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Show m mi 4 - m & W fcAS 4 , S&,3$ Jr A 1 I; 'W Weather Forecast. Temperature. Northern Utah Generally fair tonight and Wednesday; not , jnuch change in. temperature. Sdutheastern Idaho Tonight and Wednesday unsettled with thunder storms in mountains. 16 'K - re pa 1 Button Bid. Rloot Maximum yenrday ,.94 ...1 Mmtmtfiw y f rd y mr-- t r rr .dfc Minimum tody . .... .71 .70 am today 72.. 9 am .........90 ........90 today oon today 91 9 1 i. ....... SALT LAKE PAGES CITY tJTAli; flJESDAY JULY 18 1922 SEVENTY-THIR- If YEAH. D - 'rntr . 4iilWU"Vi Strike of Railway Employees vf Moving Swiftly Toward Crisis ROAD OFFICIALS AND GRABLE.MEET.. WITH. -MEMBERS OF BOARD STUBS H 901 Basil forSettlcment of Shopmen Walkout and Prevention of Further Action by Other Brotherhood Are l)ucued Malntenimoe of Way"Emil&yed Who Quit Will Not be Outlawed, Say Chief. Struggle to See Victim Wielder of Hammer For Whom Death Penalty is to Be Demanded. Crowds Raws Service) Calif, July IS While Clara Phillips, alleged hammer murderess, was being arraigned in the superior court under an indictment charging hep with one of the most atrocious murders that ever shocked the citizens of Los Angeles, funeral services were held In a distant part of the city over the lorn and mutilated body of Aiberta Meadows who It is alleged, was the victim of her rage. A continuance until seat Friday at which time she will enter a plea, was granted Mrs Phillips, when she appeared before Judge Houser Court Room Filled. at both Large crowd gathered places The throng that surged about the courtroom and clamorrd for admittance was the larger For those who gathered there went to see a woman accused of a most spectacu- lar murder and there is no exclte-Tnegh tn afxmerai; tt be that of the victim of such A ppeotagS- . lay crime. While the browd was gathering at (By International DOB ANGELES, are still in progress, according to authentic reports. Officials of the United States Bailway Labor Board and of the shopmens union declined to confirm reports that a definite peace plan had been evolved. Persistent reports that a settlement appeared closer than at any time since the walkout began, however, were not denied. -- Tt is tgiwmemt Near. understood that conference I EMERGENCY Heiress to Riches Of Rockefeller to Become Milliner be- t By Associated Press ) , Evans and four WELLSBURG. W, Va,. July IS, children, Nettie aged 7, Edna 4, An mg on order of Sheriff Thomas Bobby 2, and Shirley an infant. I'.val of Brook, county, whose father Sheriff H H Duval, was killed were seriously burned, some per- with three other men in a battle be6G8 tween authorities in a crowd of haps fatally in their home, mm. vaders at th ciifton or'the, afternoon this West Ninth north Rirhland Coal company at Cllftonvi!! when a gasoline Btove exploded. eaiiv Monday morning Depuiy Sheriff A friend of the family, Tom George L Cardwell, has broken up the tent colony of stakwho was visiting in the and dispersed ing miners nur the scene of th home, was also badly burned. fight men. arrested by depAll were removed to the emerguties and stale police, werein custotreataid first for ency hospital dy here and in Wheeling today Three ment and their conditions were of these were in Wheeling hospitals Ore of the last to be brought In was reported as precarious. said by the officials to be the man BVGEO R In- Dar-iga- Speech Leaves Man After n, Forty-fiv- Days of 61 Fast in Kentucky e tBv The Associated Pres) ' STWTOV IS. Kr.. July Wil- liam Rice, of .Vada. today was speechless and In a very weakened h condition on the day of his voluntary fast Pbistcians who have examined Rice do not expert him to live much longer. If he continues tn refuse sustenance. Rice said he intended to fast only 0 day to purify hi bodv whon ThetO da ye- - were up. hevtUI continued pis vigil, saying if he ate he would go to bell anti asserting that he wax firing on spirit wal food. Rice was Fntfl few days ago. able to talk, but now his speech has left him. By his bedside are a Bible, a cross, a fan. a trumpet and a likeness of fhrlat. Rice has a wife and two (laughter-, both of whom are married, who are at ilia bed-ld- e sixty-fourt- asrhrltrtftt.tmt .