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Show r . . r t ' ' ft r THE DESERET flJSWS 'PROVO bnnltr Mhr Omft hHilwt Min 0fV. Ml SUMiVn-W- ' 0auar Tt . P- -. rta ntCarterU(uMMt AmU hN MM.Cltf.'n ni-- tn.nl R. Deseret Haws Thrift baaka maj ,7 Brwnth North, Proto, rtah. er'dell-lVxitti- - D Tab ? f f fiBMERSENCAMPlen jFMteen KadwEach Day ETE MMITTEE BEPQRTS ON 9 !, CarrUr E MerabeR,., li f- Mti afrrd tnw M. H'na M Vrll Ctrmrintlea N. tm-- JULY l? 1923 LOGAN P,Mr( . MMk. TUe TUESDAY EDWARD R. BATH.-(Copyr- ight by Edward N. Da via) (Special 16 The News ) LOGAN, July IS. The program for Forpierly Technical Electrical Expert PLAN TO RECLAIM UTAH i the For U. 8. Government. fpur days of the Second Annual 2 Farmers Sntajopaiol on the campus 9LESSON NO. 102. of the Utah college la To COUNTY UNO NEAR UKE nearly complete,Agricultural Crystal Reception. Improve according to Dr. R. J. Evans of tha Extension Division of tha (All Rights Reserved by United Fen. Reproduction Prohicollege, who la in general charge of ture Bjndlcala bited ) th A few minor change PROVO July 1 l Farmer of ptt) haveEncampment, - The vet 40 he made by the program ordinary crystal detector In con coulity interested la Ua reclamation L before It ran be anaponced Juaetloa-wiLL-a.to or thtaa, slide, ,Ut T)m Ijiad beta announced ae to - even a single gild tuning coll in laka land era swatting with lnterrat activities lowe: the beginning of the collection,. and, -- AIL wt AAwCmaie, 5 39 . mT brealf-raagiving excellent remzlte If r 5'30 U I a. com filiation of 'data regarding tha re-- i' built and Intelligently opercontret. properly Judging 44 claraailon work which they expect . Xn,t depruneni J xhUuu The so culled "cat wh taker,' bd 4emontrt)ob. I to 45 a. m, , ated. will begin with tha filing of tha follow m Wrr-wtth- " a. m.r which rexta on the erystar dfthe' dettr tTtah Wit 1TW mbFvl'1lr A mouue Staraga - eemmieeloa by a committee V'di to i.id p. tector should be suitable to the type of n?Jn exhibit, 1 p. m ; horse-eho- e comprlaad of A. P. Doremue W. O. pitching cotUeiUw X p,.,m , general crystal used, for galena a light, fine Clear aa4 R. R, Lgrau wire should be need- aahkUrbst a lightly to I meeUngi Tear eammlttn on "Collection and nge, to m; department ftifet on m Thursday the crystal a hile other minerals ( p Jp and Friday; Compilation of Data to whom woa re2 elation farm excursions, such as silicon and carborundum ferred tha matter of cooperation with experiment Intereeta whoae piirpoaea are common to S and m4 to Thursday, .field trips. which requires a local battery, funcFriday; general assembly. tion better with more pressure on the with thoaa of this commlaalon. ia now I ! P, abla to report, relative to Utah coun- - 1 to 2 10 p m. Saturday, supper. 5 to 7 contact cat 1 ty Intareata, that In conference with P m ; baseball contests, ( to 7 p. m ; whisker point and a heavier 7 to 8 so p m ; evening 1 re preaentatlrea of that county It waa Play hours,I 10 The m where and the wire ; rods sliders, p 10'to moving pic mutually agreed: meetings, children. 20 to 10 p. m , it ta bared for the sliders should be a 1 m Given, p. m ; dance. 10 p. m. kept bright so as to insure good elec A leaflet of general Information That there are large tracts ot land, issued to all encampment vleltora con- trlcal contact. Best signals are beard approximately acree) when the tip of the allder. In contact tains the Utah lake, watch are aubjeotbordering to following: and thereby made comparatively ot Information and guides with tha wire or the coil, rests on A, will be If but on turn. If the slider rests on two available relieved of the excess ueeleaa, college carapue single water would bo highly productive and I durlngentlre session; tha or more wires It means that several cafeteria will serve three mealscollege of great value. par day at turns are short circuited causing That tha accumulated excess ot reasonable P rices, moat diihas costing but five cents; milk bar open 2 20 a loss In energy and a reduction In water la Utah laka during tha preaent m aaaaoa. hag oauaad tha laka eurlao ice to 2,10 p m, where milk, cream, signal strength. The writer recently saw a allder cream, cheese, bread, butter and to exceed "Compromise Level by about two and one half feet, which la eggs ofmay be purchased; buttermilk made from a block of wood and free at milk bras ocia-fabar. charge wheel from a clock, the wheel the equivalent of about. 