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Show bi r ersamrilsj ?: k peaking 1 M 4 By CWC ? fi i v it f i Your editor is now officially a state representative and I can prove it. My bald head was shining at you from the front page of the Tuesday morning Trib, parked right on the front row. And already this week, Ive earned 10 buckti of the taxpayers money." Maybe I should "qualify the word earned. Anyway, I have it coming for my two days of service, with only 58 to go. Jt was an eventful first day, Monday, with solemn rites at high noon to swear in the 59 certified representatives, immediately after which the Republicans and Democrats tore into one another to try and seat their favorite son from the disputed Rich county tie vote. . 'j. time you have a political argument along political lines its going to wind up with a Well Love Her purely political decision, regardless of which party is in power. i contestant, L. B. Johnson by a 32 to 26 vote. It was the nearest thing to a filibuster ever staged in the state house of representatives. cret ballot. It was even suggested that one man hold office for half of the session, resign in favor of the other for the final 30 clays, which certainly would have been a strange precedent to establish. " course it wound up, as everyone predicted it would, on strictly party lines. Any pf , Mrs. .Alice I can see right now that Im going to need the new pair of legislative slacks, I purchased last. week. They have a reinforced seat. Phone-you- Y () a love story as startling as the sudden crack of a gunl ENDS TONIGHT 'SO THIS IS PARIS' - - A WELLMANS WILLIAM THUR. - FRI. - SAT.-TWO BIG FEATURES GRACE KELLYs favorite pooch is this sable-coatWei mariner, from Weimar, Germany. He joined her ' Hollywood household when she returned from South America where she recently filmed the picture, ' Green Fire, with Stewart Granger ed . M-G-- M Kindergarten Members Hear Interesting Talk on School for Mentally Handicapped A large group of Kindergarten club members and their invited guests heard a most interI thank you taxpayers for my half da esting talk by Perry Wilson, holiday Tuesday and the chance to get bac counselor in the Logan City at regular meeting of to see how the paper was getting along. schools, club last Thursday afterDiscovered that a change had been made in the noon War Memorial the front office decorations, with blonde home. at the Shirley Richardson holding down brunette Mr. Wilson told of the BonneElaine Normans desk while she is on vaca- ville school for the mentally tion with her husband who has just returned handicapped now located on the USAC campus in Logan. from Korea. The school, the second of its type in the state, trains the with fa mentally handicapped trade so they too, may , And Im happy to report that moving workable operations are progressing nicely for our new beHeuseful in society. that the reexplained office and printing plant in the, Fawson-You- rt to begin a school of quirements building. Concrete for the footings this type is 10 children npeding in our newspaper press pit are being poured assistance. The number of stutoday, everything else is about on schedule. dents in the class range from 10 to 18. Students are trained until they reach the age of 18. The facilities on the campus Other than that, I dont know much about in Logan are available to the . with vocal numbers. Following the meeting refreshments ,were served. A lovely floral arrangement centered the serving table. Refreshment chairman was Mrs. Nona Funk with the folcommittee members: lowing Mrs. Doris Cazier, Mrs. Ruby Harper, Mrs. Florence Freeman, Mrs. Verna Markham, Mrs. Hazel Kaiser, Mrs. Rita Nelson and Mrs. Grace Price. fprZ'7 Pf r BROS WARNER Diana Lynn Tab Hunter -- Co-H- it ; AUUttMXS "WITNESS TO ROY " ' MUNI A. MUMM .W&HIM B80S. a ROGERS in MY PAL TRIGGER Barbara Stanwyck George Sanders Gary Merrill v ly CO-HI- T MURDER" with f FUUMSnk, frecM ALSO SERIAL - y, ' ' V - SHORTS - CARTOONS ' v" whats been hapixming in Brigham City this school. Mr. Wilson was introduced by week. I guess Ill just have to read the Walter Jaggi of the Child Welpaper to find out. - - Also attendfare department. ing as special guest was Jay Oldroyd, director of Public Welfare for Box Elder county. The meeting was conducted by President I Lucille Hansen with prayer by Mrs. Barbara Rasmussen and pledge by Mrs. Joan Olsen. Mrs. Christensen, Marjorie chairman of the department of public affairs, was in charge of the program. Wayne Hunsaker accompanied by Patty Smith entertained Your best cancer insurance TOLICY, . . See doctor immediately at the first your sign of any one of the seven danger signals that may mean cancer '(1) Any sore that does not heal (2) A lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere' (S) Unusual bleeding or discharge Any wart mole in a or a change (5) Per andTERESAWRIOHT - workmen somewhere in the building started pounding on the steam pipes. . IRobertMitchum society news to 771 r in Organization of the house continued Tuesday morning and that group was joined by the senate to hear the governors message, after which it adjourned for the day. This happened Tuesday morning' while the governor was speaking. He looked around rather startled, as if he expected .to see Dr. E. Allen Bateman pounding on MB "Hailing .and,. Mrs. June Fife. Fifteen were in attendance. of Mr. "DAY-TO-DA- ' Jack Webb in DRAGNET ' v Lott youirselff go ffks dMy $249288 , Announcement of the engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Marie Petersen to Mr. Milton S. Bywater is being made known this week. The future bride is the daughter of Mrs. Elma Petersen f Fielding. Mr. Bywater is the son p, TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (UP) William Grant was drinking coffee with friends before leaving a friends house to go deer i It reminds me of the old Navy rule, to never pass up a meal whether youre