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Show 208 Bay 22 Street Brooklyn 14. New York December 31, 1954 Dear Sirs: By Harry Marlowe This business of being a laweach tv. 4 A maker Is getting tougher for Utahs year particularly f. part-timwho legislators PNftiTWV Jrjf , , a full time job. have - 'y .. Utah's lawmakers are paid well $500 per year if pretty .... i:- you figure only the 60 days they spend in Salt Lake City. And, (ts If you disregard the fact they cannot possibly get by on the $5 per day for expenses, unless rcT-'- . they live right, in the city. But if you spread that $500 Wv- - . out over a full year and that ' is the amount of time these legislators are, for the most part, working for their neighi bors and the citizens of Utah, it isnt enough. Not if you figure out how '1. tough 'it is these days to become an expert on taxation, highway needs, natural resources, development, public welfare problems, complex health codes, labor laws and the myriads of V.i other subjects which crop up each year in a legislature. Not If you figure that most of the Utah legislators, while able and intelligent men and women, are really just business-men- , farmers, housewives, school teachers, etc. And that they have to work at these things to make their livelihood, with legislative problems just e & ! r;?' p It. t-- 'gCi t '; I have always wanted a pen pal in Utah, so I chose Brigham City from your' state map. I was born In Dewey, Utah, but moved to New York when I was four. My fifteenth birthday will be on January 17th. I am a sophomore In Lafayette high school. My hobbies are sports, weightlifting, writing and popular music. Could you forward my letter to a local newspaper or to a school in Brigham? Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. win an election was one who could satisfy both groups. But, because Sen. Burton was . a compronise candidate, there is no reason to feel he may only be a figure-head- . does Thequiet Salt Laker not speak often. He does not seek the headlines. But, watch this man as a coming political power in Utah. He is competent, Victor William Hopper . . ; is tended by Robert Mitchum yvho vows .vengeance s The against the marauding panther. is it film begins at the Capitol theater Thursday. Pal Rogers. Roy My Trigger starring intelligent, and has an open mind on most things. Senators on both sides of the aisle have that a expressed conviction good choice has been made. Wayne-Fellow- Co-h- or lack of it will toe can pass without inthe dominant issue of the 1955 which they further finanUtah Legislature which begins volving the state cially. Money next week. One of these which will not Virtually every department of as cost much would be to adopt state government wants much, or more, money to spend recommendations at least part biennium as of them, of the divorce council. during the 1955-5they had during the 1953-5Another would be to adopt the period, safety regulations urged by the And, all of them can cite Utah Safety Council in an efsome very good reasons why fort to curb the slaughter on the they should have this money. highways. The catch is that there isnt will be a Reapportionment that much money available and not especially but issue, thorny no one knows this better than a costly one. Revision of the unthe legislators. compensation laws employment Either they find a new source will some expense, but not of income without raising tabl- much.carry es or they raise taxes. Either This much is sure. The 60 way, the lot of the ranchers, January 10 will housewives, businessmen, school days following ones for many a legteachers, etc. who make up the be uneasy islator and they may prove very a sidelight. Legislature is not going to be important ones for the Utah an one. 1955 the Take easy forthcoming citizens who foot the bills for to There several are session as an example. ways Practically every one of the raise new revenue from tax re- government. With the emphasis on revlegislators have paid taxes for vision suggested in the famed enues lack big of it and how to a good many years. But, with Sly report. But the only one all indications calling for con- which appears to have much raise it the 31st Utah Legislasiderable revision in Utahs tax chance of support would be ture swung into sessions this structure, how many of the law- some changes in the mine occu- week. As the legislators started their makers can qualify as experts pation tax taws. The mining men of the state, preliminary probings Into the on taxation even as being exmachinery pert enough to know whether and the oil men and the uran- states those who are claiming to toe ium men and the others who and legislative needs, it became make their living from the prod more and more apparent that experts are telling the truth? How many of the legislators ucts lying under Utah soil, will Gov. J. Bracken Lee will hold the whip hand when it comes to understand the workmans com- not take these