344, Nursery for children between ages having teeth protruding from tha rim of water. nr two and In years eight addition to thin accumulamaintained dally at Intervals which allowed That allder tion la tha laka, there has been, dur- children m to 2 p m. Upon leaving to make contact with everythe fifth or supervisors parents will sixth turn ing the same period, an outflow or deposit 35with to Needless state such cents for each child each waato through tha Jordan river into to cover expense of and device Is useless for tuning the reOreot Salt Lake, of approximately the day arternoon milk luncheonforenoon and noon ceiving set closely to a sharp wave sms quantity of water, or 2x0,000 nifaL Doctor and nurses' services avail- such acre-fea- t. as emitted by a daily. That thla aaaao a s excess, in and able station This particular slider would Swimming and pool shower betha substanfrom Utah laka baa been have been greatly improved If the Will be open all day free of acre-feor of charge 100,000 water, Pool for men tially teeth bad been filed off the wheel al9 a m. to i no a. m euffldeat. with a duty of two P 01 lo 7 09 p m Pool for worn-elowing the use of all the wires on the to Irrigate 250.000 acres of land, Art 99 p m. p m to colL t airrigated Lands. A convenient way to brighten the That adjoining the corporate limits bared wire over which the slider of Salt Laka City and extending into CACHE STAKE WILL moves Is to wrap a piece of fine emery Tooele county, all within a radius ot cloth around a block of wood the 40 miles of the business center of thle width of the bared epace and rub of land, com-city, there la a tractacree across the wire several time The that Is un- prising about 150.000 ENTERTAIN DLD FOLKS particles of wire and emery should be Its adaptability to trrlga-- ,: excelled la ! trano-ts brushed from between the turns after tion, Its relation to markets, climatic condiportatloa faellitea, ta for performing thle operation, to prevent homes and tions. Its desirability short circuiting consecutive turn . LOGAN. July 1. Tho Cache etake Its Importance In further agricultural A test buzzer Is a practically old development. folks be will on entertained device for satisfactory operthe That these arid acres and thla ex-- 4 tabernacle square Wednesday. July 1 ation of a crystal detector set. Much water are public assets of great ' i I cess A meeting will bo hold In tbo tabor-nac- time and. patience la BAYtd. In. providan tvalue, and Jointly constitute unit of tbo so- tractiveWeber-Provat 10 M a m. at which tha fol- ing a ture method of determining when proepeettve o J called project, now under lowing program -- wtll bo Tenderedthe crjstal detector-- la In sensitive !V oolo. Prof B. E. Clark; Invocation, condition. The test buzzer consists of a worn form of busier out simple (a t speech of welcome. H. C. Peterson, door bell may be need) and a single Method rropsosd. chairman old folks committee; vocal dry cell batof one with terminal the to solo, Edna Crowther; speech. President tery grounded to the ground terminal That It may be practicable to servo the W. M. struct a single The test buzzer Everton; reading, Mian Phoebe of the receiving set subthese dual purpose of relieving Hansen; selection, ladles' quartet ' ts also convenient In testing colls for conveying the water, ban merged lands and onto Clot Ion. set Is found arid those lands. when the circuits open therefrom, ta and Lunch ia to be srved on the taber- to be inoperative. at a minimum coat and great advantage nacle 12 20 at m. 2 and grounds at p ta bath lntaraata other Crystals which hare been handled a recaption and an e It la probabla that with the fingers and have lost much affair wtll be held Light re- of prevention In lntaraata such as flood their sensitiveness may be restored Belt Lake City, and In Balt Laka county, freshments will be served during thle as wall as In tha southern part of Davie reception. During the dey the Hvd to their former condition by chipping at tha same time Park hand will furnlah innate. An off a small piece of the crystal so as county .may be served Indeauto rids at 2 p.m. will conclude the to