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Show F f 4 THE DESERET NEWS si. 5g 4 .rf TUESDAY JULY 18 1023 BEAVERS EXPECT TO MAKE ANOTHER SPURT OFF BEES ff i BRITISH LA TEN NISA SSOCIATI ON WITHDRAWS FROM DAVIS CUP COMPETITION VN BEAVERS WITH BACKS John BoD Quits READY-T-O AGAINST--WAL-L OFFBEES TIGHT Class Performers Duffy Ball Club Will Put F orth Extra Effort So at to Avenge Mistreatment to Bee in Portland Recently. Great Britains Davis Trophy Campaign Come to An Inglorious Finish. HE turn in the road in the Pacific Coast league found the mark and a little Bees still holering around the 50-- Si turns if "TT' i ) Considering the fact that an a'-pitcher was on the shelf a War In fielder out and a first string catcher diaahled temporarily the Bece did exceedingly well to hold the Vernon at even. William Eaalck a Tiger club te no ptekina for a team In good shape leave alone a bunch of cripples So Salt Lake farts have no fault to find with tb Bee la thle ataga U the race hut they look for befer breaks during the second half With the club's offensive strength blf President Billy Lane weeketted Is taking no time in building up a defense that will stand against all at- -' tacks- - It la the pretty's plan to secure another good pitcher from the big leagues and this morning your Uncly Billy was quite confident that results of hla efforts to secure a dependable The pitchhurler were forthcoming er the Bees superintendent expect to land la a first class men. having been a consistent winner ta the Johnson circuit A definite announcement 1 expected this week. ft 1 1 - ?By Aae&clated Press) Britfe OXDOS, ..rjulFU, La Lawn Tennis association, decision to withdraw from competition for the Davnrwrp, announced yegterdav, has. cheated g sensation among tennis devotees. Regret oxer thlv action 1 universal but while thU anltude In on Is based on sharp disagreement with the association s action, it take form elsewhere in deploring Great Britain e lack of enough first rate players to make a team without two outMandlng men Major A. R. P. Klngscote, and Randolph Lycett, who. It waa said, would be unable to make the trip to America if they should have won the preliminary tournament against bpain. An Inglorious End. The Dally Telegraphs tennl expert has this to eay: Thla rather Inglorious end to Great Britain a Davie cup campaign of 1S2J reveals a serious executive blunder somewhere. Great Britain ought not to have tseued a challenge and played the first round If further pursuit of busthat challenge depended, upon thecouniness affairs of two men. When and Italy tries Ilk comparative stranger in the lnteroa-t.onarena can send teams abroad. It Is a thousand pities that the oldest lawn tennis country should withdraw Suddenly If Klngscote and Lycett could not go to America three oy four other players could have been found. Their Job might bev been e of Italy hopeless in prospect aa thatwould at but tt or courwith least have been undertaken camaraderie.' age end Needs Encouragement. 8 porting Life aavs British tennis Is badly deficient ln players of really first class ability. Klngscote and Lycet are the only two men who would have had any real chance agairst the United States. There le evidently a need for tome organized scheme to encourage -and ' develop youthful talent." ' they touid advance in spite of spasms of fieldti-and constant injuries to plavers w hich count against right now. Just as jrapageV'DaflvTievIs tfiought he might be able to use Oscar Vitt then Lultr Bets?. 