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Show - - -"" - , t !: ,. , . - ... SENTENCE --- ...,., ears IIISIJRANCE COMPANY 1 IRISLIS - Lake ';.'-',- - , -- o 0 "P- - -- e - I anew-it-lois- , 1 ' 5 ut -- , of it. At A , this point balifts interposed Judge Tillman D. Johnoon will hold Dunn and Sullivan shook bands info 101110011 of the United States district silence after the death sentence wail 'court Thursday. July 20 at le a. tn.. in the federal hntlding at Ogden.- - At this time demurrers in the northern divisinn, and pleas in Mita talli eases Oscar Staley is Sought. may be taken up. Applications to pet eases for trial will also be heard. C. W. Bean of Blob. MIL. in a letter to Postmaster Noble War. Funeral Not See. rum, is seeking Oscar Staley, soma. Funeral services tor Stns. known as O. B. Etta lel. who Tare,' who died at hie homeJoeeph 144 Mwas last beard from in Salt Leke Ave. City. ugu Monday morning will be hob - The letter says that recently George st the Church of Our Divine Seviou Staley. a brothar of the man sought, th South end 2nd East street& Wed l was killed in a mine at Bisbee. a.m.Adv. neaday morning at ' : 17 - 4 ic t , . ' Taggart Federal Forgery Charge - 4 I ,, , lb e...:,, ' ' i . 2)8 - 4' - . 0 t II "s va n '',J 1,A .11' riPi - ties I fot ell,. .. ,,,,P . ag ICI 01 .i) n 0e been--com;- y . I t, 2 Meeting.' to-H- .1 ' - ' - - Pi - , 50c .4 . 1 I - :- " : - , , - - . ; 1 .31 , Z'! I I I I M , , mn if ;11111 agf111 ota SOLIS A gd. 41.1ff N white tan of kid with Pumps combinationssold tall)) I I linen, 116;2If I -or .,..,,., -- 1 f ' 1 , ie., .,...----, ., , .NI' 1 , - - ' .' ,,Ai.vomeop.i..044 '' - 40.,44, . 4. Sizes 2 to $, now $1.25 3 5V3 i Sizes to 3, now $1.75 Sizes sy, to 11, ,, 51.135 t', now - -- ,312 NEW t , i... ; I - - PAIDISr---- I lorttb Seavy-asswe- solos; Stars S . . - , - I I I Ilb.) FI I , . - , . . flow 50 to 5, now $1.35 to II, 2 now' Sizes ,11 -'''' -1- 5 8' 11V1 $1.75 to 2, ,, $1.95 PAIRS TO GO! r . THE , BELL-4T- H. - Patent Salies Sizes 5 to 8,.now $195 Sizes 13!,41 to 11, now , .. $2.50 Sizes 1iii io '2, si 00 - ntVW 114 strings b. N . FLOOR-7-BOY- F sad sesnible :.!; 1 'A ea' tit 1111:1 11"Nmsakson-- .1, Allemarkable-Value-in-Women9- I CH ))rown. t All - I I A' Smart, 144. . 1 - Hatt SOi. White with fancy tops All 50c - -- 19c - , ... -- Silk Bose s The good. durable, ,beautttul WOW boo wale you have mot twos oats to aarob000 at tato .1,400 10e rears era offered aow la tato ortetat bat sobs tot tomorrw., - 11111111111 II IMI -- MO Then ereeptiosolly no hese- - Is; elude sit the bent obsdeoplyrey. mode. 1)1844. white god brows. All Mom Get your oehrellos rrhIle they laird I E Wash Goods tor Summer Frocks $1.75 - Lingerie Silk Fancy, Cne quality silk for underwear' night gowns, etc. Beautiful patterns. 36 inches wide. el Sale 1 . Sit , n r $1.50 1 i 1 Satinnette and Billy Clyne 4 r 11 . and dresses. Special I 1 C 4161d fdie--- I , 7: P$ h I i - ,,, f.,,, 1,4 Lustrous mercerized material in stripes and plain. 36 inches wide. Specially 89c priced for tomorrow Dress linen $1.50 $1.50 Silk Poplin and Jacquard Silk I litt1 4e , - 50e Zephyr ,0 ,, . 1 white. 