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Show - 2 r u? Forsgrens Entertain Prior to Holiday 8 . M BILK Grade GOOD WILL USB) CARS SI65J 51 Ford v8 MILK & CREAM DELIVERED COMPANY, 14, $2195 51 Cad. Sedan $1195 5I New Tires p1-2Dr- - R&H - Hydra. SUPERIOR DAIRY Phone 504 Sedan 49 Cad. $1295 Very sharp 53 Pont. Sedan Loaded, Clean. $1995 P. O. Box Bayshore Station, Oakland Lost and Found 52 Ford V8 Sed Radio, Heater $1095 - 23, Calif. TRY IT Fully Equipped Beautiful Maroon Sed' ing available for responsible man or woman with car to call on farm women in Box Elder county. Full or spare time. Opportunity to make up to $40 a day. Write Me-NES- S 52 CHEV BelAir New Premium Tires 18,000 Actual Miles $895 Pasteurized A $1295 53 CHEV BelAir A BOOMING business makes open- 'mmimDs' . Help Wanted Service Offered COPPIN MOTOR COMPANY j-Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Forsgren Medalist rating, the highest entertained members was awarded jij at family given yearbooks, dinner Sunthe 1954 Bearfax, Bear River a day, November 14, f at thejj High school yearbook, by Scholastic Press Asso- home. ciation at Columbia University A beautiful bouquet of roses'1 of New York. centered the serving table. Hot' " Scoring 975 points of a possi- turkey dinner was served to the Mrs. Amy- Wright,-- ' ble 1000, the Bear River annual following: secured the Medalist rating to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forsgren ,2'J rank with the upper 10 percent and Mrs. Eugene F. Wright, all ,r, of Brigham City; Mr. and Mrs.io of all class entries. v Themed Better Schools Make M. J. Wright and Mr. and Mrs.' Better Communities, the Bear-fa- Frank S. Wright of Salt ' Laker stressed the role of educa- dty. tion in promoting a cooperative During the afternoon other-,,- , partnership between communi- relatives and friends dropped in . ties and their schools. Through- to complete a most pleasant out the annual, the pictures, celebration. r layout and copy enyphasize the to basic conception that good schools are the best Investment Included, Sherrie Christensen, a community can make for its Roberta Anderson, Mary - Jean future. Little, Joyce Severson and firm a For the past nine years Bear- Andersen, who were responsible fax publications Karl Jensen jli' have rated for departments. hon- supervised Medalist or the sports section VI" ors from major rating agen- while Nadine Hall and Dianna cies. Iverson handled the class sec?, Ml Gae Principal staff members on tions and the calendar. the staff of the Hadfield and Roger Hall were, toil annual were Marilyn Newton typists. , and RaNae Rock, Clyde Morris is serving - as itn. and x Kirk Waldron, business yearbok adviser for his eleventh , manager. Other staff members consecutive year. , Earn Top Bearfax Honors NEW 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN $600 DISCOUNT NEW PONTIAC STAR CHIEF $800 DISCOUNT For Rent or Lease x For small brown Rat Terrier male pup. Missing since Nov. 11 from Chesapeake Duck club area. Fredrick Davis. Call 0180-R2- . , , REWARD Apartment will be LOST Red and white tricycle, available Nov. IS. Revere vicinity Second North and 17 West First Apartments. Second East Reward. CaU North. Phone 770-R- . 336-J- . FOR RENT N3-tf-c- h FIVE room Apts. Steam FOUND Well-breheiier, long heat furnished. Play yard for yearling. Left ear half cropchildren. Peach City Apts ped. Brand looks like U" on 677 south Second east Brigleft ribs. Been lost for about 723-J. ham. phone month. Contact Sheriff Warren W. Hyde, Phone 67. UNFURNISHED apt Krusmark . Phone Apartments. CLEAN d D16-tf-c- h prize-winnin- g N17-19-- 7 Box Elder NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday. November 17, 1954 O For Sale For Sale 443-W- FOR SALE Used television sets, table and console models, priced from $99.95; liberal terms. North Main Furniture. furnished FOR SALE 16 business lots adjoining town site on main hiway. Ideal for motels, serFine location. Adults only. 112 vice stations, etc. Write Mrs. Pearl Barr, 827 Overland. BurEast Forest ley, Idaho. FOR RENT Clean 1 and 2 bedFOR RENT Modem, apartment Automatic heat and hot water.' TV antenna. Several good used conventional type washing machines. All in first class FOR SALE room apartments. Heat hot DeJUR turret modon condition. Buy them easy water el Bushnell furnished. movie camera. 13 One mm. terms at North Main Furnilense and one 38 mm. teleApts. 