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Show - if im.nAvii t ? . 'JOAHV. ac. O Wanted To Rent For Rent or Lease Modern coxy furNewly dec- RENT- - 1 bedroom RENT 3 modern room floor. Phone Third West 1171-- mer Not Probate end Guardianship No tices Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham City. Utah, or respective signers for Infonna tlon. apt apartment furnished or unfurnished. Steam heat Ground 11 North 3 room modern Heat and water furnished. Phone 29 or 264. RENT apartment lie's Tier Fella! 2 teqal Notices nished apartment orated. Automatic heat and hot water. TV antenna. Choice location. Adults only. 112 East Forest partly furnished. Marie Apts Phone 1111. Lookec Algae Demonstrated Possible Food Source Columbus,- 0. UP) - raid bedroom The unfurnished modern house or DeWITT. N. Y. (UP) apartment. Need by Jan. 15. 'School of Skunk Holidays has Pd-t- f gone under the wrecker's hamPhone 1000. WANTED TO RENT SENT Skunks Win Decision Over N.Y. Schoolhouse NOTICE TO CREDITORS Eatate of Joseph Peterson and Ada B Patersen, his wife, both Deceased with Creditor will present claim voucher to the undersigned at Brig ham City, Utah, on or before the 18th day of March, AD I9SS MLLVIN J PETERSON. Administrator of the estate of Joseph Peterson and Ada B Peterson. hi wife, botS Deceased Date of first publication January 12, A D, 1955 Walter C. Mann. Attorney for Administrator 57 Firet Security Bank Building,. Brigham Cfty, Utah. 9 SeiVice Ottered F2 l - milk Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED TRY IT the witer of skunks were the r most important part of the history of the little red schoolhouse in this Onondaga county village, but they caused what may have been the most unusual annual holidays ever proclaimed in any U. S. school district. Every spring, for uncounted ed into the old frame building. When pupils and teacher could no longer stand the odor, the trustees were notified and the official holiday proclaimed. Two years ago, the skunks won the battle. The school-hous- e was boarded up. Recently, the trustees decided to have it torn down. 88-ea- world," TiolciJi t Bty- - , J,-- 'M . Coleman oil water heater. Brand new, FOR SALE Good used wringer still in crate. Priced at only type washer. Very reasonable. Phone 510. S50. Mountain States Electric, Phone 410. 1953 FOR SALE or TRADE sen FOR SALE 21 in. used Mercury Monterey Phone dan. Fully equipped. TV set console model; 890, or see at 435 West Forest good condition. Only $90. after 5:30. Mountain States Electric, Ph. 30 gat IF YOU HAVE A DRINKING '. -- 410. FOR SALE For Kent or Lea 1952 Call GEORGE BONNEY at Ogden, Phone Plymouth $760 or best offer. Phone CLEAN FIVE room Apts. Steam 584-heat furnished. Play yard for children. Peach City Apts FOR SALE Coal $12 ton deliv677 south Second east, Brig- DAIRYMEN Only American Leonard ered. Phone 1148-NBreeders Service can offer top ham, phone 723-Dickey. proven sires. Contact Paul H. FOR RENT Apartment 2 bedb or call 1065. Tingey, FOR SALE Skiis. ski poles, ski rooms; furnished or unfurboots. Reasonable. Ph. 489-R- . nished. 92 South First West Business Opportunity Phone 259-FOR RENT Will build or re BOOMING business makes openWATCH FOR THE ing available for responsible model my property at 144 man or woman with car to South Main to suit tenant Ph. call on farm women in Box 758-R- . J. A. Meservy. Elder County. Full or spare the latter part of March of time. Opportunity to make our drapery and upholstery FOR RENT 2 bedroom unfur S up to $40 a day. Write nished apartment with stove shops in our new locations. COMPANY, P. O. Bx 14, and refrigerator. 