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Show L ,rfv t vu'We1' xijTTyrrrr w'e'w w wvwu . 1 . Graduation Riles SEATON TO GIVE BUREAU TwoUlahCilies COLORADO POWER DUTY Left InbuHiAs Scheduled for ; - - 4 i ir In the Ensign Hill area 6n the north rira of the city are not happy with the school situation In their part of town. This was made clear to the Salt Lake City Board Of Education Tuesday night when residents of the area presented a petition at the school board meeting. The petition asked ' that high school students hi the area be permitted to go to East High School and that the board s resolve the grade school situation as soon as possible. (The Lafayette School. which serves the ires, was sold by the board to Zions Securities Corp. to become part of the site for a new federal building. Later the sale was challenged in courts and a decision was made to build the federals true-tur- e on another site. At present the future of the school is h- Indefinite.) HAPPY HOMEMAKERS Competing for'title of Mrs. Utah are Mrs. Virginia Mar. Specific Proposal tin, from left; Mrs. Betty Paxman, Mrs. Roy A. Nipko and Mrs. Norma Fay Num-leySpecifically the petition All were required to perform homemaking tasks confronted daily by housewives. asked the board: T. To either' (A) send 'our high school students to East Sandy City Issues High School, or IB) have a Five Building Permits choice between East High School and West High School SANDY Five building as to where those students permits totaling $20,150 were should go, 2. To resolve the grade issued during April by Sandy school situation in the Lafaycity, Mrs. Vivian Smith, city Four Utah mothers displayed ette area as soon as possible, their skills recorder, reported Tuesday. homemaking and in so doing to remember Wednesday while competing Included in the building perthat the residents of this area for the 1960 Mrs. Utah title s mits were one duplex at strongly feel that if the Lafaywere Mrs. David O. in TtTLauderdaierFla 7500rtwo garages, $1,400,' one They ette School is abandoned a new Martin, 27, 286127th East; wiU receive an expense paid patio, $650, arjd one addition, grade school should be built in Mrs. Norma Betty Paxman, 22,' vacation for herself and her $1,600. The permits 'Were off the area. 271 N. 2nd East, Logan; Mrs husbarfd to the city to com- - some $50,000 from the March u- The petition suggested that Flossie Mae 42, 615 E with other state winners, 'total of $70,000 the division line between East 5600 South, Nipko, and Mrs pete Murrayr and West high schools be Norma Fay Numley, 28, 3484 moved somewhere west of Rulon St., Magna. Main St. The divisisn now is The mothers, who were seat E St. lected as finalists for the conPresents Petition test by the Mrs. America The petition was presented Homemaking Council, New by R. Hulbert Keddington, 216 York City, NY., competed at S. Sandrun Rd., Who said it the Sill Home Living Center, was signed by all residents of department of economic, Uni; the area except one couple veesity of Utah. e with no children that was not They-werjudged on their home. Mr. Keddington said personalities and neatness and he was president of a newly their ability to bake a cake, organized citizen group formed prepare a refrigerator dessert to press for Solutions to the V school problems there. Mrs. Nicholas G. Smith, 922 E, Capitol St., president of the School PTA, p? Lafayette I sketched the history of the La- 1 fayette School discussions, par-,.1- ? ticularly as they affected the a, PTA. She said that on several " occasions the PTA has been Lt rebuffed by the school admin- istration in its attempts to stimulate citizen action regardMANTI LrDeland Larson, the school. On one occa-i- i 60, Manti Seventh District s' ing sion the PTA was denied use Court judge for 12 years, died of the school building to hold Tuesday morna meeting. Only this week the ing at his resi- PTA was restrained from send- dence. ing notices of a proposed meet- ng home with school children. Oct. 6, 1899, in Notices Discouraged Ann Arbor, i Mich., a son of t Mrs. Mary P. Brown, Lafay-- J ? ette principal, said the sending Lewis, and Funk . of notices had been discour-- 1 Larson. He maraged by Dr, M, Lynn Bennion, I school superintendent, on the LaVonnie ried I grounds that the situation had Vincent. They ' q? changed so much the proposed Mr. Larsen were later dimeeting would be of little vorced. He married Dorothy value. The PTA had planned Olsen ort Aug. 17, 1940. 