36 inches wide. Ex- cellent for midsummer wear. For this sale I - 'rel:- 1 g g $1.50 Swiss Imported Andree Cloth R 1 1 A very sheer quality, finer than voile; $6 Inches wide. For a big Dress Gingham Just the thing Its austawar dresses sr dahlias's asthma A tkhr , very else quality (Dent Atasham. Is a vrids-wat,kw, we cherish plailla awl &Ids salsas, All weer sheets sad osier ortabisattesa, i 98c ol'H'i t In all good plain shades and C ( special 85 clearance Sprawl 1 VIIMMIIIIIVIMIIIIMMMIIIIINIPINIIMIIWOMONOSIMIMAISMINNIIIINIUMUMECRIMISUMVINIctingeMIUMUIr111111100M311113111113141111E Petition of Charles J. Benrzen for permission to amend his complaint in apecial proceedings against Dr. M. R. Stewart, whom he seeks to oust as a member of the city commlicdon. was granted this morning by Judi G. A. Iverson. of the Third district court. Bengtzen. through his attorney, represented to the court that he wished to amend and add additional allegations of fact that Dr. Stewart's campaign cost more thari,..ihe 10,A1411.1At4 lowed by the corrupt practices act. AV. H. Follend. counsel for Dr. Stew- cart. did not resist the motion. demand- Ing only that the new allegations 'be thL. - I Tb e' Cochrane Funeral to be I Held Wednesday Evening;l Burial to be at Tooele I GEORGE M. COCHRANE Funeral pervicee for George bLeochrune, promtnent Utah sheep MBA. who died Monday. will be held in the Eighteenth ward chapel at 6:30 p. Wednesday. July 13. This hour wasthsisesdtrtz Af theo chofen, ta permit body to TootAs early Thursday alarm.; The train lleaveaT big for Interment, at 730 a. m. Thursday and autome- -. to biles will be provided at Twat fit.04 Rank of Reserve Major te.es 103.60 made against the commitsioner. ---e---- -- 1110.04 '1st" 42.. 101.4o wee 1.20 Ws. Ica. -- 1 - may be viewed at the Salt Lake resi-- ; dence, 217 C street, from 4 to I p.m.. on the day of the funeral. - '"''''' It" ' ......,. - x- - re-- 1 : d. Financial Flashes ohs as - I a ,, , ", "; . thath-tar-inetr- , -- s'-- 4, I - .1- -- i;vfothi. - - .. I ;1,1.,4,44.443,C)C,! --- 1 at e- P.Py. 1 , , . . D n accompany827.44 44.4e 816.08 4$.00 101.4 . back, black, white and E E Asked. 8.00( 48.6$ I Extra size topsseam Bize5 ,.... ... 411"11110111onv . al 1 rii ...... 4nis i ' ' Figures -: va. Hoe ,for Stout Silk , PAIRS OF THESEI rhty Oxfords, plass Si Ps for be's sibil Oris....4,1 Is' - Bid- - 11.44 14 . . L BI(-15IZE- - '" 1 ' butter- - ChiNI- - Hoter7,2-- , ...;. In silver, nude, lark and "blatk:Alr- - 11(11 - I 'I i , , , - n c . United States Marshal J. RAI Ward. who during and since the world war. Land Commissioner Spry e has held a captain's commission in the Leaves on Inspection Trip' CitY's Educational Program 80.00 officers' reserve corps of the United i States Reviewed by Supt. Child army. received notice this Commtmloner William Z. C. M. 14.041 liCoo morning that he had been promoted to spry of the U. S. INA pet Oemis land office Lake Salt yenleft general same In the (MI of the rank DIT major, Walker Brew. Dr. 0 vs 0v.ivs 11113"4114endime terday for an inspection trip to dbdrict of Mon of the army. I an d offices at Elko and Carson cities. public schools, was the peinotpal othMajor Ward together wfth stzfriootiA --n lungbeen et the Y .Frerlejetnei.linittStat-Ittett-WiettlNtrradilltriterettl;--eaer Meer.. bkaudtrig fly...raid . . - ..