in my here I. no -other man In '4Z4 who world self tree. and with a cry so pathetic ears as 'the words she had just like my father. and the it seemed sa thoughher bean tered what he has done must be beet It that tw hts know. will you. I we that i hadom 1,roken in that moment, she ,fled 'And you will never.how bring your world to our 'pride ' fr out of room. ,him. the and doors, much of 1 1110VPAWD4 BrILONOt, l that we never just go to It: he trays that but' ' Iladgie. dear. said we The Peter Rabbit Club is shout know more about i iras false and bow what I hare that world than the me rmat popular organiaatitm lillfe.? people who live there, much truer which of course darted In this part of the countre. cannot be so. And so we have grown r. Movie Actresses and got only are there thousands of up amid the old InPrnorte$1., Only Ono legnest. the pictures. enrolled in Rah Lake. but and the dead romances Eidetic 'III:In ! I She bad of flung that barbed 1 Fort o' fame Ded. bee all toi club We have taken Hair the spread at me when she In living as pleasure truth ! tar- tho Picky's of we parts I Amid sucdoIn 4 , for death. making certain almoot ourselves. our OWn little social Titery. Is a Cherfri in my codes, our childish about the Bur..There Did it ever occur to Ton that,erery ceeded in pushing nit so far down ' . I . our make . AV tornados, ,'"Nnotrionassestelatat-sorsile-darden wbtch. appear, aristocracyvliteler-tbelieve,,eiese& it o. rtrtzulamioitt News for the foe- - - lives with us. and iffIttlre"a7lifeSrl'Mi'.1;aveseen has Clod thrust. But her beattotion. .her ' makes us content, that .1' cis! benefit of the clubs child mem- - ' the lovely hair. while the most ,popular .sharp "vainly of i ' , hurried -quaflying 'shrove. men and women entertains. . fascinates and that berg. to the who once filled these rooms with 7 1 count their.. purls as their 'chief roume."- drassed it Iassedls ' .., at the same time educates young no matter life .. and that and pleinure knew I And whoseta"rfoce. minds In the habit of animal life to have memory 1 In geom. for-er beauty fact, may itisltading osaimo riado passel into our-- keeping alone. decision t' ' around ,:hain.,ir, Lim. I know them track of that old I all: many of their narnes, ladies,just because of thetr ittractive what more than thin, It au her. the f8ERPTI08 With - plished benothing at their hires. me. I . . additzIn while. Rut IVIII11 looks. worth would bay, a daguot. Inuutry am;Ing them discloses barb would reotype of Camille Palmier., ... and T Could 4tion. it provides wholesome enter., must IIi end she the fact that they bring out all the .' phe wail speaking again. lp tatoment at frequent ;ntervale for are ehebete been very beautiful. There I lima rear' ne - " natural einleet slippers In the world in beauty of their hair by care. hardly believe that the young admirer of Veer Reb. ,..,. bumble. 80 to Proper. which serve to, bring' them to.. her chest, and ribbons like those which ful.shampooing. not with any soap tentrik to Grasso ,it tired voice. whose tones or the but makeshift. broken wIth r. a tal.iii....ed :tether contact for mix Lbertiithw.platols. simple refer irstwkw1"---- & 1 ,z...00zn..her - : AiCsAn- Once bad beim ses itirtititLP iittin .1: -tittevoletUre-ne- st tor e afford ot hros iwkieh bs,,,.,u4Lran to one the from thethey got druipA. g Its Tate turned t o the wall." dhat has have won on - ; "Tell Nadir, a in ot ob said hot water oup and gist) OM ap rose to her at the wreck of and Philip stood this instead of This full long the line. Look ' beside her. Therefeet, are urettier 4 '' Simi in the name s of two Pet tit' was ..., mist in her cult of 'shampoo liquidsoap.. h snough so whet I woo. while rm ' eyss as she held out her hand zr S abbit stories you have read or had to hint it is eAuty to apply it to all the hair than ever. mid your Jouth bee not like- to have And you hay, reed to New sboa picture." she whispered. yoseeel, instesd of suet the top of the head. sone es mine e Azd Tour name, addr"s age "Id a child. which I ' ,Philip could not 'meek- - He held the' After Its use. the hair dries rapidly love and home andAil I ask is pardon este of birthday. ant yo tt will be en. hand ' '' Jeanne had. given his as theV with tiniform color, Dandruff emcees shott never knew. roiled as a ol embst:- - B. sure to drag passed through the 10t2L dimiy lighted oil and dirt are dissolvtol and entirely from you. and the chastee width than," meg liang an...