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Show t THE DESERET favor the office holder with the major D.rt Ht GftEtT BltmiVS Bllf. Published Dslly Ezo.pt Sunday Uember ot Audit Bureau of Circulation. TR IDE. JiRTTUVS m . rit V WOMEN CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE. ICES state that there are thirty-si- x vo- -, men candidates for prominent federal offices in the United States. The women themselves are not quite agreed as to the policy to be pursued by wmmen dn quest of off'ce. Shall they ask office as women' or as Democrats or Republicans? Shall they take their chances in the primaries and at the polls with men on partisan tickets, or shall they run as Independent candidates on the of their I 4PX?'? , ; I j i - s ' . X euuisge nationally is 4n Us incipiency. The problems that now give women considerable trouble, will adjust themselves in time. But the question many women are trying to impress upon the voters of this country, is that women should be on separate tickets, and they argue that in some places, because the women are in the majority, the chances in winning out in the election are in their favor. There is. however, a snag in sudb s division, tbal may tear a solid womens vote asunder. Anything like a solid womens vote seems Impossible since there are two classes of .women ..under different political .motives, The first Is the married! woman, a woman with a family and with home Interests, who as a rule Is bound up dn her husband's political af- - fillationknd aspirations. If her husband were a candidate for office it da not at all likely ward better living and higher things. It is evident that as the civilization of the world has advanced the individual has become more and more important. The poet Tennyson seems to express a contrary opinion In the line from Locksley Hall." He savs: "And the individual withers, and the world is more and more." In one sense this is true. Relatively to the general condition of society, the Individual does not count for eo much now as he did In olden ttmrs. When Caesar was master of Rome, Cassius said of him: "Why. xnao, he doth bestride world Like a colossus, and we peuy men Walk under his huge legs ana peep about To find ourselves dishonored graves. This condition was no doubt true of the ancient world. Indivi&iala then towered above the common level of the masses like mountain peaks. But the social level has been lifted; so that there are now thousands of individuals who are highly intelligent, cultured, mighlpr, trained masters of themselves and able to hlp to control and guide the destinies of the world. The entire world has been lifted, the individual has become infinitely more Important and one is inclined to think that herein lues the promise nd the prophecy of the future. oft-quot- the-narro- she could be persuaded to vote for a woman ' merely on the ground that she is a woman. Her major interests are not witli women but with men. It would be sorry, indeed, for this coun-- try if there were a solidarity of women and their interests, or of men and their class interest because that would mean disturbance of the home and home interests. Another class of women is found among those unmarried who, from one circumstance or other, are not governed by homes, and their interests are not bound up in home yfe with thejnteresta of PROGRESS 0F THE A1RPLWE. man. As candidates for office or advocates of j any political cause they are apt to think that record of the Ended States airmail ser-i- ce the sympathies of women are with them bein clusing the year without a fatality cause of their sex. ' !k rathpr remarkable m view of the fact that There is no natural antagonism between the service is yet in its infancy and the haz- men and women as some suppose. Some wo- -- ard necessarily rnorJa.nejtQg-gfcX)iuuiajj.- , the year, according to the report, planes flymeffwiHpfrefeirTOwr'brw9meHl'kt!if1i?f?iVefSSr A sex cleavage therefore, in the political diving on the various divisions between New isions of our country,' is unlikely;' it is not York and San Francisco covered more than feasible. It may be that there are some un- - 1,700.000 miles and carried 49,000.000 letters just discriminations against women, but these weighing 1.224,500 pounds. Trips were made in discriminations are. dn a large measures, due all sorts of weather and at times under conto the traditions, the habits and education of ditions which almost invihed death, yet, to the the past Women in office will need time for credit of the pilots, be it said, accidents' were qualification, lime to remould their reduced to a minimum and the year en.ipd .i(h