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Show 1 3 I - SodTalcOf A up Salesman N. SYRACUSE, Rebound Action Bees Finally Find Husive Basket rrr mmmmm In Y. Swamping Ogdn High 58-4- 9 (UP). Stamp qqr William Ryan -- .in the posrotfice said a' salesman is points free , really f looked-- crushed) "after HdpC for. Repeat Friday-fou- r for honors of the asking for help in finding an When Long found the buckThey Travel To evening.'4 address. r ; I et with six field shots and two Weber for Third Game fiee pitches for 14 points. I donf 'think yquIL find this in fhh Syracuse phone book, their doubling Practically When Olsen and Long werent Ryan told .the- - salesman,,, its shooting percentage of past scoring close under the basket, . Ins Utica " ?, , , games, Evan Sorensens Box El Hal Reeder was hitting , from basketball the outside with ltfng shots. He Good!1. havens? Isn't . this dor. High, school charges exploded last Friday to scored four field goals and four $ Utica?" . I free pitches for a total of , 12 nfii i (, tip, pgden jiigh school ' replied. 'Its &ra9uSa,? Ryan, , f t points. a be "The Bees will seeking Ive lived hadftftr 5 ye,ar$, , , next Friday performance Playing what was probably The man was so,unhappy at repeat" at Weber High school in their their best game of the season so the new&,ihAtlv;a practically third the of young far, the Bees hit for a high 44 crawled .away- from the window, season.league game , percent of their shots, double t, said Rya, jjyfto, jealized , gfter ' Lithe Reed Olsen and lanky their usual poor shooting. ward tht.he was due for an Dick Long led the way in the even grefer shock. This week the Bees are matchHe was looking for 4ne Utica first win of the season, switch- ed with a squad with an Idenin at and the pouring post ing Knitting Mills, and that plant tical 131 record,, having it ' was 30 points between them. Olson beat and league is n o loftier irt Utica, last to the same teams ' ' ' in six field goals and the Bees did, moved t5th,S)6lith1 They walloped - dropped Mlml Ogden by an eight point marft gin and lost to Ben Lomond by about 10 points. x pheto g high-scorin- jmx r Oi fir w,Vh n m - Jh Mm j ill ' c O, fv 58-4- Ifc , V; V &K $ - Coach Sorensen said he expected most of the Region One teams to offer about the same quality of competition including Weber. Sorensen said the same five that played most of last Fridays game will probably start Friday. That includes Reed Olson and Harper Pearse, Dick Long, Bob Jensen and Hal Reed Hal Reeder, Was Hitting Basket t . . . last Friday when the Box Elder Bees walked over the Ogden Tigers in the local gym. The Bees meet Weber . at J " Weber Friday. Bees Find The Ball in backboard action on the BEHS court last Friday evening. and Hal Reeder led the locals to their first win of the year. , . . Reed Olsen, Dick Long ) ' Now! WILLYS Brings You a Completely Winter Can Huff and Puff i .... but it cant enter your home once you install STORM SASH from MERRELLS. Our STORM SASH - , r , i 1 y will stop winters icy cold . . . lock in your fuel . . . save -- v ' - Well custom make on your fuel bill.' 10 ' i Stop in ' or telephone ,s 1 c '4 , i for a FREE estimate. 