'one of the ber pitchers in tlie league, pulled up with a busted thumb and will be out at least for two more week ard this has comoeiied the Salt Lake manager to use pitching talent that is still in the experimental stage. And on top of hat Vitt found that he could not work for a couple of weeks more and so the necessary punch to put the club over the .500 mark has been lacking. in ,L l 50 -- helowirirniCr WfilJ! gwmirrpgtrtarrntTht! Lewi Hopeful For Better Break. COAST LEAGUE THE SCHEDULE THIS WEEK. Portland at Salt Lake, beanie at Sacramento, ben Franrleon at Oakland. lm Angeles end croon at Lo Angeles. booster for Sand says If Willie Kimtn Is Henry worth 1100 04 and Jimmy Ofonnell Is worth 7000. then th Lake shortstop ought to bring Pa--110 000 In the big leggus mar. d la having a big year with Duffy Lewis' Bee a Jl- Cxecho-Slovak- St kt Out of M- - T SEALS CLINCH GAME WITH SEATTLE IN EARLY INNINGS Sox Take Third Straight From Yanks whole-hearte- rs rlvd tv d u tti.th.rr,5: 8tah In-- rrT i l,i Brazil and High Bear Watching. . poobeefe triple warn hr ptaellfs elagle the teath aad la Ike ReSa great stsaessmiv, boat tkelr haelneee wtth aa g 7 victory ovrr the Brave. followed Charley High la poking them hard to right field and High and Brasil are liable te keep the shortonBonneville top and vT"h!? fence pretty well dusted TT miserly with base on the inner fare. pretty well dented ho'dng the Athletic to four all InternaWestern of the The eollepe told ahile the Indians got to Harris the tional league played havoc with who t few vr,eI ln lh of the Portland bosses, plana innings In found that league a rich garden ould which yoong th eye of their develop right under Coleman former Ore- Ralph wao yartgd-irhgon Agrift otor. wont bloolo hfld Bom Rooo woo to tho ohlpped down Bom of tho othor yonnr BooVor thoro wo bo wiy wero told to troin thom ftftor tho dotnloo of tho fT ItbARK Fred FWIton W4rtland bee a great prospect In nal.,r deeWon ever Bob RopergetIn the la southpaw Georg Walberg. youthful Jcx Dovlno, who oconto for the vpHcho AT JERSFT CTTT Jeksvr ca Irk looked Amerl To rk New n from Elin Flor of on him. T over recently and asked a prtc -. blushtngly Tb Portland Beaver AT Tork club might BROOKLYN nouncd that thSl,00Newend four players. kSMwked 0.1 BUI, HenryRebo 1. the twe'I get him for end Devine wired th Tank owner to bnve n look at sweet planning AT BOSTON CIOS' eoenon Eddie Skvrll. beat V si berg before tho I as yet an unfinished Jack Farr, la tea reaada. a blg fellow wi.h H s p reluct" He la and n lot of staff world of speed eeoeme to be about the bcr bourbpaw barring prospect la th league, possibly FonnE Kirk Lamorich ef ibo Aotolft. plyf m proo-Me- ti sk. She-4a- d n- Cache Legion League I HOME RUNS IN - LEADING LEAGUES jUKRICAX, CLtB HvmiP-lefs- STANDING. V W. L. t . .417 Richmond Lewiston At At 14. a stwrdaris Hirsm-Ioti- a Rlchmond-Lewlato- n Resalta. 14, Hyrum IS. 12. Richmond Sckedsls Mlsrta. Lowlston at Logan Richmond at Hyrum. Schedule Monday, Jslx Logan at Richmond. Lewiston st Hyrum (two games). tt WWW -- v-v ;r I la Three Players for Walter Johnson Has Uncle Sam Selected Realized One of His Two Great Ambitions NEW TORK, July IS Coincident default of tha with tha unexpected British Isles Davis Cup team which now Waltor round F)R th Smok-bKin ot sends Fpaln Into the final semi-finhudH th Washington 8nator. has nursed against th winner of the France and Australia, tha At Ba FnaclMO two ambitions. On waa to rgTatr 194 between Btate NATION U LEAGUE. AXEB1CAN XXAOrS. Lawn Tennis AssociaUnited Seat?. O A ( 3m Frtwbf. ahotont th other to victories; AB RHO A crest AB R H tion today Indicated that its plana for W LPtel W. L. Rot W U Foti W U Pet 4 4 If th out record bofor he retires the defense of the International troLan1f .8 strike 44 .419 Vow York 19 19 KUy .414 tS 43 I 43 48 14 Clevotond .111 Be. 14 Lott Brooldy 1 3 t 7, VttUn rf BAdiM 4 S3 38 84 Fltuborg I 44 474 to th Washington dug-oSaw York 44 39 .tSM Waohingta 49 43 .4U8t. Lout for the last phy ln the challenge round wero 1 1 4 Kmm tb 44 49 824 Phlladelph 31 44 .391 4 .4X8Chfe0go Bray rf 8 Chicago ..48 44 .131 Phnadofeb S 3 9 FUn.lb completion Eldrd ef 4 I 48 41 .SSI.Bootoa .. 