--,-Eue f""'ve halls. from terAt the . The bsir Ls so fluffy that it out my drab eststenco treeme at. tryo u will then re door to his room disappear. thrust" ' 0, iceive your 'membership card and they etopped' and he could feel Jeanne looks much heavier than it is its lus- ror. Surely,you ran stye sounded in ma' brain a .. beantlful colored club button free., trembling .. ,......,,L-----,.....-- -there are softness , and ter Again dslightful.Adv.. 0 ;7; tor the v,A' - HOLDING A HUSBAND ... TN . i . , ct .4., or, .1, or ViIMINEW , el r ,. . - - i 0 ifae ' Adoe'''' INia......4... Niluisifted.--Advertiseme- nt 1 ,14 s too -- ..: ..,,....;,.,. . when you use 41 sugar and Karo Crystal Whiteinstead of all sugar. Be sure to ask your grocer for 1aro RED LABEL . ' , a ling:, ,.,),. :p.str,.. ' 1 ;- . reservin . , 11111t - a it . le - 4 I , 14'14. 314' ruffling. Price 15c, stamps or : (coin preferred), , Vest Transfer Pitet"e7nTho. ...in blue only---)5- c extra. h ' , 2401i0yr, ; -- yard , For the first tint ince entangled in the net Semler Brown'a strawberry bed To Peter Hahait wee almost happy, be 'Pure he was it prisoner in a Pen In Farmer Brown's benyard, But even that- was better than lying helidess,, Benitsiesir- Peter weuhd uo In a net, didn't Intend to remain a prisoner long. He waa sure that, he aduid dig down under that wire.nen anti the fence of the hanyard And once . r e biLlrqp; - MEOCIIPP.a1...-- marTrrairt fly In one corner of that pen. Down be went for , ' ,..,,., FREE Ask your grocer or writo,,,. -- ., busy littlo . paws felt something that t' kenning 'CötnPasiv, ,.0 WILS e they could noLflig was more ...It --beautiful for 1 , and III, wire!of that Dept A, Argo Yet, air. w instructive ICLo Preserving Folder,. out aides which ot the, lietittlg:,... and top of the pen were made! ; ' i 4 At first Peter couldn't believe It. :. T - But RININVINIIWOMPEP.ing it. I ti imPlY couldn't dig any deeper. Such Fahma I 4,, .1,,,i a disappointed Rabbit! If Peter Were Sok Laii:C74. Corzosay . nal cried given to crying he would have I see he had been so 'sure Alt V - thenYou he "N etimid out that that that way get wets , ' ' It hadn't entered his head that anything could stop hint. Yes. indeed, it was a bitter disappointment. a. k I Hut Peter didn't give- up. . . a hole in another corner of the pen. . The result was the sante- - Again he In turn found that provoking wire. ' h tried each of the other corners. ' Each time he was disappointed. Final42 . , ly be dug a bole right In the middle of the pen. But he fared no better than before. Then he gave up. He , was tired. His feet were sore. He , wa the most disappointed Rabbit in itio 'his gretttloto all the flrear-Worlthe box in the corner. where he was , quite out of sight and nobody could see l'a How every. very mieerable he felt! Esi Oils Peter couldn't understand the thing at ail. Roots or atones In would down he way underground He 'would have-.have understood. .. known what to do. He would have . gnawed off roots and he would have But this thing dug around stones. that stopped him be could neither nor How it came around. gnaw dig to be underground he couldn't dndet.,. stand. Later In the day Farmer Brown's Boy came for a look at Peter to see BY ADELE GARRISON. how be was getting along. At once he saw the holes Peter had dug. He bySNowspapor. Serittoo. too. Copyright. l'eld.kn'elw.th Johusithtwhaast myoucult.'w' - - ,................, ''''' . '' e ! : 40 inches bastt material with 36-in- t,. l - , - - , , the itwoe-t- ' perfume of her preeence. thrilled him. He felt that the moment was near be knew it I WA' te Lslip away loom him. him in a paradise. or a chaos leaving of dee- pair. Jeannh looked up at the,dueling The pletola tumbled in the soft folds of firelight lace over her bosom; it glistened in her hair, and lighted her face with a gentle glow. "There Isn't much to eltPlarn." she said again, in a voice so low that it was, hardly more than e. whisper. But what little there is I want you to know. an that when you go away you will un- Phtitp, F. , , sizes 1 1736-inc- ot-- tterdretety--- mentally designated as benches, with deep cushion seats of greenish teeth. These same tat IOUS Seats furnished other parts of the MOM. From the the ancient pictures on the walls tostood ; hairnet and entrees that up like a legless sentinel in one corner, this E room, like the others. breathed of age. Over a big open fire. : extremein which half a dozen birch logs place. , I were burning. hung a number of old. fashioned weapons; a flintlock. a pair obsolete French dueling pistols. a ;: of abort rapier similar to that which Pierre wore. and two long swords. noticed that about each of the : Philip duelinst pistol was tied a bow of rib. bon. dull ad faded. as -- though the : passing of generations had robbed them of beauty and color, to be rea placed by the somberness of age.. During the meal Philip could not rit but observe that Jeanne was leborina under some mysterious "Strain. Her r. cheeks were brilliantly thinhed. and :- her eyes were filled with a lustrous brightness that he bad never seen in -....Ahem before. Theirbeauty was almost ottrange little tremor ot her whits houlders, as though a sudden chill bad pawed through her. He Witco,- red, too. that Pierre was observing : some. thee things. and that there was - , col.. with plain The ladiesi and misses' Ibm.... yards ; .. 