- at the Hotel Utah today.. Club Of Carl , and Lo4; an two xamtnation took lieutenants. ;i1.10 , I & t,,,ek Te- Sti Die Los Angeles next Sunday for Salt Tbe supertntendont reviewed &seem- 'IL" weeks aogot tbaentrd tehtalandmtnogrri Mfjor Ittodar4 ONO ge 21121.4- - ti .si st.ss: Of the hest e th ethtette, Ward Lake, arriving here the following v"- tmehte $s sm r. P.. a L. IA ao notice jng the city's children and spoke et SCSI VIA was notified of his promotion by it afternoon. Malt Lt & Pr. -- -, DIAN H. Pfeil, plans for the tutors. He, entered bite thwart lila la ISM .. IMO. general of the,' the Question of taxation for education 'than . ho Sugar Is. lath 14.UI INAS, Ninth Corps-adjutant area, with , headquarters1Demotrats Hold State May purposes imp strung to th e Rotarians , Cant, bee the men"' Itee ueed and the heee- ftiggt 1111010710011t PIOCIltil IllitSTOU .st Presidio, Convention 46 Salta& near the Tho ?goats Briatei mine fits that come from each dollar ex- I a very Texas Man Seeks Help i:eokrobbil OSZep snoountorl or In ths bottom ot Request was made of IL L. Muni- - pended. of good A detegation from the Orden chili showing ' To Retain State owers net, Democratte Mate chairman. by were the 100 foot shaft whers they bays guests at the luncheon. They la 'boon dotng some 'vomit dovoloornent it, chattengo to the local club for representattvis of the Young Men..1 sued work says the pleehs Reeerd.1 TM, ere . Getterner Charier htehelt a tedei match at Ogden next week. The ,Iik'f :enootintormt Is In ths limo the promle and Young Women's clubs of thS par- tormstion Ot that nee- -, recetved a letteefrom E. W - Cokt. di tha.lir et was snapped up and a group till& to hold tit theetate convention ty , .. Stan Um", of picked golfers will go to Ogden rector of the bureau of masketa of Texas, calling his attention to a deci- cafe at Seltair Aug. 11. which was the Wednesday. July 21. to enter the con-- . rozzlom xxclimion. convention date set llontlay eventng test Joseph Patrick. vice preirident ezekanse. sion, by the United States supreme NEW Tonle, Juts, presided at the luncheon In the eh- Britain. demmul 4,461. cabana. court in a case entitled the Farmers' at the Hotel Utah. rng Great bilis no banks, 4.441 Grain company of Embeden to hold the convention at "nee Of Milton E. Lipman. prestdent. Suggestion I tablas. S. 1PreareDesnand. the attorney general of North Dakota Sattair was made by Stuart P. Dobbs' 11;Ambles, CIS. !taliDemand. which has to do with the question of of Ogden. This would enable the anSlate Board Returning. cables, LSI. BeithinsDemand. 11A111: 11 1.1 atate's prerogative in administra- nual outing to be held at Saltair after,' the os bleak lit. tierwanyDossaad, IS 14:, MUM, NUM tion of grain standards under state the convention. BraisedDemand. The state board Of equiaixation. ' regula ions. PerwlenDetuand, IS WI L Mr. Cole interprets the supreme vention at Saitair is so worthy," said' stnd eouthivestern counties of the DenmarkDemand, Courts ruling as msardng that "where Chairman Mulliner. "I will have the nate. is today hi Richtield. ilevter 1110, ever and when ever congress legia- state committee canvassed immediateSt, SpainDaman& IS116, county. and Monti. 00a litti GreeceDemand. on any subject b It Will give us an opportunity to The board la expectedSempete lates a regulation back tit tta PolandDemsad. whatever tt may be that such legisla- consider something different and 1.11 at the capitol tomorrow. rout" tires tion supercedee or nullities aay state Mit very worthy tn view of the fact to atart active work on equalization argentineDontand. OL regulation On the name subject sad that one of the recent conventions of assemments on various clasami of BrawlDemand, It thereon the police powers, conse- sweltered under almost unbearable property. as betw-eecounties. quently, pase