- -- strle-creart- in ( n Jus-,ljvi- Gara Phillips is e Given Examination non-unio- n Livestock Men to n a'?' By Sanity Board Be Given Markets Bobbed Hair Will j Pass in Decade is hr ,ho Teachers Belief rurl dktordaOMioaJ, e v'.-- i n fr - -- - anti-aircra- ft I ' to-pa- - wenw,nd THE TRUTH ABOUT UTAH ..a - ' -fi IT TAKES CLIMATE AND WATER TO MAKE GOOD SEED. .Prllifw Officers Accused Of Rathenau Slayer Storing Part? in-Wine-Ce- flars Suspects Commit ISuicide in Castle , Acied Ptl , fBv-Aoel- f a nt wrat-centr- al Bad-koee- ' t.. al HOLMES.-Internation- News Service j . semi-hyster- i sume operation at once and requesting the governors of those states in which the mines operate to furnish such military protection as may be needed If state troops find it impossible to cope with the situation, federal troops, it was, understood, may eventually be employed. Mrs. John nt - p' 1 even-thou- And Range Reports ' ARISES Staff WASHINGTON Juy IS At a twa hours sesMon of the cabinet today, devoted entirely to discussion of tb grave industrial situation, it was decided that President Harding should addres a communication to the governors of the 41 states of the union calling upon them to protect, b troop if necessary, the public Interest which has been endangered by the twin rail and coal strike Bejond the brief announcement from the Whit House following tha ah'nn meeting that such a communication is being prepared by Preside- -! there wa no further Insight accorded into th administration's po. of licy having the coal mines reopened for production. The presidents communication td the governors will be madepublia toroght. Regarded Menace, President Harding will inform th governor, it is understood that th prasvnt KtuatoiT Ity - f hd coal Indus- -' try constitute menace grave to the public welfare, not only in their own utt but throughout the nation, and fhat It i essential that coal produc-tio- n be started Immediately if th country is to escape a famine In the coming winter. It was understood he will direct the govern . s to use every means at theif dispose in --ee that coal is resumes at once, and thatmining if the atat n Iitarj forces it their command ar unab.e to furmsn the necessary protection and maintain law and order, then they art Invited iu ca.i upon feocral government for whatever the etthei in men or supplies.they re,Jr ihat fr. Sident Htrdir.g win t. not to seize the coal mine if is long delayed, wa made a; the Wl.iie House this afternoon clear following thi cabinet meetirg Nature of Teat. President Harding his Instructions to toe oo- -i regards operators to resume operators as somewhat in tha net jre of a teL If the operators demonstrate that they tan produce coal sufficient td Kiep the country from freezing with he protection afforded them by stats an i federal troops, then well and good, but if the fail, a was that thwoniv oour-- e left to emphasized the federal government is to step in take charge the mine and run them as govern-ot, L'lfnt , instituunns.. . The admin'stration it was indicated at the Whit Intends, House, to giv the operators a reasonable amount t,me to demonstrate their ability "ot ta produce coal under present conditions It is upon this demonstration mat depends government seizure and-o- pe rat. on It was stated Ha-d.- . f - t' heg-iia- pro-aucti- -- fr , Herrin Expected to be Firit to Open in Illinois (By International News Service l CHICAGO. July 18 Herrin. IIL, scene of the recent ol i worker. the logicxl to p ac the mines in Illinois Dr trunk C. Honnoid, secre-tr- rj treasurer of the Illinois Coal Orerator declared to. Uuy There are sixty thousand tons of Itb-r- e wintry to be loaded "onto cure." he said "The strip mines tn that locality cun produce about tHi tons u day." It was preu'eted Jn well informed envies that he Illinois mine owners w.i! tuae advantige of President In. rdingv promise of federal protection, and will ask for use of the troops ut lterrln, where on June 22 more than a score of men were kd.ed and at least fifteen in