expose a bright surfac and at leas eoel than throughadvleed-oprogram. When fully It should be remembered that all pendent action commlaalon. thla of the purpose the energy which actuates the tele, Interests LICENSED TO WED. It la quits probabla that such the phone receivers la received from the comwith will gladly LOGAN. Julv 12 Marriage licensee transmitting station when crystal mission. In affecting mutual benefits were issued la employed as no local bat to detector the Monday following of thla character. by the county clerk Boren terles are used. It ia therefore of speIn view of the situation above ad- couples Peter Sorensen and Helen M end cial Importance to be sure that all your committee favor and both of Bancroft, Ida ; Alonzo Bradley, colAbram contacts and connections are made visee tha early investigation Hess. and of Leona Farmington, consideration Day, lection and prompt firm and as near electrically perfect proper and Bountiful. each data as will enable n commlselon. as possible. More sensitive telephone decision by the receivers should be used with the crysTEMPLE EXCURSION. and practicability y?tlv to tho limit in tho tal set than are necessary with the unit of tbt poibly Important LOGAN, July 12 The newly created Mt Ogden stake of Ogden will conduct vacuum tube set employing several great project now under nveetigatlon. In the tube en excursion to the Logan temple, stages of amplification. Thursday, July 20 According to word set the telephones should be fairly Paid received by President J R Shepard of rugged in construction In order to J? the temple the trip will be made by au- stand up under the amplified energy Loren Scovil Glazier tomobile and the slight loss In signal strength early Thursday morning. through using such receivers Is more PROVO. July 12 Funerel services for TRIBUTE FINAL PAID. and than counterbalanced by the amplifiLoren Beovll Olaxter. aged farms" who died Friday morn12 The currents in Funeral services cation obtained. LOGAN, frnit grower, an of pnenmonla. for Thelma July were In the crystal circuits are usually very email Morrell held ing following the illness Pleeaent View ward Second ward chapel Sunday with T and the most should be made of it wars held in by B. Biahop E G Rowland of tha blehoprlc preaiding chapel Sunday afternoon. using ths most sensitive receiver Walker presided. The Invocation waa Roeakers wars Biahop William Worley, aval labia offered by Patriarch Albert Jonee and- Frank H Baugh. Jr., and William R. the benediction by Biahop John John- Sloan. Music was furnished by the Primary organisation to which the de. Favorite Horse Loses speakers ware James Gillespie. reaaed belonged, with solos by Mine f V Tha D 1firtl4sr y,- - Blehop Joseph A-- But-- "- Marrarer - Worley, Arthur Olsen ' xw' i Kalamazoo Feature tie and Biahop Walker. Musical aelecFrank II Baugh. Jr. tiona wars rendered by the Provo Third KAXgAMAZOO, - ward quartet end the Pleasant View MIctL, Jolr It-- Th TRESTON roiTH DIE. choir Lillian Allred sang a eolo. of Orc Direct, the favorite, by jv ward 12 El wood LeRoy LOGAN, July The grave In the Provo cltv cemo- -j the 105 pace wa the Pratt. 12. of Trenton, died at a local Joh Henry. tery wee dedicated by Sidney Ctuff! hospital yesterday following an oper- feature of the opening day program ation for appendicitis His father dld at Kalamazoos Grand Circuit met ye, Pioneer Day Celebration Funeral services were tarday afternoon onlv recently The Earing held In the Trenton ward chapel thle took the first beat In 1 03ft, butentry Co View Pleasant of Plan afternoon. put over the next two tn easy fashion. Grace Direct fought It out with John f PROVO. JULT 12. Pioneer dey will LECTURES ARRANGED. Henry ia the second heat, but finished fourth in the finals. Wanda May paced be celebrated In Pleasant View In the LOGAN. July It Tha Retail Mer bonslsiently, but could not mgke up the chapel chants grove surrounding tie ward festlC-of of committee the Chamber Tha ! service. with appropriate Commerce baa arranged for a free lec- distance. a long shot when Geers ties will begin In tha early morning Pop pot ture on various eubjocta pertaining to he sent Jack H over secand will continue until midnight. Hon-- I business out ahead in aalesmanahlp. Friday. July ond and third heats of the Sths 