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Show T act Guarantees California Water During the War of 1812. Andrew Jacksons 2 000 militiamen defeated 12,000 British Regulars in the Battle of New There are more than 100 glaciers in the United States, most of them in the Rockies and the Cascade Range of Washington and Oregon. in New Mexico. enough Just to hope that; of Ft .Collins, Colo., this film will from Farmington great re- - be shown to Congressmen, to ser-- These dams all dovetail each Congress will authorize clamatlon project, such as the Up-- vice clubs, and to television view-- other for stream regulation, so that per Colorado River Storage pro-- ers in areas of the country where the lower basin states can get the ject, residents of the four Upper Isupport for the project is needed. 75 million acre feet of water due More Help Needed them every decade under the terms Basin States of Colorado, New Colo- of the Colorado River Compact of Mexico, Utah and Wyoming dis- 'But members of the Upper rado River Commission need the 1922 for agriculture and use in a covered last year. j Colo- help of everyone in the four upper power i grid" planned to serve the Relying on the cities of the upper basin. rado River Compact, which divid- basin states. major ,. The story of the importance of ed the waters of the wild and tur1 The dam sites were selected as bulent Colorado River at Lees Fer- this project must be told by resi- the best available; many drillings in letters to were made to find sites which would ry, just below the Utah line in dents of these ofstates other states, to support the vast weight of the conArizona, the Upper Basin states Congressmen friends crete which will dam the rivers; hoped for quick approval of their newspaper editors, and to in other parts of the country. project they were located where reservoirs the of members a Such not program, come; powwould be subject to the smallest That approval did Commission have pointed out, can amount of evaporation loss, so sererful propaganda, spurred in successful overcoming the ious in arid country, and where California interests, flooded the be the power could be "wheeled over hearings in both the House of Re- propaganda issued by a powerful lobby opposed to transmission lines to the areas presentatives and the Senate, and and Colothe bill for the Upper Colorado Riv- the development of the upper which have the greatest need of er Storage project did not come to rado river. power. a vote. The proposal for a basin-wid- e No Power Conflicts ColoColorado the the of This year Upper Upper development River Commission will again sub- rado River calls for six major The major private utility comJ de- dams and 17 participating projects, ' ' mit the plan for a basin-wid- e panies of the four states have agreed velopment of the upper river to to be constructed over a period of j,Uy every kilowatt produced by more than 30 years. Congress. the dams when they are completed. This year the story of this great There is no quarrel here between Initial Dams Sought project, so vital to the four upper private and public power interest. The initial dams are at Glen The money advanced by the Govbasin states is being carried for the next few weeks to the major Canyon on the Colorado river above ernment to build these dams will newspapers, daily or weekly, in Lees Ferry; at the Pat Lynch Hole all be repaid, much of it with inalmost every city, town and village (recently renamed Echo Park) on terest, and after the principal is the Green river, just below the repaid, the Federal government will in the United States. The story, written by working juncture of the Green and Yampa continue to get $20 million a year newspapermen from the Upper Col- nvers in Colorado, a few miles in power revenues forever. HELP FOR A PROUD PEOPLE One part alone of the Upper orado Basin, is going out every from the Utah border; at Cross Colorado River Storage Project, the Navajo Irrigation Project week to 2,200 newspapers in all Mountain, on the Yampa river just But the project, opposed by powwill provide grazing for as many sheep, on irrigated pasture, as sections of the country, telling why above the juncture of the Yampa erful forces, will not be approved Resinow are supported by the entire Navajo Reservation, an area the Upper Colorado River Basin and Little Snake rivers; at Flam- unless it has good support. states residents need the vast project. ing Gorge, on the Green river just dents of the Upper Basin equal in size to the state of West Virginia. The proposed Navajo In addition to the news releases, below the Wyoming border in Utah can win that support by writing Project will provide a way of life better than the bare subsistence a color film is being produced by at Curecanti, above Grand Junc- Congressmen, newspaper editors Amerithey now face for 30 per cent of the tribe with whom we tion in Colorado, and Navajo Dam and friends in other parts of the the Commission. cans have broken so