hired. I want to make It clear." .Aid Tr Hannoid, that the strip mines at Herrin are not member .of th ren-uni- -- -sf the strip mines axe the only mines in the state that can possibly be cperaled. Only certited - miner may work In shaft mines, under provisions of tbe stale lew, and th certified miners are all union men. Presidential order or no,, tbe net lew stands and cannot be aet aside. a, '"Dr'.Ktsrsr i tch aji DKia and where they have no certi fication law, the shaft mines Can, of course, bk opened, her however., mining operations will have to bo confined to stripping, a work that can be don with steamshovela. The thing for th Herrin minora (o do. would be to ask Governor Small for state troops first. Then If they are not axttafled. they would have to call on th federal authori- , J penn-sylvant- ties. TheHerrin mines bay boon closed month. since the tragedy ot I rwu.uftei rat' 4,-- k" f of Blaze in North No Time Lost Obeying Man date of Sheriff in West W ASHING ON, July 18. President Harding lte today will Virginia Trouble Zone send simultaneously telegrams directing the operators of all Suspects Rounded Up. bituminous mines shut down because of strike conditions to re- tween W L. McMenimen, labor mem(By Associated Press.) ber of the board, and Bert M Jeweil, FW FORK. July IS. whose shots killed th eider Duval millinleader of the striker, have establishery shop will be .opened In ChicaThis prisoner's left arm wa found to ed this tentative bal for an agreeneat go fall McMia Martel by have been shattered by bullet when McMenimen and Ben W, ment Cormick. daughter of Harold F. he was captured at th Pennsylvania Hooper, chairman of the board, also McCormick and grand of daughter are understood to have held parley John D. Rockefeller, Miss Mcstate line executives with railway Cormick confirmed report that DER MOTNES Jew Footing l High FUOh. The opinion t prevalent that the ; ie was going to the enter fraabtraw ordT wilt meet fi jbes ""Moines next F eIlngIierw a aFiihTgh--pfte-h labor board, having brought prospect after being told that Chicago had nearer and a heavy guard of deputies by of ait agreement appreciably heard she wa going to open such MondSy I disease president Bardins' today under Sheriff Duval kept vigilance that have the aerie of conference fWAbiifihmmt here. been held, soon will call a formal pub-- I Although hetresu to two fortunes. lie hearing of the rail executives and' Mbw McCcraioh - ho has been a the union chief at which It Mi hoped . Smnat of Mr. James A. Stillman.' fore said site was going to become a' Judge to plead to the charge. District a final settlement will be effected. waa t,nwj tht . WASHINGTON Prediction. "Ottawa Homan because she loved urtktng miners and their E. F. Orable. president of the Attorney Thomas L. Woolvin and his made by Samuel Oompere president (hat ,hey mtm mov, oul Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way j She Urn became chief deputy, W, C Doran. Issued of th American Federation of Labor fresh mj,hout delay attracted to the art dtirinar the statements in which thev declared the Employee Is In Chicago today, President Harding's invitation to They lost no time In obeying the of her cnetamc for tine prosecution of Mrs Phillips on the that from Washington, where he had a the bituminous coal operators to order, taking nothing but food with conference with President Herding presentation of the French play murder charge would he most vigor- turn to their properties . resume Bud m The officers expressed PaMit. Ip Chicago, in which ously pushed and that the death penOrable wa scheduled to confer today IB no appre- - anr result would s to where they had gone she made board her labor dehut in the alty would be demanded. with members of the wap of Me in the ell Increase prodetion Sheriff Duval said he was deter-copart of the bo lover. Strike sentiment in hi own organisaIT Read. Indictment to mined hreak up the colony, and i Miw McCormick will return to tion I reported to be growing but j Mr Gorapers said coal could be had that none of the people who had been The proceedings today were short. Orable declared no