10 trot or guests at the celebration will be 21, at thaand rooms B chamber George of ward tha i tha remaining after finishing behind Peter Alation pioneers inrfng. repreaentatlvq of the Retail and General Joahua Mecham. Mr Merchants' Mr. and Mr in the opener. Bob Institute of Chicago, will Bin, an addedBing Francis Cluff Mrs Luella Haws. John he starter, drew fourth the anevVe- -i I Ashton and Silas Allred. money The oration of the day wtlt be given Leir Wurth yrtA vo rl f 7h ad no trouble in disposing of the field in the Rick fat 1 a. m. by Treat Seymour B Young the man Lake hotel purse for Salt Following City. trot (of morning a luncheon , iers in the 1 12 class The Lee Ax (program In the Boothe 4 will be served win be opened colt was never In denser and worthy he Alma May Worth second and Baron at which refreshments of various kindsa will be for sale In the afternoon tawab trailing down the stretch t will be program of e porta and races will be prises Appropriategiven. S given the winners of the various event Striking Shopmen Protest I A quean of tho day will also ha Hew to now is The a contest AnnedGuArcU (Special for which going The followtmp eaod(aee- - hve Son, l bean nomtnatad Leora Stubbs. Ruth annual Sun dance of the Bannock In (Special to The New) ICloff. Hasal Wagataff and Mr - Francis dfans will start Thursdav evening, POCATELLO, July It. Gov. D. Tluff. Da via has been petitioned by strikJuly 29 Ths danre will be held at the same location ajhast year on Bannock ing shopmen to withdraw the authority short distance off ths high t ewer In the constabuDeath Call Answered wav leading to American Falla Tha lary as guardmembrof to railroad property. ,ra,l,n n that. they will erect sign The petitions aver no disorder ha Rw Prwateillo Youth on lh hlBhwy Jtvtng direction aa t. occurred end no reason for the us, of hnw to reach the place Where the armed guard ho. IvWA Special to Tho New) 4 a wee to the II. Freuds Bun Danre t re will be vartou other July Wellington. 2. eon of Mr. dances for the entertainment of tha Jemes E Wetllngeton. died visitors. The Sun Danes la one of the of hie big summer ettraettons for tourist and evening at the home south Third avenu He reatdenta of the state. The dance last terent 122employed tha only remaining for a number of several day and laone famotiOrl. Fears after aehool end during veea- -, ceremonial of thla Ilona by Bletllno Lumber i will be held Wed-- 2 Preston Citizens Aid in Cany. The 22 p.m. la the Second beeday at ; ward chapel, under the direction of Campaign Against Crickets Bishop A. G. gatterfie.d of the Sixth Feed. Interment will be In Mountain (Special to Tho Mow) lew joometery. PftESTOH, Ida, July II. Approximately 490 local cf'lstna, 'including STRIKERS TO PARADE. men, women and children organis4 I POCATELLO. Idaho. July 12 The through the effort of Proof Georg Mitchell of the Commercial club, went tlrlke, organisation ef the Pocatello y to Franklin Thursday and aided la hop crafts will give a parada Wednee-aInaiude th9 cricket ptC Freeent plane figMfg sinca evening then male from two band the route will hata Daily over both sides of the city. from here to aid in parti tha driva. V 1 , $ -- l- a; t, -- P.: -- lint t,ev tnu-datl- b',ra at 'HIS COMPANY, LIKE THOUSANDS OF others, sells a 1 ar ge p ar f i t a ..pr oducts. to the users direct through-itown service stationer There could be no question in the event of dissatisfaction as to where the blame would belong. And we realize that the penalty for it would not be long withheld. To more than satisfy the motoring public and to grow by serving thesoare the aims of The Continental Oil Company. Our service includes free drainage of crank-csYse- s. Ask the t-o- - . I:-:- . ll -- s attendant. CONOCO radio-telepho- POLARINE Hi Badftoccd Gasoline Tha Perfect Motor i r CM et jrs t. acre-fee- t GARGOYLE MOBILOILS 1 ' Bag Canoe Coapon Be J($. Tktg mm Mm and change- - They are good at emg Continental hA, ewMj Sortie e Sietteeu f. THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Bairn Butt. tndla-pensab- le (A Cetarede Cerperadee) DENVER Puebla T Great Fxlb , Salt Lake City -; le or-2- H old-tim- er out-Ine- d, Lat Repeci It -- deft -- i , t I ' ,.Aga?nit -- Id. creka -- t oy j Id. let. Slon4 - I NEWS ARE BELIEVED ' a i - tk, - - |