3 Si. .341 time. The trapping Swed realised nearing 8ft . ..38 48 43 .UTiBooton .4l2CinclnjU Detroit 1 1 4 cf From well authenlcated sources It fb Will t yConI th latter aim last fall, when, t th 1 13 9 Rhm Btmp lb 4 Davis cup committee has said th ls Ovtiook For Todj. end of th American League season he Outlook For Today. 4 4 41 Kldff 3b 4 Ct'3b upon three ot tha players 4 Now Tork at 8L Isoutft threotoales. 1 3 9 TUr e . had eclipsed old Cy Young's array of decided ChleMfo t Now Tork. eloorw J Adm e 8 They 4 Cleveland Brooklyn ot PJtUborgh. cloudy at PhlUdolphlA etoor. t t 94 Scott p whiffs by eighteen Johnson st that who will make up the team. Jeebb p 3 Booton ot Cincinnati, portly cloody. 1 ar William T TUden, 2nd, of PhilaTobin n 1 t!m had fanned 3 92? men Detroit at Bootob. clear. I 18. Phlladolphlo at Chlcaco, cl ear . 8L Loulo ftt Waahington, cloor. iSchorr .1 4 4 4 9 the Westlnghoua Compaiy something delphia. William M. Johnston, of Eaa to mull over Franciaoo and R. Norris Williams 9 34 17 Tot0l0 99 I T3TU hut-oTotnte tft As for th ambition that 2nd., of Boston. In th ninth achieved be will sBnttbd for Th also other YORK. IS won day deLouie" St. Johnston and Tilden, It was said, July Chicago LOUIS, July 1. h hie Bear he by Innings N1 Its third straight will devote their play exclusively to from New York the scored STfeat SftbttU Yankees with the youthful against 44444441 41 Charles New Jork. t to t, in the by an eleven-innin- g Waite bovt opposing him on th the singles while the fourth member 1 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 I I San FrtndfM taking third game of tho series yonterday put yesterday, mound We etrea Hoyt s youth be of the team will be selected as a partbattle In which both dubs used four caus Summary. Error Klly. Kimm, Rhyn one-haJohnson ia thirty-fl- v and one years old ner in th doubles to Williams, who ehamplcn Two the T1I I to 7 CMto. 4to!a ban S Adamn, and laboring on hi siatenth season on also will be held ready for emergen-ele- s race and pitchers Tobta. Bacrlfleb hit htt in tha league ahead out fifteenth homer Klly Doubt his th Ruth time circuit gamea true that rapped Its big In the singles The fourth choic pUy J&cob0 to Ktttoop, Rhyn. youth will b served ln the seventh and ln tb eighth Hoop the frequently ln Is considered to rest between Vincent to Ellison Time prevented the possibility of tho local Coo to Kllduff to Rhyn neck. 1 of gum hour 44 minute. Umpire and moetll drove out circuit blows Walter Johnson has reigned as the Richards of Yonkers N. Y.. No. S in taking tha leadership ln th present er flaaey end Eeeon. on suocesslve pitched balls. speed king ot pitchers for a decade and the ranking and national junior eeriea. e R. H. E. mors. Hi best year of many great champion and Watson M. Washburn, Masterful pitching by Toney, who New York .. 010 10 10 with 1 ones was in 1911 when he compiled the of New Tork. who partnered local Chicago ... 010 020 040 01 record of winning thirty-- it Williams In the doubles last year. I It 1 astonishing and Every State To Have kept the eight hlta allowed th seven. but games The losing received Batteries: Robertson, Cable advice have been Schupp well scattered, featured th gam earned runs a gam against Athletes American that Miss Elizabeth Blankenship. Leverette and Yaryan. average from England th peerlee moundsmaa that summer Bchalk, May Jones, Murrey, Hoyt, ! of California, who has been was I L49. Tbe Ryan till years Intervening up and 0 Legions Olympic Games 3 Louis Schang. 