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Show DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM, Salt lake City, Wednesday, May 11, 1960 . . . A QUALITY C11 COLDSPOT FREEZER PRICED FOR OUR ANNUAL COLDSPOT CARNIVAL SAVE NOW! 2. - 15 JFT ClUi Stores 525 lbs. fIFooil AMAZING VALUE Even for Sears ! cst330iriii!m $ 1 0 DOWN S ea rs Easy T e rms We feel theres no better freezer value, for the price, on the market today! Coldspot chest FORCELAIN ENAMELED INTERIOR SLIDING BASKET FOR EASY STORAGE Not a painted liner! Resists rust, .and abrasions, is so easy to keep sparkling clean. Slides back and forth, lets you reach foods . stored in bottom of freezer easily! I;- - i- . WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL CONVENIENT SAFETY SIGNAL LIGHT ' eludes divider, Shows that pdwer supply has not been interrupted due to electrical failure. - ... DIAL El. 3-66- 31 fast-freez- in- - compartment, adjustable lock with keys to protect your e built-i- n food investment. See it, buy iL,.. at Sears! FOR EXPERT REPAIR EXCITING LOW PRICE FOR THIS SALE! ONLY -- Twin 15- speaker New versatility in room arrangement'. . . slim cabinet measures front to back . . . fits only where TV would never fit before sound system for exciting, full fidelity tone down 12.3 Cu. Ft. Cojtlsoot Has Anfonntic True Freezer' Defrost anti Big 86-lb. REFRIGERATOR 1 GUARANTEE R. Sears Easy :Terms on the refrigeration unit, service, 1-- Silvertone ILowboy (Console 21-iBig television n. TV with the modern furniture look. Puts-thpicture where you want it . . . looks great in any room. Powerful, brings in distant channels . . . even Big-scree- n in fringe areas. See lt! gv ix", in i . without extra charge $10 Sears .Easy Terms 21-q- slide out norcelained crisper. Deep, t. full-wid- th e aluminum shelves. Butter chest in door. Space-savin- g magnetic door. Rust-resista- Iain enameled interior. b Down K 0 A nt IM U porce- 4 i . |