1 2 to solicit citizen reaction as to Mr. Larson graduated from ; 1 which of five proposed sites Manti the UniverSchool, High ' they would favor for the loca-tio- sity of Utah and the Univerof a new school sity of Chicago, and he at( T. Quentin Cannon, school tended Utah State University. board president, explained that He was a member of the the school board had agreed Church of Jesus Christ of Latternone of sites the possible that Saints. -day was acceptable. Mr. Larson was appointed to He also assured the delegation that steps would be taken, the Seventh District bench on and already had been authori- Jan. 18, 1948, by former Gov. Herbert XMaw. He retired zed, to renovate the Lafayette last February because of illSchool before classwork starts in the falL He also said that ness. Survivors include his widow, It was- - his "private opinion that the school .would remain two daughters, Mrs. Bonny : ' -- Lee Sershen, Murray, and where it is. In his presentation Mr. Ked- Launa LeAnn Larson, Manti; . dington i said .that , present three grandchildren, Funeral services will be conschool arrangements, particu 2' p.m. in the larly concerning high school ducted Friday atWard-chaboundaries,-we- re pel. slowing -- the Manti - Center PAY ONL sale of lots, the construction Friends may call at the famof homes ' and the ultimate ily residence Thursday evening growth and development of the and Friday prior to services. Ensign Down area, which he Skills Displayed By 4 In Mrs. Utah Contest $16,-final- High Schools By GORDON ELIOT WHITE Deserei News Washington Bureau WASHINGTON Interior Secretary Fred A. Seaton has decided to assign the Bureau of Reclamation responsibility for building mam Upper Colorado power transmission lines, sources here indicate. The delay, while Secy. Seaton has been out of Washington this week, has held up the bureaus appearance before the Appropriations Committees of Congress. The ' secretary telegraphed the decision last week in a speech in which he said no private agency would be able to handle ' . the big job. The decision is expected to touch off an outcry from private power companies, chiefly Utah Power and Light Co.,jyhich heartily opposed giving the job to the Bureau of Reclamation; S dance Wit h I TTufile ralanffihg Utah Power and other private companies reportedly supported the Upper Colorado project in returq fqr assur- ances that private enterprise would build and operate ' the power grid. J Commencement exercises for Salt Lake Citys four high schools will be held Wednesday and Thursday June 1 and 2, it was announced Tuesday night at" a meeting of the Board of Education. Times for the exercises, the school administrator and members of the Board of Education assigned to officiate, are as follows, listed by schools. EAST HIGH SCHOOL Rites Wedrtesda y, Juhe 1 7:30 p m. in the Highland High School Auditorium Arthur E. Arnesen, administrative assistant, and board members Wallace F. Toronto, S. Perry Lee and W. A. Sorensen.' (A dance is scheduled June 2 at the University of Utah.) HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL Thursday, June 2 at 6:30 p.m. in school auditorium L. D. Schroder, assistant superintendent, and board members Virgil H. Smith, Glen S. Burt and Mrs. Jerry Landa. Dance tolollow'in school gym. SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Thursday, June 2 at 7 p m. in Dr. school auditorium Marion G. Merkley, assistant x SANTAQU1N A Tight air-cra- ft tore through four high tension lines here Tuesday night, cutting off electrie power at Santaquin and Mona lor more than two hours. But officers and investigators (could find no trace of the airplane nor determine where it was based. Rumors flew throughout t. ThurremmUniry iMiowmjTtnr-amdenSome residents said they saw the plane hit the wires. Some said the motor was dead, but others said the plane just flew off. Residents and officers attempted to find wreckage of the craft but were unsuccessful The accident occurred about T p.m. and power was not restored until after 9 pm. The wires were located near the viaduct on the. highway Dr. Bui