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Show 'rr vywyr'y70 y yvy V .. r. w w d't,eegggli'-v---- wrfVgrflW- 8B - . il Wine 2-- 1 3-- 3a p 2-- 1 ing. In the White Park Metro League Tonys Lounge and Mountain States Service ex tended their league record to Tuesday night Doug Borg, veteran Utah hurleiy made his first ap- pesrance on the mound this season for Tonys. He scat 3-- NORMAN ,. V ' DESERET NEWS AND TELEGRAM, Sail lake City Wednesday, May 11, I960 Poncho To Come Back Elko Dravs Golf Wives, 7-- Leaves Team Vacancies r, By CONNIE CHRISTENSEN Deseret News Staff Writer All roads lead to Elko thix weekend as the men head for their annual Best Ball Tournament and the wives Just go along for the ride (plus a generous helping ' of Nevada hospitality) SIMS HATTER " Western Cinder Dons Market 14 9 0 Davis and Vefa; G. Younf, Bafley and VanLeewen, 1 34 13 Utah rirt Clay 5 7 4 Litton Industries Sturzenecser and Berfener, Larsen; Labrum. Turner and Peterson. WtDNISDAY sbuiDUE The Skyline western division Whit Park T pm Chevron Club vi. (opponent track meet scheduled for Unto be selected! S pm. Terry Hanien v. Ed and iversity of Utah stadium May Nellie, 21, definitely will be held at p nL State Brau Foundry v. Rio night Redskin cinder coach Grande. Glade Fark Marv Hess announced Wednes7 pm. - Ft. Douclai .VI. Ntwtpaper day morning. Aieney. S pm Winder Dairy Vi. Zloni This win be the first night flrat Nat Bank. S pm. J. A. Hod v. Florahatm track meet held in this area Shoe,. since Utah was hast to the Bannany Fark 1am FBI v. Countryatd Zen. NCAA meet in 1947. pm Laury Millar vi. - Duiut'f Hess said trials would start nine. lit v. Bennett H.llad.y Pirk Holladay Cleaner, vi. Xaat Ind. Slit Rifle Co., Marlnaa vi. Flrit Security Bank. p.m Bannion Ward v. Bud, t . Duds. 7 pm MUIeraak S m WRESTLING to Finish Fight MONGOL - Al I MARIA , I Venus SZASZ ADA ASH Two Sole Agent Hi STEWART-DUTCHHEAL- Other Events Irlday-liS- PANAMAS 1 T s FOX 1740 J Towna a Country Rambler S 1 1 M 1 a Milkevieh and a h r Guait, Ruaakart and Hobb. 14 11 Talnart'i Man'l Store 7 County Merchant and StHeuxari Thurfood, Cowley ephen, Hardeaitle and Jx. Murray Y ' 103 Stevana-Brow- n Sportln COLISEUM cuadorlan Supsb Natural als the-fin- Murray City Softball V. CHUCK anf-discu- s. UNITED AT RENT-AL- SAIT IAKI SOUTH MAIN. 227Q coast-TO-COA- Sr Bruit SpotiMe tarfuf World 8 a.m.--6 Monday-Saturda- y p.m. BFIIH - their own "Best Ball coming up sometime in June. - Already, officials - of the sponsoring Ranch Inn have sent inquiries as to the most accommodating ' date for Utah players. It should fall sometime between the Schubach at Nibley (June and the State Tournament at Tooele (June 1). If the tourney follows last years plan, any girl with a state handicap and -fl (entry fee) can sign up for 86 holes of golf, (two days), a practice round, smorgasbord and. the trimmings. A team from Brigham City won the event last year. Orle Bell end Ruth Miller of Nibley came In second. (Sure theyre going backJ White You Watch With Boi ONE HOUR. SERVICE America's Greatest Brake Value PLYM. CHEVY EORD CARS WRITTEN OUARANTEK 27-Jul- y Includes Parts and Labor FRONT END ALIGNMENT Mosf Others 16.95 Dona an Ovr Electronic Vifwahnor 1SAVE MONiY IN -- THE 7.45 ,wc.r LONG SUN W., correct carter, cam-ba- r, tea in, to - evt. end Adiust Impact, The Most Modern Equipped Brake Shop in Utah Tighten Steering. Util Irak Adjuitmonts tor f h Relax in Our Ufa of tha Lining Braka Intpaclion PREI Comfortable WI ALSO SPECIALIZE. IN POWER BRAKES TV Lounge THATS A WOMAN JoAnne Johnston of Provo, who traipses devotedly behind husband, Bill, in most of his successful pro tours, will go with him to Scotland and Paris when he plays In the British and French Opens early in July. And wouldnt you know: Her biggest problem is "what to wear. Theyll catch two kinds of weather in their flying