caxtnoTslandoolbeir digniltesj-bu- t a"TecorJ'Of'WrhfchXhe'departmentlnayWelI more and more must yield to practical and feel proud. , ' theoretical qualifications. Men and married When one tonsiders the rapid strides made women will argue that the, responsibilities of in bringing aeronautics to ils present standard, the home ere far in excess of single respon- one cannot but fieel that its field of possibilisibilities, reflected in the life of single women. ties is as yet scarcely touched. The world was , It looks as though arjy effort to make, in poli- amazed when the airplane became the destroytics, a sex cleavage .would result in a contest ing agency it was in the late war. and even between one class of women and another. Both then it had not demonstrated its commercial married men and married women will naturally possibilities to any extent, Now, however, it ; A t - disposi-jLUOflaZTh- ey I A - ""The Btrti of Paradise Isa prlsmatlo fountain of feathers, says Mr Mainland. "Some are spray of Jewelled plumes. Other have ribbons, crests, streamers or festhtrad shields. It la natural that legends should grow around such superb erestures sod Mr. Mainland tells ns some of them. It was said that they never left the air when they were dead, but flew up toward the sun. They could float on sephyrs and the female laid her egg on the back of the male and sat on them till they were hatched. They lived on the pure dews of Heaven, catching the drops before they were fouled by touching the earth. Most of the old naturalists agreed that they had no feet. Even 'the great linnsena. father of sclent Ho classification. Immortalised the legend by calling the Bird of Paradise "Paradises A pods. Apoda means footless. v Dr. Wallace a noted collector, tells us that one of the moat gorgeous sights a man can see Is a "dancing party" of the Red Bird ot Paradise when the adult males flock to a single tree. Hs writes: birds A dozen or twenty assemble together, raise up their wrings, stretch out their necka and elevate their exquisite plumes, kesplng them In a con- tinual vibration. , I whiles "Between In Use For vwa eanvaua . Too Much "Force Talk. 8tates an adjust, air flast, paying Its way In peace by serving the postoffice, w, shall hare tittle to worry about when war oomes. As eagles can beat rabbit e, so flying machines loaded with TNT and ma- chine guns can beat battleships and " troop if Weather Report A War and Birth Control. By ARTHUR BRISBANE. ROBERT GRAY, who lives Kentucky weighs 100 pounds. Her three babte Just born weight 24 pound eight pounds each. Thats a record There are men who think she shouldnt vote, unless ahe can carry a a gun. and go to war. They are MRS. correspondent, WRATH re FORECAST. Salt Lak City. Jaly It. lit: tetotty Owntlly For lAlt Uk fair font chi and nck Mt Wodeeoday, la tar. fair Utah Wadarsday. rxeap t pontblf frame aoathwaat port tea, pet lb tamparatar. For PntAttftMa I dmh Wadneadar cnaattlad with cktci For 0rllf and taafght beware aa much chaaf Towl ch t cad Unmdarvtorma who doesn't understand President Harding, says the latter "believet" that the coal Htchaat jraatardar and railroad strikes can be settled on- Hlchwt hi thia month laat yaar- . . ly by force. But the president la de- Hlthaat la this month atae 1134.,.. use of laying the troops . Lawaat thia moraine President Hardings last choice Lovwt thia month laat 7 oar would be force, inside the borders of Lawoat this moab ataea 1174 Normal for yaaurday the United States yeatordajr j For Grover Cleveland to order Meaa oeamalatad asceaa this month .... troops to end one strike, that local- - Aeeamoiated doficjracy tht month 1 Aervmntaxod xtto efaco Jon. at- titude and motion. It is at these "dancing parties" that the natives ahoot the blrda with blunt arrows for tha European market. It Is the male, however, which hasa all this adornment. - The femwle bird quiet; enough. When creature, dressed In dull dowdy, ' chocolate or brown . (Copyright, lift, by Frank Crane) e crow-lik- I Three Babies 24 Pound. A Washington - -- w- vm enrv. i they" fly acroea from plumes In every variety of g - Overmv 30 Years TODAY . branch to branch in a state of great citement so that the whole tree la filled wlth-wavln- - Tf ex- Accumulated dofidoacy sinca Jan. you begin using force 1- J - In I Do. trikes that affect all the coal mines Hamidttr and railroads of the United States you Znr bait fora per "a ra at I a.m.. . ... don't quite know where It will end. Wat hath toniparatara at 4 a.m. ratara at f Two or three millions of workmen Dry bait tempo ya 1 terday .... may keep force up Indefinitely. Wat hath temperature at 4 pa, ya .. .. tarday Good judgment, the power of public ftclttin humidity at I pa. yaetar I day opinion and the pressure that the president can bring to bear not only Frselpttstloe: pack. upon working men by the use of soldier but upon capitalist owners of Total yoatorday , mines and railroads In other ways, Tata! for this month T Aeeamalatcd raeoaa. thia month should settle the strike .11 Accumulated deficiency, thia month Force should not bo necessary Total 21 IS rlnca Jan. I.... civilised 1 TWENTY YEARS AGO. FCLT IS, 1 105. train carrying officials of the mine, on their way to Park C3ty to attend the funeral of some of the mine disaster victims killed by an explosion two days previous, was delayed more than two n boulder which rolled hours by a on to the railroad tracke An official notification was Issued from London that bjgorder of the king, the cor Edward and Qneeo Alexan- Two re??i3 take plgce on August I. Buckinghearsals of the procession from ham Palace to Westminster Abbey were given. I) was announced that President John R. Winder and Elders George Tessdsle and Charles W. Penrose would go to Ogden to take part In exercises Incident to the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment by President Brigham Young of quarterly conferences for Relief societies of the Church. The Salt Lake county tax levy was fixed mills on by the county assessor at t.4-- 1 the dollar, for school purposes, a slight reduction from the year previous when the levy was t 2 mills. General Superintendent E. E. Calvin of ' fKSOfcgen Short Lino announced that work new lino between the Salt of constructing Lake yards and Becks Hot Springs, a dismiles, would bo tance of one and one-ba-lf started at once. It was stated the new lino sort. HV doing away with a curve, would A special Daly-We- et among 4 v ' . from Portmouth, N. H-- , Conconveyed the news that a 1 1 foot boat was captaining 20 waiters and waitresses sized In the bay, and 14 of the party wero . drowned. J. Mrs. Elvira Sinclair McEvoy. wife of TOm in the McEvoy, known to everv horseman state aa Tom McCoy, was killed In a runaway Accident at Sixth South and Main streets when she leaped from the vehicle and her head struck the pavement. A dtepaffch become a practical agency tor gooL c with Tying mail, passengers and even freight train. railroad as almost as. much safety any theory. - Mi g . nextr PROSPERITY NOT IN' A CLOCK. Prosperity will com sir work Instead of watching wec iock P. Burn shoe merchant, who devised the bulk of his 2100 000 estate to his widow, tha mother of tha film actress. Allegations were made by fhe con teaiants. Bums' blood relatives, that Mias Swanson had conspired with her mother to effect Bums', marriafe to the latter and a wU In her favor. The case was expected to go to the jury today. Button see President Harding says tha United States must lead in airship building, in quality and in quantity of airship Tho postmaster reports that malls have been carried through the air for a year without ons fatal accident. If the president will push this through, and actually build up for the United Sua rises 1.11 ala.; ana sets I AT FOR A CONSTIPATED CHILD ha There can be little doubt that in the next few ao perfected years, the plane will have been locomotion as to make it as safe a means of "trai nr extent some to the latter means of conplant inone from place to another, veying people but already deed, at is used for this purpose ar not with the assurance which makes it AsPP-lthe diversion. and generally accepted o does ine automobile displaced the horse, the measure in airplane bid fair to displace o fast is automobile and the railroad train. science-addinto the story rf human achieven he mr.nl. The bewildered citizen, a be led to the wonders ot the age, might well his first exclaim with the farmer who took cracky, what ride on a railroad train, WKATHIB OBSKBYATIONH. at I pbl, July II. LOS ANGELES, Calif., July 1. Gloria Swanson does not enter into this case In any degree," argued counsel for tbe defense to the jury beading the contest over the will of Matthew - -- 8nF4tat-L'WilL.Aup- ... S. 22 Aecnmuletod ozcam otaca Jan. Accumulated deficiency ainca Jan. 1. being tells the International Birth Control Congress "Birth control will abolish war. Men fight because the population Increases and there isnt enough for alL Assuming that population doubles every 80 year he shows that In two thousand years there will be more than two trillions of human beings on earth, more than a thousand times aa many aa there ers now. First, the earth could support a thousand times as many people easily. if It were properly. Intensively