from the state to the heat. , n 1 federal government , The ;nen in to uommittee..plans I Druggists Take Test& 4: i , Attention of the governor M dime.. elude a- buffalo barbecue. offer hav- 1, to a bill which has Bawled the na- - : Mg been made by John 0..1f. Barnes I Co. i Smoot IL Ware.) I Br Harold tional house and IS new before the I end aaaorlatra of Kaysvilie to furnish a Eight' candidates for 1111,1 Mhsator ; to f tgelirs NEW , YORK tn Utah are today buffalo forehe the-reg- tot U. S. de partment agriculture inds-- 1 senate, whkh hss Calrla W. Rawlings. ehotrm," of taking the required tevrte under tho 1 .:,.cat.seaccucea,,,heet sugar Cron thit year ulaticc of (Anady r. o f h twill be only die.S1 tone tgaingt 11.114"fr.. TiailiC"tiii.":4117: 11140400 last semPaiall,this Only li4i"'st I form, take powers from the mate. oars that interest which Democrats of director of registration. Tbs, exam- to beets - year , . laeres planted nropoana an mem:Imam upereg both Weber and Utah counties Man!- - ining' eomnitttee lo made an 01 - L. . ,. acres Sel.000. lest year,1 .11tYt'3n' of galt to the etstes such jurbussokuk, As feet to hold the convention et Sail- .Frtnhe , ...,.: , 1 W. I.1 . -,.-,- -- ' -,..-- I John stato adrtonoS "er each onsagiii); air should be taken icto cons ideration L' all. Cuban raw roan and should, assume cons- - by Balt 'Laker. hine riohy Aiten. tereen. Richfield... and Archibald Be- previous ralnoto bouttl xmlgte. jurisdiction-M- r' ...,..... -iitnW&rner COI asks the provklent of the womon's cluh Oro Is Iron. To!tleu, ., -- --Is governor support of the amendment enthusiastic over jeuhattevebehtipriarontlitsg:tostienti a I, eiteA114-11-T- ranaportationpleng-tgee--1,00,01,, mid oale,---- requests efforts thoroughly-srudied,-- It d. and t.tip 14 over previous adraieced to secure was Zroneral Services for Jog4bh or Utalies the Federal gugar company- bee et the contersnee with Mr.annonneeil - --, PresentatIves insuPport Muniner. who died et his home, 44 Bryan avethe house senate and refined Id points to 0.7(L and can be earrred out without Alin- - nue Monday, will be held i at the II eons1S.-- -A t nuity- - It was suggeired DA. two or rhureh of Due Invine Baster. Ninth SWIMMING' DELIGHTETL. FRANKLIN. Fa- - Julyfield week last and South East streets. at II three einvention SopOnd,. . ls be run in pecies in mit now warm fresh water Increase of ' and time tohave the pecia 'Wednesday. 130,13 barrels, I produced at meeting open land boach . Oil at errata) Hot lak ta I. City Derricki a.m. $e.116 according to Ths funeral of Petty Lou Young; Productl11 the crowd eleasIng dune'. It WI:waled thin,' Members of the oommittee aro Mrs. monthy-ol- d Already barred& daughter of Bryant L. sad 11 oc "Kt tha coset section was 161.033 most wonderful Allen. cha irman.. Mr. barrel,' R n wlinge vruird Mr . sMtrraso. tl4thh o .dated"m ira"inZ' atknoll Wail i d California produced Intilitise In II" lir:atee;e4t1,5 ,Mtd IlimmaII na June parvotinerttlwillSIZZoti 1I inimuten loT auto from st tka alms ;:tnisit --- -: t DAT;Plod Th'imools: WykI 141"'r.tu.l.ndi.:ra. ese an State hga. LI. Iiillylir barrala la HAIN it Ewlisorland-,-Dentan- - l'oItorms lases 4" elt Cho Maim Arellatislo-- , loot, Ilarther, , . .. .. Sizes Sizes " --Sil- k 4 ii P Mary-Janes!- -- While Canvas -- - PLILY OXFORDS!, - "7 - II 9 fP . Turn Patents - f . , street or - 431acki tICA All sizes, 50e values rot 11111 I- . ON . . 