efforts kindly. money matters. The owners to arent well law property enough pensation Unless, that is, a good portion know if the wholesale changes going to stand for anything legislators which will be presented this which would bounce property of the Republican kick over the traces. year are advantageous or not? tax around, apd most of the Gov. Lee has shown no signs A legislator must toe well people, with Gov. J. Bracken aware of the school needs and Lee first and foremost, are not of relaxing his stand that there no tax Increases if he will problems of his area and then going to look with favor on in can be it. help know also what the needs are come tax raise. And, with a powerful veto This leaves corporation franin the rest of the state. He has to be a financial gen- chise levies in the tax field. Net weapon, he can help it The legislative lineup, studied nor the ius who can figure out a way ther the businessmen to juggle state income (which governor want to see taxes dispassionately, does not show will run about $8,000,000 below raised. The governor does not much sign of being united in support of any tax raise, al what the departments of gov- want any taxes raised. though there will be many pro ands ernment want) into stretching So, somethings got to to include all the requests. for state funds or the posed. he unless The governor, Dont sell your legislator tax barriers which now produce short. He has to toe a good man not enough revenue to go changes his mind, seemingly stands committed at present to to come close to meeting his around. veto any tax increase the legisEven And of most tax fund the pales responsibilities. them measure up to the tests usually a prolific source of rev lature might pass. Oniy if the Legislature find enue to be used for financing in good fashion. Election of Rep. Charles E. almost every type of state func- themselves convinced that the as tion cannot easily be tapped state MUST have more revenue (Chuck) Petersen of Provo to operate on, and if it appears House Speaker was not much this time. For one thing, the 1953 special that the whole increase will fall of a surprise. But selection of Sen. C. Tay- session committed this fund to on property tax, does It appear lor Burton, Salt Lake Republi- the production of some $13,000,-00- from advance indications that for school funds. If that Is a veto might be was can, as Senate President, majority (it aptaken unexpected. away, either the school The biggest s of each house) Truth of the matter is that money must come from some pears the senators who were battling where else or the services and seems not to want any property tax increase. Yet, the state obfor the job get themselves and funds will have to be cut. Life will not be all thorns for viously needs more money or their supporters so committed that by the time 35 ballots roll- the legislators, however, there else the state agencies are way ed by, the only man who could will be some good legislation out of line in asking for much more than they need even further out of line than usual. The tax proposals Which are being proposed are not Singling out any specific tax field to hit. Significantly, the proposals are carefully steering clear of property tax. The suggestions of the Utah Legislative Council on taxation are being cautiously offered as possible methods in case the legislators decide they must find a new revenue source. It is very doubtful if Gov. Lee will go for an increase in corporate franchise taxes, as is proposed. And, it is also doubtful if a veto could be on this matter. He might go for changing the income tax laws to close up a few loopholes and which would provide the state with some $1,000,000 income without affecting the big majority of the people. Extension of sales tax to beer, and cigarettes oleomargarine might (and this Is doubtful, too) get gubernatorial support The same goes for extension of the mine occupation tax to oil and natural gas. Meanwhile, it seems that Salt Lake City is giving up its proposal for a municipal sales tax. Instead, the city is trying to get You can now iron 25 foster and easier water and the special because it reflects the heat and dries the sewage levy without a special dothes fatter. WtU outlast ordinary covers election. many times since it is scorch resistant. AlThe city is the only one in lows for quick evaporation of steam bi state .w'hich cannot levy this the couse it is porous. Will pay for itself in time special tax without an election and electricity saved. can bn (a condition imposed by Gov. cleaned with a damp doth. Colorfswt. fits Lee on Salt Lake alone) and the oB standard size booth. city fathers are hoping legislators will be more sympathetic than the governor. Most legislators feel they will get some inkling of the way things may go as soon as the WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE governor gives out with his biennial budget message during the second week of the session. 