hungry or not, because you can never be sure when youll get the next one. Getting away late, I didnt have time for breakfast, thinking they would recess for lunch. They allowed 20 minutes for a quick bowl of soup. Milton Bywater To Recite Wedding Vows doctor every year for a thorough check-uno matter how well you feeL may - . Marie Petersen And "LIFETIME rOLICY...Sec your - r - Eaglo' is scheduled for ThursThird ward Primary preparation meeting was held Monday day evening, January 13, beginat 8:30 p. m. hunting. , Glancing out of the evening, January 10, in the ning All Grant saw a large buck their window, partners, Eagles, double rooms of the chapel. Auxiliary members and their grazing in' the backyard. He lesson The training partners are invited to attend. bagged it. presented was I Am Held Accountable. It' was given by Mrs. Lucille Westley. Mrs. Jdne Romer presided LAST TIMES over the meeting with Mrs. June Fife conducting. TODAY Prayers were offered by Mrs. ' Rita Nelson and Mrs. Elaine ' . ' Romer.' Meeting adjourned with the singing of "Count Your Bless' THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY 5 ' ings. were refreshments A BIG DOUBLE BILL Dainty served by Mrs. May Campbell, j J Easy Coma- r Eaglo Scheduled By Eagles for Thursday ' Held for Third Ward Adjournment Monday night came at 7:30 p. m., after which I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner all in one meal, and it was a free one provided by the trade associations of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce. At that rate, I can make my expense account reach. the-pipes- I supported the first Democratic move to decide the tie vote by lot because I felt that was the fairest method and the one that should have taken place before District Judge Lewis Jones back in December when he held court in Rich county. After that failed, I could see little merit in any. of the substitute measures suggested. These included holding another election in Rich county but the session would have been over before this could be accomplished. Another proposal was the ojxming of an absentee ballot, received too late to lie counted, which would violate the sanctity of the se- Preparation-Meeting- i Some remodeling work on the heating and ventilating system in the capitol building is underway and at frequent intervals Monday, Tor six hours the argument raged before the GOP majority succeeded in seating their Dog, Too! sistent indigestion or difficulty in, swallowing (6) Persistent hoarse,-'nes- s or cough (7) Any change in normal bowel habits. Many cancers can he cured, hut only if properly treated before they have begun to spread or colonize American Cancer Society Fj Mrs. Milton A. Maybe By- And maybe you didnt know that now you can boss this broad and brawny new beauty for even fewer dollars than some models of those very same three. Sewing Club Meets At Mrs. Clifford Hobsons But no dollar figures can ever tell you how those of the In weekly newspaper, established 1696, published every Wednesday and entered as becond Class Matter at the post office in Brigham City, Utah, under the act oi March 6, 1679, Ym have to judge for yourself how much more luxury and comfort and stability so little more money buys here more room, more visibility, more frame strength, more tread width, more ride steadiness. three. price here to much more sheer automobile you get for your money in this 55 Buick. You have to discover that firsthand. V$ Ym have to look into the record-higpower that puts the whip to this dazzler h -- And you have to learn by doing what a rich fine feeling it is to travel in the boldest new styling of the times in beauty thats long smart and as defiand low and sports-ca- r nitely distinctive as the name on the hood. Come in for a demonstration of Buick"for 55. We promise you the thrill and the buy of the year. . 7 tS k u,cK , r v WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES Thrill of the y&str A , , ARE BUILT Buick 1955 A e prove it. Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, January 12. low-pric- so-call- So we proudly show our Mrs. Clifford Hobson was hostess to the Friendly Sewing club last Friday evening at her home. Luncheon was served followed by an evening of sewing. Attending were: Mrs. Arden C. Balls, Mrs. Laren W. Balls, Mrs. Eugene Wright, Mrs. Clarence Smith, Mrs. Bill Shaw, Mrs. Clarence Burrup, Mrs. Clyde- - P, Larsen, Mrs. Evan Owen and Mrs. Fred Speth. 2 and see by sampling what that means in the lift and life and joy you feel in driving. you didnt know that the price of 1955 Buick Special Sedan has moved still closer to water of Bear River City. The couple plan to recite vows in the Logan LDS temple on February 16. Miss Petersen is a graduate of Bear River high school and Seminary. Mr. Bywater graduated from Box Elder High school and seminary and has completed an LDS mission to the Southern States. in other parts of the body. For more Information, call the American Cancer Society office nearest you or write to Cancer in care of your local Fost Office. and delivered locallyf . BUICK WILL SPECIAL Sedan, BUILD Model 46, THEM Himtroted. Opfionol equipment, accessories, state end focol taxes, H any, additional. Prices moy vary slighty in adjoining communities due to skipping charges. All prices subject to change without notice. Even the factory heater $ defroster Inttoied extras you may wont ore bargains, such . . , ony J8I.70. is Eluicltr S.. ' Member Audit Bureau of Cireulatione, NaUtah Stats Presa Association, tional Editorial Association and United Press. Advertising Representative: Utah Stats Presa Sah Lake Association, City, Utah. Chas. W. Claybaugh. Publisher Gladys Eckersley, Advertising Manager Subscription rata $3.00 per year, pay able in advance; in combination with the Bog Elder Journal, (published Fridays) $5 00 per year; $2.50 for $ wont he; single copy 10 coot. Phone 272 UNDY 550 South Main Street |