1 $6.50 a pair before. Dandy oxfords, in sport styles, in a nice iot of sized and a good many kindsmaybe 200 pair& LAST :AND -- listter ' - - (76"41i-- WWIlen'S-111.1CPgellite . MIF :..H::1I.'. NOWTHE bathing; cup and navy ,.. 5.1.11i.41a OK,ARAW el otte-lit- - er Hose ) Rolled top for "leen' tic --- - , lilt M MOM , - 6. . 111111 I 1r e' - Cab I ' Permission Given to Amend Boy Sul fers Fracture Of Ankle in Accident Complaint Against Stewart --- $2.50 1111111111111111111 MOWS Amalgamated guitar Atnal. Sugar ord. Consolidated Wagon ...- Home Fire Ina indesendant Cosi gtograu Canning Stt. States Tel. Schramm-Jo- b Men Standard Cosi Utah-Idah- o Sugar Utah Fire Cl.? Utah Pr Sic Lt. let pld. Tan leather, prettily modeled with white linen. Oxfords with welt soles and low heels. Finest $5.00 kinds, for girls or womenlizes 2 VI to Odds! Big, little, narrow! Odd as can beand ALL high heels. Sold onetime at $6.00 to $8.00 a pair. They've Got to Go! , A . I" son of Grant &rebel. Bank illataltia 1954 Anton &rebel. Mr. and Mn. t lita.11 1400.91 awoken!) rr 01.00 south Thirteenth East street. received Colombia Trost ... 144.01 372.00 Deooret National SILO a fractured ankle this morning when First Nat,onal of Oladell ran over by a truck driven by I. L. Danatet Saatnita 2011011 Parr on Highland Drive. 11A The boy. it Notional Bank of Ransil) J 146.60 National Copper was reported. endeavored to catch a Poeurltr Piste Dank but on truck. ride the 1611.11 stepped under 120.04 Utah State National 1 06.414 Vial! Savings b Trust wheel in the attempt. He was taka 121.466f Tiros 135.00 en to the emergency hospital by OfBankers Walker 20i11 r mow. ficer Gus J. Lund of Sugar Rouse and e Dr. W. H. Omves Isamitsial $5,sports Women's Woman's Pudips A- - Stocks. , I Three-Quart- 1 pemocrate of the third ward still! hold an organization meeting Wednesday evening at 3 o'clock at the home of John Holley, 223 westaThird North street 81 3 4 InIrPosoloir levee .11113"11411:t - old Democrats Casting to the Four Winds TThousands of Pairs of This Season's Summer Footwear-t- o People Who Will Stop tot Pick up Dollars When They Meet Them in the Middle of the Road. , AO azA.lainta -- ...:1..1 Non-Shri- 1114'.C.) I k , ...7. garde opportunity purchase baalerY al teductifi... sand shade. All sizes. Regular 325 VI fir values Pi. Fancy I Patrick Hyland, well known los- al tenor is in a critical condition at the Holy Cross hospital following an In all good shades. operation for appendicitis. His con-- 1, &lion today was reported as much' Improved. He was stricken with the', E Very popular this seaillness on the eve of- a projected cooll cert at Park city.son for summer suits A , Arial garter tops. Silk net hoge, Singer's Condition Improved tt 7 g3 ' rzure'lackslikwiuthilacoDDner-tra8"11tin- I Local Securities. , hin In . d su.,mer oslery Henry Lawrence pioneer. and well E known business man is 87 years old , today. He is receiving the congrat-- : ulations of hundreds of friends in t this city and elsewhere although no I special social function has been 1E planned for the rent. He was born near Toronto. Cana. da in 1835. crossed the plains to Salt 1Ake In 1850. was one of the organizers of the Z. C. M. T. and one of the founders of the Salt Lake Tribune and has been connected with many of the earliest and best known enterprises In the state 07 ill . -- Pioneer Business Man 'Celebrates 87th thrthday, , , 0 J? ' - f . Wig Altermeterolpgist..a.t 21'.'weather bureau at Balt Lake. returned Monday from a 10 days' trip to northern Utah and southern Idaho cities. Mr. Alter was asioompadled by Major Cooper Anderson. superintendent of power. of the Utah Power 461, Light companY., Under an arrangement with the weather Mee reports on weather con-- 1 ditions are obtained each morning from the various stations of the power company in the Bear river section. In return, waid Mr. Alter. the weaVier bureau gives to the dispatcher at the general offices at Salt Leke the for.