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Show T Universal Microfilming Corp. Sixth Ave. P.0. Box H7 Salt Lake City, Utah 227 5 54 Highway Loss on County Roads: 14 Lives, $1,325,000 Elder County had 14 trafdeaths during 1954, two of them In Brigham City, with an economic less of $1,325,000, the Box fic Utah Safety Council reported this week. ' The council reported this was an increase of two over 1954 when 12 were killed, two of them In Brigham City. Breaking down the accidents the council reported three of the fatal accidents were collisions, accifour were dents, .two auto-fixeobject accidents' and pne overturned on the highway. Loss Is $22,000,000 The council said that Utahs 209 fatalities, which occured in 176 crashes in 1954 and which involved 232 drivers, resulted in an economic loss of $22,000 000. Tabulations on all accidents will not be available for several weeks, but the council estimated that the total will be close to 'auto-pedestria- n d involved with nearly 5.000 persons injured. Collisions involved 120 of the fatal accident drivers, 47 of them ran off tlje road, 37 of them hit pedestrians and 28 in other types of crashes. A comparison between the 1953 and 1954 Utah record shows a 17 percent increase in collisions, 27 percent decrease in running off the road, 22 percent defatalicrease in ties, and a 53 percent Increase in miscellaneous types of fatal accidents. The 176 fatal crashes were nine fewer than in 1953, but there were more multiple-fata- l crashes in 1954, which caused total fatality figure to be the same in both years. The economic loss includes property damage; hospital, medi cal and related expenses; in surance .claims; wage losses; reduced earning capacities and 17.000 and will have over 28.000 drivers, J. Edlin Baird Named Bishop of Sixth Ward in Sunday Services' costs. They are computed on a formula, fixing a basic figure of $110000 for each death and on a ratio of one death to 35 injuries to 235 property-damag- e VOLUME 58, NUMBER 2 accidents. The 110,000 figure is modified downward in accicases of multiple-deatdents and in cases of only one or two deaths in a city over a year. Lincoln PTA h Slates First Gold and Green Slated by North Box Elder Stake Meeting of Year First meeting of the New Year for PTA members and others interested at Lincoln school will be held January 17, at 8 p. m. in the Central school auditor- ium. Principal Edward Payne of Box Elder High school is to be guest speaker for the evening. "Do Our Children Leave Home and Go to School? is to be th theme of his talk. Music for the evening will be and The , Corinne ward will be furnished by the third fourth grade students, Dr. and hosts to the affair. Mrs. Dean Bunderson, program An excellent orchestra has chairmen, announced today. been engaged for the evening and a special floor show presentation will be made. lds North Box, Elder stake Gold and Green Ball is slated for Saturday, January 15, beginning at 8:30 p. m. in the ward recreation halL Co-rin- Are 72-Year-O- Jay Oldroyd and Marvin S- - Wright, Counselors; Clerks Also Named J. Edwin Baird, Box Elder and Weber county high school semi- Corinne girls are joining together to entertain with dance numbers. Scout and Beehive girls of North Box Elder stake will also perform. Refreshments will be sold during the evening. The event is under the direction of activity counselors Bob Smoot and Mrs. Cle-l- e ' The Junior Chamber of ComNichols. Diane Morgan and merces annual Distinguished Lon Stallings, dance directors, Service Award Banquet has been are assisting. scheduled and nominations reBox Elder stake All North quested. MIA members are invited to atChairman Reese Davis said tend. today the banquet will be held January 19. An annual affair, it honors an outstanding Brigham City young man under 35 years of age who, in the eyes of the judges, rates highest in service In to the community or state, leadership, achievement, personal character and ability. Two autos sustained an estiReese said that nominations mated $525 damage in front of midshould reach him before Maddox Ranch House Tuesday night, January 15. They should morning when one skidded be mailed to: Reese Davis, Post across icy roads into the other. Office Box 743, Brigham City. Willie E. Hollis, Ft Lewis, Any young man is eligible and need not necessarily be a mem- Washington, was traveling north ber of the Junior Chamber of when a car ahead turned causCommerce. ing him to skid across the highway into a car driven by Herman C. Johnston, 240 South "Meet Me at.Mutual", Fourth. West. t , Program Is PLanned Damage to .the Johnston vehiA Meet Me at Mutual pro- cle was estimated at $350 and gram has been planned in the to the Hollis vehicle at $175, by Sixth ward chapel for January William .Sackett, investigating v 18, at 7:30 p. m., ward MIA of- highway patrolman.' ficers said today. A program is planned, officers said, and will include music speech, drama and dance presentations. Jaycees Slate Annual DSA MiW! many other Twenty-fou- r Urged to Check Social