5 6th Wrd Primary Hears "A Bit of Heaven" Eastern Sophomore'- - Former Utahn Writes Seeking "Pen Pal" In Brigham City Area Track of the Cat Respectfully, Howard Schwartz Mrs. Clyde Glover Is Surprised With Party Mrs. Roy Barnard was hostess training lesson, "A Bit of Leaven was presented to members of the Sixth ward Pri- Hirschi Family Tells Of Daughter's Arrival mary by Mrs. Margaret Lewis in regular monthly meeting held January 3. fcighteen. officers and teachers were in attendance. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Ora tedelings and Mrs. Norene Oldroyd. A business session conducted by Mrs. W5nnifred Loveland, president, followed the training lesson. Light refreshments were served 'by Mrs. Redelings and Mrs. Oldroyd. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert L. Hirschi are delighted over the arri- val of a baby daughter to their home. The wee five pound 15 ounce Miss was born December 29 and is the first child for the Hirs-chiAs yet a name has not been decided. Mrs. Hirschi is the former Marvell Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carter of Park Valley. Other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hirschi, also of Park Valley. Box Elder NEWS Brighanl Chy, Utah Wednesday, January 12. r; 1955 - HOSPITAL NOTES L. Doing fine following an ap. pendectomy performed at 1:30 p. m., Monday, January 10, is Janice Andreason, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Golden R. Andreason, Tremonton. 2, son Tiny Stephen Hansen, of Mr. and Mrs. James Warren Hansen, RFD No. 1, Brigham City, underwent a major opera- tion Tuesday morning, January 11. He is doing nicely, hos. pital attendants. report. Enjoy A Happier, HealthMHome Beesleys Entertain For J. C. Penney Employees Lifetime Heavy Duty EXTRUDED ALUMINUM Choose Mr. and Mrs. Clinton J. Bees-leentertained employees of the J. C. Penney company and their partners at a hot buffet dinner party last Sunday. Dinner was served from a tawith ble beautifully centered white stocks and lighted tapers held in crystal holders. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Adamson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelsen, Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Balch, Mrs. Emily Severns, Mrs. Nada Warnes, Mrs. Don Nelson, Mrs. Eva Valentine, Mrs. Dorothy Hansen, Robert Jeppson, Joan and Jeanine Beesley and Mr. y . COMBINATION Stdrm & Screen Door at a prettily arranged bridge Mrs. party Friday honoring Clyde Glover on her birthday anniversary. DUP Camp Others attending the surprise First meeting for the New party on Mrs. Glover were: Mrs. Year will be held by Sunflower Reed Simonsen, Mrs. Kent Jenof Utah of the camp Daughters sen, Mrs. Wm. D. Hollist, Mrs. on Pioneers, Thursday eve- Reed Merrill, Mrs. Newell Call ning, January 13, at 7:30 p. m. and Mrs. Winston P. Nelson. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Florence L. Dessert luncheon was served Baird, 111 South Third East, it by the hostess. Following bridge games was learned today. score went to Mrs. Merrill. Lovely gifts were presented to The phone number of the News and Mrs. Beesley. and Journal Society editor to 77L the guest of honor. Firtf Meeting Of Year Slated By Sunflower 4 Pay Nothing Down As Little As 5SOO 1 per month screen inand Interchangabie glass serts. Guaranteed not to rust - sag warp - burn - rot or require painting EVER! , QUIG NIELSEN Aluminum Products For Home Improvement 327 East 2nd North Phone 220 or 328-- W law-makin- g give-dem- 'V.' DUAL EXHAUST makes more of Mercury's power available to you for everyday driving. You have two separate exhaust systems for lower engine temperatures resulting in greater efficiency and economy. Only Mercury Monterey and Montclair in their price class offer dual exhaust as standard equipment at no extra cost, CARBURETOR gives you economy for normal driving. But when an extra spurt of speed or power is needed, the extra 2 barrels cut in instantly, vacuum-aticallcarburetor as Only Mercury in its field offers a standard equipment on every model. two-barr- y. 0 over-ridde- two-third- .. V ! .. Lf , AUIMINUM COATED IRONING BOARD COVER over-ridde- is. .A" SPARK new antifor engines fouling spark plugs designed super give peak performance at all speeds. No other spark plugs available as standard equipment can match this performance, and no other car in Mercurys field has them. PLUGS-revoluti- onary LONGER EXPEiUtnbE. Only Mercury among all cars has an V-super-torqu- e exclusively V-- history. New 188- - and 198-h- p and the latest are engines greatest Mercury developments. And Mercury has put over 2,000,000 proven V-- engines on the road-m- ore s than any other car in its price class. 8 8 8 V-8- n NEW 1955 MERCURYS offer high horsepower (188 and 198) new super-torqu- e V-- 8 design for super-picku- p in every speed range. Stain-proo- f, :Y: O' MURK ELLS, IT PAYS TO OWN A FOR FUTURE STYLING, SUPER POWER rF Inc. TREMONTON k Co-o-p r JVl v art J |