cultivated. Second, as time passes people will have fewer children. Henry George tells you that If a puppy's tall continued growing always as It grow the first month, every dog would have a tall several yards long At the right time the tall stops growing. .So does population. Third. It Isnt population, but brutality and greed that make men fight. Men that start war Napoleons eager for land they dont need, bankers or nerehant ar-- f or money- and trade, or king diverting tbelr peoples mind are not Influenced by questions of population. Birth control limiting families, would have cut off Caruso, the nineteenth child, Napoleon, Franklin. Carlyle and thousands of others worth more to the world than A gentleman stx-to- 00. Gloria Swanton Declared To Have NoConnection In Trial on Burnt Will . p-- to-d- ay T" I tlp$afu foi t gives us a smattering Idea of Naconsummate skill, yet when we look such a creature as the Bird, of Paradise wonder is mere palpable to our stupid wide-sprea- FJiiu-- nt more than thirty year ttliAS been in constant use for tha of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colie and Dllmboes allaying Feverishness arising , therefrom, and by regulating the Htomaeh and Bowels, aids the as- mnUlstlon of Food giving healthy and natural sleep, Comlort-Tbe """"XhuGLJMxcag Mothers Friend, Bean the Signature cf sen see these limes one can not avoid looking over the face of society and noting the general symptoms that obtrude themselves upon the attention. The most noticeable thing about the ald, modern world is this great most universal fact of popular unrest Few people seem to be entirely satisfied with the condition m which they find themselves; and the laboring class every true. man belongs to a laboring rhss of some type, whether It be of brawn or brain are naturally doing only what all the rest of the world is doing, striving wisrly or unwisely to better themselves. These social organizations of today are not dirad things as one might think. They are pulsing with life, with feelings, with passions, and wills of their own. When the fancy possesses them that their burden is heavier than, it need he, they seek to shake it off. or to shift it. Then there is of necessity disturbance and upheaval. What we really newd to know in regard to these movements of strife and social unrest. Is whether they are symptoms.of progress, growing pains, as some believe, or symptoms of social decay. Are tlacy the result of unreasonable dissatisfaction, a wicked purpose to bring about a condition of anarchy,-o- r are they the fesults'bf that restlessness which always accompanies growth? It must be conceded that there does exist an element actuated by base thoughts and feelings; men who delight in trouble-makin- g and even worse men who let their passions run uncurbed toward corruption and chaos. With this anarchislio element in society we can have nothing in common. The members of this class are outlaws and and criminals deserve to be treated as such. Our reference hiere is to the honest workingman, the class to which it is a credit to belong. Social unrest among this latter class is a hopeful fact To be sure it is sometimes an unpleasant and disagreeable fact, interfering with business and causing happiness and distress.But.it js a sign fif syo" M .ct --V OR, 1 amal.lost-Inaec- tures j 1 Drops and Boothlng Byrnpe. It contains neither i.fwtci Opium, Morphine nor other nareotle substance. For - TM"!? lhe..,COHtemplallQn..at-..tha- , N law-abidi- -- attempt to relieveyomrbaby'witira remedy that yon would Use for yourself. is CASTORIA .What a harmless gnhstltnte for Castor Pare damn. SOCIAL UNREST. . health of Children Experience against Experiment. -- Never Castorla works itself, He has painted nothing that cun compare to a sunset, and no canvas he has Covered wiRh colors can agual the message of the 4PI ' J i eww-pu- b If 1 on to compare with the work of Naturesnothing skilful fingers He has never made eo lovely a thing a warbling Palpitating butV-rly- . canary, or a mechanism like the human bodv. with Ue superlntrlcate tJmifiHWv-th- at - - The Kind Ton Have Always Bought baa berne the signature of Chas. II. Fletcher on the wrapper for over 1,4 58,-X- be said BETTER late than never, might aptly city 'a attempt adequately to protect little children from the wild animals in the Liberty park zoo. Dr. M. R. Stewart, commls-aion- er of the department having direct charge of the park, has announced that such improvements will be made at once aa to render impossible a repetition of last Sunday's accident when a five years old child had the end of her finger bitten off by A "wolf." If It has