Security BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1955 EIGHT PAGES City Council Calls Feb. 15 $500,000 Bond Election For Sewer Facilities Sewer Disposal Receives U. S. Air Force Commission New Yorker Plant, New Explore For Gas For Brigham A man identified as Phd. Stacy of New York, in minutes of the last city council meeting, has offered to develop marsh gas west of Brigham City and pipe it to the city limits. According to the minutes, Stacy would develop the natural gas and bring it to the city limits and the city would pay him 40 cents, per thousand feet for it. Before taking any action on Stacys request for a committment on it, the council planned to investigate. In other actions af the meeting, Counciimen Bundy, Larsen and Packer were appointed as a committee to investigate the renewal of a lease of a sand pit to Loyal Jensen. His current lease terminates March 5. Tracy Larsen was appointed to attend a meeting of the Og den River Water Users Associa tion Nielsen and Reeve, Ogden en gineers, brought up the idea of hiring a consulting engineer for the city, the minutes reported, Approval was given Eugene Botts request for erection of a business sign at 20 West and Forest street. The recorder was asked to write Dr. George A. Spendlove of the state health board, requesting that the water rating given Brigham City last year be changed. Lines Are Goal Brigham City residents will have an opportunity to Vote February 15 on a half million dollar bond Issue that would be used for extensive expansion of the city sewage system and installation of a sewage treatment plant. Decision to call for the bond election was apparently made at the last city council meet-in- i g. Notice of the special bond election and the ordinance pro- viding for the election will appear In the Friday Issue of the Those persons over 72 years Box Elder Journal. old who have at least a year The bond issue would be at and a half of work covered by not more than three and a half social security to their credit percent interest per annum and should contact a representative due and payable in not to exot the Social Security Adminisceed 30 years from the date of now even tration r though they , the bonds. are still working," Wesley F. Robert W. Smith New Plant Planned Watson of the Ogden social seUnder the city councils plans . . . reports for duty as chaplain in the U. S. Air Force at curity office said today. sewage lines will be added to Lackland Air Force Base near San Antonio, Texas, JanuUnder the new social securthe system north of Box Elder a ary 22. ity law, Mr. Watson said, Creek and a modern plant that who worker has enough social would chemically treat sewage security credit can receive rewould be operated near the tirement benefits when he is 72 curve of the old highway west even though he is not retired." of the former sugar beet plant To be eligible for full retireThe work would bring Brigment benefits, a worker between ham City up to specifications re65 and 72 years old must be set by the state health departtired to the extent that he is not ment. earning over $1200.00 a year. Polls for the election will be Benefits may 'be payable for open in four voting places, . as Average Production Hit harvest season eut. There is no follows: some months in a taxable year necessity for beginning as early 17.4 Tons Per Acre, in which a worker between 65 Districts Number 1 and 6 a harvest as has been the case and 72 years old earns between Sixth ward chapel, Fifth South 50 Tells the years. past Company Mgr. $1200.00 and $2080.00, or for and Second East those months in which he does Districts Number 2 and 5 One of the highest yielding Sugar Content Up not earn over $80 or does not ward chapel, Second beet crops in the past 50 1954 crop sugar content Second The sugar amount in work a substantial in Box El- was approximately 16 16, be- South and Third West , was recorded , years a trade or business of his own. MIA tween three and four tenths of Districts Number 3 and 7 der county In 1954. Mr. Watson will be in BrigThat was the comment today a percent more than realized in Third ward chapel, Second North ham City on Thursday, January 1953. The total tonnage harvest and Second West. Mrs. Dorothy Jeppsen and of Ford T. Scalley, northern 20, at the Utah State EmployDistricts Number 4 and 8 Utah district manager, who add- in 1954 was approximately 148,-00ment office between 1 and 4 Lynn Hailing, president and ed that the average of aproxi-mateltons and was definitely one Eighth ward chapel. Third North Box of South the p. m. was of the biggest crops that has and First East 17.4 tons per acre Elder stake MIA, have extended other four made. been raised in the Garland facyears Only to all ward special invitations members to attend their respec- has the yield been exceeded In tory district. tive ward Mutuals this coming the Garland factory district. Y. Ford said the mechanization Too, the 1953 and 1954 crops Tuesday night at their annual were now of has beet the crop sugar the highest consecutive