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Show r & C Salt loTtenCrtyTWecJnejda, May 11,1960 DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM,, 22B - fil - . , ! s' v y1 v OTLflM IHMDSIHEII&Y r, Cheek, M.O. Nome. Address. Q State..... City. n Charge CO P. Includes shipping chargesi 36c for first item, 10c each for oddifionot Item. state tax. Utah residents include 2!6 exquisite ... first quality nylon hosiery in our own Belle de Paris box ! : -' seamless heel 1.50. heel e all first quality , ;e proportioned m t T e e e lengths" complete sizes ZVi to 11 sold ir to a box only beautiful spring beige tones & toe straight weave, usually & toe micro mesh, usually 1.50 : full fashion all purpose sheer 3-pa- 1 50 1560, yj ' walking sheer ZCMI usually 1.35 3051, usually - Downstair HOSIERY Store atitip (p Qm o o o mm Qm poo remnant clearance re- off Vt -- - PIECR GOODS Machine washableT wrinkle-resista- nt folding door 10 yd. 3.99 36" wide. Reg. 1:29 yd. Dewnit airs Downstairs PIECE GOODS jiy!onhosiery . own drapes. GOODS Downstair PIECI slip-cov- ers 1.50 pr. if perfect full fashion nylons of famous imMs sheer -- 1560 quality. ': braided rug 50 2999 List 24.95 set of 6 TV tfoys complete with stand; ' Bronze ; legs. tole rose design. slacks gabardines, weaves. All, new on Callaway flannels, fancy Asst, colors. Mills. Downstairs. V. .99 room-siz- e Downstair DOMESTICS ironing board other, GE docks. Reg. 6.50 kitchen clock 2.99 Reg. 6.98 alarm dock 1 .99 Reg. 6.98 alarm clock 1.99 1 braided rugs. heavy, reversible. Hit and miss pattern, 9x12 Extra perfect large x or from-Marte- DOMESTKS these and' many ond Sunbeam HOUSEWARES-Dewnst- if 1 batb Downstairs Reg. 6.98 kitchen clock Dawnstairs .98 towels Reg. electric clocks Save 109 HOUSEWARES 8- CURTAINS tv tray set ' chair-a- nd 14.98 sofa slip covers in a nylon blend knit. Washable... Reg.- - Downstairs HOSIERY More than 1,000 pairs of men's all wool . Downstair CURTAINS bath towel 3 pr. 1.50 J!eg. folding door plus hardware .for mounting. Tan, white, grey. Reg. 6.98. 32"i3Splastic Ideal for making your is tape ! fer' 'Regr29c-yd.wovenplea- printed hopsacking. wide. 36"-45- " pleater tape. 39 yd. Many usable cotton ond r rayon remnants from regular stock. "V hopsacking barbeque grill 699 449 Adjustable height Wyncrest ironing board with wheels for easy rolling. Usually 11.95. 18" brazier bowl picnic barbecue. Adjustable cooking heights. Compact. Downstairs HOUSEWARES HOUSIWARES-Dawnsta- irs oirs - iv ' v'-- .e&s si f styles'dnd colors to choose. Ivy or conventional. 3v lawn edging S j but a terrific selection. Sizes All Broken Ipts 28-5- - - - t t - 3 lawn edging in green anodized aluminum. 4" depth. List 2.98. ..... GARDEN lues from 14.95 to 17.95. -- v; ::,;;399 Reg. 1 .00 to .95 if perfect famous brand men's socks in and wool. ..Orion,. Ban-Lo- - leather-tri- m. in white,, ZCMI SHOES Dewnstaira Star. 99 Fully lined but. lightweight jackets from a famous manufacturer. Reg. 13.95 if perfect. 36-4- Downstair MENS WEAR boys' sport shirts 149 wash 'n' wear suits Reg. 1.99 to 2.95 boys knit ond fancy cotton sport shirts. Perfect for summer! tp 42.50 men's lightweight suits just in 'time for summer. Broken size- s- Downstairs men's sport coats 299 2599 Values from 3.95 to 5.00 in men's long sleeve ond short sleeve sport shirts. Strapped, dressy nylon mesh with black patent, breezy newtilVpunch. --7- men's sport shirts Dawnstairs ' brand sport coats reg. 37.50 to 45.00. Broken lots but over 400 coats. Famous ROYS' 2999 7.50 Reg.-3- MCNS WEAR WEAR-Dawns- toirs women's panties nylon slips 25 199 ; ' Downstairs Reg. to 2.99 women's blouses, jimsjpolo shirts and skirts in broken sizes, colors. S.ORTSWLAR Downstair dresses ZZ33 12-2- DRCS 51 S Downstairs . discon- 12-2- 4 Downstairs mos., 4 2-- DRESSES Downstairs ,40 BC. . ROUND ATIONS Dawnstairs sweat shirts m? ' Boys' first quality white sweat shirts, Reg,, 1.59 A wonderful value! . CHILDRENS Downstairs cotton dusters lightweight wrap 99 199 Choose plaids, checks in several styles. All 1 00 cotton. Faille and novelty clusters ore Sdeal for, oil occasions. Sizes Pastels, black, 12-1- DAYTIME it knit suits Reg. 8,98 fo 16.98 misses' and half sizes knit suits in Orion. Many styles, .100 colors.- - Some irregular., First-tim- CHIIDEIN'S-Downs- tair 1 ACCESSORIES 12-2- boys' 4; bra; c- -. Exquisite Form floating e tion bra. sale! To May 14 only. 32-3- 6 ABC, 38- -. 1 Cute new styles, mostly first mos., quality. Girls' plaid umbrellas Excellenfvolue on plaid taffeta umbrellas.' Curved handle. Windproof. . playpet playwear Dawastairs LINGERIE - tairs DRESSES Downstairs COATS Dawnstairs costume jewelry ar ri n g s, necklaces and 1JX) and 2.00 ea. Closeout of new spring, - -summsrsfyles. E bracelets reg ACCESSORIES 10-1- 8. i 95 Group of washable vyoven ginghams, prints,, and broadr 0 dpth dresses. Sizes . on women's slips. Mostly first quality. 32-4- Scoop! Reg. 19.95 to 35,00 Broken lots. men's suits. Hurfy in for these savings. V. 77',. in ::i; slim 5.98-6.9- 8 Values tinued styles reg. 2.50 199 911 MENS Downstairs . men's suits - Downstair ME NS WEAR - 99 ' 'sling men's jackets MENS WEAR wo.'s sportswear blond,, black, or n ' airs s LINOIRtI t ywhite,or-blond- ' 1 v HOUSIWARES-Dawnst- ; Values to 69c n slightly ir- -. regular women's rayon panties. Broken sizes, styles. : i. Milk white cqjserole on black wrought iron stand with warmer. List 3.50. ( ' V 49 Dbwn stairs HOUSEWARES MINS WIAR Downstair MENS WEAR l l49 S. 6M-7V- Downstairs Stara Contour-hee- knife, sharpener for both knives and Scissors. Guaranteed. SHOP Downstairs Values from 5.00 to 5.95 in 4 men's straw hots. Choose from over 400. cM ZCMI MEN'S CLOTHING List 14.95 Silex electric men's straw hats i-- iv4'Vy' . men's socks 8 ft. Gross-sto- p . '" casserole on stand 0. mail and phone orders filled af once. 1 19 40 knife sharpener Dawnstairs useyourZCMl' Option Charge Account : . to save during this big event in the -- Z Downstairs Store : |