authorized strike j Chicago in a few days to perfect in there would be allowed to ample quantities 'the moment her ahop. Accompanied by her attorneys, the acaction would be taken until after the Is done" iturn to the tents The mine had been cused woman appeared in court In meeting of the brotherhood's grand! half men agare When million a basis a of opened recent'y on a Jan matron charge lodge at Detroit Thursday Grable deAs the indictment wa read, charg- grieved is a poor time mdecd for the Woman Seeks Relative nied that the "run away" strike of ing her with the brutal murder of role of drums, the rattling of sabres, n0-maintenance of way men had assum,AT!umb"?I for:n Jro!n"' came Phil- and the pounding of the mailed fist pretty Alberta Meadows. Mr he ed serious proportions although speak English "The is toward country drifting and lips, beautiful, petite well groomadmitted that several thousand memt,,da' from Avella- state of Irresponsibility la dealing the WeI1burr ed, smiled nonchalantly bers of the brotherhood had Joined mining town across the border both the coal and railroad where A L. Pnillips, her husband, arrived mob the which attacked the walkout of the shopmen in court after the proceedings had strikes" said the labor chieftain formed yesterday . wa Clerk Ballot. Service ) (V. fniernatl'''".'! He took a seat at one aide started Through interpreteis they said they of the court room. Strike ballot were received today LO5? AVOELFS Jn'y If? Pnilllnff for Vere male relative searching and clerk freight by sevefal thousand Although plea was entered todav xiho h4 not been eeen 4nce Sunday Clar? Thillp tlVred hnirmor handlers of the Chicago. Milwaukee defense attorneys stated the plea Friear-onight It is beheed identffiCAtion of of prett A!twrta Meadows A St Paul railroad. The ballots, day would be not guilty some of the 43 prisoners held here aji to have been examined Monday by to E R. Kinney, general Mrs her Fallowing arraignment be in will made and Wheeling through a By The Associated Prsss ) chairman of t he clerks, deal with the of weakPhillips showed first rommlion xbrh will report to th these women DENVER, Colo. July 1$. The sec- ening since her arrest signs when she- went wage question only. A committee nwn-- ; more than a 'district attorneys office as to j and State policemen of the Chicago ond days conference of live stock Into in her cell at the representing clerk score of deputy sheriffs worked ail it If the rvprrt show the woman and Eastern Illinois railroad was to men from the Mates west of the Mis. county Jail and called for her hus-- 1 d ston-agin to rso-tis of Cliftonville the tactics virinitv night confer today with railway officla's in r,ver an1 government agrirul-le- d band. rounding up even man who whs un sane her irralgnment upon a murden so effort to adjust differences that abe to give h satisfactorv aceoint of charge wlli follow as soon as posnibl REAL ESTATE MAN DIES. to a favorable strike ballot by the. turn!, experts and statisticians was his whereabouts Mri Ph.U'vs wa r ore cheerful Sunday night and held here today Coder plans dlscuss- clerks, per- - than morning Fortv three Y N. fotowng her f.rt IS WATERTOWN, jeaterdy July men of ' FoMcadsthitt thousands hVr' TriYian-rTtm I IfTo mi ire real sons'had been 'arre,teda tjp to TT me'wr'V "v server for Walter- - Rafferf fr fly Tntcrnnl flViuiI N'cvvs ' Service' ul4 Join In the strike yesterday were Thev were oclock this morning and telephone county iai vc vexterd. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. July 18 not fulfilled, according to reports here, j th lnd"s'rv ts Proposed by which estate man, died here today. dr.! mat o circtim-sevefrom the mine said that reunited under message ilive men stock will be 15.000 firemen a about While Bobbed hair is transitory phekept Informed stationary more were on their way to stances and their f.rt would have Governor of Illinois nomenon and will be forgotten in and oilers struck In compliance with of range conditions In various , Wellsburg gone well in a mow ethri)Jer ten years, Professor O. A. Jenks of exgranted by Timothyet,ions ot