2 1924 were far from matching that playing ln Europe for several years sterling performance ef that summer. Shd files Kathleen McKane, th young . INDIAN Baterlea Toney and Smith; Dealt. (I ATHLETE 1920 for tbe ftrst time In eleven In star, will be nnable to comMcCurdy and Clemena PHILADELPHIA. July IS. Cleve- Fears, Walter lost more games than he English pete tn national tournament wen? 4b th ah close aoooca of at tally land defeated 'PfiltddeTpbTk It Was attd sald yesterday Dus to PIRATE Sf DODGERS g. eight games in his favor with of Los ln th second game of th series t to reading Mias Mary K. Brown ten that him. 1 Th against July PITTSBURGH. - 0. The previous season, however, will Angeles former National till holder defeated Brooklyn Pirate Pittsburgh Uhls held the home team to four always rank In tbe near forefront of and runner up to Sirs Molla BJu rathere yesterday, to t. ln a sea tiered hits, whU bis taammaiaa I ,e kr'mt twirlera d.amond exploits. ed t Mallory last year, might be able Hitched to s team which finished .ex to pounded Herne herd. compete as originally Intended. Yelowhore allowed seven hit and enth. Johnson through sheer Individ, and Jl H. five run lit lo than four inning won twenty-thre- e usl brilliancy, games. 00 001 Oil who atop Cleveland t4 144 leading all the pitchers In both league was replaced- by Hamilton, Mammaux wa .Philadelphia ... 000 000 000 In point of effectiveness. ped further scoring Ha struck Batteries Uhle and O'Neill; Harris out Twilight League Decatur, who ln more batters than-anwild and gave way to Vance. other hurler and Perkins ln the league, winning nine straight turn was reUevad by A on w Vr th within beat games of that season s Th O 8. I TIGER 11 RED SOX T. ".t:o2 best pitching record Only once dur-th- Olob Bitiyn ftlfht hr th count of II 1 Opt 1 100 M th for hitter tb eeaeon BOSTON Pittsburgh was he t j. lng unforgettable ti July IS Cobb's ftUov ft food fam Batteries Mamaux., Decatur.. Vance was th featar of Detroit's batting removed from the box for Ineffective-nes- s. wtanor.Ati Harria pitched bey kitft. rv once bat ta and Deberry; Yellowhorse, Hamilton over Boston, It to 7 yestfay. victory Only during that season Th mot. and Gooch He made five hits In f,Te times st was b really humiliated by th batsO i. Is. bat Including a double and a horns men ot an opposing club The old saw dob OpiWoL A ABRHO A-run. ABB HO might well -be revamped for that mem REDf Si BRATBS 7. 1 4 4 Tbe FMorfmef orabi EyearMiner pitcher worth while R. H. - ta 99X1 U Th Res CCfCINNATL July 4 4 1 3 4'Plxtnlb 9 the pitcher who can pitch when LUcf 44 33 S49 SIS 0SS IS If S 1 t won from the Brave yesterday In tan Detrolt 9 8 9PK4EBIf dead t.herlb goes wrongeverything Every. Atutino 4 3 4 9 4 DaU2h 9 1 9 Inning I ot 7. Both Couch and Watson Bl Bstlerie'sV D'aus!Ehksnnd Man? n " 9 T were knocked out ot th mound early Ion. RnrS 3h 4 4 J 3 IF Not lb 9 PI.rcv. Fullerton and lsijbrt'waUw'joh1nWhlu 9 Quinn. I 4C1onerJ Kraih rf 3 9 ft 1 4 tBThaRed Won in the tenth on Dau- RueL Lynch. 9 4 4 9 Crbtr.rf If Johnson may never again head Amer- Tramp 14 I1 Brewm. 9 at Trhm StrLouls th a and single Washington, 114 postponed. ber1 byptneiit triple ican thrOugbT pitching league 1 3 4 4 Androa pur i after McQuillan had purposely passed rain. speed, but hell travel several years Hrrlftp 9 9 19 1) Smith yet near th top on headwork and untW8cor R.H.R control. This latter quality Total 33 11 13 19 III Total ,3? 