- caw and daily weather map. Through this arrangement the power company is enabled to gauge the steam flow of the Beat river which furnishes power for part of its- 24 plants. Declaring that he had visited prae-- 1 tically ali the large irrigation projects In Utah and Idaho, Mr. Alter was enthusiastic tegarding Conditions which obtain-- at'," the three .'major Plana , The power company. In my opinion," said Mr. not been built to a greater degree of permanency than have these three, gL, inajor"projecte of the rtait Power , Light company." UPon his arrival Monday Mr. Alter annouttectI that piling-ha- d pleted whereby radio broadcasting of weather reports has been extended to Include a detailed summary of forecasts and of weather effects on industry. Hereafter on 'Wednesdays from April to October. inclusive. a summary of weather conditions as they have alfected crops during the week will also be included. The state weather fore-- 1 casts are broadcasted at 10:16 am. and the weather crop summary at 10:30 al m. on wave length of 490 meters, arc. $211.61. 1 , r Special Bargains that will delight every woman.are Hated In two of our big departments owdon't miss ilhortomory, eat d Henry M. Taggart. in Captain States secret charge of tho United Lake. returned sorvic offico at Salt yesterday from Emmett. Ids-- . where he arrested George W. Vinson. chars check. id with forging a government Timson was taken to Boise. where he waived preliminary hearing and was held to tho federal grand jury. In default of a bond of $750 he was remanded to the county Jail. Thnson alleged to have forged a check for ! - P' , t 0 1I pown IBAHO PUNTS ABE INSPECTED . N 1922 S : SOUTHEN corndecisions Sawed voefmtst. until tomorroW, ., minsionor bop: Internal as to la opposed by tho r The application . throe railroads operating' intei (icdoo what constitutes an insurance cor' and by tho It & O. Tranaportation poration. whichis exempt fróm ,a A ,.,,,,,,addlp ,Latoreatiewstaow baswisistealiWfisettY;',,,'''"1---'-' 'exempt 'Item Inek-- 4 !.4,,11114liooPili', Dunn LONDON. July ing a capital stock tax return on or and Joseph Sullivan, two Irishmen to- - 'Officers Are Transferred before July 21 of each year CollecI , went eonvietod of murder of Field , ' day to Georgia tor James H. Anderson Issued the tol-- . From Marshal formor Sir Wilson. Henry '''tt,,, I lowing statement this morning: ...A.; .hie; .of Abe. ,British Imperial sonoral "Pitoatibell,LAN, 0411 jleao v. filation of the M attis :lifir-f.iqe2:14116,4eT.t.,e1 ' . corporation rests In the rim IaThe jury was out only, seven Min- - relieved from duty as military initrucwith the commissioner of intor of Salt Lake blab arhoola and cono' ', atm Both Dunn and Sullivan were sem Lieut. Col Fred W. Buirheo has hoLen ternal revenue. and without, the InrelieloA froM duty mit Vert Douglas. formation Contained on a return an . tenets' to doath. The men were arraigned in OM according to word from Washington. Intelligent opinion cannot be reach.' ' , report ed. Bailey court and the trial 'was con- Both officers are ordercd.