3 room furIn the meantime payments, Bayshore Station, Oakland 23, nished apt. Laundry faciliCalif. etc. can be made at our 11 TV antenna. East ties, apartment 66 South First Fourth South. O For Sale Real Estate West. FOR RENT 3 room furnished modem apt. Call after 1p.m. Fawson-Your- t, Inc. HOME VALUES 246 North Main. J. D16-tf-c- b quick thinking motorist snap The Air Force, is looking , auditors who can. qualify ' for , positions paying' at rftiich 'id $10,806 a yeiriechrding td thft u: S.' Civil Service examiner: . ped several pictures at the scene of a collision here recently and used the film to help clear him of a speeding charge. Donovan Joe West, 22, Bakers-fiel- meft A Wrtttefi test-- 1 years ago. All quotations here are from bis booklet, Tie Way Ta 17 r? .t i . it -- 7 iifiaiB minuBTf J Royal Coal Contains More Hat Units and Loss Ash Por Pound BE SAFE & COMFORTABLE THIS WINTER BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE PHONE f i f t ;is:3rjn ttt L - BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. 36 years friendly , service. GLASS AND PAINTS Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto Residential, commercial and automobile glass. Complete line Repairs. of General paints for Inside Auto Paint And Body and out Andersens Glass and Paints. 85 No. Main. Ph. 480 fenAUTO PAINTING, body and der work. Burt's Body .Shop, Markets 604 North Main, phone Cleaners REEVES RELIABLE i CLEANERS Meet Mr. Mac Thrift Good food at its very host Earls Food Far Ph 17 THRIFT-T-MAR- ill.'"'- v. '.tVX. rf. a legacy. Diligence i$ - . v diligen- IS NEAR A If you would have a faithful Servant, and : you like, ferve yourfelf. f - 4 sat flat - Serving yourself means keeping some of the money you make each week and investing it, for your- self. Heres how: you just' name a sum to your companys pay office a few dollars or a much you want. Each payday, that sum will be saved from your pay, before you get your check and invested for you in one of the worlds finest invest-ments, U. S. Series- E Savings Bonds! -- Little Stroke PRICE. B. WILLIAMS . Realtor & Insurance fell great w 4 H Oik. Because Savmgs Bonds earn good interest theyrt soon worth more than the money youve invested in them. And how your savings mount up 1 Sign fot as little as $5.00 a week and in 9 years, 8 months S month, youll have $2,850 ctuh. In 19 yfcars, " ' have , ,, , $6,872! .'- youll 140 South Main To-da- y Have yo - Services Offered MOUNTAIN STATES ELECTRIC PHONE 410 for all electrical service. We service anything and everything. Howard Call Jr.. Mgr. is worth two fomewhit to do mid. fartheej. do k TdJ- - Por your own sake, dont put off joining the l ' million Americans who ere making their dream ' come true through Payroll Savings. Sign up for Payroll Savings today. Or, if youre invest in Savings Bonds regularly where you bank. If you want your interest as current income, ask your banker about 3 Series H Bonds mfak pay interest semiannually by Treasury cheek.' Office Supplies 3-S- s n 0.1. OmruMl Oam mt ry for M tm tMr ymnmrn Oemtmm. Urn Tkt Tummy AStwInmt Ctmm a Oti VM -- t ri,". Remember what Poor Richard fays: Many a Little makes a Mickle1 a " Experience Counts t ROY T. SHAW Phone 525 For Electrical Service COAL HAULING Specialize in Quality Cleaning 132 South Main Phone 31 U. S. Choice SAVE MONEY by having me SHEFFIELDS IGA haul your coal, direct from beef sold, custom cut and MODERN CLEANERS. Sanitone mines Leonard Dickey. Phone wrapped for you? home freezer dry cleaning, fur storage. Fred or 120 So. Main. Ph. 60. ,1U8-N- i locket. and ph, delivers, ug pick ( tj Have you ever wished you had $1,000, $5,000 r more to buy a'car, get a home", helpyou toward retirement? Today, it i$ actually easy to jave such large sums! Because, today, you cast nave your saving done for you with automatic' 'k the Payroll Savings Plan. ce-through j City's Sales and Service institutions Glass and Paint Vf -- nr Tfft. the What though yo hm fon4 PHILCO Television sets, Radios, We vacuum clean all makes and TYPEWRITERS, Adding MachRanges, Freezers, RefrigeraCash Registers sizes heating equipment. Imines and tors, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. mediate service. Phone 420. rented, bought, sold and RENorth Main Furniture Co. Ph. PAIRED. The Reminder Office. Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal 250. Works. Auto Repairs i Payroll Savings BUSINESS .BURECTISffiV Furnace Cleanina " yotS p any rich Relation left yo Mother of Good Lack. 7 1 I"-.e v. Ben Franklin gives fome expert This Is Your Brigham City Appliances itv - vu - . One A handy reference guide to Brigham J .. i- - , trict. Yellow modern brick home with three bedrooms, also double garage, oil furnace with hot water heating system, and a well landREDUCED scaped yard. 6 i -- HOME WITH AN APARTMENT located in good rental dis- Phone ONE tf i ' 1 , ! church, park, and grocery store. It has two bedrooms, wardrobe closets, full basement partly finished, and a large dining area in kitchen. Other outstanding features such as a disposal, tile bathroom. attached garage, and electric water heater. Ask to see this sturdy well built home today. C. .ni ' publifW 176a I ;tora OPENING THIS HOME " required as 200 h ; (examination. A Applicants'- - nr be fated on theif,''j' train-mg.'- -; experience, .edUCAtpm and ' - c. ? ; a? i s V 'A . Accountants and. auditor terested jnay obtain A topy bf, the examination announcement from the (Brigham City ppjf. office. ' ' the. a part 'o N5-tf-c- N24-tf-c- f Air Forcejs Seeking 'Auditors For dsliiowfi? BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (UP) -A Wealth. IN YOUR FAMILY ' - Autoist's Photographs Clear Him of Charge PROBLEM West-ingto- - t D15-tf-ac- SALE le The display demonstrated JidWr, microscopic planiscah be chlti- - j vated artificially, tinder control- led, sanitary tohdltlona. ' The mah- - on the mldwd? saw how rapidly the cell grew td provide t an assurance ot quick. economical food" soitrces. . News-Journa- FOR feu , ! M-G-- M . I, -- nr ingredients'- for and animpl food,' . with the'ffcipuiitidrt , Now, food "Tr the' world1 Increasing production afoUhd the globe ft questionable .factor, , fclgae AS ,g- ? i food 1$ becoming Important . r the roan 6n the street. Use o!algae as food w ai iUm- - mu onstrated at the Ohio State FA if this yeah in a.dlsplay by the die partntent Of botany And , plant r ",i pathology o! Ohio State Uhlver-f5- 1 that showed the judge the pic tures to back up his claim that the long skid marks at the SUPERIOR DAIRY scene were not made by his car 504 Phone 7 Box Elder NEWS as had been reported by invesO For Sale ' tigating officers. Brigham City, Utah ELIZABETH TAYLOR, (and doesnt she look proud?) Michael Wilding Wednesday, January 12, 1955 FOR SALE Few loads of loose RUGS AND CARPET binding. SALES SLIPS, festaurant checks, On the strength of the pic her son, sixteen-months-o- ld brought Free pickup and deL 50c yd. manifold books, ledger sheets, tures, Municipal Judge Doyle have his Studio the to to pitcher took, 0286-R4- . Jr. 748-Nmeadow Phone Ph. 818 or JyU-tf-c- h hay. O For Sale office forms and all printing Miller dropped the charge and arent they quite a pair? Paul Hunsaker. l, needs. Ph. 1000 against West. FOR SALE Childs kitchen cabcoal LUDLOW TV SERVICE inet excellent condition. S25. FOR SALE Used oil andStoker-matic heaters. $15 and up; See at 117 West Fifth South. 8 years experience on all c Dealer, 128 South First makes and models. 170 So. Phone 1069. West Phone 238-4th East. FOR SALE Dressed pork. Also Benjamin Franklin, vkofe birthday la , sows and feeder pigs. Call Phone 1008W Brigham City January 17. va expert in handling, Used brick and 478-after 5 o'clock. 774 FOR SALE used steam radiators. Phone South Main. money and bis advice is as found today 309-R- . t-- 8f1 , scientists ;h4Vet,khdWn tar fcOfri time that'4iga,it(tl! ilefrt k'ufn" NOTICE The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Brigham City Fruit Growers Association will 'be held at its office, West Forest - street, Brigham' City, Utah, Saturday, January 15th, 2 o'clock p. m. The 1955, at business of the meeting is to hear reports from the officers, elect a board of seven directors and to transact any other bus iness that may properly come before the meeting. W. L. Davis, Secretary. , A - t d JODRML s - I, |