been determined that it Is In Uue interest of the community to keep vicious animals in the zoo, there is a definite responsibility to arrange for proper houing of tine beasts. Within a stones throw of the zoo is a children's playground where thousands of little ones visit many without guardians. Few children of the lender age of the little victim of Sunday's unfortunate affair, the second in the last few months, but will attempt to pet any sort of animal, particularly one which so closely resembles a dog as does the wolf. These animals must not be eo caned that it is possible for a child to put its fingers within reach of them. If lack of available funds makes it impossible to . properly house the animals, they should be eliminated from the zoo. The people TifSatt Lake CilyHo-- not wishtheir representa- iies to maintain an institution which is a'men-ac- e to the safety of little children, playing in a public park. Children Cry for Fletcher's vu r? .PROTECT THE CHILDREN. tak. k .-- 1 Jl bird. For the Peeeret New by Dr. Frank Crane.) The other day a ship sailed up tn 10 London , bearing a huge collection rom the ends of the earth ?en tanda of the aea for the London Zoological Gardenw correction which brought waj -beautiful. .....ngiy a number ol Blrda of Paradlae. Man la very Ingenious and has wrought m Jaantiful thlnga Ha has built templee CSfhefli-alT1 and ritonumenta Uka tha Taj Mahal. He has carved statues, Painted pictures, woven clothea and cut Jewels which amasses for JheljchanTuujiJ foreign trade declined June as compared with that . . of Mi.v Ro-on- s month e for the decrease are not On jrMr .. -- nor 4a -- the SlOfle copies report - Thu m birrs Tates 'appir TO TrSh, fflah'r month which of Ttade Hoard compiled the the of Itpd Wyoming; other states by mall, per II 0. furores. It ri tv le Hint the drop is only temrommun'callon Send remittances end business porary. due hugely if not altogether, to the . to THE EERET NF'Aft. CJtsh. aa.rule L'us- iof Jjje xaninper, Cl! 7. opening Lake , Salt m in gienwvl lags rather than otherwise. Address eorre.pondrn-- k and other matter for But there m.l be among those. who have been publication to THE EDITOR. wtrhtwWe prowess of Rftlaias --reeupers-l.on Cone lfunton Woodman, I nit, from the war. a measure of disappoint Adverttslna RepresenUtlye. merit in the showing made last month, whatA.". 5th New Tork Citv, i!5 Chicago. 110 N Walla Str. the ever eaie may have been. Detroit, ighnT Bits Kansas City, SOI Victor Bldg According tiT the report of like Board of Ml.rta, 101 Constitution BMg. Trade imports during the month were down t lent, Victoria mrtg 5,899.-4fKan Francisco, 101 1 Monadnock Bldr 4,518 290, ami exports decreased by Los Angeles, ill. Trust A hayings Bldg For June imports were valued at X8L298.-lo- '.i and exports at 52.145,951. In May imports Entered et the postoffice of Balt Lak City, aa record class matter according to Act of Congress'' weio valued at S8,8I4 459 and exports at X March. I 117 "artT Colonial'TSfflgft exportfliTJufie The Assocla rd Press Is exclusivelya nee otspatchee (nLab-- fH, 720 20?. compared with 8,964,899 in the use for republlratlon of all credited In thJJ credited to Jt or not otherwise the- r rev iou.jcrnor.lh. neaspaper. and also the htcsT ot flt- Ail tarLt o4 fbiicftUoa. The hope- - wdJ- - b universally entertained patcho that the divine does nbt ftTafiy Sehse Irttficabs JULY 18, 1922. a ha't in Great BriTains recovery. SALT LAKE CITY.'. GRF.r 'tins week TUESDAY JULY 38 1922 NEWS the wonder " d V .t m A sasU Awe of Dr. Caldwell Syrsp Pepua will bring quick rsISaL VC OTHER, when one of the A'A idWtoftifteiwwtipiited ta . you going to give the first laxative within reach? It ia dangerous to do so. Some have been - known to rupture Hie" intestines of little children. Dont be beguiled by the outside sugarv appearance. Look into tbe formula. Calomel ia seldom necessary; salts, coal wfll find it Is not necessary to take minerals, tar, never! ft every day, nor to increase the Unlike these. Dr. Caldwell's dose, and that it ia pleasant to the Syrup Pepsin is admin hi for .txzte.. . Bottles cm be bad at nil children, aa it is for grown drug store and tbe cost is only about a cent n dose. Have no too. Mothers have u givtnglt to children for hesitancy giving it to a baby in 30 years. They know it does arm It is absolutely safe. not gripe, end is free-froHalf --Ounce Bottle Free narcotic The formula is on B matt mmmfymitmm every package, and you can see it is vegetable, just a combination ot Egyptian Senna and k GA Aw .wAi-- IkMtj w J jmm other laxative nerbs with pep-i- n Use it yourself and yon L. J 3 |