Meet Me at Mutual night. a point where labor is r yields in the districts reached This is a special night and not required for the harvest, ex18 the two the For years history. each ward promises an interestfor machine operators. yield was 17.71 tons per cept ing evening that will include a average Many sugar beet growers have acre. A Folio drive- class program, assembly lively demonstrated to (themselves and Horace Gardner; committee has taken shape in Deweyville, work and dancing, said Mrs. Mechanization Increased their neighbors that they can the county under direction of Snowville, D. G. Nelson. out also reduce the hand labor in pointed Scalley Manager Harper ward, LaRue Yates; Jeppsen. Fred L Petersen, chairman, and Me at Mutual" night that during the past two years the spring so that it can be Meet Beaver Dam, Myron Hansen; is rolling into action. Robert W. Smith, son of Mr. contestants. , , ev is a traditional church-widLawrence great development of mechani- largely handled by the family and Mrs. W. W. Smith, Brigham Petersen; Penrose, Other committees include LDS church. The ent of the Queens To Be Named; Seventies, zation in the district has taken on the farm. Petersen today listed all of the Thatcher, Mrs. William Burton; City, has received the commistables; Sunday school will begin at 7:30. and town chairmen for the Bothwell, Mrs. Edgar Stark; El program "As more complete mechani- sion of first lieutenant in the place, with general use of meDancing and Treats our of We members feel all superintendency, tickets; Clovis city and 1954 in thinners chanical remeetand announced a Mortensen. Sam a is realized wood, zation greater U. S. Air Force and reports for Jordan, queens blanket; spot county will enjoy getting for them Tuesday, January Highlight Frolic virtually 100 percent mechani- turn per acre will accrue to the duty as chaplain, January 22, Perry,. Eugene Perry; Willard, community fun and with the lights. Dee Johnson; sound sys- ing acquainted In the harvested 18, at 3 p. m. in the Commercial Dave Ward; East Garland, Mrs. crops cally farm family, he pointed out at Lackland Air Force Base near Snow Carnival and dance tem, J. Dell Sackett; carnival Club rooms good times we have each week ( in Brigham City. More Fertilizer Added Eph Petersen; Clear Creek, Mrs, at MLA, Stated Dorothy Hansen, past two years. San Antonio, Texas. time rolls around again with scrapbook, Mrs. Joseph R. ReedIn 1953 the record tonnage of Vern Kempton; Junction, WilIn 1953 and 1954 greater tonThey include the following: Lieutenant Smith will serve the Seventh ward holding the er and publicity, Mr. and Mrs. stake publicity chairman. was delivered beeits Kenthat during liam fertilizers Park commercial of Babbitt; Valley, Brigham City, Troy Miller; nage as one of the six LDS reins for the annual winter par- Winston P. Nelson. CoClifford any one harvest day was ap- was applied than at any other In the entire Air Force.chaplains neth Carter; Yost, Mrs. LaRue He has Mr. and Mrs. Hadfield and Mantua,Mrs. Elmer Hansen; ty. The affair will be held Jan1954 tons. 6400 In proximately Larsen; rinne, time in history. This combined enlisted for three years active Yates; Grouse Creek, Joseph Holstein Breeders Will uary 29 beginning at 8:30 p. m. Mrs. Johnson explained that 25 with the addition of about Owen L. Brough; Gar- Kimber, and Howell, Ariel Sor generous amounts of barn duty with eight years on re at the Box Elder High school nominations for the queen are Meet Friday at 8 P. M. mechanical harvesters In the with manure and cover crops, serve. land, Mrs. Harvey Deem; River- ensen. yard now Snow at gymnasium. being accepted A meeting of the County Hol- Garland factory district, the proper irrigation, side, Richards; Ralph Fielding, undoubtedly He received his ecclesiastical of 1955 will Post Snow Box Miss Office Queen 11, Earl Holt; Carnival, Plymouth, Carl Starr; Nearly all of the wormwood stein breeders will be held Fri- Sugar company received as high produced the outstanding yields endorsement June 10, 1954, when and Miss Bonnie Brigham City. be named t 7850 John-sentons the as With court m. in 8 the ; in the United States is grown in day at per v day. Bear River, Mrs. Vernon p. of 1953 and 1954. he was interviewed by officials The names, when received, Nay, Snow Queen of 1954, will harvesters, Honey ville, Mrs. Tolman southern Michigan near the city rooms of the Box Elder county use of mechanical During the coming year, of the LDS church. He was one present in regal fashion, a love- will go directly to a selection Burke; Portage, Mrs. Ora John; of Dowagiac. it is much easier to spread the Scalley said, with the cut in of 18 who court house. qualified for the ecly woolen blanket to the lucky committee. The queens commitacreage from enforcement of clesiastical endorsement. He retee in turn will notify the conMiss. A Big Arm Load quotas every grower should take ceived his orders from the U. S. General chairmen of the af- testant. " ' a, $ p great pains to see that only that Air Force by