9 T 19 U wavering one 1 1 -1 7 11 Boston ot tbe chief factors In th has been Errert kergin 3, OoftFs ummafTl Cincinnati ..00 101 120 1 1 17 1 Washington aces matchless success . Horn roaa Trhm, an element that has been somewhat Ptrtoo. Smith. and Landing hit Batteries Watson. Twfftb AUa Tbr,Bnfwod. overlooked by tb fans In their Milter. Lwt base Stolea gloriGibson; Couch. Gillespie, Scbnell. Xack -fication of hla cannon-ba- ll smoke." Baae hall Off Harr('3, off Aftderooft and Wingo. Whatever happens Walter Johnson . Btroek oat Bf XUrrl 9. by Aftdroft will always be remembered a the 11 Left on boot Optical I, O. I. U AL 4 ecesliiKli. CtB If PHILLIES f. grouhda Slrlke'-O"Speed King" and th and IS Jersey Toronto, -City Monarch." Hes Chicago staged CHICAGO, July The newly appointed national ath- g rival. rally. In which Pltch-lett- e wet grounds Ttmnir pltehr halllnf from commission of th American Ls- - j an Meadows, who had allowed only four oiea who may b with on of tbft glon Is arranging for the first time j, entered hits, was bunted off his feet The-- Intermediates of Centra Park Lo Aitfele teami next year if he won from Libertys Intermediates keeps up hi food work I Al Killer, annual athletic meet to be known a gad Philadelphia lost Its first game of GOPHERS LOSE th count of 14 to 4 la who ha been taowlnf them down (or yesterday-bho season ln this city. The scor was tha Olympic Games of ArntrlfAv-.-A- l baseball fame Nelson for tb win- Edmonton In the FROSH COACH E to Western Internationners ed a fin gams It.' C.U ndbvrg,- oL ChieegOr- ssotslary-o- S pitch Score al leaf oe. HE) 04 1 n th commission, has already received Philadelphia .....tl Minn.. July is si Minneapolis. 1 S 4 Karri, coach of tho frsshmsa the entries of at least ten athletes from Chicago football and Hsnllns, team Bateries Meadows sack stats for tho ftrst meet to b at th University of Minnesota for Lsth bald at New Orleans during th past IS years, wlU probably not turn to the osachlng staff of th Gpph- AMERICAN LEAGUE. even'lletwf "n the d LEADER SIGNS TO Every ln 1519. when G. Olympic held In France PCDYALE COACH most of CREW SWer American athletes captured 7 14 .111- II the honors, wlU bs an th program. In Oobb Detroit T. Nelson Metcalf, former hand ooaeb ss 4S )2S men. 21s for .Iff track, addition to th events SEATTLE. Wash. July IS. , Cleveland at Oberlla collage, who tutored tha grid. Bpealteg and other I 121 j field, water, golf, tennl ,tf Heflmaa Iron machine which scored a vlotory Announcement was mad her toDetratt ef f 114 ff sports will glv th women members -DetrnM over Ohio Btate last fan. Is th nw 47 the legion and its auxiliary an opporS17 17 day that Ed Xmadsr, rowing crew i tunity to compete freshman football coaoh at th Univercoach of th University ef WashNATIONAL LEAGUE. sity and also bead track coaeh, th beet ington ban signed a contract-t- o 14 (Yiiesge Bert Ellison may not b Tl III MU Iff coach Tals University at a sal-aHollochee Slg Harris who starred aa a quarter, 74 first baseman fh th lesg and Coast Chicago 14 111 .44 double hs that receivhitting bee an back th practically critic pan hi work, but Big machine Gopher 211 ltS nnd Pittsburgh -- tft It 's ed from the local Institution. around 40 for th Beal, which s Johnatcs was picked on several 17 Brooklyn tt nnd .S4S nation-widns craws ft attracted e him ty good reason for having Daabert Cincinnati. 