the country and advised fre A his ued to and Duval Sheriff deputies lengthv etJFemf if tat. Orders Mobilization of the deportment of anthropology, Healy. president of their union. the alleged s!ay-thprewed their determination to get to dav bv attorneys of available the quently of of mainwalkout authorized rniven-lttosupply of general ic to- withhold its the bottom of the whole affair and National Guard Troops day declared. Minnesota, --here tenance at way men occurred. Less food producing animals and the probwith that end dn new were eenuring judgment until th defense atde of the Hair Is as short as It ever Will than 2.000 members of the trackmen, able demand. be been ail the roads and had eae every village presented (By International News Service ) The range country will he divided it is estimated, went out and most of be. Dr. Jenks. declared. If It hi rut tween the Ohio river and the Pen n Into live stock regions under the plan these were on eastern road CHICAGO, July 18 The 202nd a r- - any shorter, women will kme their sylvan la state line nonState nd natural geographical lines will be tiUery Troops 'A special tram transporting Georgia attractiveness and the race will die regiment of the union workers to the Baltimore and followed. Frank Andrews. Denver Illinois National Guard wa ordered out. he said. FRFIGHTFIt GJFlOrND. Sent to Strike Scene Ohio shops here was fired on last I staUatician, will summarize th re-- ! mobilized here today. Order for the "Bobbed hair is a manifestation 8EATTLE, Wash, July 18- - The of womans desire to escape from Bight by five men In air automobile, ports for the western states as a mobilization It waa said came direct from Governor Len Small through whole but no one was injured. limitations of sex convention, big freigher Mobile City was still, (By lnetrnatlonal News Service ) the ERl'NKWICK. Ga . July 18 Three Leon m. Easterbrook, Washington, ! the office of the adjutant general. t lier-e- lf on a plane of aground off Protection Island, Wash. and Allege Intimidation. chief of the bureau of j No announcement as to the purpose -- rrikinv with man, Dr. today. The vessel was resting easy, companies of Georgia state troops rhesancakei D- c- - associate companionship antmal economics, i Chairman of the of the mobilization wa given out It Jenks asserted. undamaged. She grounded parted today from St Simon' island. and Ohio shopmen at Peach Creek meeting here off thi port, for WacroiM. Ga . where Among the prominent was announced. Sunday. . 1..!". Men attending are Nat C Murray.! ratlwav atrike disorder! occurred late -- hlcf riMistlciao Washington; W. F jreeterdxy No new trouble were-- re in a teie-- ' uty s iTeriffs, of government manager Calender, ported todav and it was said that acfrom Jewell received by today gram live stock projec's. Charles E Gage, tion wa taken Tr prrrrtt-atty-7Twthe tn of A F Earnhardt, preeident T. outbreaks charge of field service for the i .K.r ' g! a lon The troops are under command of crops and live stock estimate, reported that the deputies are armeq, n C-fi.ri.e live stock specialist Maj C C Cope th. etrtkers are anarv and said j of the Chicago branch of the bureau, he feared trounie. available through congres- Jewell said that the shopmen's exe-- l 'fQa have made tbe Utive board would take up the ma'-- 1 w hlch live stock ter this afternoon and intimated j .T v.te Tecn The demand for alfalfa aoed has fab outrun domcetlc production and I'tah la producing the finest seed orking for several telegram might be sent to Governor car- In the world. There is a place down tn the middle portion of the state called MtUard county wlrtch hi producMorgan of West Virginia. Jewell to- j A telegram received by ing more and better seed than any other equal acreage anywhere. It is high enough and dry enough there to day from Marvin H. Sperry, national give the product the right turn." Alfalfa seed does hot thrive la a humid climate. Vtsh lewd the nates Soldiers' anl Private of the president with Kansas, Nebraska, California, Arizona. Colorado, Oklahoma, Idaho. Montana and Wyoming Joining In ailora legation, urged the strikers r 'wtbo'VQW-eiP-bg..