ke was a member of leading into Santaquin. a seven man U, of U, educational - team which recently spent two months in Ethiopia at the request of the State Department and His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie. He called the shortage of teachers in the country on6 of the biggest educational said WIDE SELECTION must be trained there, particu-larlJ Paint on the high school level. -Wallpapar Decorating Supplies "It is very clear that there is 1 country which desperately Prat al. Patti Thimttf Inn Ytvr Own Cantamof needs more education if its economy Is to develop, Dr. PECK and PECK Burke said. He added- - that TTTTT there is also a very real health UTHM Xtt. problem In the country. Ethiopian Educational Needs Cited By U. Chemistry Dean Ethiopia has ,a very real educational problem withjyery few students graduating from high school there, Dean William J. Burke, of the University of Utah Department of Chemistry told Sale Lake card superintendents andh members T. Quentin Cannon, Sertomans Wednesday. Waldo M. Anderson and Gordon B. Christenson. Dance to follow. Temperance Meeting WEST HIGH SCHOOL Thursday, June 2 at 7 pm. m school gymnasium Dr. M. - Lynn Bennion, : superintendent. and board members Paul F. Royall, George A. Christensen and Warren R. Tyler. Dance to follow. - The Womens C h r I rt 1 a n Temperance Union will meet Monday at 1 p m. in the Salvation Army Hall, 137 E. 1st South. Members of the Utah Tuberculosis Assn, will-sho- w films at 2:30 p.m. The public is invited. -- Plane Ilifs'Vires , prob-lemsan- ers more-teach- - DRIVE TO UNION FURNITURE IN BOUNTIFUL OR LAYTON FOR LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! CL Judge Larson ... VJ) Dies ln Manli Home I mmnm' S j !dlE, ' t? 3 L n X'j; 9-Pe- 8-Pe- . ce i lntludina aii ixfrot Two p;c u doubl; Hvy fr.z. cover Ir ' X,r mu. if- t g y 3 teriy journal utitii -- A ST11IIII Ml N I- Now laxative discovery lor normal regularity. 1 As you trow older, the internal mui-de- e of yow colon well alio age, lose the strength that propels west from the body. Stagnint bowel contents be- come 0 diy and shrunken that fcey fill to stimulate the urge to purge. Relief, doctor eay, be in a new butts and laxatm principle-Old-et- nxmteners msy emte ju, take J or salti and 4 Uya foe rebel drugs cramp and grip the entire system. Of all laxatives, only new CXd-ety- Colon give youkupect relief that works only on the lower , colon (area of constipation). ' 3 essentials-- " (1) CoLONAm moisturizes dry. hardened waste for easy passage without pain or strsiiu (2) Colokaids ? &,. bd-- I rferfu wear. BorrPn Tri ef won-Als- o mTfrosa ' "k - ,holr 9x12 TWEED RUG WITH FOAM RUBBER PAD v j. INCLUDED WITH EACH GROUP AT NO EXTRA COST - Stops Constipation Due to "Aging Colon ,.mp. FREE Jay R. Newman, Utah .public- safety -- commissioner- and newly elected regional vice president, made this announcement Tuesday following his return from the I960 conference held in Sacramento, Calif. , advanced law students to be elected to tha Board of Editors 3 of the Stanford Law Review for next year. P at The board will publish Volume 13 of the quar 21 "wSTdITS! -- referred to as Ia restricted ruet Glen O, Robinson, son of Mr. annual conference of Region m, and Mrs- - B. H. Robinson, 878 4 of tlie American Association 51 E. Capitol Ave, is one of $2 of Motor Vehicle in 1962. ce Bedroom Livin9 Room S' $10 down , U.S. Auto Group Stanford Law Review To Meet In S.L. Honors- Salt Laker Salt. Lake City will host the forming orgedus w area.?; v Tp Y A13 rJ-- School Situation Downs-Caplt- w . s S - v ww-w- w vw-w- Salt lake City, WednesdoyMoy 1 1, i960 Pclilion Protests Residents . a cw - DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM, Jtorth Rfm m DIRECT CARLOAD BUYING, LOV OVERHEAD AND LOW COST LOCATION MAKE SUCH PRICES POSSIBLE! OPEN FRIDAYJilTESJLL-8-P.fi- - l. muscle. (3) And ton flabby Colonaid acts gently, on the nave reflexes that stunulste the vital miss aaovement" bf your lower ctrioo. CotOMam relieves even chronic constipation overnight; is 0 gentle it ws hospital proved safe even for pectant mothers And Colonaib wont foterfere with absonniwrrvtttffiiHfi or other food nutnenti. Get Colonaib today! Introductory size 43. ji r 5 116 FLOORS OFFIHE FURNITURE I LAYTON BOUWTIFOt |