telegram ThursUp L. fair are Mr. and Mrs. Aubry The contestant must be unland which can produce maxi- day, January 6, and hls written k Moody with Spencer Reeder as married and 17 years of age or mum crops be planted. orders by mail, Friday, January older. Any lovely girl in Box secretary and treasurer. Select Land Carefully 7. Decoration committee includ- Elder county is qualified to enhas been land that Only that Lt. Smith plans to motor to es Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cox, Mr. ter the contest. nematode Texas, rotated to reduce As in the past, the queen will leaving January 18. His and Mrs. Lowell Packer and Mr. damage and is in highest state application for chaplain had be selected by lucky number. and Mrs. Joe Weight of fertility should be planted to been in for the past 18 months. Refreshments will be under In past years balloons have sugar beets in 1955 Dr. Jack Watkins, another lothe direction of Mrs. Jennings held the number. Plans are bethe In the sugar year coming cal man, served as chaplain in Ladies for a and Conner the Young ing made unique method company will conduct further the U. S. Navy during World of choosing lucky numbers. MIA. herinvestigations in the use of War II. Dr. Watkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Hadfield Nominations will be accepted bicides and commercial fertili- Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Watkins, is and Mr. and Mrs. Darol O. John until Wednesday, January 26, I zer. They will also continue a now head resident son are in charge of the queen prior to the carnival. physician at t program of soil sampling and the LDS hospital in Salt Lake trial and work soil moisture , City. Lt. Smith is a graduate of Box plots of new sugar' beet varieties to be introduced in the Elder High school and semi:J5 future. nary; Weber college- - and LDS 'The sugar beet crop, states Institute; Utah State AgriculScalley, will continue to be tural college apd has attended a keystone crop in irrigated ag- the University of Utah and the A ,v Date riculture. LDS institute there. During the past year he has been working on his master's Snow Carnival Committee P. O. Box 11 degree at the USAC. He majors in education and history. tBrigham City, Utah He served as an LDS missionary to Great Britain and atI wish to tended a World Scout Jamboree in France in 1947, and In Ausnominate Regular monthly meeting of tria in 1951. 4 the MacDowell Music club will He is serving in the Seventh Her address is be held Thursday, January 13, ward as a Sunday school teacher at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. and Elders priesthood quorum 79 Leon Christiansen, North teacher. He also directs speech for North Box Elder stake and First East On the program, a review of is a Seventy. ' No. J Telephone ifaWfaffi Age a U Vi the life of Mozart will be given Smith has been in the NaPresbyterian Church Manse Mrs. tional Guard and ROTC and is Topic. . at Second East and Third South where the new Presbyterian-Comm- byAnyoneSunny . 1 . presents an odd sight on West Forest street as it is Her Parents ...j. interested in music is engaged, with his father and unity church is located. The old chapel is due invited to attend, according to brother in- purebred stock raistugged along by a huge truck. The building, formerly (Queen Candidate Must Be 17 Years Of Age or Older) to .follow soon. club members. situated on First North and Main, was moved to a location ing and irrigated fanning. nary instructor, was sustained as bishop of the Sixth LDS ward in exercises conducted Sunday evening, January 9, in the new ward chapel. Jay Oldroyd, director of Public Welfare, and Marvin S. Wright, ardent church worker, were named first and second counselors to the new bishop. Melvin Roberts Will serve as statistical clerk, Robert Tingey, financial clerk, and- - C. Henry Nielsen, ward teaching clerk. Released with sincere gratitude for the fine work accomplished during the past seven years were Bishop Richard Hansen, Counselor Arthur Steffen, Counselor Homer Tingey, and and clerks, Raymond .Lewis Dean Cheney. Mr. Cheney served with the group for two years. In charge Sunday evening was President Glen M. Bennion of the South Box Elder stake. The retiring bishopric followed to completion the planning and building of the beautiful new chapel. The edifice was dedicated November 14, 1954. Bishop Hansen, had served four years as counselor prior to his appointment as bishop of i the ward. The various auxiliary organ! zations of the Sixth ward are asked to continue to function with their present leaders, the new bishopric announced to day. Banquet Jan. 19 Two Cars Damaged Highway Smash u , Increased Mechanization, Better Farm Practices Hike Beet Crop Urge Attendance At Programs 0 y well-rounde- d Snow Carnival and Dance Slated Large County Polio Drive Organization Swings Into Action With Jan. Robert Meet two-yea- Is Commissioned d AF Chaplain For January 29 at BEHS Gymnasium e up- SNOW QUEEN NOMINATION Smith wr A? Club to Meet Mi ! -- 4 - |