-t d aradevA "stand firm'' hnd pleffguinit-lrAttthrhrxwtrought-iii n,.lil ftalorqfaall t ofni faxnafriswlgw cm an lr ti the legion in every possible way. amounting to 100.000 bushels In 1900 and daring the war years we had to get 60,000 bushri a year to replenof chairman local the from ' . Reports ish our own acreage. -the shopmen at East St. Louis which JK The men Taking. Millard county as an object lesson, it can be claimed that she ha reclaimed more dTer-trr- t. .were receilf.1 .today declared that BAN FRANCIFCO. July 18 than land same time she alfalfa can other of were Join.ng the stoke daily in that has found out that she any raise the state. At the gated part Official probe has heen ordered seed after Intelligent study of the climatic conditions required. The result la that Millard county beads the locality. Jnto tha complaint mad by Theo, , world seed. aifatrs in good dor Glerr owner of th Gler Passenger Are Rescued Z Licadliig.. authorities aasert-- that other portions-othc. ataie hsve condilions almost If not quite M good., Bresa.1- "Bond ed 'Wareh buses In Oakrtuld. From Disabled Vessel Millard for as this an could that a to Is 18. There Ctah county production. large opinion gaining Hermann produce BERLIN, July that federal employees have been amount of good alfalfa seed that It would not only Improve the piaht elsewhere hot would shut out an In- . Fischer and Edwin Kern, who for stealing win from tha premise from other countries. and on one occasion, held a party product ny days have been pursued by LONG BEACH, Calif., July 18. tn th rum cellar at which womas asGerman the the police Nearly alt the acreage in the Enlted States wa planted from Ftah seed. It waa of Spanish origin, en ware present. sassins of Foreign Minister RathTweny men and women, passenger ' It has flourished rinoe went coast of Sooth arid either Mediterraneanrenntrted. America or sonsy the excuralon dry, an boat, aboard the Tourist, The federal Intelligence bureau enau, committed suicide today, very early times but It seems to be coming to tt full reward right ham In this Kate, In charge cf Investigations of which became disabled ten miles off from according to a dispatch Halle. From compilations made the avrrago yield five yean ago Cor the state waa 83 carloads of 80.000 Newport, on the Orange county coast -offices has th complaint The two men Shot themselves, in hand.south of here, were rescued by tbe 80 pounds to the bnaheL Seventy-fiv- e of this Mils from the fire each, pounds mantles, percent to a and brought the dispatch said, Th Gler warehouse Kara been thay were fishing smack Music, However, seed jobs were handled by awry threshing outfit In the Mate, In all there are about 1JM about to be captured In th turfederal control since Gler's under Long Beach today. ,, Tour-isora In Ctah raising ced on 15,000 acres or about 6 per rent of the alfalfa hay acreage, ret of Ssaleck castle, near arrest about a month ago on a When the Music sighted th ( In the whithet they had bean tha latter wa wallowing charge that wine wa Illegally sold - t traced by th police. , , i Clip these each day. Th collection "will b valuable information an your ewn stat,J from th Gler wineries bay. . . , -- t Governors of States in Which Bituminous Fields Are Located Requested to Furnish Military Protection to Workers a n dProper fy- - Fetfera I Soldier Will be Called as Last Resort. x (By International News Service.) CHICAGO, July 18. The strike of railway shopmen was believed today to be moving swiftly toward a climax as the result of secret parleys held here during the last 24 hours. Conferences from which a plan of settlement is expected to emerge According to these report the pln Involve an agreement by the railroad to restore all semoritv right of the wtriker and to aboitah the practice of "farming out" ehop work to ehop The not owned by the railroad agree to an union, for their part, will the with immediate return to work aasuranve that a rehearing on the be question of reduced wage calr granted. U. S. TROOPS WILL -- RR0TECTMINES'-1E LEAVE-I- f 4k(ii 'fllW v ! :L Roof Of v;--- : J3 |