trip abroad. The Johnstons will travel ! alone. Son, Brad, stays wijh her brother and sister-in-la- Port addltianoL BE SAFI NOW-P- AY LATER t: r. 18-da- y Melby, Referee Bill Friday, May 20, at 4 pjn. in the brod Jump, javelin, shot Running trials put start at 4:30 p.m. with the 440, 100, high hurdles, 220 and low hurdles in that order. beginTat Saturday, 7:30 p.m. with the pole vault, high jump, javelin, broad jump, shot put and discus. Running finals begin Saturday at 8 pan. following in intervals beginning with the mile, 440, 100, high hurdles, 880, 220, low hurdles, run and mile relay. e the course over for look Meet At Night S pm Vill.y Vlay Glaaa and Paint PANAMA Friday Meadow Brook at Nibley' (A); Price at Bonneville (A); Provo at Price (B); Meadow Brook at (B), and Nibley at Forest Dale (B). As for Elko, the4 ladies will have a good chance to Bonne-vUl- COMI DOWN AND INSPECT MSB ; Magna (B). brake. gEpm The lineup: . Thursday Forest Dale at Magna (A) and Tooele at ' 13 SAVI Vt ON YOU TI1F ' NOW To r Memorial weak-anW offer 1, 4 end S paoan trailer. Vary dean, Inwred, whh RESERVE rmrtomviDn OPEN: VACATION SLEEPING TRAILERS RENT t, That may leave Salt Lake team captains scrounging lo fiU eight positions for matches Thursday and Friday. ,1480 - CLEVELAND (UPI) Pan-chGonzales, although now in will attempt to win his eighth straight sinin the gles championship World Pro Tennis Tournament which starts at the Cleveland Arena May 27. Gonzales first won the world crown in this tournament in 1953. o ! David Freed, Salt Lake Davis Cup captain, will downed Palms Lounge Citys TUESDAY KESULTS Bill Peery and Don Mayne have to 'meet a July 15 deadMtr Whit Inm jt S line for hlsjfirst American helped the winners with two Mtn Statci Servic . 4 4 3 hits In four appearances, Pehrtoni GX Zone play. Brow-Dlckinaon Chatwln, and S) Dlqk. Milne homered Inside Mtn. Sartor (4) and Walker. United States meets Can7 . B Tony a Lounaa , 4 the park In the fifth Inning. Palma Lounaa 4 3 3 ada at Quebec City, July Pehr-sons Borf and Solomon; Nottl and JenPreviously unbeaten GE suffered their first aen. 1 SL. Real' lata te 4 t 1 loss of the season to Mtn. Manwtll Flumbm If the Yanks defeat Cam J 3 Aahby and Tucktr; Ratlin and C. States 6 4. ada they will met Mexico Wllaon. . Gladt Caama Leaf at Mexico City, Aug. 6, 7, 8. Trailing 63 in the bottom of 1 S 3 Ford the fifth Inning, Pehrsons Petty Should the U.S. survive 3 Water Plumbing 1 IQ pushed one run across on a Alllnrton and WalMnihaw; Waters Canada and Mexico matches, pass ball by pitcher Ray Chat-wi- an4 Christeftten. the American Zone final will 1 BerthoteT Realtors Traveler Oil be played at the Cleveland f With the and Mathews, Christensen tieing runs on sec- .Zlrkar Martin and ond and first and only one out, Ok land Const Skating Club, Cleveland, 7 2 1 3 Carl Dickinson was called to Mtn States TIcT Ohio, Sept 16, 17j 18. , Martinet and Lever; Staff end the mound for Mtn, States. MarkowskL Harman? Park Wednesday flight action in (Monday Olade Makeup Games) the Salt Lake County RecreaInc , 7: Boys Clubs el tion Softball program is sched- - SLCCarpets 0 (forfeit). S 2 3 Bomb Plot Eaclef ..... 1 ' ', Yank Davis Play Chip Shots . . . By Connie Begin July 15 t tered eight hits and despite uled at Glade, White, Harmony four errors, the loungemen and Holliday Parks.' "Your Exclusive Hat Shop 170 So. Main v Grabs Glade Lead ; BjrDON BECK, Deseret News Staff Writer - Travelers Oil edged Berthold to Realtors Tuesday right take the lead lathe new Glade Park Cosmopolitan League Kay Christensen registered the win giving up only four hits. Oilers now have a with Berthold and Petty Ford tied for the runner-uslot with a record. The auto dealers were upset day night 91 by Waters Plumb ' ' Good 12 It 0 . 