4 , 27 selections beonmo .14 first attention oepecially th year whan game somewhere and excuse forced the Navy to set a a4 hal IM times nr more). to Dr, Henry L. Wllllnas la (Incladrs assistant they players for Manager Jack filler to sit o th . new rscord at the Poughkeepsie 6f hla year 1IE bench. t.r graduation, BAN FRANCISCO. July It TH Seals ban yeaUrday In th started out with trim with th Indians. and wr nr Cardinals Miss Chance to Seize Lead ftomo yoora Jl al 41139 ut X ut ninety-sevent- lf four-gam- III at vfVirlt ..... .1 P. hard-hltll- hII tn 1t nt ....... X X X X .... i ut -- I eighth-tonin- y - "" -- ZXt Inter-Allie- Pet .SIS ia aJ TAGGING ALL OF THE BASES pitcher who did more or less twirling In th Coast league in 111 1 remained on the first of June only 8klpper Lewie la hopeful that the th.s year Sam Roee la the only oss re with Portland and Jim club wlU get going even better with malnlng I th only 1521 pitcher still with Scott Ban This la a grudge series for Francisco Portland the thick recently took the Bees for d claaning up la the r Two former American lesgtta play t and a world s series by Rose CIO. t . best the locals could the way have been signed battery, by the InWhile dependent Fresno club fo being one out of eight In California oremaa Tom Turner of the Portia nd-t- They ar Hub Leonard, who refused to ,rTn with Detroit this year feels that halt Lake te made to Thom last fall by Cleveland Bees the neegure for bis aggregation vre out to eras that terrible week's The pan of the Portland clnb own- record. 'd U ,how CommisTurner brings his Ducks to Salt sioner Lendl that Secretary j Brewster of club hsd no pert In the he where Los Lake from Angeles the Kenworthy Irregularities, end thus have the ban lifted from Brewster dropped eight straight games to Wsde who then would be put In chare The K meter Angels. rejuvenated of Beavers lost six straight games to San fu';,uobu, w,tb KUpptr Francisco the week previous eo they now hold a new league record for was sweet until the ykfythlng losing wmch is It games eighth when the Cubs climbed aboard for tnat reason the Beavers are for three run tnd comfrinauon pulledout Afer)Ufl la any ether club that loses It straight cfLh.n Tcu,,o7o.A : games. They have tneir back to tne Cr th ,,n wall and wilt make a terrific fight Salt Lake. - again advent at Jest before the disastrous After fylag the score with a the Portland team was rraactaco three raa roily I. tke .lath the what might be called a bat . gB . entering teak, dropped tk.tr third straight The Seal pitcher whipting boaansa. ? whea the bonsnia eawyed the Ducksanduntil tagled Falk aereeo the put gtraak 4 wtth since then the struck bedrock the wlaalag raa la the elevrath. been very gfeeb.s with ' Beavsr haveFrank The and Braxll Sammy the club. eth flfteeath'hMer'If are still hitting conHale, however, It is possible sistently and In this park time a will have big that they two teams that have played to Tbe Cards lost i Tb lest pass the O'ants a borne run hers bave each developed race when thev dropped .i,onai Lake a peppy attnoe-- e a I to king under Saltweek 4 decision to tho champion. Hvatt Ham opera Last creased bis total from fourTire-to- It ard the Giants' first victory In five otaTts! "tire weeks ago when""ell but dupll-- Cnhb wh. obliged with five played her Art Griggs in- -' csted Hem fL- Now It w,1 be tr,P to bs plate, the .m,nr The Ducks tl to see whether merrv at th expense made Tiger teresllng the have a aluggar that can clean x P!thers and woa 1of Rd to aeeme board dally. Frank Braxll nomlna-- - to 7 th inside track for the Son- - 811 Lok tan will be anxious The Pirate came along from etar who play rear to get a view of this In tho lato inninri to beat bar for th first time today to S Dodgers. jSt Cxecho-fclovak- r. leading Major league hitters. -- m m ry Pr" Lea-.dor- ti tl -- m 2' m 'T , -- 'I r - t 4- - |