7....,...,0,Au....,,,--.....- pr,Pe, first-Alidn- - e .. ,... : ' , figured-sol- 16 years. it - ,',' SUMMER , .,..,,,,,40..,-....- ..,: ,n I lat, vest, cuffs and sash is this pretty frock to wear on warm Summer afternoons. A feature that will appeal to all women is that it takes a very short time in make, in fact it could be futished in about three afternoons at a rest of about 12.00 figuring voile at 40c per yard 'with ruffling at 10c per yard. Of cootie, a little extra time is required te add the rt - LOOKING , !? , of , .nd . - FROC1'6. - ) L - zorilitiva, g . - 4 COOL r , ! , ,E. ! I - , , - ' I i 1 . '' ' . - , ' ,, , ' , , 4 ' et1 0 71, ( .tok.1 'oreOetSt,,, lnnabely - cheer.1 d force4 In the Then be lookid beyon& and for thelthIng and Otille But IYArcamhzi Vest tIme Philip realized there ; seemed oblivious of sny, was completely Pierre; zoom, ftni Others overfloirid. 104.! ckhge. Thetz..,Parppirreesi d th other a pretty. at Philip thought Etf his last supper with btir that glistelled like a raven's ,!Churchill. with Eileen Brokaw and her lamp-gloacted had A.In( in the Miss Brokaw father. and arms Jeanne Jett her fathers s.then: and had truggled to ve her hand th Philip. -- weewhoter. strangely hide- lis I as Jeanne wa struggling now. Couches." she cried,.hand. I- - Mademoiselle He wasi glad when the meal was fin- PillP her Pierre's slater gae and the master of Port o God and behtnd them IYArcambaland laughlolled. rose from hit seat. At VArcambal's said: beard his in again.. li softly Jeanne's, llousli. movement his eyes eaught . in VArcamhal But and then he sew that Piorra wee : you may call her agile. Phtlip. at him, ce looking sharply Ohl God. ' tonight we are in sort "Jeanne owes )ou an anologyand - call Jeanne. what a witch )ou in explanation. Maleus.1,hilip,. Jeanne, Lte:- no D'Arcsinhal., resting a hand upon but breathed Philip. An angel!" i Jeanne a head. "We are gqing to retire beard him. - Ot,e thart.land sh will initiate you Into the fold - And this ',ROT," sided the oldNI'114.jr P:rlirtnymm-,"you are tittake-1Pierre and Otitis followed him from that I must 7 'Philip Tonight I suppress when the room. For the first tim in an Yeti m'aieur. but tomorrow. Iran at hour Jeanne Iaughed frankly s have on my leather leggings r.tIll Pr Pitt skin ' Pletae to explain. loft Inek. "You know pretty nearly ail - Jennee bag ever gotta in to dnner is to know- about---Fo0' Gott another arm than mine Or Pierre's there ,nottom,ttinly-- , Fotaar, ouviiwthattod--enhoet. Ala . appear to value your confidence very cond. JitUe wit ilit age-- It must.hava in WI arnt u seemed wngratefut-trand they went Into the ball. - have told you Ito little about myself 4u4 not restrain blmself from whim- and my home. aftr what you did for PerlftS: fettliOrs Plirre ItSd am gus--- r war', dresa. M'ateurPhilittl' -es. permianten now. It is the second time ,And the IYArcambal behind them.- in that he has ever given it to me." la an "And I don't want to hear." es- -. the 'Me of a happy boy.. Philip. bluntly. "I have been honor to taeort that to say nothing elsaiMed more or lees of a brute. Miss Jeanne. That In it.. of the silly girl that's I know shout Fort o' God. It enough dress. sir belonged to a beautiful lady place. You owe me nothwho was railed Camille. and who 'Led is a glorious ing. and for that reason over a century ago." "But I insist." interrupted the glrl. "Father. please do be r Doe" pro. "Do , ' you mean to say that you do not tested Jeanne. "Remember "1 care to listen when this Is the second "Ah, so I will," said her father. had forgotten that you were to tell time in my life that I have bad the opportunity of talking about MY Witten? Philip these things." home? And the 't : iited Thai entered another room give Inel pleasure. This will." by a 'tingle huge lamp suspended any A shadow came into Jeannes eYvel. hove a table spread with sliver and She motioned fine linen. The room was as great a In front of him to a seat beside her the fire. Her the other two bad been. nearness.' 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