3 0 Carpet Inc. Sanchai and Culltton, Ouitl Van Down and J. Vouni. inSpanish Fork. JoAhne plays this game of golf, too (shes " a member, of the Provo Womens GolfAssn.) a fair handicap. Utah fans know her well , . shes picked up many a winning check for BiU. and-sport- Friday'! Sehadala O 7 p m Laury Millar Inc. v. Ca. pet Inc. f .14 p m. Blclar'a Compact va. Utah Powar di Liaht JIM mzm-me- m V" BRAKt WORLD'S LARGEST -- s HolladaylGun !r SPECIALISTS 135 W. 9th South t3aAATENT I & COMPANYElw: AWNINO ENJOY A CAMPING VACATION ClubSlatesl MORETHRILLS-FEWE- Opening Date Shooting clubs throughout Utah will help tha Holladay Gun Club open its trap and skeet facilities in grand style Saturday and Sunday, The Holladay layout will have its grand opening with shoots beginning at 11 a.m. both days. Persona desiring to get in aome practice firing may do so at 9 a.m. either day, as well as Thursday evening. Singles and handicap events will be held Saturday, capped Sunday by a team shoot A team, consisting of 10 shooters, may posflts five top scores. Many of the teams will come from gun clubs throughout Utah, according to Holladay club officials. Although club facilities have included both trap and skeet shooting In the past, the grafid opening will see new trap and automatic skeet throwers put into operation for the first time, officials said. Shooters may have their scores registered under either PITA or ATA. Interested shooters should register at the Holladay club before Saturdays events. A wild boar barbecue will be one feature of the two-da- mumiB tv BILLS R ti y shoot Hallock Gets Cal Info Post BERKELEY, CAUF. Wiles Hallock, (UPI) sports information director at the University of Wyoming, has been appointed to a similar position at the UnMi verslty of California. Hallock, 42, succeeds Paul Christopulos, who takes over as assistant director of athletics at Cal. Both appointments are effective July 1. Only .Armstrong uncondi- tionally guarantees your tins far life against all raad Hazards... the longest, strangest tire guarantee In the industry! camping outfit will last last & last. Good for at least- 10 years. & Cdmplete De Luxe Camping Outfit 1 10'x13 Sky liner tent '.$129.95 1 6' folding camp table 14.95 4 Folding camp chairs, $2.49 ea. 9.96 2 Folding camp itoalt$1.49 ee. 2.98 aluminum cook 12-Pie- 1 1 De Luxe 1 Propane set 6.9S propane stove stove stand lantern T Eveready Big Jim lantern 1 picnic jug 1 2 Snowlite Heavy-dut- y - camp cots, 8.95 aa. 2 Sleeping Bags iy.90 b. Dacron, rugged duck covers, $21.95 ea. . . Swedish steal. 2 Fire extinguishers, $1.49 ee.i .... 1 Axe - TOTAL 7 19.9S- - 5.95 12.95 7.93 4.65 ke Bex... 17.97 n Complete Economy Camping Outfit 1 ll'x9' umbrella tent $33.95 1 5' folding camp table 8.95 4 Folding camp chairs, $2.49 ea. 9.96 2 Folding comp stools, $1.49 ea. 2.98 4X90 2.98 2.98 1 425B Camp Stove 1 luxe stove stand Gas burning lantern 1 n 1 Seven-gallo- jugl..! picnic Snowlite Ice Box n 2 Cqmp cots,$4.95 ea. 2 Sleeping bags $1193 ea 1 Hatchet 2 Fir 6.95- , - ...11.17 De 1 k".r") $309.52 ONLY $Zl.es DOWN aluminum cook sot -Piece 5.95 10.85 3.99 12.63 9.90 7 Dacron, 31.90 ... 2.29 extinguishers, $1.49 ea. 2.98 si 5 8, 31 TOTAL ONLY $U DOWN ASY MONTHLY TERMS laiy Monthly Terms . . . with purchfse of either of the aliove outfits . I" Plastm Dish let 8 one Family Camping Directed (tells you where in the U.S. you can comp, fen and instructions for gettina to I fci-P- black tuba type Premium Tyrsx Regular price $30.90 plat tax and igsing.- Example: 670-1- 5 . m NOW 2 for $30.90 LIFETIME UNCONDITIONAL t ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE plui tax and easing Ful-Ca- ps ATTENTION 7fceheltoilw,MyberhJ ,B m H Taall ba glad yaa did. " . mum InlnlnT vs 1 fc A kkk A k A & A & ACA h fe A A A AA XA A A JA A A Aik A A Individually e..V?EEj ' LAYAWAY & BUDGET . . . TERMS TO FIT YOUR NEEDS rf WHILE THEY LAST -H- URRY-HURRY Home of the Marler each comping ground.) A Nl I |