8 Totals - Ogden .... Box Elder Officials: your STORM SASH and the cost will be delightfulUy ' economical. . 0 0 0 0 20 29 18 58 U 18 43 49 7 20 48 58 Douglas v you up to , ,. and Wilson t Get Your Entry In Ariz. PHOENIX, A Mau-gh- n v 4 Pre- (UP) liminary preparations are under way for the annual, Phoenix Q World Rodeo, Championship scheduled for next March The rodeo annually is a the- winter season and each' year .Jnarki, the, approach of the fnjal few weeks of the 17-2- higlt-light.,- Hl LflUBH-HARDWARE-PAI- Milt S IMPUHEHTi-COAL-PUHlH- Y w ,f Vv Walk . ,, . C lA d i .4 i , - lSJ N .U r E S FO R ' ei , i''- i i (4) - j " ' B OG T R A ill. WAtsEKA, pt i & A -- T r iiver. conn. deep h s . ,t S t writing . p- - Elder, If d 3 YOU CAN SEE THE EXTRA STAMINA t 1 x "v S 1C. REGISTERS P H " .4 ' J efficient-recor- ,i . u -- 'Brigham City, Utah Wednesday January 12, 1955 V nt Plants in: Oakland. Chicago, Cleveland. J1 As -, Box r.VNEWS' , . "i A N D lA'U ; ' t. perfodA 6; i k sj (. More ';po ! ) j a;, 'n t . r I t '5 1 tourist f. Block and Save 't W i reflected in every detail of this newest automatic masterpiece the ALL NEW UniversaLjeep. - b Vk t is : - ?v ,j COUNTER ' PORTABLE .AND REGISTERS, sk j- - . , J&t f ' - :A' WITH OR WITHOUT CASH DRAWERS ; v IvK! V x 4, si. v X r.y ' r e DEL OF THE 1955 T 4 GREATER-TIIAH-EV- I STAf.llIA...p!us ER New, Sinewy Strength for the lleep Frame: a X-- i , ,:S ' OBLONG HOLES 4 '" n-v'-'- - i'If , r ' i v - - 1. Ll ! 1 .,4 e j, MULTM-iNK- - i tf . f T i p i , h , CONTINUOUS ' 1 c ; , ' ' FORMS. '. . i AU ' . ',,!. 4,' St f yi ! - - f - 4 ' . .it - f j - -- 1 r . i - r i V B TYPES OF REGISTER S longer FORMS. ' , " ' WILLYS r. ..v - v. K.I t( j JOURNAL , W : '. r t t ' , 1 W sun m t o( W 4 ,Pe l , , lj 4. WORLDS LARGEST v WILLYS MOTORS, INC, Toledo 1, Ohio. WILLYS SEDAN DELIVERY MAKER OF 4 - W H E E L-- D WILLYS TRUCK R I V E UT I L IT Y V E H I C L E S ; , . 550 i New, Softer Front Seating: Form fitting, bucket design with coil springing gives an unbelievably comfortable ride. Drivers seat is adjustable to 3 positions fore and aft. i 35 South Main Phone looo larger Windshield: Has approximately 100 square ini ches more of glass area and folds on stronger hinges. New streamlined hood offers increased visibility. New, V WILLYS STATION WAGON v & Features Throughout! ' t . box ( )$ rear 4 inches and excellent stability long life. provide HEW i 1 ELDER BOX . I , ' g t f New Easier Riding Springs: Front and FANFOLD CARBONSET FORMS. ' f MULTI-FOLCONTINUOUS FORMS. XX'mtiourVovn. J ,t center-mounte- MULTI FOLD CARBONSET FORMS. FORMS. CONTINUOUS T sheet metal is flanged and d . for to re extra strength . overlapped lieve road strains and for even greater sturdiness. Wl FORMS YOU NEED. o i 1 I, (, CONTROL PUNCHED FORMS. ' - er . New, Sturdier Body Design: Body sf l PLANTS TO FURNISH .YOU ANY tOMS:1 , cross-memb- ' i . UNIT SEY J', t .1 Vs MANIFOLD .BOOKS r ' j '5'YN'OFOVlNiSS i. ", T , tfH :. - A new, fully adds to the carrying strength, boxed, front rigidity and rugged endurance of the new 'Jeep frame. ? . MARGINAL PUNCHED HOLES . & 'it-.-- ROUND HOLES TWO 4 r.K v fiVEGAt . ,5 . - MAKES OF REGISTERS - for. ALL FORMS jj, OriE-AnD-OH- LY South Main Street EBmuMhjj Mdutm Cmmpmmvjj Brigham City, Utah |