115 East Seventh South. ture as low as S5 down and to Phone 73. photo lense. Like new, $120. . S5 a month. Jyl4-tf-cPhone 539-- J after 6 o'clock. FOR REST 4 room duplex apt ORDER NOW Aluminum trays Inquire 505 South Sixth West Idaho potatoes. for Christmas. Cannot accept FOR SALE Call 1183-M- . $2.50 for 100 lbs. 221 ' special orders after Nov. 30. South Sixth West Isabella Buland, Ph. 787-R- . VACANCY Furnished apart7 and 24- - pd FOR SALE Coleman oil heater, ment Ideal for one or two people. 163 North Fourth East cheap. 494 South Second West FOR SALE Used L4H electric Phone 660. 866-M- . Call Used condition. in range good Ph. divan. furEasy washer and FOR SALE Red and Golden De- FOR RENT Three room 547 after 3:45 p. m. nished. heated apartment 68 licious apples. $1.25 to $2.00 South Third West Call 324-R- . bushel. Bring containers. 138 South Fifth East FOR RENT Remodeled three FOR SALE ft-1- 0 h N17-19-p- d N12-17-c- h Service Offered USED CARS and TRUCKS 1947 CHEVROLET Club Coupe ylJw AND room binding. Free pickup and del. 50c yd. Jyl4-tf-cPh. 818 or 748-Nh Only American Breeders Service can offer top proven sires. Contact Paul H. DAIRYMEN Tingey, or call 1065. apart-- 1 semi-baseme- ment. For couple. Utilities ex-- 1 cept lights. 507 East Second South. Ph. 1049-J- . CARPET SALES SLIPS, N5-tf-c- h restaurant checks, Two year old home in the Sth ward. 2 bedrooms, nice liv- ing room and kitchen arrangement utility room end all kinds of storage space. Attached garage finished in knotty pine. News-Journa- lyJ ww sharp. 1953 CHEVROLET 1 ton 2 speed axle. 8:25 rear tires. Real sharp. ROT and CLEAN $1295 LET US FILL YOUR BIN TODAY I BUY TODAY AT ANDERSEN'S-FOR- PHONE ONE D INCORPORATED Phone 56 323 So. Main BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 60 North Main Street Brigham City This Is Your Brigham City BUSINESS 01 RECTO CSV A handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions Furnace Cleanina Appliances Office Supplies PHILCO Television sets. Radios, We vacuum clean all makes and TYPEWRITERS, Adding MachRanges, Freezers, RefrigeraCash ines and sizes heating equipment, ImRegisters tors, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners mediate service. Phone 420. rented, bought, sold and RENorth Main Furniture Co. Ph. Metal Sheet PAIRED. The Reminder Office. Clyde P. Larsen 250. Works. Auto Repairs Glass end Paint BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. 36 years service. friendly GLASS AND PAINTS Auto Residential, commercial and automobile glass. Complete line of General paints for inside Auto Paint And Body and out Andersen's Glass and Paints. 85 No. Main. Ph. 480 AUTO PAINTING, body and fender work. Burts Body Shop, 604 North Main, phone 83-Markets Goodyear Tires. Garage. Repairs. Cleaners REEVES RELIABLE Services Offered MOUNTAIN STATES ELECTRIC PHONE 410 for all electrical service. We service anything and everything. Howard Call Jr.. Mgr. Experience Counts ROY T. SHAW Phone 525 For Electrical Service Meet Mr. Mac Thrift Good food at Its very hpst Earltt Food Fare Ph 17 THRIFT-T-MAR- CLEANERS 140 South Main LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE CO CREDITORS of Christine J, Christensen, Dr ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned Adminis9th S, Salt Lake trator at 1958 City, Utah, or to B C Call, his attor ney, Brigham City, Utah, on or before the 12th day of January, A D, 1955. James Archie Christensen, Administrator of the Estate of Christine J. Christensen, Deceased Date of first publication November 10, A. D. 1954. B. C. Call, Atty. for estate. door deluxe. 2 Realtor & Insurance Estate Real f 1952 CHEVROLET C. B. WILLIAMS ana Quaiatenauip Notices. Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham City, Utah, or respective signers lor Information. ;1950 CHEVROLET CQC IDvw homes for sale ranging in price from $3150.00 to $20,000.00. We have several Phone 6 Specialize In Quality Cleaning. 132 South Main Phone 31 SHEFFIELDS IGA beef sold, custom cut and MODERN CLEANERS. Sanltone Free wrapped for your home freezer dry cleaning, fur storage. UR or looker 120 So Main Ph 69 otek tm and delivery Ph COAL HAULING SAVE MONEY by Choice S. U. having me haul your coal, direct from mines. Leonard Dickey. Phone 1148-NR- . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of AGNES HANSEN. Deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Bear River City, Utah, on or before the 15th day of March, A. D, 1955. LOR1N E. HANSEN, g Work Pridefully Examine - Marilyn Newton and RaNae Rock, editors and Kirk Waldron, business manager of the 1954 Bearfax, Bear River High School year book. Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of AGNES HANSEN, Deceased. Date of first publication November 10. A. D. 1954. Wm. E. Davis, Attorney for Administrator, First Security Bank Building, Bngham CRy, Utah. FOR PUBLICATIO- NUnited States Department of the interior Bureau of Land Management LAND OFT ICE. Sait Lake City, Utah. October 27, 1954 Under provisions of section 2455, R 14 of S , as amended by section the act- of June 28 1934 (48 Stat., 1274, 43 U S C 1171), and pursuant to the application of Oyler Bros. & Kenneth E Shaffer RFD, Garland Utah, Serkal No. to Utah 07032, there will be offered less the highest bidder, but at not than $2 50 per acre, at a public sale to be held at 10 oclock a. m , on the 21st day of December, 1954 next, at this office, the following tracts of land All of Sec. 30. T 15 N. R 10 W , Or! and gas 173 17 acres SLM, Utah. will be reserved to the United States No part of this land will be sold separately. Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either personally at the sale or by mail Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must be in sealed envelopes accompanied by dertified checks or post-officmoney orders made payable to the Treasurer of the United States for the amounts of the bid. The envelopes must be corner marked in the lower Public sale bid Serial No Utah 07032, Sale December 21. 1954 The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. Anv adverse claimants of the above desenbed land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time de signated for sale. The Bureau of Land searched the Management has not records of Box Elder County to ascerof adverse tain the existence any claims. a Any contiguous owner claiming preference right must assert such right sale within 30 days from the above date ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. NOTICE 24-- NOTICE FOR SALE D-- l 8 10 A. M Dec 21. 1954. bidder will be , The highest to pay immediately of the amount required there- adverse claimant of the land should file their claims, or objections on or before the time of The Bureau designated for sale Land Management has not searched the record of Box Elder County to determine the existence of an adverse claim. owner claiming a Any contiguous preference right must assert such right within 30 days from the above sale date. Anv PUBLICATION-LA- ND United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management LAND OFFICE. Lake Salt City, Utah. Oct. 27. 1954. Under provision of section 2455, R. S, a amended by section 14 of Hie act of June 28, 1934 448 Stat, 1274, 43 U. S C. M 71). and pursuant to the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-LA- ND SALE application of Glen Briggs, of United States Serial No U 910401, Idaho, there will be offered to the Department of the Interior highest Bureau of Land Management less than $2 50 per not at bidder, but LAND OFFICE. Salt Lake City. acre, at a public sale to be held at 10 oclock Utah. Nov. 3. 1954. a m , on the 21st day of Under provisions of section 2455, R December. 1954, next, at this office, 14 the amended of the as section S, following tracts of land Tract I, by 54 30 acres) act of June 28. 1934 48 Stat., 1274, Lots 1, 2. 3, Sec. 25, N1 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the Tract 2, Lots 3 and 4. Sec 26, application of Oren LeGronde Kimber NW1, Sec. 35. ( 107 70 acres) Tract See. 35. (120 of No 3. S',SW'4, SWVsSLV Grouse Creek, Utah, Serial U 010003, there will be offered to the acres) in T 15 N, R 16 W, and Ser not less than highest bidder, but at not loss than ml No U 010402 at 2. 3, 6t4 $2 75 per acre, at a public sale to bejll 50 per acre for Lota 13 N . R held at 19 oclock a m , on the 22nd NW, SWNE1 JSec. Y day of December 954 next, at this of 17 W UiSW'ISec. 34. T 14 N. R 17 W SLM (298 38 acres). Each tract fioe, the following tracts of land Sec. 29. T 13 will be sold as a unit, but no part of E'jNW'4, SW '4 NE N., R. 1 7 W., SLM. 120 acres. No part anv tract will be sold separately Bids may be made by the principal of this land will be sold separately Bids may be made by the principal, or his agent, either personally atthe his agent, either personally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered sale or by mail. Bids sent by mad will be considered only if received at this office prior to only if received at this office pri.. to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must the hour fixed for the sale. Bias must be m sealed envelopes accompanied by be in sealed envelopes accompanied by certified check or post office money certified checks or post office money orders made payable to the Treasurer orders made payable to the Treasurer, of the United States for the amounts o4 the bids. The envelopes must be erf the United States for the amounts comer be marked in the lower of the bids. The envelopes must Public sale bid. Serial No. U 0I040H comer marked m the lower Public sale bid, Serial No. U 010003. lor 040402. Sale 10 A. M . Dec, 21, 1954. Sale. Dec. 22. 