--tThe Revenue Act of 1921 exempt 4 . ducted with the greatest possible for duty. September 14, at Fort lien,1 : apettd. ninc (m.. to loin the field officers' from capital- stock tax any Insurance company sublect to the tax imposed , Both men were calm when the 'ter- - infantry flame by Section 342 or 244. Whether pardiet was returned. ticular company Is subject-tWhen the, prionners were asked if Local Business Men Will tax under Section 243 or 244 la a matter thet had anything in ear,- Bunn -Visit Southern Counties for- the commissioner to determine, dreased the Jury. saying fl part--"I am not a niece amamin I did "Congress evidently recognised the not receive any money. What I did Twenty-twreeeryatinns have been fact that too broad an application , was be made of the term "Iite done after careful consideration loolatively road might by T the à& and 'Its conaequenced company." and for that rea1,1 tor .aa tam. ,istatorgoblits.cstravNI, am non ,4ipparently & definition- la Aset vindicated in 'the vett Iset that', ' "' southern trt to "tier in the tare et of Utah. Section 242 of the- - Revenue forth fitr'rren days petiole starting 1 Dunn was calm and tranquil as he fJuly 20. ace,irding UT announcement Act Of 192.1. 4 addressed the jury. 'Insurance companies (stock. muThe prosecution took only a briettmaile. this morning at the Commercial tual, domestic or 1orei11 9 ere exempt . Th. tetiv-i- s deeigned 40 militant 7frofficiplial.'itock tax for the tax..la piteseastaglati ease, As as it Mooed counsel for the defense:Salt Lake bueineaa men with agrieut able Period Joli 11. 1122 to June 30. t . asked the court to allow Dunn toitural resources of this section. Th. 1923. The question may arise as to , speak in his own behalf Tha courtieriirslonlvtalsillvisit Nephi, Fillmore, the liabfiltrto capital stock tax of "4 - ; retused7saylng that it would be Nati- - kanoah. meadow. Hoiden. Oak City. mutual insurance companies (Other ' ti int( anaccatla to al- - Delta. Leamington, Hinckley. Eureka than life) in view of their soluelon low the prisoner to addrem the court. and Silver City. i from capital stock tax for the tax-b, I The party will be entertained by Couneel for the primonors was than it has been bold that it was obl ordered to withdraw leaving the two various Commercial clubs, county vtously not the intent of Congress to farm bureaus other men without any defense. civic organtaa- impose capital stock tax omen such and 4 After sentence had been pronounced non,. . , , mutual companies. in that no basis isa . , . Sullivan to address the ought jury , provided in the act for computing 'k t without tho court's permission. Federal Will Hear tax agiodnit this clue of corporations -Judge 1 , I What did for Ireland." began the Demurrers in Ogden Court an Irishman and glad ) prioner, "I am ' ' Arrests Man on 4 1.8 UTAH AND - 1 EXPIIINED mMlasion today and' continued Bios JiltY :.INOMEliti LinS TAX 1)11ESTiNS - 15ESERET ' NEWS --- -- .,.. is . :- The twos of W. H. fftraopor, who la aPptring tor permission to operate a tr,,,lt hos batsman Batt Loki and Og - . iliission Petitions for:Truck ' yam , -- -- , PARK BLDG. " 4- 1 ,-- 'reet.--ntivaraie- ir:jai:Irosnoirg.utewhatiwpol --, josanotAmire.dtahada.917..... -- ke,11:t I Joot&,1,,A44,$1.0.,.4 44'16",ot...0... ,S 4110N 1 . |