many solemn treaties. Prepared by Forney Films, Inc., on the San Juan river not far United States. It isnt 3 Elder NEWS Box t HV; A 3f- 4 Card Of Thanks Words of baldness and how HOW it cap be prevented. TO HAVE HAIR FOR A LIFETIME TO BE DEMONSTRATED HERE BY FAMOUS TRICHOLOGIST Offers Written Guarantee An exclusive interview by Steven Bright VICHITA (Special) J. Wayne ditary stems from a misinterpreIreen, Director of Rogers, Inc., tation of the theory of genetics. Theory does not state that any lair and Scalp Specialists, person must be bald because baldness exists in the family. Baldness is unnecessary, costly, What it does say, is that in some md a plague to mankind, says families, a tendency exists toIreen. No man need be bald. wards an undernourished scalp. To man need suffer the stigma The purpose of the Rogers Hair if premature old age that is and Scalp Clinic is to teach the orced upon him because he is methods of strengthening the osing his hair. The Rogers weak scalp and nourishing it to nethod of hair and scalp treat-nen- t a healthy, vigorous condition. A can prevent baldfiess healthy scalp will grow hair if it an turn colorless fuzz into is not already completely bald, lealthy, growing hair can make assures Green. ou look youthful again. Is There Any Hope For The Demonstration To Be Held Completely Bald In his travels , throughout the In Brigham City. Utah 'his revolutionary method of United States and Canada, Green tome treatment for the hair and has collected hundreds of testicalp will be demonstrated in monials of his ability to develop lrigham City, Utah, Thursday, weak fuzz into healthy, mature hair. Ail of his clients have starJNLY, January 13th, at the Brig-laHotel. Trichologist H. H. ted with a private examinatin, wineheart will conduct the pri- hair and scalp analysis, and a vate, individual interviews from diagnosis of the disorder. Green 2 noon until 9:30P.M. on Thurs-lais quick however, to tell a hopeJanuary 13th ONLY. There less case that he cannot be helps no cost or obligation, and you ed. We strongly advise, says teed no appointment. that no person who is Green, Reason for Baldness completely 'bald hold any hope There is always a reason far whatsoever of regrowing hair. aldness, continued this nation' If there is any fuzz at all. we can lly known authority. Hair can-l- restore a healthy scalp condition grow through a scalp that is and the hair will grow normally nfeoted with dandruff, excessive again as nature intended. Offers A Guarantee lliness, or extreme dryness. A calp that has never been exer-ise- d Rogers, Inc., Americas Foremost cannot be expected to pro- Hair and Scalp Specialists, offer duce healthy hair.Men, and yes, a guarantee to any Client Who enrolls for treatment. If he or she v'omen too, walk the streets s is not completely delighted with completely devoid of greatest ornament hair, results at the end of 30 days, the imply because they, were , hot money invested will he graciousaught the basic rules of hair and ly refunded, pledged Green. calp hygiene while they were, We must have satisfied clients. trowing up. The simple an We must grow hair. After all, it wer, emphasized this expert, is our best advertisement. Is Your Hair Healthy is that children should be taught he same simple basic rules of If you have a scalp disorder, or lair arnj sqalp hygiene that they if you are worried about "your H. H. iire taught for the proper care of hair, call Trichologist heir teeth. If this were the case, Swineheait at the Brigham Hotel laldness would be a rarity in Brigham City, Utah. Thursday ONLY from 12 noon to 9:00 p. m. The public is invited. The exam-ipbon- s Heredity Not Involved are private and open to no Green dodged TTichologist He quickly took up the most men and women. You do not need appointment, and you will videly spread theory of baldness c an not be embarrassed or obligated unrealis-iMankinds -heredity. belief that baldness is here in any way. the myth of baldness in an exclusive to-la- y interview. t m y, ot to-'a- y. na-ure- to-la- is-ue- s. express the we feel towards those who, by their kindness and generous assistance, helped lighten our burden of sorrow at the time of the death of George T. Craner. We wish especially to thank n the ward bishopric, the VFW Post, our friends, and all others who assisted in any way. . The Craner Family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Bradford enjoyed a family dinner with their entire family last Sunday, January 2, at their home in Corinne. The party was held prior to the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn (Fern Bradford) Whitaker and children, Roger, Dee Linda and Bart, for their home at Moses Lake, Washington. The Whitakers have spent the holidays in Corinne and Bear River visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ursy Whitaker. The affair was also a welcome home for Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Dale Bradford and daughter, Cindy. The trio arrived on