1954 The highest bidder will be required The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof to pev immediately the amount thereof d Any adverse claimants of the Any adverse claimant of the above land should file their claims. described land should file their claims, before the time or objection, on or before the time or objection, on or The Bureau of The Bureau of designated for safe. designated for sale searched not Lana Management has not searched Land Management he the records of Box Elder County to the records of Box Elder County to ascertain the existence of an adverse ascertain the existence of an adverse claim. claim. a owner claiming a Any contiguous Any contiguous owner claiming must assort such preference right must assert such preference right 30 from the within above 39 days day from the above right right within aale date sale date ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. PUBLICATION-PUB- LIC SALE United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management LAND OF ICE, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 27. 1954 Under provisions of section 2455, R S, as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28. 1934 48 Stat.. 1274; 43 U S C. 1171), and pursuant to the application of George Leator, AugusB. Carson, tus R , and Randle of No Grouse Serial Creek, Utah, U 010528, there will be offered to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3 50 per acre, at a public sale to be held at 10 oclock a m., on the 21st day of December 1954 next, at this office, the following tracts of land: N Vi S W , SFJ4SW4, W,SL'4. 5E 4SEi Sec. 21. NF , NE4NW4 NE'4SE'4 Sec. 28, SW'4NW'4, NW'4 18 SW'4 Sec. 27. T 13 North. Range West, S L.M- - 560 acres. No part of this land will be sold separately. 'Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either personally at the ale or by mail. Bids sent by moil will be considered only if received at this office prior to Bids must the hour fixed for the sale be in sealed envelopes accompanied by certified checks or money orders made payable to the Treasurer of the United Slates for the amounts of the bids be The envelopes must marked in Hie lower left hand corner ' Public sale bid. Serial No U 910528, Sale, ERNEST E. HOUSE. N 17 Values to $2.50 Your Choice ' Your Choice .. a r- -j - $2.75 . SIDE DRAPES $1.79 Special Now . PRISCILLA Values to $9.50 . ; Values to $8.00 LACE PANELS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE FOR $7.98 : FRAMETTES AND Your Choice Hi' CURTAINS Honor-Winnin- ... 4 ct Values to $4.00 BEDSPREADS 2 ProDate M BelAir Hardtop. Loaded. this bedroom home in the 3rd ward Priced at $4800.00. Ph. 1000. 1950 CHEVROLET Radio & Heater. C7 Qia Good rubber. 4 $500.00 down will buy all printing l, Values to $15.00 LEGAL NOTICES NORTH WEST manifold books, ledger sheets, office forms and needs. CLOSEOUT SPECIALS! NEW LISTINGS N-1- RUGS Real Estate For Sale $5.95 CURTAINS Values $6.50 to -- $15.00 CIIOC VI laJU i WATCH FOR FUTURE CLOSEOUTS ON ALL ITEMS IN OUR STORE. 4. INTERIORS! FAWSON-YOUR- T i 55 South 1st West BESflOBE f im ' get More Work per hour n Manager. 24 W) By CLAIR with our IH Tractor Service 5-S- tar k will pay yon to let oar skilled terr icemen restore your ... ... Anti-Fr- to to do your work faster tractor to fall power tawe schedule. now Take time field to work oa keep tiny in the field later. Schedule your McCormick tractor for terr ice. worry tbit z Winter." Were not all marooned, but you have no ANTI-FREEZ- CALL E worries when you call on us, SERVICE CLAIR'S CHEVRON SERVICE Tires ChevrOlt Batteries Washing Lubrication Complete Automotive Repairs 97 N. Main Phone 477 USEtfQCJR BRAKeSlAND. GIVE OUQ KIDS 7? IBREAK US TODAY! PHONE BRIGHAM 300 TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. 27 North Main - Brigham City, Utah I tstt ik |