Christmas Eve from Merced, California, where Sgt. Bradford has been honorably released from duty with the U. S. Air Force. They had been stationed in Merced since returning to the states last April from Guam. Dale plans now to enter school. Also attending the family event were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Glover and children, Annette, Rama, Marco, and Brad, of Brig- J. Wayne Green, eminent Trichologist demonstrates causes cannot gratitude and appreciation Miller-Monso- spring treat! miracle blouses Mrs. Herbert Adamson Will Visit Children Mrs. Herbert Adamson, City, left by plane ham Salt with law, son. Heavenly harbingers of spring . . . Mode O Days own blouse exclusives are fashioned from beautiful fabrics along lines that have classic good taste. And just look at the exciting price. At the left, a shimmering blouse of pongee . . . new miracle fabric which is a blend of acetate and cotton. Right; deft little blouse in checked nylon .is tailored with classic shirt front and club collar1. Both in sizes Brig from way-dow- Lake City Sunday to visit her daughter and son-iCaptain and Mrs. Earl Wat' n 32-3- Captain and Mrs. Watson and four children are scheduled to leave for Spain soon where Cap tain Watson will fill a special mission for the" U. S. Air Force, Mrs. Watson is the former Jeanne Adamson. lirigham City, Utah 6H BARBERS 103 (licensed) BEAUTICIANS (licenced) L 45 ( ! BAKERS (oil employees) , 00 1 1 PAINTERS, PAPERERS DECORATORS V 49 cl ham Jack City, and Mr. and Mrs. Bradford and soh, Mike, also of Brigham City. John T. Baty Feted On 77th Anniversary ... l RESTAURANT 504 EMPtOYFES John T. Bate was honored last Friday evening, January 7, on the occasion of his 77th birthday anniversary by his chil dren and grandchildren. Smorgasbord supper was serv ed followed by an .evening of visiting. Many gifts were presented to the guest of honor. Attending were: Mrs. John T. Bate; Mr. and Mrs. Alma Bate, Mr. and Mrs. La Verrell Bate and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn String ham, Mrs. Clyde Erickson, Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Bate, Lo gan; Mr. and Mrs. Harper Bil lings, Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Weaver, Hooper, and Mrs. A. J. Hall, Brigham City. DOCTORS, DENTISTS entertain ed sewing club members last Friday evening at the Nielsen Mrs. LaVon Nielsen home. Special guests were Mrs. Dora Payne and Mrs. Joyce Daniels. Regular members attending included: Mrs. Hannah Brown, Mrs. Shirley Hollist, Mrs. Ruth Bott, Mrs. Zula Kelly, Mrs. Ada Johnson, Mrs. Virginia Brown and Mrs. Edith Forsgren. Salad luncheon was served followed by an evening of NURSES (cegictered) FARMERS 389 3,600 BIRTHS The following births are an nounced from Cooley Memorial hospital: A girl was born January 8 to Ray and Phyllis Johnson Reeder of Tremonton. Gerald Max and Mary Gun dersen Parson of Salt Lake City are the parents of a girl born . , 346 L These figures come from studies which shotp that for every job in a basic industry like Utah Copper, approximately four additional jobs aie created elsewhere in the State to meet company and employee needs. This means that for the 6,000 Utah Copper employees, 24,000 other jobs are created in Utah. Thats more than 9 per cent of all the people employed. Apply that percentage to the States 1114 barbers and we find copper keeps 103 of them in business. The surrounding illustrations show how this 9 per cent applies to a few other job classifications in Utah. Apply the percentage to all classifications and you can see how important copper production is to the prosperity of the whole State. Utah Copper can create jobs only when costs of operation are at a reasonable level so it can compete successfully with other producers who sell copper. ECHO. i TEACHERS ADMIN PERSONNEL 1, 4 v6 PHARMACISTS IAUNDRYMEN ' . Costs of supplies, services, labor and taxes help determine the extent of the benefits of copper production benefits that reach out to every home in our State. I . GROCERY EMPLOYEES i .production. " 9. 3 costa's m The 103 barbers are a portion of the 24,000 Utahns not on Utah Coppers payroll whose jobs result from copper Neilsen Home Scene Of Sewing Club Friday January 11 jr 110 rwExpt- lr Ulah,s Economic Patterns", Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of Utah, 1 95 PULING STATION EMPLOYEES PRINTERS ft PUBLISHERS 214 1 99 & StsviMtHyjsx. . A boy was bom January 9 to Leo Clifford and Lillian Rose Dohozy Milford of the Inter-mounta- in school. Max and Arlene CollingsHun-sake- r of Honeyville are the parents of a girl born January 10. A girl was born January 10 to Lynn and Phyllis Sederholm Larsen of Bountiful. Kennecott Copper Corporation MOTION PICTURE. AMUSEMENT 23 JO i rv, Bradfords Enjoy Family Dinner in Corinne S h Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, January 12, 195S Phone your society news to 7TL Goud" N i gbbor - H el pi f to Build J Hotter Utsb DEPT STORE EMPLOYEES ... 418 J w |